HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2005009 - Supporting DocumentsOctober 19, 2005
Ron Santos
Project Planner
Project # 2005-009
Dear Mr Santos
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After our phone conversations yesterday, I asked Gary Thiessen who has assisted me in our
attempts to get city approval for this project to provide photographs that demonstrate our use of
greenery, and decorative rock in and around the park Based on our conversations and the
understandable questions you raised I would offer the following questions and or statements to
help me understand how I can move forward to getting a permit and to convince the planning
department that park management wants it's residents to know they live in one of if not the best
looking park in Huntington Beach
• Each space resident is given the opportunity to decorate his/her area within park
guidelines As you can see coaches are positioned to offer personality and style
• Very often decorative rock is used because for elderly people it is often the easiest to
care for over lawn and shrubs
• The City and County has very often requested or suggested that businesses
landscape in a way that less water is used allowing more for individual residents
Rancho Huntington has tried to provide a scenic yet responsible path to the
conservation of our water resource The center of our park is the clubhouse and it
shows well with both use of trees, shrubs, and decorative rock
• The pictures enclosed will provide you with a view of 75% of our park's common area
in addition to approximately 50% of our homes
• The fact we are well under the density limits should be of some proof that our goal was
to provide a beautiful park rather than just throwing as many homes into a space that
the law allows
Questions -
• We believe we worked very hard to meet the city requirements but there are pieces to
the puzzle we just didn't understand Is it possible that we can ask how variance space
for landscaping resident spaces versus common areas should be calculated?
• As laws for our zone change are they published in certain publications? If so what
would those be?
Summary -
It is our sincere desire to move forward with our plan in a way that benefits our residents, our
park's investments, and to the satisfaction of our city planners If I can do anything additionally
to expedite this process to a positive conclusion feel free to contact Gary Thiessen or myself
Respectfully Submitted
Gerry Grotenhuis
(--t4) -1LS-c11 3
1800 Thud Street, Room, 260, P 0 Box 1407
Sacramento , CA 95812-1407
From TDD Phones 1 (800) 735-2929
(916) 445-9471 FAX (916) 327-4712
www hcd.ca.gov
August 8, 2005
TO: Mobilehome Park Operators
Special Occupancy Park Operators
Mobilehome Park Local Enforcement Agencies
Mobilehome and Special Occupancy Parks Interested Parties
City and County Building Officials
Division Staff
This Information Bulletin announces changes to the California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Division
1, Chapter 2, Mobilehome Parks and Installations, and Chapter 2 2, Special Occupancy Parks that
became effective Jul 22 2005. In addition to incorporating specific amendments for the July 1,
2004 regulations recommended by the general public, local enforcement agencies and HCD staff,
significant additional amendments were made to clarify and implement recent statutory changes
relating to the creation, alteration, movement, or shifting of lot lines in parks
Legislation enacted in 2003, Chapter 815, Statutes of 2003 (Senate Bill 54 - Dunn), included
amendments to Health and Safety Code sections 18610 5 of the Mobilehome Parks Act and
18872.1 of :(-1e Sracial Occupancy Parks Act which became operative July 1, 2005, regarding
requirements for creating and changing lot lines within parks The new law removes the requirement
to obtain written authorization from the local planning agency for lot line changes within parks
Additionally, the amendments require a new approval process for the creation, alteration, movement,
or shifting of lot lines within a park, to include application for permit from the enforcement agency
along with specific supporting documentation and fees
For reference purposes, attached to this Information Bulletin are portions of the new regulations
applicable to lot line changes in mobilehome and special occupancy parks The complete text of the
regulations, including the new regulations, may be obtained from HCD's website at
www hcd ca ov/codes/m and shortly from the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) website at
htt //ccr oal ca ov/ Please note that this Information Bulletin does not represent a complete digest
of all the amendments resulting from these new&egulations
Information Bulletin 2005-10 (MP, SOP)
Page 2
The following information summarizes most additions and amendments made to the regulations.
