HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP2010002 - Supporting Documents• n CERTIFICATE OF OCC ANCY 020 10 - CITY OF HUNTI GTON BEACH DEPT. OF PLANNING & B DING APPLICATION 714/536-5271 I l Business License # tU O I (3'd Floor - Must Apply In-Person) Business Address -78 R-poeh RIJ Business Owners Name S Business Name .. . Ps e Business Type s c . d e r Pro e Owner Information (required) Name S .<- S Li Address 77 6 f ge e L, IV City State/Zip C gl262_7 Telephone No. 7/ .69 - t 67/O Date S /20/O Zip Code 9 Z-6?-7 Telephone No.719 - 6 yz- 6O/P Bus. Phone tl(Tenant/Emer enc Contact (required) Name 4ric / II Home AddressA /SAC PG city $ ' eat A State/Zip ,, 1701 Telephone No. ( /IV--V.212 THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS:// D Newly Constructed Building or /Existing Building CHECK ALL THAT APPLY- L3 tJ Change of Property Owner 9 Change of Occupant Change of Use Additional Occupant Indicate former type of business Are uestin that the electricit bet ed on? YesQNoDou reqy g y Is the building sprinklered ? Yes 4No@ Will operations produce dust/wood shavings or similar material? Yes4No0 Will operations involve the repair or replacement of automobile parts Yes flo 0 If yes: Describe the components repaired or replaced - Does the operation involve the use of welding or open flame?Ye ,o Will the business be a drinking, dining or assembly use with an Ye LN c 4 ad of more than 50 persons? s o The following best describes my operation. 0 Office Onl etail Sales Medical/Dental 0 Restaurant/Take Out Food Warehouse /Manufactunn i i n )C Other (describe) For 0 total Use On! Occ Group: Occ Grou : Occ Group: Total Sq Ft Occupied: 1 .0 o Bldg. Permit # H Area: IS-00 Area Area: No. of Stories.I Entitlement #: C S. . Occ Load: OccLoad: Occ Load: TIF Review: Y Zoning D 8 Pr?. vwecsi Plnr Initials- Date' S' 16'10 Plan Chkr Initials: Date: J «11 QAsp Initials. 'i•LC_ Date- Conditions of A proval or Other Notes: S. StE 1 0% c, ri ' 4 L Inspection Date- (G Bwldmg/Forms/document id goes here) (describe process and end roduct) 11 10 .j aOR Tof Of1InGAA USTfYlEf1T5 P.O. sox I" - #260 PMVNI (714) $345271 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-62 (In Conj./AR 77-209) Applicant: Request: Location:ti• _ Date of Approval: FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: GENERAL FINDINGS: Robert J. Krogh, M.D. 17781 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, California 92648 To permit reductions from parking, setback, and landscaping requirements for the purpose of constructing an addition r-..,n existing medical building. Said exceptions include: 1) a reduction of 2 parking spaces from the minimum number required; 2) a,. reduction in landscaping area and location requirements; and 3) to permit an encroachment of approxi- mately eighteen (18) feet into the front yard setback. The subject property is loc-red on the west side of Beach Boulevard approximately 70 feet south of Newman Street in a C4, Highway Com- mercial District. January 11, 1978. 1. The requested addition is a minimal enlargement of the pr structure and does not constitute an expansion of the use;',,. self . detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to-prbpe; - the, same zoning classification. 2. Granting of the conditional exception will not be mater , '-the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. . Granting of the conditional exception will not adver4, z00: p for _ parking: exists on the adjacent,, ,informal- agreement, and ., he p ei _ likely due to this ,-.X pro AM i' s- y .VIVU1 I 1 UI14:1 ur /\1 1'!Cl i - l I. / /"h: January il, 1'17R Page 2 • 2. Observation of the subi0cL sits: fo,- t-wt, weeks h,ls indicated that 1o s' hsta tti.3I shoe +_lyc of n,:r'r,i•i,j p1 t_es' o rsts, and normal use of t :_uildinc; does not create dema,vi:n d hi.ch the exist _nc parking available will not moot. \1 so, the pr-posed addition does not constitute expansion of th. •ise from the standpoint of added examination rooms; therefore , the addi- tion should not generate «nN need for increased parking spaces. REDUCTION OF LANDSCAPING: 1. Reasonable scr`eninu has been achieved throuch the Conditions of Approval on Administrative Review No. 77-209. 2. To require full compliance with new landscaping regulations which have cone into effect since this building was originally approved would further reduce the par,:ing,available onsite. 