HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2007018 - Supporting DocumentsPage 1 of 2 Beckman, Hayden From: Ramos, Ricky Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 7:38 AM To: Beckman, Hayden Subject: FW: AP 07-018 ( Reed Large Family Day Care) From: Wine, Linda Sent : Tuesday, September 25, 2007 5:23 PM To: Bohr, Keith; Carchio, Joe; Coerper, Gil; Cook, Debbie; Ed Kerins; Emery, Paul; Fauland, Herb; Fikes, Cathy; Green, Cathy; Hansen, Don; Hardy, Jill; Hess, Scott; Ramos, Ricky; Jennifer Muir Cc: Blair Farley; Devin Dwyer (E-mail); Elizabeth Burnett (E-mail); Fred Speaker; Joe Shaw; John Scandura ; Tom Livengood Subject : FW: AP 07-018 ( Reed Large Family Day Care) From: Ramos, Ricky Sent : Tuesday, September 25, 2007 4:41 PM To: Wine, Linda Cc: Hess, Scott; Fauland, Herb; Beckman, Hayden Subject : AP 07-018 ( Reed Large Family Day Care) Please forward. Thanks. SUBJECT ENTITLEMENT : ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 07-018 (REED LARGE FAMILY DAYCARE) APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: Liana Reed, 8512 Afton Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 REQUEST: To expand an existing small family daycare to a large family daycare, with a maximum of 14 school age children. LOCATION: 8512 Afton Circle PROJECT PLANNER: Hayden Beckman On September 25, 2007, the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach took action on the above mentioned application and APPROVED the request with conditions. Please note the action by the Planning Department/Planning Director is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten calendar days from the date of the action. An appeal of the action shall be filed with the Department of Planning along with the appeal fee of $494. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above mentioned application is Friday, October 5, 2007 at 5:00 pm. If you have any questions about this action or the application please contact Hayden Beckman, Planning Aide, at 714-536-5317. HAYDEN BECKMAN PLANNING AIDE 9/26/2007 Neighbor request 0 0 Pagel of 2 Beckman , Hayden From: Fauland, Herb Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 9:05 AM To: Beckman, Hayden Cc: Wine, Linda Subject: FW: Neighbor request - Planner Assignment (SE corner of Newland and Adams) FYI - see below. This email pertains to your AP for a large family day care. From: Wine, Linda Sent : Monday, September 24, 2007 8:56 AM To: Fauland, Herb Subject : FW: Neighbor request - Planner Assignment (SE corner of Newland and Adams) From : Henderson, Sandy Sent : Monday, September 24, 2007 8:39 AM To: Wine, Linda Subject : RE: Neighbor request - quick question Good Morning Linda, You would send this to Herb for him to assign. .savLdu Ffen.dersovL (714) 536-5265 From : Wine, Linda Sent : Monday, September 24, 2007 8:00 AM To: Henderson, Sandy Subject : FW: Neighbor request - quick question 0 0 0 0 0 00 0no 00 0009 0 0 0000 0 00 0 0 0 0000 0 000000 00 00 0 00 0 0 000 00 0000 0 00 0 00000 00 0 0 0 00o090 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 9 0000 000 0 0 0 00 Hi, Afton Circle is located on the southeast corner of Newland and Adams. Should I give this to the appropriate planner? Linda Wine Administrative Assistant Planning Department Linda. wine@surfcity -hb_org (714) 536-5276 From : Rob Keller [mailto:surfcitykellers@earthlink.net] Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 6:08 PM To: Wine, Linda Subject : Neighbor request I have been notified by one of my neighbors, Liana Reed, of her plans to enlarge her family day care business from a small day care to a large day care. While 1 don't have any issue at all with Ms. Reed's plan to expand her business, I do have a very legitimate concern and I wanted to voice it to the Planning Department so that they may be made aware of the situation. 9/24/2007 Neighbor request Page 2 of 2 • 0 My house is the second house at the beginning of Afton Circle. Many times during both the morning and evening hours when Ms. Reed's clientele are either dropping off their children or picking them up, we have had very close calls with having a collision. Coming from either direction on Vintage and turning onto Afton Circle, many of Ms. Reed's clientele turn the corner much too fast. We do have kids who live on this street and as I said, near collisions have almost occurred because of the fast speed of her customers. I would like to request that when reviewing and hopefully approving Ms. Reed's request to enlarge her business, the City of Huntington Beach would put a rovision into the contract with Ms. Reed that her customers must observe the speed limit and drive cautiously while in the neighborhood. Thanks very much. Rob Keller 8571 Afton Circle 714-968-3690 000000 . • 00 00 0000 0 0 0000 0 00 0 0 0 0000 0 000000 00 0 0 ® 00 0 0 000 00 0.00 0 00 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0.000 0000 . 0 0 0 0000 0000 0000 000 0 0 0 00 9/24/2007 t'f Sl LA) z s-'o Pt*i.. c Po ce Of sate.' • ' LO 0 State of California Department of Social Services Facility Number : 304205962 Effective Date : 07/02 /01 Total Capacity:14 In accordance with applicable provisions of the Health and Safety Code of California , and its rules and regulations ; the Department of Social Services hereby issues CAPACITY CHANGE EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/26/08 this License to REED, LIANA to operate and maintain a FAMILY DAY CARE Name of Facility REED, LIANA 8512 AFTON CIRCLE HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92646 This License is not transferable and is granted solely upon the following: MAX. CAP (WHEN THERE IS AN ASSISTANT PRESENT): 12 - NO MORE THAN 4 INFANTS . CAP 14 - NO MORE THAN 3 INFANTS . 1 CHILD IN KINDERGARTEN OR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND 1 CHILD AT LEAST AGE 6. Client Groups Served : CHILDREN/INFANT Complaints regarding services provided in this facility should be directed to: ORANGE CO CHILD CARE DISTRICT OFFIC (714) 703-2800 Jo Frederick ly Deputy Director, A ho i esentative Community Care Licensing Division of Lice sin Agency ( wur POST IN A PROMINENT PLACELlC 203A (104)4)CU-PA018 City Of Huntington BeachBusiness LicenseBusiness Name I Service AddressLIANA REED DAY CARE8512 AFTONHUNTINGTON BEACH0License TypeProfessional / Other ServicesOwner / CorporationLIANA REEDlee ;' To PO'.gooTHIS LICENSE IS ONLY FOR THE BUSINESS ANDTYPE SHOWN. IT IS FOR THE PERSON TO WHOMISSUED AND IS NON-TRANSFERABLE, RENEWAL ISDUE ON OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE.POST IN PUBLIC VIEWLicense Number A267820Effective Date 10/01/2007Expiration Date 09/30/2008Amount Paid $100.16SIC 83510 Orange, CA 2003-2004 - 151-59, Sheet- 1 of 1I53-46ADAMSI G)b lo' o 6 6 `a f.`^Ilet V 01 16 y fl d ^ W - ry ( ssAFTON CIRCLE 4 Z..1 1'1'r"'O yoS.® r. ®® ® ® `. 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