Re uirements for Lot Line Creation and Chan e
> Statutory amendments require an applicant proposing to create or change a lot line in a park to
obtain a permit from the enforcement agency ' The new regulations define the requirements,
specify the written authorizations, specific procedures and documents required to obtain the
permit, and detail the notification requirements Additionally, a permit fee, authorized by the new
law, is incorporated and is consistent with other fee-related services contained in the regulations
> New definitions are added in the regulations for "Lot Line Creation" and "Lot Line Change" in
sections 1002 (I) and 2002 (I) and read as follows
Lot Line Creation "The initial establishment of a lot line for a new lot " The provisions for creating
a new lot or new park are already specified in the regulations in section 1020 6 for mobilehome
parks and in section 2020 6 for special occupancy parks The requirements for permanently
marking those lots are specified in sections 1104 and 2104 respectively
Lot Line Chan e "The alteration, movement, or shifting of a lot line for an existing lot " The new
procedures for lot line changes are the focus of this Information Bulletin
Additional Re ulato Amendments to the Mobilehome and S ecial Occu anc Parks Acts
> Additional definitions include clarification of permit requirements for grading, installation of
factory-built housing in mobilehome parks, park electrical system requirements, and water
distribution system pressure and testing requirements
> Clarifying requirements include roadway widths for parks constructed prior to September 15,
1961, the location of LPG tanks, the applicability of installation requirements for commercial
modulars within parks, the distinction between unit separations versus setbacks, the enclosing of
required exits on MH-units, and stairway requirements
> Other amendments include energy requirements for cabanas, firewall locations for garages and
storage buildings, the weight of awnings or carports attached to MH-units, allowance of wood
awning or carport posts up to the lot line, and the width of stairways located a: the carport side
Questions or comments regarding these new mobilehome and special occupancy park requirements
should be directed to the Department's Mobilehome and Special Occupancy Parks Program at (916)
445-9471 or by email at bharward hcd ca ov
Kim Sfra ggee -
Deputy Director
Division of Codes and Standards
California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Division 1, Chapter 2 - Mobilehome Parks and Installations.
§ 1105. Lot Line Changes.
(a) Compliance with this section shall be required for any lot line change within a park Compliance with subsections (b), (c)
and (e) of this section shall not be required for any lot line creation, however, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
a lot line creation shall comply with the requirements of section 1020 6
(b) The park owner or operator shall submit to the enforcement agency an application for a permit to construct, on a form
designated by that agency, for a lot line change, along with all of the following
(1) three (3) copies of a detailed plot plan with an identified date of preparation and measurements, indicating both the
existing and proposed locations of the lot lines, which shall include all of the following
(A) the locations of and distances between any units, accessory buildings or structures, or other built improvements on
the affected lots (such as patios or parking areas), within ten (10) feet of the current and proposed lot lines,
(B) the distances from all existing and proposed lot lines of the lots on which those units, buildings or structures, or other
improvements are located,
(C) the number of lots affected,
(D) the addresses or other identifying characteristics of those affected lots,
(E) proof of delivery of copies of the plot plan to all the registered owners of the units on the affected lots by registered or
certified mail, sent by at least first class mail, and
(F) the type(s) of marking(s) used to designate the existing and proposed lot line locations
(2) the names and residence addresses of the registered owners of the units on the lots affected by the lot line change and
the addresses or other identification of their units' lots if different than the residence address,
(3) a copy of the original written authorization, signed and dated by each of the registered owners of the units on the lots
affected by the lot line change, that includes the following statement
I, [name of registered owner(s)], have received a copy of the plot plan dated [date of plot plan] proposing to change a
lot line affecting the lot where my unit is located and I/we approve of the proposed change in the location of the lot
line(s) as detailed on the plot plan
(4) a written statement signed and dated by the park operator or the operator's agent that the lot line change is substantially
consistent in all material factors with both of the following
(A) all health and safety conditions imposed by the local government as a condition of the initial construction of that
space or the park, and
,l;(B) prior applicable local land use requirements for the park, and
(5) the applicable permit fee as specified in section 1020 7 of this chapter
(c) When the department is the enforcement agency and the number of lots in the park is increased or decreased by the
change in lot lines pursuant to this section, the applicant shall deliver a written notice to the local planning agency, by personal
delivery or by registered or certified mail, of the proposed change in the number of lots prior to or concurrent with its submission
of the application to the department and provide a statement attesting to that delivery and the proof of delivery by either a
stamped receipt or the proof of service by registered or certified mail The notice shall include one copy of all the information
required by paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (b) and the office address of the department's area office performing the
(d) The enforcement agency shall perform an on-site inspection prior to approval of a lot line change or creation, in order to
ensure consistency with this chapter and the application Any existing lot line markings shall remain in place until after approval
by the enforcement agency for the lot line change At the time of inspection the applicant, or his or her designee, shall
permanently mark the new lot line or lot lines pursuant to section 1104 of this chapter and eradicate any preexisting lot line
markings No approval shall be given for lot line changes without identification to the satisfaction of the enforcement agency of
the existing lot line locations
(e) Following approval of the lot line change by the enforcement agency, the enforcing official shall sign and date the
submitted plot plan signifying its approval Copies of that approved plot plan shall then be given by the applicant to the
registered owners of the units on all the affected lots
(f) No lot line shall be created, moved, shifted, or altered if the lot line creation or change will place a unit or accessory
building or structure in violation of any provision of this chapter or any other applicable provision of law
NOTE Author cited Sections 18300 18610 and 18612 Health and Safe Code Reference Sections 18501 18610 18610 5 and
18612 Health and Safe Code
California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Division 1, Chapter 2.2 - Special Occupancy Parks
§ 2105. Lot Line Changes.