3.Piacement of additional ia.ldscaping has been made a Condition of Approval to improve aesthetics within the subject property. ENCROACHMENT: 1. The extent of the encroachment is minir.al. 4 2. Although the expansion could be situtated on the west side of the existing buiidina, such location would necessitate structural; alterations which .would not be a reasonable requirement in view of the magnitude of the proposed addition. t 3. The existing physical layout prevents siting the addition at a reasonable location which would conpll, with code requirements in regard to sight angle encroachment . Also, the adjacent 4 buildings are so situated that they ktii1l not be severely impact from the standpoint of the subject addition blocking their view.':, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, : A Mn BE COMPLETED DRIOP TO ISSUAtiC" OF 3UILJIM 'Z PERMITS. 1. The conceptual site plan received and dated D:^,mber 28, 1#77, shall be the approved layout , subject to all conditions Of`-r _"r.. approval imposed upon Administrati ve Review No . 77-209. ;,'hereby certify that Conditional Exception No. 77-62 was approved,, =t _ _-Board of Zoning Adjustments of the City of Huntington Beac3f Ju 11 1978 th f dtiond Ci.# onanary ,, uponeoregoing conins a, -S y ` r ^ s+ , I f . your 4J .JA i,Cft y y e It -zreftir'.,.,.t r e itio to an xistin medic Beach Boulevard , approximately 70 Ffto,' C4, Highway Commercial District . is a categorical exemption, Class 1, 1970. California E i T -the public hearing on Conditional Ex _ --I ' T It, was present to represent the sent to speak on the applieation--i-ARW "out that -tt er 'e w L•c;'cam F Minutes : H.B. Board ,-I 7oillnq Ad)uatm'ents Wednesday , December 7, 1977 Page 10 3. The granting of *ne conditional exception will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or in)uric,us to property in the same vicinity and zone classification. 4. The use borders upon permanent over si)ace. CONDITIONS OF AI'PRO A:.,' A. TO BE COMPLF '11:D P?ICR "{-) i,EtA\CE 0!' i3Lj_TLPI'*(_ PERMITS. shall be the arolovl layout. ,P,Yp Z. T`le conceptual 1 -'t -d an re, e_ve : and :ated *4ovember 17, 1977'1-,K' 2. All applicahl •_ fees sna;' De paid prior -o issuance of build- ing permits. AYES: Eadie , Crosby, Quinlan NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION O. 77-62 A licant: Robert J . Krcu h, A.D. To permit reduction in parking spaces for from 10 required to nine provided located Boulevard , approximat'2 ]y 70 feet south of Commercial District. an existing medical building on the west side of Beach Newman Street in a C4 , Highw This request is a categorical exemption , Class 5, Cali fornia Envir Quality Act, 1970. IN CONJUNCTION WITH: ADMIN ISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-209 `licant : Robert J. Krou h, M.D. To permit a 221 s %11 ted on the west side of th`of Newman Street in a ;f request )(.-ty Pict, I /• I')II, NOE: %,-) r I r Ai3S EN Nc nt To pcrin_,-c':,ca1 t,ailding )f Brach 1 C 11 in r ' 4 , Highway This request ..5 Qua li ~y Act,1973 IN CONJUi:;;TIO: 1c -, r =nia Envirormental ADMIN ISTRATIVE FEVI E't4 Applicant: Robert To permit : a 221 squarn -- io-j,,meaical budding, located cn tre west- S1 :t' c: eact) .JC'L' 6`'3; d, 3 J_=? -)xu ate ? 10 f€.et South of Newman street i-' ; , tt i _T 't - -cr'lrerc:. i s D13trict. This request is a Cato; ,ci : _' C r -r,;-t i.>^, Class Cali fornia Enviraniental QuaI, Ly Act, 19-70. 1The Chairman opened thr put", he3 r.q of Cordi tzcna 1 Exception No. 77-2. Mr. Krough, applicant, w'a, present to represent the application. There being no persons present to speak nn th'c application, the public hearing ,was closed. ' ,,=,'Chairman Ladle pointed out that tneie were se•reral problems =n the plans M r 5 t+,sd and suggest d ti 3r a , i,iq with the appli.,ant and staff prior .wg n 'Ii considera ion was necessary. Therefore,r'h airman Eadie sug- ?ovuu, a , Lwu wt ex c_ur.tinu.ance on these appitcations. The applicant = i a Sd '©ri -the, continuance. 0 Minutes: H.B. Board of zoning Adaustmerts Wednesday , December 7, 1977 Page 9 w 14. Energy saving liyhting, such as tiic,h-pressure sodium vapor lamps„ shall be used in recreation areas. 15. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 16. Crime prevention techniques shall be applied to the design of the project (e.g., single -cylinder locks, etc.). AYES : Eadie, Crosby , Quinlan NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. %7-61 A licant : Crai Etche o en Ca er Pro erties To permit reduction in minimum dimension of open space from fifteen (15) feet required to eleven (11) feet, to permit addition to an existing single -family dwelling located on the west side of indigo Circle, approximately 500 feet south of Orient Drive in an R1, Low Density Residential District. This request is a categorical exemption, Class 5, California Environ=6'- 11lmenta Quality Act, 1970. Chairman Eadie opened the public hearing. Mr. Mike Frazier wan present to represent the application. 