HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2006003 - Supporting Documents0 00 "a 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2000 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH,, CA 92648 FAx No : (714) 374-1540 PHONE No: (714 ) 536-5271 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL ; SHEET To: I-" P l FROM : FAX NUMBER : DATE: 1 Lv(c Q Co1L4'Q-12c'-3101$ COMPANY: TOTAL No. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: PHONE NUMBER: RE:W c i-i c f o - 2- URGENT FOR REVIEW PLEASE COMMENT PLEASE REPLY PLEASE PUBLISH NOTES COMMENTS: 4'i$ -Sl bid tro-rr vi-1 U Th6, YAP WAR PRlFAPta FOa ORANa6 COUNTYAGWS-EON NO MRAM ASTOITRACC(1A6C1'NOR ASS0YES AMY WBUIIY FOR 07MER USE&NOT TO BE REPR UCEIL ALL RIW4T6 RESDIESaOCOGYRIOM ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR POR S //2, SE //4, SE 1/4, SEC 6, T 6 S, R /O W 41 6, om io 1 60 0 ti PAY/97./6 h I- PAR / O 976 AC ,S0 AJ - ADAMS A eu' AVENUE w 151-46 Sao 153-17 /' /00 MARCH /966 PARCEL MAP PM /97-/6 NOTE- ASSESSOR'S BLOCK a ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 153PACE I7 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE Sent By, N 9498630164, Feb-28-06 10:40AM; Page 1 Kathy Kaahanui-Asueg,a 2702 Drake Avenue :Lo Costa Mesa , Califorrua-921 (714) 437 -1146 ramp (714) 417-1058 lax -(dv1 \f.J -&SS I h i - V j `,,/ cat J IMPORTANT NOTICE. PLEASE IMMEDIATELY DELI ER -THISTRANSMIS. 10N TO Ricki Ramo% FACSIMILE # (714 )31'4-,s JO City of H.B. City Planner's Office FROM Kathy Kaahanui -Asucgo DATE February 23, 2006 RE 19883 Brookhurst St., #A NUMBER OF PAGES3 (including cover page) COMMENTS: Pursuant to our conversation yesterday , following is a copy of my letter with my hours of operation and a copy of the executed general appliLalion my landlord faxed to me. Sent By: #9498630164; Feb-28-06 10.414M; Page 2/3 I-ehruary 13, 2006 I I Dear Sir. The city of Iluntington Beach requires Limited Notification of Adjacent property/business owners and tentmt' when an applicant propo'ed a re%t,nuant, outdoor dining, peisnnal enrichment services, non-amplified live entertainment, Cart,, and kiosk', large family day care of a sign code exception when certain criteria is met I his letter is to notify you that Kathy Kaalianui-Asuega is proposing to establish a dance Studio called Lokeluu's Rhythm of the Islands at 19883 ldrooklt.tust Stiect, #A, Huntington Bunch, California 92647 The proposed application will comply with development standards of the Huntington Reach 7c ing and Subdivision Ordinance Purwant to the C'ity',, Limited Notification 'standard, you are encuuragcd to review the, proposed plans for compatibility ititiue,,, such as, hour, Of operation, noise, location and design as appropriate. Plans foi available (b r ieview and comment at the Planning Department for ten business days from I•chruary 17, 2006 though March 2, 2006- I he address and phone number of the Planting Department is 2000'\ Main Street. Ilwd I loot, llunting toni3each . California 9264&. (7.14) 536-5271. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Planning Director at the end of the ten-day review period becomes final at the expiration of 10 day appeal period A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal to the Secretary of the Planning Comnussion within ten calendar days of the date of the Planning Department's action The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision heing.appealed, arui.the guiunda fur_tlu: appcuL. A filing lee shall also accompany the notice of appeal The appeal tee is $409 00 for a single-tanuly dwelling property owner appealing the decision on his/her own property, lheappeal fee-is $4,063,00 for all other- appeals The appeal period starts it the end of the 10-day review period. It you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (714 ) 437-1146 Sincei ely, Kathy Kaahanui-Asucga Hours of Operation Lokelani's Rhythm of the Islands Monday thru Friday 5-9pm 1035 Ll Caunino >nve L"-1O - 9!!t -Xe,- . Saturday gam fpm Costa Mesa, C.alifoinia 92626 (714) 437-446 cc City of IIuntington Beach Planning Department Sent By # V SI1RK COMPF1 Y ,.Fob is 21 07t 16p a HUNTINCTOW MACH 9498630164, 0 949 -720-8198 city of Huntington Desch Planning Department - 2000 Matn Street Huntington Beach , CA 92648 (714) 636-6271 h n tltm D Planning Commission Zoning Adminttstretorstaff Review Dcelgn RwAew Appitcant or thos1oed A c e (Cuatacr .;;;'"7 c D 8el)tiing Add City State adp- Tlsndt »ly Property 0.0-et -- C -# Umg Address cv, a City N _ state- -7 ri•--0 - 81`1 `t3 pmdildildreas, .QVRS "9i(tkts sddittonMM pegs it not tr\ C) o Street Addrese o Ncureat Malt intersection. o Asacastu •e Passel Number(s). Tro cti pauperty and have read and t rttt all eta eats racluding the authorize bind toe to all 'natters e+oncarMna this ap ott. 1 hereby-affhm attachments are true and correct . I understand that this applacahon conditions end that a conditions or mt d.Crcattans must be eetlsfi Property Owacr 51 t 3 t-'F- a Page 3/3 P_ 2- FOR OWICL% L USE ONLY •Present Zeeo PM (ZV tpnarsl Pion DmISnAtIon ztoto no'fiZ SITE I CABLE S V iaato- 4703 t#nvtmnme cal Review Flood Zone Esrthgwke Pat4*Zone- 3421C oti Dtmtsict seFtsmant teq. Metsapc District W_ ttedavelvpment Area Cudatsl va Yva_ Nc _ Nalaa/Qd6L _ Cainaotieolia ;luedan Seismic Hay-td lone /lp teat._Par. App- 9ceaaCorrttloc atlitary Duffct ZoneEaept Sce Owneiship Ve*tt wetion Pt.r....ant to.,,,- PAppitrsat_eityttttotlZatfon runs - - Rrr ,nkay. " Photo rsphs/Slides Elatestainat Eaclaii :.HOA approval _ompuner Lop n Iles of, Data Received O '- Receipt M G Received by Peolert Planner Digribsted by Cenaureent Cows - Platte Data Stamped Feeviona Caeca 15a-7t-c'' Date atociv Feb-28 -06 10 41AM; Feb 22 20064 -15 P.01 I ANrr' A $,4t Areal Lot: anti the property owner of the eubject Ing quuettaenta on the reverse side of this applae ation -1-hemhK-4Y to act as my reprsasnlative and to under penalty of rlury that the foregoing statements, facts and tillement or var(aflee may be denied , modified or appreysta-wain b chain Agent Date Medel, Rosema From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Fauland, Herb Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1 20 PM Salcedo, Catherine Medel, Rosemary Notice of Action - Administrative Permit #06-03 Please forward to the distribution lists Thanks' SUBJECT ENTITLEMENT APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNERS: REQUEST: LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: RECOMMENDATION: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 06-03 (LOKEIANIS DANCE STUDIO) Kathy Kaahanui Asuega, 2702 Drake Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Mark Sork, 140 Newport Center Drive, CA # 260, CA 92660 To establish a 2,100 square foot dance studio within an existing commercial center 19883 Brookhurst Street, Unit A (Northwest corner of Brookhurst St and Adams Ave ) Rosemary Medel, Associate Planner Approval On March 14, 2006, the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach took action on the above mentioned application and APPROVED the request Please note the action by the Planning Department/Planning Director is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten calendar days from the date of the action An appeal of the action shall be filed with the Department of Planning along with paying the appeal fee of $485 The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above mentioned application is Friday, March 24, 2006 at 5 00 p m If there any questions about this action or the application please contact Rosemary Medel at 714-374-1684 1