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Initial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2009002 - Supporting Documents
9 TITLEPGINT Printed 4/112009 1 50:17 PM PST Tax Search -Order: Non-Order Search Searched 4/1/2009 1:4900 PM Orange, California Co: Chicago Title Assessor's Parcel 165-361-07 Dept CS - Victorville CRN_ 0002100011 Tax Year. 2008-2009 TO: 01 Punted By, jasonw Payment as of: 0327/2009 Created By: Jason Walker Customer Service Request Only Information is sourced from public records and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. APN: 165-361-07 Described As: N TR 368 BLK B LOT 6 Address: 7792 WARNER AV City: HUNTINGTON BEACH-04 Billing Address: 8440 SVL BOX VICTORVILLE CA 92395 Assessed Owner(s): MAZI, HOSSEIN TR Tax Rate Area: 04045 Value Conveyance Date:03/22/2004 Land:265,050.00 Conveying Instrument:232458 Use Code: COMM Commercial Region Code: Improvements: Personal Property: Fixtures: Date Transfer Acquired: Vesting: Year Built:2005 Flood Zone:Inventory:Year Last Modified:2005 Zoning Code: Taxability Code: Tax Rate: Bill #: Exemptions Homeowner: Inventory: Personal Property: Religious: All Other: Square Footage Land: Improvements: Tax Defaulted: Issue Date:Net Taxable Value:265,050.00 Total Tax:2,807.36 Installment Amount Penalty Due Date Status Payment Date Balance 1st 1,403.68 140.36 12/1012008 PAID W/01/022009 0.00 2nd 1,403.68 163.36 04/102009 PENALTY PAID 03/12/2009 0.00 Account Special Lien Description Amount C7 MWD WATER STANDBY CHARG.10.08 B3 VECTOR CONTROL ASSMNT.0.48 BA OC VECTOR CONTROL 2.54 Al BASIC LEVY 2,794.26 *** END OF REPORT *** ••.••• •...•• •.•• 0000 •..•• 11 As, 0=1WWGA T 3A%ff RECORDING REQUESTED BY Racer" In Off" Records, County of Ottine• Tom Doty Clad Recorder l I 1 1111111181 8A0 YC teaH R .OA` eW DWI MIOEEO MD iA%lfNE1CR9 is Hossein Mazi & Farhad Mazi 1 SVL Box 8440 "c` Victorvill , CA 92392,nom f L I r IZI\ TM4 Orderfnu. !D EncrowNa. 28037-PS Arrew.r'a P•rce1 N. 165.361-07APD1fib,961 Daft March 5, 2004 2004000232458 04:30pm 03122/04 106 21 G021 220.00 220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (L00 too 0.00 SPACE MOVE THis LWE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer tax I$ $440.00 and is computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed. The property is located In the city of Huntington Beach. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION , receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged. Wen.Tsung Kuo and Su -Chan Kuo , husband and wife as joint tenants do hereby GRANT to HOSSEIN MAZI, Trust as to an undivided one-halt Interest , and FARHAD MAZI, a Single Man as to an Undivided on -halt Interest, the following described real property in the City of Huntington Beach, County of ORANGE, State of California: LOT 4 AND 6 IN BLOCK 'B' OF TRACT 368, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, ASPER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 31, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. EXCEPT THEREFROM ALL OIL, GAS, MINERALS AND OTHER HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES LYING BELOW A DEPTH OF 500 FEET WITHOUR ANY RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE SURFACE OR THE SUBSURFACE OF SAID LAND ABOVE A DEPTH OF 500 FEET, AS PROVIDED IN INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD. tw,i. TS%:w)-xi1C E+Tdit-/(diI. t.St-G AZ" L'a/Jin_xt.'