(a) Compliance with this section shall be required for any lot line change within a park Compliance with subsections (b), (c)
and (e) of this section shall not be required for any lot line creation, however, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
a lot line creation shall comply with the requirements of section 2020 6
(b) The park owner or operator shall submit to the enforcement agency an application for a permit to construct, on a form
designated by that agency, for a lot line change, along with all of the following
(1) three (3) copies of a detailed plot plan with an identified date of preparation and measurements, indicating both the
existing and proposed locations of the lot lines, which shall include all of the following
(A) the locations of and distances between any units, accessory buildings or structures, or other built improvements on the
affected lots (such as patios or parking areas), within ten (10) feet of the current and proposed lot lines,
(B) the distances from all existing and proposed lot lines of the lots on which those units, buildings or structures, or other
improvements are located,
(C) the number of lots affected,
(D) the addresses or other identifying characteristics of those affected lots,
(E) proof of delivery of copies of the plot plan to all persons with registration or rental agreements with the park having units
on the affected lots by registered or certified mail, sent by at least first class mail, and
(F) the type(s) of marking(s) used to designate the existing and proposed lot line locations
(2) the names and residence addresses of the persons with registration or rental agreements with the park having units on
the lots affected by the lot line change and the addresses or other identification of their units' lots if different than the residence
(3) a copy of the original written authorization, signed and dated by each of the persons with registration or rental agreements
with the park having units on the lots affected by the lot line change, that includes the following statement
I, [name of persons with registration or rental agreements with the park], have received a copy of the plot plan dated
[date of plot plan] proposing to change a lot line affecting the lot where my unit is located and I/we approve of the
proposed change in the location of the lot line(s) as detailed on the plot plan
(4) a written statement signed and dated by the park operator or the operator's agent that the lot line change is substantially
consistent in all material factors with both of the following
(A) all health and safety conditions imposed by the local government as a condition of the initial construction of that space or
the park, and
(B) prior applicable local land use requirements for the park, and
(5) the applicable permit fee as specified in section 2020 7 of this chapter
(c) When the department is the enforcement agency and the number of lots in the park is increased or decreased by the
change in lot lines pursuant to this section, the applicant shall deliver a written notice to the local planning agency, by personal
delivery or by registered or certified mail, of the proposed change in the number of lots prior to or concurrent with its submission
of the application to the department and provide a statement attesting to that delivery and the proof of delivery by either a
stamped receipt or the proof of service by registered or certified mail The notice shall include one copy of all the information
required by paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (b) and the office address of the department's area office performing the
(d) The enforcement agency shaii perform an on-site inspection prior to approval of a lot line change or creation, in order to
ensure consistency with this chapter and the application Any existing lot line markings shall remain in place until after approval
by the enforcement agency for the lot line change At the time of inspection the applicant, or his or her designee, shall
permanently mark the new lot line or lot lines pursuant to section 2104 of this chapter and eradicate any preexisting lot line
markings No approval shall be given for lot line changes without identification to the satisfaction of the enforcement agency of
the existing lot line locations
(e) Following approval of the lot line change by the enforcement agency, the enforcing official shall sign and date the
submitted plot plan signifying ts approval Copies of that approved plot plan shall then be given by the applicant to the persons
with registration or rental agreements with the park having units on all the affected lots