4' aThe-,B oard, discussed the proposal It was noted that the applicants,--=`% -. had 'idd- diiniins-prove ample open space and that the provisions forerts ia..a`justifiable hardship, and further that the applicant has met vit c ' ,,the intent of the Ordinance Code. TThere, being no other persons present to speak on the applicati on,. 1-Chairman closed the public hearing. Conditions of approval axid fr 'i:urscessed.. U kw.I.1!JL)NKBY AI)LB AND SECOND BY CROSBY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTIONnNO, 4JP,PIC 6 [7,W'H _THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF API+ A;y,_-,NGT=OW1Z. ,, 0E :i P a ss .,.. XN S O,N st"HE°=BOARD: .ficult 1,in-ieo d, which presents - some : dif .. l nor is a same wr3 as c normal < u s%T1 " 4-.1 v % 1 t 4- V,th , :i _p .;'sue Y r space asr proposrdan.,c s -,,.are4 `,' and -hieaciltl s , sile ; C)i s he j119 • w470,Z,Ikl. IAuC-lti.i r1: 1I(' da 4_I y r N-11 ,y L• {f7^-t..idMD SCOt L iI1 O "„1 a (SIN ) 0 D 8uvpta"TT .V ,p 1 y I \ ` \ \ c4 0 32-0 I ! ,1 0 C 25' PROd G s/68 JV' l-ft"IA A I - - J Tle A 2O'V I I D4;. C N „o. Huin on Beach Planning Comimsion P.O. OOX 100 CALIFORNIA $U41 August 17, 1989 Steichen Associates Architecture 12437 Lewis Street #203 Garden Grove , California 92640 SUBJECT: USE PERMIT NO. 89-28 /CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION (VARIANCE) NO. 89-20 11 REQUEST: To add a 380 square foot addition -to an ekisti l ig<<' dental, office with variances to ext i-dr -side yard 'se'tback "of 4` feet -8 inches in lieu of 10 feet , to periiaeter,-'L, - landscaping requirements , and'to additionalfxoat,•setback• landscaping where building encroaches into 50 foot setback. LOCATION: 17751 Beach Boulevard DATE OF APPROVAL : August 15, 1989 1. The location , site layout and design of the proposed dental office expansion and remodel properly adapts the proposed structures to streets , driveways and other adjacent structures and uses in a harmonious manner. 2. The access to and parking for the proposed dental office expansion and remodel does not create an undue traffic problem. 3. The establishment , maintenance and operation of the proposed dental office expansion and remodel will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons residing or working in the - vicinity ; and property and improvements in the vicinity of-such; use or building. 4. The granting of the dental office expansion and remodel will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 1 I USR PERMIT NO. 89-1&ONDITIONAL EXCEPTION t9!•Al E) NO. 89-20 Page Two rit - Z7, 1. Due to the small size of the lot (9'4.•5 feet by 68 fs t l ,and'!t e , thsre=are",additional required dedication for Newman Av nuee l exceptional or extraordinary circumstancea or conditions': ';°, r applicable to the land, buildings or p omises invoived-ttist'dop w.„ not apply generally to other property or uaei 2. The granting of conditional exceptions fo- exteiio ;s 4e setback , front setback landscaping , ands perimete `r'= landac8iA 4A 1` are necessary in order to preserve ;the enjoyment ;.Fof one ;ormoss substantial-property rights .4= 3. The granting of Conditional Exception Iv arianae )'=tNO. exceptions =to exterior aide yard setback , front ;=setbacks landscaping , and perimeter land scap ing ' wil =lrrnot;=ti mater ally i" detrimental to the public health ,, - safety and = (velfar-e; ,:or. injurious to the conforming property ins the neiFgbborhood,:- - •--1,55'_- 4. The conditional exceptions for eiterior 'sidbTiif`dsetback; front setb k 1 d f " ia ''"ac - an scap ng , an per me er an ca p ng, reE consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's aeneial Plan. ?`5= 5. The granting of the conditional exception from the :nCnima_ _ , landscape planter widths of Section 9666(f) of .the='Huntington° Beach Ordinance Code will not defeat t'he general pu=poses intent of the code which is to provide landscape a=easF,to'. enhance the appearance of a project to passers =by;because.ttie , actual percentage of landscaping provided (8.9 percent) 'exc`eec'is;' the minimum code requirement of 6 percent . ND V L: 1. The site plan, floor plans and elevations received and dated`'. July 11, 1989, shall be the conceptually approved layout 'with' the following modifications: P a. b. The trash enclosure sha-l be relocated to the south side of the building. A minimum 24 foot aisleway around the building shall be provided, requiring the modification/relocation of two }trellis cancpy columns. ,1., c.The existing perimeter wall at streetside shall be removed to allow visibility of new landscaped areas. c9 11 USE PERMIT NO. 89-28/CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION (VAR! CE) NO889-20 Page Three • 2. Prior to issuance of building permits, the following shall be completed: a. A rooftop mechanical equipment plan must be submitted showing screening and must be approved. Any rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from any view . Said- screening shall be architecturally compatible .wl:ththe . building in terms of materials and colcrs. 