.. t' ca 4i Vim.s+_dR bill. of tne.4 1%.. oaf Wen- sung uo u- hen uo STATE OF CALII'ORra -, QUNrr of .t t'w "` - -}ss. N _otary u iLl- t b•bre ma, the undontynado n a• r sal ale. Peraoh allyon append ad .TI(ll+a-•w (or p,ovetl to m• oa the b••la o..it Itl•aotorr •vlda 1 to 0• the Peraanlbar pnor whets name /aamaatt(,I •r• u! orlbad tottt,,,ppp• withinInsir•m•a! and acknrlody ,to w• iha ahollh•yexecuted the cams is ell orl h•Nlhair utherlsado•p•oitylo spa attl ••, • that by J. h.,llh•Irare The n • on the to atnmant the Felt /psraen ,or Ih •atityl • n if ties en behalowhloh the praon/p•nons salad. ex ecuted the mstrumant. WITNESS my hand and oftlmai seal Wc' StllfA o „ IUWLTAX STATEMBNIS AS D&FCTED ABOVE Public Record cab Vcteev 7M • a •sees*• • • ease • • •••s•a •• • ease •a• •• • •• 142-20 PM. FEE/4, AIE114. 1(1/4. SEC. 26. T 5 S. R 11 R 142-19 t+N+StasalA 1 2 I s• . X22 I " 21 a,Kje I I a • I ALLEY a, a . / S S - 'am DRYt 361 i t A SYCALOW 0 r .HS ®18 ® O U 12 it 12.0 LOY 3 r N N tar 0 36 O ----G acK C y. J t J fLOT f ti3 CWPESS 10 nut 10 l t i•t-i 'I A . Pam '1^- T- A{Llf7 --1 1 .:)aP14 10 171 • 1`1 I'4 1j Isa MIA 21 1 1, 1pm a1 I I 1 1 11O141 I I .11 1 1-Y1 I t AVM"t 6 sa O a is ® fl l® V ® TCOr t - t f r x T' 0 Lor t aK B Q ON \./ 12 .. y d %Lat i J t s; r0 0 0 0 0 10 4 w k A41RCH 1983 TRACT Ma 368 MM 15-X 28TRACT Afa 436 ILK X-2$ PARCEL YAPS P.M 100-& 127-34 05 -t 7 204-M. 260-19 MOM A k 6t - AVV" R n PAR A a- PAL 8 O.ur tiorn • . •• ••-•• •• • . •• . • • 4r . • . IS.. M16 0 I n-u a MALa MRd& AC ----------!-- PAR C J mt Io &K A LOT t 1 -"r - IAL a1 u LOT t it 4 PJL WO4 ! .1 T PAL 0-M LOT s I' • 100! AUKOCX DWC Na 436 i AVOW NOTE - ASSESSQ4'S BLOCS d PARCEL NLS8ERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES ASSESSOR'S AMP BOOS 165 PACE 36 COWVTY OF DRANCE II •V TITL P 1 NT Printed 4/!12009 1,5319 PM PSI Tax Search Order: Non-Order Search Searched 4/1/2009 1 52.00 PM Orange. California Co: Chicaeo Title Assessor's Parcel 165-361-24 - Dept: CS - Victorville CRN: 0002100011 Tax Year. 2008-2009 TO. 01 Printed By. lasonw Payment as of: 03/27/2009 Created By: Jason Walker Customer Service Reouest Only information is sourced from public records and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. APN: 165-361-24 Described As: TRACT 368 BLK. B LOTS 8 & 10. Address: 7782 WARNER AY City: HUNTINGTON BEACH-04 Billing Address: SVL BOX 8440 VICTORVILLE CA 92395 Assessed Owner(s): MAZI, HOSSEIN TR Tax Rate Area: 04045 Value Conveyance Date:10/30/2002 Land:424,513.00 Conveying Instrument:952015 Use Code: COMM Commercial Region Code: Improvements: Personal Property: Fixtures: Date Transfer Acquired: Vesting: Year Built:2003 Flood Zone:Inventory:Year Last Modified:2003 Zoning Code: Taxability Code: Tax Rate: Exemptions Homeowner: Inventory: Personal Property: R li i : Square Footage Land: Improvements: Bill #: Issue Date: ge ous All Other. Net Taxable Value: Tax Defaulted: 424,513.00 Total Tax:4,488.48 Installment Amount Penalty Due Date Status Payment Date Balance 1st 2,244.24 224.42 12/1012008 PAID W/ 01/0212009 0.00 2nd 2,244.24 247.42 04/1012009 PENALTY PAID 03/12/2009 0.00 0.00 Account Special Lien Description Amount C7 MWD WATER STANDBY CHARG.10.08 B3 VECTOR CONTROL ASSMNT.0.48 BA OC VECTOR CONTROL 2.54 Al BASIC LEVY 4,475.38 Underlying Parcels: 165-361-05 165-361-06 Future Parcels:Related Parcels:..