HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2009002 - Plans0 RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF CHICAGO TITLE - INLAND EMPIRE 9.7 '97y7Mail recorded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY CLERK 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 7-772 I,l 9-D 6L This Documen s electronically recorded by PL Norwalk Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Tom Daly, Clerk-Recorder I I I I ll11111h IIU O I lh 121.0 0 2010000439448 02:01 pm 09/07/10 93 401 L09 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Space above reserved for County Recorder's use CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N O.09 - 002I RECORD OWNER S OF EXISTING PARCELS: Fee: $ (I/We) hereby certify that: 1) (I am/We are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application : 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application : and 3) The information submitted in connection with this application is true and correct: APN:165-361- 24 NAME:HOSSEIN MAZI ADDRESS: SVL BOX 8440 VICTORVILLE, CA 92395 DAYTIME DAYTIME TELEPHONE :(760) 954-1551 TELEPHONE: SignatureS 4 D 55E,M VfName: Signature Signature Name: Name: APN:165-361- 07 & 08 NAME :FARHAD MAZI ADDRESS:SVL BOX 8440 VICTORVILLE, CA 92395 Signatures j Name: (760) 954-1551 M this instrument by request as an aooornmodgtlon only and has not examined it for rsgulsr1gr and sufli- cienry or as tq its divot upon ft fifty b Wry rare/ property that may be dse Thud hsrwn, G:\Analyst\Davislweb items\Applications\LLA Application Form (08-11-06).doc CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County o On j 2o (0 before me, 4 -r a. I Tit' ' ut 1 i C_ , (Here insert name an title of the officer personally appeared MCAT who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name ' re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she he_ execute the same in-inf er t elr uthorized capacl les and that by his, hef el slgnatura on the instrument the person Q or the entity upon behalf of which the person o acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califo rnia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ignature of 'N ry P lie MISTY D. SANCHEZ COMM. #1801914 dOW NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY C!! (Notal) Seal) My Comm. Expires Jun.16, 2012 ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any acknowledgment completed in California must contain verbiage exactly as DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT appears above in the notary section or a separate acknowledgment form must be properly completed and attached to that document. The only exception is if a document is to be recorded outside of California. In such instances, any alternative (Title or description of attached document)acknowledgment verbiage as may be printed on such a document so long as the verbiage does not require the notary to do something that is illegal for a notary in California (i.e. certifying the authorized capacity of the signer). Please check the ro er notarial wordin and attach this form if requireddocument carefull fory p p g .i f hi d d i dpton o attac e ocument cont nue(Title or descr ) Number of Pages Document Date 3 01 •J d (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER -IX Individual se Corporate Officer (Title) Partner(s) Attomey-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other • State and County information must be the State and County where the document signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. • The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). • Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. Ire/she/grey- is /nre ) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording. • The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re-seal if a sufficient area permits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. Indicate title or type of attached document, number of pages and date. Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). • Securely attach this document to the signed document 2008 Version CAPA v12.10.07 800-873-9865 www.NotaryClasses.com OA A 0 •• CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 09 - 002 PREPARER: CONTACT PERSON: O.K.O. ENGINEERING INC. ADDRESS:23671 BIRTCHER DRIVE LAKE FOREST CA 92630 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO: 949 597-3577 This document consisting of 7 pages was prepared by me or under my direction. DAVID J. MACARTHUR R.C.E. 12502 Surveyor's/Engineer's Name and License Number My Registration Expires: 3-31-2011 COUNTY: Examined and Approved as to survey content only for Raymond L. Mathe, County Surveyor B : Ray and L. M e, L.S. 6185 County Surveyor My License Ex is: 3/31/2012 Dated this 7b day of CITY ENGINEER: 7< u- d This Lot Line Adjustment Application has been examined and approved by the City o ntington Beach. J Z.7 !o Anto o 01 s, City Engineer R.C.E. 56814 Date My Registration Expires: June 30, 2011 PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Examined and Approved as to Zoning Conformance by the City of Huntington Beach Planning Department By: 8.2'1.10 Date oQOEESS/0,p41 Q Macg1 % ?n o No. 12502 *EXP.3-31-2011 LP 1 F F CM.. e,5eRT LANDs1!p No.6803 6p• 9/30112 OP CAL1F0? QQ,O'F cU00 A RCE NO.58814 * EXP.G/3411 CIo- F M. See Exhibits "A, B and C" attached hereto. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 09 - 002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION "EXHIBIT A" Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers : Reference Number: FARHAD MAZI 165-361-07 & 08 PARCEL l AND HOSSEIN MAZI TRUST HOSSEIN MAZI TRUST 165-361-24 PARCEL 1 SHEET 1 OF I PARCEL 1: LOTS 4, 6, 8 AND 10 IN BLOCK B OF TRACT NO. 368, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 31 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 32,494 SQUARE FEET, 0.746 ACRES (GROSS) MORE OR LESS AND 26,548 SQUARE FEET, 0.609 ACRES (NET) MORE OR LESS. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY. 10FESSIO,,4 ,``QJO wry yG, No.12502 3-31-2011EXP. I THIS DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. rq F David J. Macarthur , R.C.E. 12502 Surveyor's/Engineer's Name and License Number My Registration Expires: 3-31-2011 0 • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.09 - 002 irrrrrr Owners: FARHAD MAZI AND HOSSEIN MAZI TRUST I HOSSIEN MAZI TRUST SHEET 1 OF I \S 89'32'11" E>\ 179.39' w CALCD. z I O GROSS AREA = 32,494 S.F. NET AREA = 26,548 S.F. CV CC) I10to d' CV zaz B- N0 CflN LUto z Q -. EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED Proposed Parcels Reference Number: PARCEL1 PARCEL1 BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE RECORD OF SURVEY NO. 2000-1023, RECORDED IN BOOK 181, PAGES 38 AND 39 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS. SCALE.- 1"=50' Ac iV 0o - ri U to DATA PER TRACTONO. 368, M.M.15/31 < > - RECORD DATA PER R.S. 2000-1023, R.S.B. 181/38-39 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ( ) - RECORD (TYP.) p (198.00' R.) 41 89'29'20" W> - <1 J8.21'> LCD. ALLEY (20' WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) THIS MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. David J. Macarthur, R.C.E. 12502 Surveyor's/Engineer's Name and License Number My Registration Expires:3-31-2011 MAP "EXHIBIT B" Existing Parcels AP Numbers: 165-361 -07 & 08 165-361-24 WARNER AVENUE (120' WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) S 00'27'49" W 30.00'<S 89'3211" E> EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL 1 (198.00' R.) <198.21'> CALCD. EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN oQR SS/O, a1 fly4 C13 pQ' 1 n No.12502 EXP. .2011 T OFC V04 11 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No.09 - 002 SITE PLAN "EXHIBIT C" Existing Parcels AP Numbers: 165-361-07 & 08 Owners: FARHAD MAZI AND HOSSEIN MAZI TRUST HOSSIEN MAZI TRUST SHEET I OF I 0n SCALE.- 8' EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES rr RECORDED AS INST. NO. 84-092038, O.R.ib ° p _ VACANT LAND "NO BUILDINGS" (j ,N) AW M n 00 1 165-361-24 WARNER AVENUE (120' WIDE PUBLI RIGHT OF WAY) <S 89'32'11" E> <198.215 CALCD. Proposed Parcels Reference Number: PARCEL1 PARCEL I BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE RECORD OF SURVEY NO. 2000-1023, RECORDED IN BOOK 181, PAGES 38 AND 39 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS 30' EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY RECORDED AS INST. NOS. 89-435769 89-472222 & 89-453722 O.R. GROSS AREA = 32,494 S.F. NET AREA = 26,548 S.F. N 89'29'20" W>0 1- ALLEY (198.00' R.) (198.00' R.) <108.21' CALCD. (20' WIDE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) THIS MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. David J. Macarthur, R.C.E. 12502 Surveyor's/Engineer's Name and License Number My Registration Expires: 3-31-2011 PARCEL 1 I ( ) - RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 368 M.M.15/31 < > - RECORD DATA PER R.S. 2000-1023 , R.S.B. 181/38-39 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 0 QRoFESS/p,4,, k, AD No.12502 EXP. 3-31-2011 4 Mail recorded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY CLERK 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Space above reserved for County Recorder's use CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. RECORD OWNER S OF EXISTING PARCELS: Fee: $ (I/We) hereby certify that: 1) (I am/We are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application: 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application: and 3) The information submi tted in connection with this application is true and correct: 65- 36) - o 7 4i D APN: I 6-S-36- / - 2 L/ APN: NAME: ADDRESS: M,4 NAME: DAYTIME TELEPHONE:' a s -JSf/ 1. M a Signature Name: 11 I 6s_7 6-1-°4,'/-8 Ab AZi ADDRESS: 661LIS"5\1LVOX Vs -Tot U CA 2 °l5 : 7 l7 IU -25TELEPHONE Signature Name: . . • • .... *000 •• . Signature Name: Signature Name: .. . c 0 r CITY OF H UNTING N B EACHd LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. - STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ON THIS ___ DAY OF , 2002,, BEFOR E, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND OR SAID STAT , PE SONALLY PPEARED 1-6 S S,e• ti z'i s- 4 r aZ WHO PR VED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSONS WHOSE NAME SOIS(@ SU IBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME T T EY XECUTED SAME IN HEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITY IE AND THAT BY HEIR IGNATURE(M 0 INSTRUMENT THE PERSON OR THE ENTITY UPON EHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S)ACTED , EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL : MY COMMISSION IRES: 1 MY P NCIP PLACE 0 BUSINESS IS IN RY P LIC IN F SAID STATE OUNTY. RINT NAME ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUN ORANGE 9 DOROTHY A. AMES Commission # 1629369 Notary Public - California San Bernardino Counry My Comm. Expires Dec 13.2009 ON THIS Y OF , 200_, B ORE ME, A NOTARY PUBLI AND FOR SAID STATE, PERS LLY APPEARED W 0 PROVED TO ME THE BASIS OF SATISFACT Y EVIDENCE TO BE THE PER ON(S) WHOSE NAME( ISIARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE THIN INSTRUMENT AND ACK WLEDGED TO ME THA E/SHEITHEY EXECUTED THE ME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHO IZED CAPACTITY(IES), A D THAT BY HIS/HERITHEIR SI ATURE(S) ON THE INSTRU NT THE PERSON(S), OR-"-THE ENTITY UPON BEHAL OF WHICFL-T"E PERSON(S CTED, EXECUTED THE INSTURUMENT. • .... I CERTIFY U ER PENALTY OF PERJURY ?DER THE LAWS OF WE- TEOFCALIFORNIA TH T THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPW IS TRUE AND CORRE-ST. ... WITNESS MY HAND: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: •• • NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FO SAID STATE SS 0 MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF g11S1 JESS•I UM'offCOUNTY. . . PRINT NAME 0 0 'A, iff CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT -No. PREPARER: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: O.K.O. ENGINEERING, INC. 23671 BIRTCHER DRIVE L DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO: 949 597-3577 6 Q OEESS/p This document consisting of pages was prepared by me or under my dir MW.,,_, `ma c -41410 1 No.12502 Su rveyor 's/Engineer 's Name and License Number EXP.3-31-2011 My Registration Expires: 3-31-2011 -Wo' COUNTY: Examined and Approved as to survey content only for Raymond L. Mathe, County Surveyor Raymond L. Mathe, L.S. 6185 County Surveyor My License Expires: 3/31/08 Dated this day of CITY ENGINEER: This Lot Line Adjustment Application has been examined and approved by the City of Huntington Beach. Antonio Olmos, City Engineer R.C.E. 56814 Date My Registration Expires: 6/30/09 PLANNING DEPARTMENT: ...... ... ... .... .. . Examined and Approved as to Zoning Conformance by the City of Huntington Beach Planning ••,• Department •••••. ....... By: Date 0 • 'A'CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. - LEGAL DESCRIPTION "EXHIBIT A" Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners:AP Numbers:Reference Number: FARHAD MAZI 165-361-07 & 08 PARCEL 1 HOSSIEN MAZI 165-361-24 PARCEL 1 LOTS 4, 6, 8 AND 10 IN BLOCK B OF TRACT NO. 368, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 31 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY. THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER M • eDAVID J. MACARTHUR R.C.E. 12502 :rtiG •• Surveyor's/Engineer's Name and License Number My Registration Expires: 3-31-2011 'cd EXr.331.TO i11 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. - MAP "EXHIBIT B" Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: FARHAD MAZI 165-361-07 & 08 PARCEL 1 165-361-24 PARCEL I WARNER AVENUE (120' WIDE PUBU RIGHT OF WAY) S 89'32'11' E Mb 1 9988. . (11 21' 42 r.- ri VS M to 2 m Z,00 M C4 G` v 1`7 1w`7 v f7 04 N < O c O Z 2 lw M y U:U'y f'7 f7 '7 {,: M VMW O S S Q ~~1 ill In ~ hw In 1+~ aid T . Rid rl ki T a.<m n a.a< ap8J Al -! -1 `a EXISTING LOT LINE a TO BE REMOVEDzTO BE REMOVED (m'•) b (198.00- R.) N 89'29'20' W 1b8.21' ALLEY (20' WDE PUBUC RIGH1 OF WAY) THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER M Surveyor's/Engineer's Name and License Number My Registration Expires: 3-31-2011 N y .... 'No.41502 - ' EXP.34 2011 OFC M. . .... SCALE. 1"= 50 0 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. - Owners: to I- z SITE PLAN "EXHIBIT C" Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: Reference Number: L1 WARNER AVENUE (120' WIDE PUBU RIGHT OF WAY) SC . (198.00 ' R) yI='750' S 8932'11" E M 198.21 I IVACANT LAND 'NO BUILDINGS' PAR+ 1 I N 89'29'20" W 0 ALLEY (20' WIDE PUBUC RIGHT OF WAY) ... .. . ... THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER yy G9,,,,* . DAVID J. MACARTHUR R.C.E. 12502 ti G ''3 •s/EngineerSurveyor s Name and License Number c My Registration Expires:3-31-2011 Nd 12502 . EXP. 33f-2011 . 00 N OF C Al1F"' 11