'istereab. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by-a,•req Soils Engineer. This analysis shall include on-site=soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to ,provide,{,r'' detailed recommendations regarding grading, chemical=ant!°: f ill properties , foundations , retaining walls -,` streets, and utilities. c. A grading plan shall be submitted to the Department-ot, Public Marks for review and it must be approved (byr_ issuance of a grading permit). k -plan for -silt Icott tai fot all water runoff from the property during constructionta{iid, initial operation of the project may be required if deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works. d. The applicant shall dedicate an additional five feet of right-of-way for Newman Avenue as well as a 25 foot radius at the corner of Beach and Newman . Public works improvements shall be constructed as deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works. e. A Landscape Construction Set must be submitted to the Departments of Community Development and Public Works and must be approved . The Landscape Construction Set shall include a landscape plan prepared and signed by a State Licensed Landscape Architect and which includes all proposed /existing plant materials (location , type, size,_ quantity), an irrigation plan, a grading plan , an approved site plan , and a copy of the entitlement conditions of approval . The landscape plans shall be in conformance with Section 9608 and of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The set must be approved by both departments prior to issuance of building permits . Any existing mature trees that must be removed shall be replaced at a 2 to 1 ratio' with minimum 36-inch box trees, which shall be incorporated into the project 's landscape plan. I' WOO sesuvir &YV. ON-AGIUVIVOZTiONAL ZA%; irLZOs %VAMZA I%; ) DU. 69-AIPage Four • . f. The subject property shell enter into an irrevocable reciprocal access agreement or irrevocable offer to dedicate a future easement between the subject site and-,the adjacent property to the south at Bauch time as the property redevelops. A copy of the legal instrument shall-be . approved by the Community Development Department',end-tm . City Attorney as to form and content and, when,approveO;' shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder,., A copy shall be filed with the Department of Community, Development. f g. A sign plan must be submitted depicting all proposed J,sig'ns based upon the remodeled building and site improvenneete. , - 3. Prior to fine a ial. he ezisting- revs anding si n sh d'U comply-wfth' " gn Code , or ro art - owner shall su`t' a greemen , si ne and notarised aSSiing' tha uch e ma e o comply when joint-owner agrees.- 4. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code , Building Division , and Fire Department. 5. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire , pipe, and-` other surplus or unusable material , shall be disposed of at an off-site facility equipped to handle them. I hereby certify that Use Permit No. 89-28 and Conditional Exception (Variance ) No. 89-20 were approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach on August 15, 1989, upon the foregoing findings and conditions . This approval represents conceptual, approval only; detailed plans must be submitted for review and the aforementioned conditions completed prior to final approval. Sincerely, Mike Adams, Secretary Planning Commission by: Scott Hess Senior Planner SH: jr (3452d-1-4) C4 Q 0 LAW orrlees O C. WILLIAM CARLSON, JR., INC. A NOI1OOIONAL CORPORATION 8130 MAIN ITIKLT SUITS 100 HUNTINGTON SIACH, CALIPORNIA 92545 August 7, 1989 7 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Huntington Beach Planning Commission 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach , CA 92648 • 1`94.9PMON6 1,141 000.8010 11,6i.1co•li11 49,161 "a-say? RECEIVED Al I(;071989 DEPARTMENT Of RE: USE PERMIT 89-28 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT and CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 89-20 PLANNING DIVISION Dear Commissioners: I represent Dr. David L . Dains , the app. -ant in the above -referred to Use Permit and Condi '''nal Exception. I understand from Mr. Jeff Abramowitz of the Planning staff that the Commission is concerned about various items with respect to Dr. Dains ' application . I will address each of the matters which I understand are of concern to the Commission. 