HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2011013 - Supporting DocumentsArabe, Jill From: De Coite, Kim Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 11:51 AM Cc: Arabe, Jill Subject: Notice of Action* Administrative Permit No. 11-013 (SPX Pilates Studio) Attachments: AP 11-013 (16033 BOLSA CHICA 101) - SPX Pilates Studio pdf Expires: Thursday, July 07, 2011 1200 AM SUBJECT ENTITLEMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 11-013 (SPX Pilates Studio) APPLICANT: Kathy Yao, 1590 Fitzgerald Road, Simi Valley, CA 93065 PROPERTY OWNER: Steven Suard, Asbury Properties, 421 33rd Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 REQUEST: To permit an approximately 1,800 sq. ft. pilates studio (personal enrichment use) in an existing commercial building. LOCATION: 16033 Bolsa Chica St. #101, 92649 (southwest corner of Bolsa Chica St. and Edinger Ave.) PROJECT PLANNER: Jill Arabe, Assistant Planner On June 7, 2011, the Planning & Building Department of the City of Huntington Beach took action on the above mentioned application and APPROVED the request with conditions. Please note the action by the Planning & Building Department/Planning & Building Director is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten calendar days from the date of the action An appeal of the action shall be filed with the Department of Planning & Building along with the appeal fee of $494. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above mentioned application is Friday, June 17, 2011 at 5:00 pm. If you have any questions about this action or the application please contact Jill Arabe, Assistant Planner, at 714-536- 5357 1 KGs \ 2-'' A APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH - DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY (3"t Floor -Must Apply In Person) Business License # Date ( 3 Address 6033 ^ C c. Q Business Name , v Telephone - -01 Z Business Type r ' C e a s 0 *jc0formation Business Owner Name-Ashur Pro ferfi c Name 'es. a r'' r VA C• Address _S'oy ,C ra n,erc Home Address _18t'I F`L[CS}on c _ C t' City =sC yeles £ A • ^e_Zt3-3s1-54`f3taty our+ ,n a (e Tel. 'I 335-'1s3 THIS USE WOULD Bi D:. r:RIBED Ag: Newly Constructs. ;t ilding or fZE%isting Building CHECK ALL THAT API - Change of Owner Change of Occupant Change of Use Additional Occupant Indicate former use, if any Does the building have electricity? Yes)Q No If No, are you requesting that the electricity be turned on? Yes No The building is sprinklered? Yes No(X Operations will product dusthvood shavings or similar material? Yes No X Operations will involve the repair or replacement of automobile parts Yes No If yes: Describe the components repaired or replaced. Does the operation involve the use of welding or open flame? Yes No Z The business is drinking, dining or assembly use that will result in an occupant load of more than 50 persons. Yes No W The following best describes my operation: Office Only I'Retail Sales Medical/Dental Restaurant/Take Out Food Warehouse Manufacturing /Distribution (describe process and end product)._7 o)t) `I Other (describe) cid Office Use Only: - Zoning. Sq Ft Occupied: I , DO - Occ Group: A Occ Load: 3'7 # Stories: Parking Spaces: TIF Review: YIN Amt Paid$:__ Building Permit # t G•S '- Entitlement #:_ Paid BEFORE Final Inspection ' Comnients:_ C4t+___ o 6 1 oCdt' qf- or A, Planner Initials: ldg/Plan pecker Initials: Cof0 # 22r } iL e° • 1 JNT IC1ON KADf Address,0 Business Name Business Type APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY (PRINT OR TYPE ONLY)DATE c O District YY irTl Tel 1 vl Occ. Group BUILDING OWNER BUSINESS OWNERIMANAGCR Name Name 5 (l Home Address n Address City e3i I' 3 CityUTI aa.,, THIS USE WOULD BE DESCRIBED AS: NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BLDG. CHANGE OF OWNER EXISTING BUILDING CH NG OF USE Indicate former use, I; any A -yc upancy Gr SQUARE FT. OF BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED ROD NOTICE: 1 1z -o 0 CJ Prtir `G'Q`n (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONING OCCUPANCY GROUP PLAN CHECK NO NO 7'.1RKING SPACES OCCUPANT LOAD PERMIT NO HEALTH DEPT APPROVAL NO. OF;VORIES ADMIN. ACTION.- UTILITIES LEASED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE APPROVED !Y CHANGE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY FEE $ C o `A{.h TOTAL $ ORIA MW MY 202RE .ORDEILSANDDOLLAR 714.042•140 • X CHANGE OF OCCUPANT LJ ADDITIONAL OCCUPANT 1. Occupancy or any building is prohibited and a business license will not be Issued until the building has been inspected and a certificate of occupancy Is issued. 2. No electrical service will be released for any existing building until the service has been inspected and certified safe. All applicants for occupancy in an existing building are required to schedule an electrical 'fuse up' Inspection In the Department of Community Development at the time this application is filed. 3. Change of occupancy or use inspection fee. Whenever It is necessary to make inspection of a building or premises in order to determine if a change may be made in the character of occupancy or use of the building or premises which would place the building in a different division of the same group of occupancy or in a different group of occupancy, a change of occupancy inspection fee of $ shall be paid to the city. 4. Huntington Beach Fire Code Section 10.208 requires that building numbers must be a-minimum of tour(4) inches in height with one half (h) inch stroke, and of a contrasting color from the background. These numbers must be posted on your building in a location that is visible from the street, 5. Huntington Be=h Fire Code Section 10.301 requires fire extinguisher selection and distribution per the National F)re Protection Association pamphlet 10 (see reverse side). I South Coast AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 (909) 396-2300 AIR QUALITY PERMIT CHECKLIST for nonresidential buildings only i Company Name:atYV Location of Property:1ADO City:_ Contact Person: l - 5Telephone Number: '7 1 Type of Industry/Business:_ Zip Code: Title: n Fax Numbers ILI- g V To apply for a nonresidential building permit, you must complete this checklist. If you have any questions about completing this checklist, please call (800) 388-2121. YES NO 1.Will the facility have a charbroiler? 