• . • .. . *** END OF REPORT *** 11 • 0 0 0066 0 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: HOSSEIN MAZI P.O. BOX 8440 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 RF; n U I NG REQUEST :1 Of CHICAGO TIRE A.P.N.:165-361.05 & 06 0 Recorded in Official Records.County of Orange Darlene Bloom, Interim Clerk-Recorder 111MMISM0fl 10.00 20020952015 04:04pm 10/30/02 109 28 002 3 211.75 211.75 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Space Above This Line for Recorder's Use Only Order No.: 28049801-432 Escrow No.: 02.9504-S GRANT DEED TF UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(S) THAT DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS: COUNTY $423.10 computed on full value of property conveyed, or [[ )] computed on till value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, unincorporated area; [ 11 City of H NGT N BEACH. and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. MOHAMED SIMJEE, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 50% INTEREST AND USMAN VAIIED AND SUFIA VAHED, TRUSTEES OF THE 2001 RAAZARA TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 21, 2001, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 50% INTEREST AS TENANTS IN COMMON- hereby GRANT(S) to HOSSEIN MAZI, TRUSTEE OF THE HOSSEIN NAZI TRUST the following described property in the City of HUNTINGTON BEACH, County of Orange State of California; Lot 8 AND 10 of Tract 368, in the City of HUNTINGTON BEACH , County of Orange, California as per map recorded In Book 15, Page(s) 31, of Miscellaneous Maps In the Office of the County Recorder of said County. THE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS HEREBY ATTACHED AND MADE A PART HEREOF. M DSI USMA VA D, TRUSTEE Docu t te: October 15, 2002 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On personally appeared G SUFIA V ED, TRUSTEE 1•v2 5. / r.before/me,V fit. personally known to inc: (or proved to Inc on the basis of aubfactory evidenct) to be the peaon(s) whose name(s) hrare subscaibed to the wtdto and acknowledged to me that hdsherthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(. Ore person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted. executed the msutiment. WITNESS my hand and official seat Signs inQnment m SUSIE S. PARK Commission 81309138 •.••Notary Public .Cahtpmis Orange County I •..• My Coarn. EVims Jut 13, 2005 •••• This area for official notarial seal•Si • • Mail Talc Statements to: SAME-AS ABOVE or Address Noted Below •..... .... . Public Record .•o••. . •••. . •••• • a • CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I STATE OF CALIFORNIA n eCOUNTY OF jss On / 0 - C;L 8 - 90 +a` before me."A:IL.L 5 - personally appeared o /"? e e personally known to we (or prov to we on the sea u ry ) to s ntme(s) are to the width, Wstr ee and acknowiedged to me that he/she/they executed the same In his/her/their authorized a paclty(ies) and that by hWber/the r signa=e (s) on the Instrument the person(s) or the emery upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the imtrnmeat. SUSIE S. PARK WITNESS my hand and official seal. _ ®'__ Commtgbn 01302138 Notary Puhtie • colilamlaPq S `141f 7/OranpaCounty t MY Comm ESrpltas Jul 13.2005 This area for official normal seal. OPTIONAL Though the Injbrn odor below is nm required by law, lr may psnse saleable to persons relying an the document and ccrosld prevent faudaleiv nt•wva/ and reanacharnf of this fora, to another docnmmu. DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT f Title or Type of Document: Document Date: ! Number of Pages: Signer(s) other than named above CAPACITY (IES) CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S) t I INDIVIDUAL [ i I INDIVIDUAL [ r ot I CORPORATE OFFICER(S)1TTTLE(s)T f h b h I CORPORATE OFFICER(S) TITLE(S) RI op o t um ere Top of thumb here [l PARTNLR(s) t l uMrrED I ] GENERAL PARNER(S)- [ j LIMITED GENERAL [l ATTORNEY-IN•FACr l ATTORNEY-IN-FACT t l TRUSTEE(S)[j TRUSTEE(S) [l GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR (I OTTtER OTHER SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: •• . ease • • •.