1. LITIGATION BETWEEN DR . DAINS AND ADJOINING LANDOWNER, ROBERT J. KROGH , M.D. A Superior Court action was filed April 17, 1984 , by Dr. Krogh against Dr . Dains with respect to the parking lots which front the offices of Dr . Krogh and Dr. Dains, and which are adjoining one to the other . The parking lots have been used by the patients of both Dr . Dains and Dr. Krogh for some time . This action had its genesis in Dr. Dains' intention to erect a block wall along the property line between his property and Dr. Krogh's property. Dr. Krogh 's action was to enjoin the erection of the wall claiming that there were reciprocal rights in the parking lot of Dr . Dains through continued use for a substantial period of time prior to the action being filed . The erection of the wall would have eliminated the reciprocal use of the parking lots. It was agreed that Dr. Dains would not then proceed to erect the wall. It has not been put up. The parties have continued to use the parking lot as before , and the lawsuit, although not formally dismissed , has in fact been dropped by the parties since the purpose of the lawsuit, mainly the prohibition against the wall, was no longer a pending issue. There has been no action on the lawsuit since April, 1984, and the action is subject to dismissal because of the five-year statute of limitations. I I AV" A+t' cA^"t L.L. f Huntington Beach Planning Commission use Permit 89-28 Conditional Exception 89-20 Page Two August 7, 1989 2. ACCESS AGREEMENT . There is no formal access agreement or reciprocal parking agreement that has been entered into by Dr . Dains and by Dr . Krogh concerning the use of the parking lot by either of them or their patients . It is not contemplated that any such formal agreement will be entered into. 3. OWNERSHIP OF THE SIGN . There exists a sign on the property that was erected many years ago and paid for by the then owner of the Krogh property and by Dr . Dains. The on the line . Dr. Dains has no interest in retaining this sign , but, because of the somewhat tangled history of ownership and the location , no efforts have been made to remove the sign. 4. PERSONNEL NOW PRESENT IN DR. DAINS' OFFICE AND CONTEMPLATED IN THE FUTURE. Presently, there are two employees , and there will continue to be two employees after Dr. Dains retires since his daughter will be taking over his dental practice after his retirement. I trust that the above is of some help to the Commission in granting the variance in condition and exception requested by Dr. Dains. trul y urs, C. WILLIAM CARLSON, JR. CWC:aws cc: David L . Dains , D.D.S. Frederick P. Chemberlen , Attorney for Dr. Krogh Charles Steichen 00 0 DELORES M. DAINS, DDS, INC DAVID L DAINS, DDS, INC COSMETIC, FAMILY & IMPLANT DENTISTRY Andrew Gonzales Project Planner 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Mr Gonzales My name is Dr Delores Dains, I own the property at 17751 Beach Blvd next to 17781 where they have hung a banner from a sign that is on our joint property I am currently reproducing a survey I had done two years ago showing that this sign is on both properties equally. When the owners of the adjacent property placed this banner it was only supposed to be temporary for two months, which we did contact code enforcement about, as it should be removed at this time However, Jill in the planning department told me to contact you as she informed us that the owner of 17781 is applying for a permit to place a more permanent type of sign. As this sign is on both our properties equally and they have not contacted me in anyway about placing a new sign on our joint property, I am contacting an attorney about what we can do about this If you could help in this matter, I would greatly appreciate it, as quite frankly this sign is detracting from the appearance of the street and from by business as well Thank you for your attention in this matter, Delores M Dains, DDS 11'R 3// 0 . 1 7 7 5 1 B E A C H B L V D H U N T I N G T 0 N B E A C H C A 9 2 6 4 7 7 1 4- 8 4 7- 1 8 8 4 • DATE I o FUNDS RECEIVED FROM U IV 3 ADDRESS I S DIRECT BANK DEPOSIT TRANSACTION CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH City Treasurer - Shari L. Freidenrich P 0 BOX 711 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92648-0711 (714) 536-5200 'I4 1 t - FOR repared Reviewed B B IF OBJECT = 50000 6 90000 , FINANCE APPROVAL REQUIRED Apa e pr val/Date , Business U it" ", ' ,' Ob &t"' :°a,Subs_' E`:t:,'Sub-Led er: _ ' T" e'` Please do not write in the box below DD 33330 -,.,,..._, t„'_=,`, CITY TREASURER COPY 0 0 C ITY OF HUN TIN GT ON BEAC H INTE R OFFICE COMMUNICAT ION OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER To: Planning From : Kathy Baldwin, Account Tech Supervisor Date: December 2, 2010 Subject : RETURNED CHECK ITEMS 10* (97" Ls C3-Pt cf i ;;morning & Bun ding The attached check was returned by the bank for nonpayment. The City Treasurer's Office sends out two notices to the person who wrote the check . If the person fails to respond, we attempt to contact them by phone. When the person does make payment, the Treasurer's Office will notify you. Your part of this process is to: 1. Stop or cancel services or classes being provided as a result of the returned check. 