HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2008016 - Project DescriptionDate: August 07, 2008
This letter is to notify you that Aspen T. Aikido is proposing to open a Martial Arts
Academy at 19040 Brookhurst Street, Huntington Beach, CA.Pursuant to section 241.24
of the Huntington Beach Zoning and subdivision Ordinance, the Neighborhood
Notification processes required. You may review the proposed plans at the planning
department,2000Main Street, Huntington Beach,Ca,from 08.07.08 to 08.17.08
,or contact the planning Department at (714)536-5271.All comments must be submitted
to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date for review of the proposal.
Under the provision of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the
action taken by the Director of Planning becomes final, unless appealed.
A person desiring to appeal shall file a written notice of appeal with the Planning
Department within ten calendars days of the date of the Department's Planning action.
The notice of appeal shall include the name and the address of the appellant, the decision
being appealed, and the basis for the appeal. A filling fee shall also accompany the notice
of appeal. The appeal fee is $409.00 for a single- family dwelling property owner
appealing the decision on his/her own property. The appeal fee is $1,063.00 for all other
appeals. The appeal period starts at the end of the 10-day review period.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 714-847-7711
Sincerely, Jan Pop
Cc: City of Huntington Beach Planning Department
City of Huntington Beach
AUG 0 6 2008
Date: Aug. 06, 2008
Summary for the proposed business
• Business address: 19040 Brookhurst St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648
• Business Square footage: approx 1200 square feet
• Proposed Business: Martial Arts Academy in the city of Huntington Beach.
• The classes will be thought on the Art of Aikido
• Hours of operation Monday trough Friday from 8am to 10pm
• There will be no employee(s)
Huntington Beach City Ordinance and Requirements, is mandating that this application is
initiated to obtain Certificate of Occupancy within the City if Huntington Beach.
Surrounding description adjacent to the above location is:
• South - shopping center
• North - shopping center
• East - residential homes
• West - construction in progress for what it looks to be a new shopping center.
The Business will be serving a variety of population: males, females, teens and children.
Sincerely,Gify of HuntingtonBeach
AUG 062008
Instructor: Jan Pop
Aspen T. Aikido