•• ••••• ••.• ••• . • • Public Record • ••.•40 • ... -._. LOTS 8 AND 10 IN BLACK B OF TRACT NO. 368 , IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE , STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 31 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT FROM LOT 10 ONE -HALF INTEREST IN ALL, OIL, GAS AND OTHER HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES LYING BELOW A DEPTH OF 500 FEET, BUT WUTHOUT THE RIGHT OF SURFACE ENTRY, AS RESERVED BY PETRINA HOFF, IN DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 9, 1957 IN BOOK 4063, PAGE 86, OFFICIAL RECORDS. PREA 10/31/97bk •• • ••• • •• • • • •••••• Public Record •••• • WRCH 1983 a %2- KER TRA r 361 3 045 O s IQ O t3 12 11 • ! ! SYCAMdW Y M POP. NE1/4. NE 114. 1(114. SEC. 26. T 5 S. R 11 I 142 - 19 Lot I LOT S ..^.'r r '7.3 •f. 7 3 S O O O O r •. ! f l or LOt . S 7 5 3 p - CIIWPESS 0 O 10 w r a. K I 7••17rRS&RC)i t t 4 t I I "-•y I L 1I I I IPAR 11 I !,I y (1 y1 I WWI I • ' , 1 'I'11 1 I 1 1 1 I r aua 3 - I" 1 4 °aq m iu•', /f IPAR IPAR81 I IAX! A iµ11 i A i t AVDKE tM r Ir 1 s O A AO t7 ® O O. s: lot I > r for SOs W(.B t - r M 12 tt J f! t0r 4 • r .t T .r AO Q OO 10 v M !k TRACT Na a68 MA! v -X 28TRACT I 4JV MM 0-26 PARCEL MAPS P4L 100-& 727-34. 05-17 204-3 .3. 260-19 t ! a! w 1 a a. 165-36 ••! • ••••••••• AVEME R 13. 11 Mt A PAR 7 0 PAL to, - 3J PAR. S •• 4w 00 rr •w• • • • • • • • ••• PAX 0 m PM 0 I 17 1 S A`f AAR sAM AC AX A PAR I SLOr 3 AVEW If 4 PYRJP-1 LP PA • 1 w. QOM NO. 436 vo•!PJL I!0-P NOTE - ASSESSOR 'S BLOCK JPARCEL NUt8ERS SHORN IN CIRCLES PAR o -------- 0 A% 3 A $ tt Lors S .•.. • AN a7 - if -----------. --------- - El Au YLOMagnt .rI r ASSESSOR'S AMPS BOOK 165 PACE 36 COUNTY OF ORANGE TITLED tNT Printed: 4112009 151.23 PM PST Tax Search Order: Non-Order Search Searched: 4112009 1 50.00 PM Mange, California Co: Chicago Title Assessoes Parcel 165-361-08 Dept CS - Victorville CRN: 0002100011 Tax Year. 2008-2009 TO: 01 Punted By Jasonw Payment as of 032712009 Created By: Jason Walker Customer Service Request Only Information is sourced from public records and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. APN: 165-361-08-- Described As: N TR 368 BLK B LOT 4 Address: 7802 WARNER AV City: HUNTINGTON BEACH-04 Billing Address: 8440 SVL BOX VICTORVILLE CA 92395 Assessed Owner(s): MAZI, HOSSEIN TR Tax Rate Area:04045 Value-Conveyance Date:03/22/2004 Land:265,050.00 Conveying Instrument:232458 Use Code: Commercial Region Code: COMM Improvements: Personal Property: Fixtures: Date Transfer Acquired: Vesting: Year Built:2005 Flood Zone:Inventory:Year Last Modified:2005 Zoning Code: Taxability Code: Tax Rate: Bill #: Exemptions Homeowner: Inventory: Personal Property: Religious: All Other: Square Footage Land: Improvements: Tax Defaulted: I Issue Date:Net Taxable Value:265,050.00 Total Tax:3,130.36 Installment Amount Penalty Due Date Status Payment Date Balance - 1st 1,565.18 156.51 12/10/2008 PAID WI 01/06/2009 0.00 12nd 1,565.18 179.51 04/10/2009- PENALTY PAID-01/06/2009 0.00 Account Special Lien Description Amount C7 MWD WATER STANDBYCHARG.10.08 98 WEEDS 323.00 E13 VECTOR CONTROL ASSMNT.048 BA OC VECTOR CONTROL 2.54 At BASIC LEVY 2,794.26 *** END OF REPORT *** *• •• :0:00:0000• .. *••. .... . . ••* . • •••e 00060 • • 0 0000 gECOppeiG iaP0ts85M sY 0 NIDE 00iti4T TIt RECORDING REQUESTED BY r •.a WOOPOCOwa T,/ Otto uo rn nwce TZM r Hossein Mazi & Farhad Mazf SVL Box 8440 = Victorvill , CA 92392 'f\. L I TNk Order No. F.aetawN.. 