2. Attempt to make contact with the person and/or notify me of any additional information you may have (all we have is what is on the check). 3. Do not accept payment on the returned item - refer them to the Treasurer's Office. 4. Do not accept check payments from this person for future services or classes. We need to make every attempt to reduce the number of returned check items. You can help by ensuring that you get the proper identification and by verifying the information on the check. When verifying the information on the check, please look for the following: 1. Ensure there is a complete street address, not dust a P.O. Box, verify the phone number, and add Driver's License number. 2. Do not accept checks on new accounts, which don't have printed information unless the service to be provided is over three weeks away. 3. Note the check's date. Post-dated checks are not acceptable and normally cannot be prosecuted. 4. Observe the writer's signature and make sure the signature matches their ID. 5. Make sure figure amount and written amount matches. 6. Place Cash Receipt Number, Building Permit Number or Business License Number on front of check. If you have any questions , please contact me at (714) 374-5305. Thank you for your support on this. RV 04 2010 i -I-,w 3`3 Sites Section 233 06. Neighborhood Notification required pursuant to Chapter 241. The following findings shall be made prior to approval of any sign code exception : (3334- 6/97, 3360-12/97, 3527-2/02, 3711-06/05) I The sign is compatible with the character of the area and is needed due to 10 special circumstances defined by the applicant and applicable to the property. (Y) (3334-6/97, 3360-12/97)n (fi 2 The sign will not adversely affect other signs in the area. (3334-6/97) 3 The sign will not be detrimental to properties located in the vicinity . (3334-6/97) LI-I 4 The sign will not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic visibility and will not be a hazardous distraction (3334-6/97) D. Limited Si n Permit- The owner of a sign which does not conform to the provisions of Section 233.06 may file an application for a limited sign permit to the Director for permission to change the face or copy of such sign. A limited sign permit cannot be processed for illegal signs or signs listed as prohibited in Section 233 10. The Director may approve the face change and extend a sign's use for a time period deemed appropriate, not to exceed two (2) years A sign permit shall be obtained prior to installation of the new sign panel/face. (3334-6/97,3360-12/97) A cash bond in an amount determined by the Director to reflect the cost of removal based on information provided by a sign company shall be required to guarantee the sign's removal upon expiration of the limited sign permit. Approval shall be subject to the following findings: (3334-6/97) 1 ' Due to unique circumstances, the sign's immediate removal will result in a substantial hardship for the applicant. (3334-6/97) 2 The sign will not adversely affect other lawfully erected signs in the area. (3334-6/97) 3. The sign will not be detrimental to properties located in the vicinity. (3334-6/97) 4. The sign will be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area. (3334-6/97) r 5 The sign will not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic visibility and will not be a hazardous distraction. (3334-6/97) E. Desi Review Board When authorized by the provisions of this code, the Design Review Board (DRB) shall review and render a recommendation to the appropriate decision maker (Zoning Administrator, Director, Plaaqning Commission , etc.) on the following items prior to application for a sign permit'to the Building Department: (3360-12/97, 3527-2/02) 1. Electronic Readerboard Signs. (3360-12/97, 3527-2/02) 2 Signs on properties within the following areas (3360-12/97.3527-2/02) a Redevelopment project areas; (3360-12/97, 3527-2/02) b. Areas subject to specific plans which do not include design guidelines for signs; (3360-12/97, 3527-2/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 233 Page 3 of 25