HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2008016 - District MapP(amune zoning DM 5 6 t Vail For a Dr. arfie d ve. RL RL Menimac Dr. RL Consbki6on Dr. RL Kamuela Dr RL RL RL o y o RL2 Forrestal Dr.03 RL RL RL H 6 y S Enj 1. _..j 3 RMH i Zoning Deaignatiun Parcels City Bomida.y CAUTION 111IEN USING TIIIS 11LS.P bf.sm.o . 9.a+n ba ao is a nayrd.r.m of this ba.t warn of camor ...sty.uJ . pondrd as . roaya. si. to for to.. 7br CS h'.1 Hookotloo loath doc. Cot en.a Iatdaramldtmea Or ncmary Biomark Dr. RL RL RL Ludine Dr. Cu Sark Or. RL Adams Ave. S."n. Or.RMP.i RL RL J RL RL Pa o Pa Cir RL Christmas Dr RL Yorktown ve. R Mondn DL Q Ad+Gc Right of Ways Plicate Rizht of Woca Notes: • Srr k,-J,ote fa-Jeant .io of •mezdrasaaiims • Any mw a4...- nrht f".-s utrndrd to ato io Its rmtmofn.ch -hi n+.m. Shan 6 La Dr. Maoreiania sa C6. SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 5-6-10 City of Huntington Beach Orange Counly, Culiffrnriu ADOPTED Atrgrst 15. 19CO Ctty C cinuil Oiduiance No -35 S 9 500 1000 Feet C a N.e .xaY.a7 +a.sihih h' to yatf all infrnoisi to thru ox. s.ti:fatioo PU,03h etl+..a1L Z.-AtIm DM Math '606