28037-PS Assaarar's P.rrd Ne. 185381-07AND11S361 Date March 5. 2004 Reaord.dIn 0Rkid Records, County oo astral Tom Otdy Ctell-Recorder IMUMMUNS111 6,00 2004000232458 04:30pm 03122!04 106 21 602 1 22000220.000 SPACE MOVE THIS LeE FOR RPCOROER'S USE GRANT DEED The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer tax is $440.00 and is computed on the full value of the Interest or property conveyed. The property is located In the city of Huntington Beach. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Wen-Tsung Kuo and Su-Chan Kuo , husband and wife as joint tenants do hereby GRANT to HOSSEIN MAZI , Trust as to an undivided one-half interest. and FARHAD MALI, a Single Man as to an Undivided on -half Interest. the following described real property In the City - of Huntington - Beach, County of ORANGE, State of California: LOT 4 AND 6 IN BLOCK •B• OF TRACT 368, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 31, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. EXCEPT THEREFROM ALL OIL. GAS, MINERALS AND OTHER HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCESLYING BELOW A DEPTH OF 500 FEET WITHOUR ANY RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE SURFACE OR THE SUBSURFACE OF SAID LAND ABOVE A DEPTH OF 500 FEET, AS PROVIDED IN INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD. tan> Tr.,-)-xuc b/ Tint-Atut. Ale $u _Ciezr. ku, 6t/ Jan_ Jlrtrc ste• tta 41 4ft"V, a, iA . a tnd.c`t . It f Wen-Tsung uo Su- an uo STATE CIF CAlA![lawi_ COU% YOF On _ x.I_ D•IOre me, the undersigned. of appeared r Rc n in'rf rrdeal ate, penoeally e+ ter proved to me on the0••...llw •eeeAA0.1.atiefss to ,T ovid.n ,N) S. C. the person /personswhoa Hams/oases 1 •t. •ubaorl0 .d to a withininNruseel and snow HIy, le ae lbai she/theyexecuted the ..m . In bIa)hs Nthei utborizedcopacltyfaapacills., a Shat by 1. hernbeirsignatur.a on the tnairusont the er Ipenons,or the entityleniftios an bdhal 1 of shish thepNSOn/porwwa anted . •sscul d the in citement. WITNESS my hand and official coal iISymwrw . MAB.TAX STATEAeISTS AYDOSCTED ABOVE at/. CO 7005 us zn%Aev 1,06 coca •a• ••s•sa s• s• IS•••• • ••• e s•a a s. •a Sees a_a 0 s__• • S s• s • e . • Publ is itecord e a f * ••a•• a •••. 142-20 # WAI R' TRA T Pa'. AIE1/4. AdEt/4. AV/4, SEC. 26. T 5 S. R 11 If u2 - 19 !!. x O i s a s 2 .. ALLEY s • 7 s 3 AA . aF.a 13 12 11 3OO© k t T A SYCA O' ! for O f ar O 'Lor a336 O M i l O w e C or l i Ir O9 . 7 0 i 7 A .J :' • J • LOr 4 !nNfnnmuea } PAR ' i A !1 I I 1 'I laI I 11 1 1 I 1 1 'w 1 I I I 7 Lor 2 +_ ! N ;.a is ,; a '4•__ _If 1 .1:.1 Is PAL 2a A t I 1 IMa 21 I 1 1*y. •1 MIL•I tell IA 1 14 1 1 I I r4 3,8 $ AW7 E3 w r 3 5 a ya D @ • : LOr . > : r O .r 3 &1 B LOr 2 i1 w O O a I PAL p0-! ! AY97M1E ! ii s • •45• n MRA m'S • MR 7 PAL 2a - .r7 MRa 0 27M AC i *o MSs f f MIL C 1 '9 0 MRJ ' Zt LOT 7 B1;1L A 4 P 2 J: J Or 4 J r t T w oaooo 10 S k rRACr ma add MM t5-J!MACH 19 3 28TRACT AAA 431 MK AS-28 PARCt7 YAPS PAL 100-A. 127-34. WQ9-17; 204-JJ . 200-10 t k k4 i E At A.M A .. 436 0 AI ME NOTE -ASSESSOR'S BLOCK A ASSESSOR 'S LIAP" PARCEL MRBERS BOOK 165 PACE 36 SNOW IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE T PAL 0-a LOT 1 0 El S } az PAL 97 -.1. » Aft I .'J 165-36 tl . •• 1' a Ida! M atAnom AWW iI