(f) No lot line shall be created, moved, shifted, or altered if the lot line creation or change will place a unit or accessory
building or structure in violation of any provision of this chapter or any other applicable provision of law
NOTE Authority cited Sections 18865, 18872 1, and 18872 2 Health and Safety Code Reference Sections 18872, 18872 1, and
18872 2, Health and Safety Code
Santos, Ron
From: Fauland, Herb
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4 07 PM
To: Santos, Ron
Subject: FW Director Approval - Administrative Permit No 05-09
-----Original Message-----
From: Culbreth-Graft, Penelope
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1 21 PM
To: Fauland, Herb
Subject : RE Director Approval - Administrative Permit No 05-09
Please proceed on your timing
-----Original Message-----
From: Fauland, Herb
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10 52 AM
To: Culbreth-Graft, Penelope, Emery, Paul
Cc: Zelefsky, Howard, Hess, Scott, Santos, Ron
Subject: Director Approval - Administrative Permit No 05-09
In compliance with your request, the Planning Department is notifying you that the following application is ready for
action by the Planning Department/Planning Director pursuant to 210 14 of the HBZSO Please let me know when the
Planning Department can take action on the application
PROPERTY OWNER: Gerry Grotenhuis
19361 Brookhurst Street, #95
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
REQUEST: To permit the addition of one mobile home space to an existing
mobile home park
LOCATION: 19361 Brookhurst Street (west side of Brookhurst St , north of
Yorktown Ave )
PROJECT PLANNER: Ron Santos - Associate Planner
Attachment #1
8911 Fdsom Btvdt - 3737 Mace Street, Ste 400
Sacrartento, CA 95826 Rivesrle, CA 92501
(916)255-2501 - W 7824420
This form is for use by applicants for a Department of Housing-and Community Development Permit to
Construct a mobilehome park , recreational vehicle park or additionslrmprovements as noted below.
The applicant listed below is applying to the Department-of Housingr,&-Community Development (HCD)
to construct a project which is located within HCD
is the enforcement and permit issuing agency for construction within -mobilehome/recreational vehicle
parks at this location. Prior to. issuing any construction permits HCD must be assured that the project
has received all required govertlmerit approvals . Acoordingly,, HCD,has instructed,,the applicant to
obtain signatures from the agencies.which are checked below. Comments and conditions of approval
may be attached. °
If your agency wishes to be contacted prior to final ,inspection- approval ` please indicate so on'
the line following your signature . For agencies requesting final review , this form will be re-
circulated prior to final inspection for signature confirming that the project is in compliance.
Project name: - )
Project street address:
Assessor's Parcel # S -2 a I - C)
Describe work to
be done:
A p p l i c a n t l o w n e r . V6-36-
Address: 19t L I
Phone number.
Archite i)r nhAl;
Phone number:
Contact person : (print)
I fiA .Ja-4 -,c .
iQ=C%'9) "i _ °1i1 I)
L Phone number 14 C7
Government agencies - NOTE: A permit application cannot be processed without the approval
signatures from the agency checked in the eft margin b xes. Rc
'PRDLTA-Vf Gp °f t d oft d( {-i oM Fs spa6 otiLY.
Planning:5 Sool-r P/ StJb
Signature (your signature here authorizes HCD to issue the permit) Title
N cmJTas 7 q)93 (p - 7t 02_-0(o
Prot name Phone # Date
1t`Tr`rttB' T1 a1 ce H SKPn,V u lac-c t F iv -t- /tY `t
Upon completion , does your agency want to review the projecUsite prior to HCD firmrog the permit(s)? CA V
Yes No If yes, this form will be recirculatedprior to the final for your signature below.
Final approval signature to
SUBJECT : Authorization Mr Thiessen
DATE- 10/10/2005
Please allow Gary Thiessen to act in my behalf regarding Permit Application 2005-009 I
authorize you, or anyone on your staff, to convey to Mr Thiessen any information regarding this
permit application I am confident that you will find it a pleasure working with Mr Thiessen, as he
has been instructed to offer you any assistance that you feel will make your job easier regarding this
I can also be reached at my Cell Phone (714) 342-0404 should you care to reach me
erry K Grotenhuzs
` NTE0 Danny Wade
District Representative I
Department of Housing and
Community Development
Division of Codes and Standards
3737 Main Street, Suite 400
Riverside, CA 92501
I s-
(909) 782-4420
(909) 376-8198 Voice Mail
(909) 320-6277 FAX