2.Will any internal combustion engine with greater than 50 horsepower operate at the facility (excluding motor vehicles)? 3.Will operations at the facility involve mixing , blending, or processing of solvents, adhesi;yes, paints or coatings? 4.Will dust or smoke be generated at the facility?I] 5.Will refining of any liquids or solids be done at the facility?I] 6.Will any plating or coating of materials be done at the facility?I] 7.Will any combustion equipment rated greater than 2,000,000 BTU/hr be operated at the facility?I 8.Will any acids, solvents, or motor fuel be used or stored at the facility?I]'9.Will any organic liquids or gases be reacted or produced?I]Y A 10.Will any ovens be used to dry or cure products at the facility?I] 11.Will any CFC (Freon) recycling machines operate at the cility?I] Applicant :A-QL Signature: (Print name clearly) If you have marked "NO" in gll the boxes, an air quality permit is it needed at this time, and this checklist is your written release. If you marked "YES" in any of the boxes, you must contact the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). Please, read the requirements on the back of the checklist. (800) 388-2121 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION S C 4- Telephone number;91 -11 - 3i!3--a 87p CecI 3. Does the building in question have electricity? Yes No (a) If No, are you requesting that the electricity be Yes turned on? No 1. BUSINESS ADDRESS J 3 PiQ1 ca -#"to 2. Person to contact in case of emergency'JQ e k 4. The building is sprinklered? Yes No 5. Operations will produce dust / wood shavings or similar material ? 6. Operations will involve the or replacement of automobile parts? If Yes: (a) Describe the components repaired or replaced. Yes tX No Yes 14 No (b) Does the operation involve the use of an open flame? Yes No 7. The business is drinking, dining or assembly use that will result In an occupant load of more than 50 persons. Q Yes 'b No 8. The following best describes my operation; Office Only Retail Saes Warehouse Manufacturing ,/ Distribution (describe process and end product) Restaurant /Take Out Food Medical / Dental Other (describe) SUPPLEMENTAL "INFORMATION (Continued) Does the operatics involve any of the following materials? 0 Yes i No If Yes, indicate quantities: Material Quanta 1.Flammable liquids Class I-A Class I-B Class I-C 2.ombustible liquids Class II Class III-A 3.Combination flammable. liquids 4.Flammable gases 5.Liquefied flammable gases 6.Flammable fibers - loose 7.Flammable fibers - baled 8.Flammable solids 9.Unstable materials 10.Corrosive liquids 11.Oxidizing material - gases 12.Oxidizing material - liquids 13.Oxidizing material - solids 14.Organic peroxides 15.Nitromethane (unstable materials) 16.Ammonium nitrate 17.Ammonium containing by weight nitrate compound mixtures mete than 60% nitrate 18.Highly toxic material and poisonous gas 19.Smokeless powder 20.Slack sporting powder I hereby certify that the above information Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.a II-I5--. - Sin ure Date r P SEAGATE PLAZA Current Tenant Rooster .3 . ••.••. • .. • •. •••. . . ..•.... . . 11 Suite # Sq. ft. Tenant Type of Use 1011Q VacantFormer Curves Fitness1048}Huntington Mail ServiceMatl Services1051 QQSeagate TravelTravel Agent10770Shamruk SmokeSmoke Shopl099_Q VacantFormer Cellular Stores 101474Michael Dong, DDSDentist Office 16031255 Carl's Jr/Green Burrito Store #13ORestaurant1604112000affe GazelleRestaurantl6045210OHuntington Beach Hair Salon & SpaHair Salon & Spa16051 .200S1ow FishRestaurant160551425Surf City SoundSound Equip. Rentals16061 L1QOSeagate VeterinaryVeterinananl60631100BirkenstocksShoe Store 1607115000lassic CleanersCleanersl610l-A228ONelson ChiropracticChiropractorl6101-B420OSeagate LiquorConvenience Store161031270Sea of Siam RestaurantRestaurantl6105l290KumonTutor/ office 161071980VacantFormer Karate StudioTOTAL3000319 suites 0XABEACH Zp11.1 Mo .. _,/C°` May 17th, 2011 This letter is to notify you that The SWEAT HOUSE is proposing to relocate a pilatgeq.. :studio to 16033 suite #101 Bolsa Chica Street, Huntington Beach, CA..Ev'suant to. Section 241.24 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordiraoee the • neighborhood Notification process is required. You may review the proposed pIa aat• the Planning Department, 2000 Main Street , Huntington Beach , CA, frryri ; /18/2011. to 5/28/2011, or contact the Planning Department at (714) 536-5271. All comments M4161 be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date fo rrgiew of the proposal. : • • • • 000* 0 Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Director of Planning becomes final, unless appealed. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal with the Planning Department's action . The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision being appealed , and the basis for the appeal . A filing fee shall also accompany the notice of appeal . The appeal fee is $494 .00. The appeal period starts at the end of the 10-day review period. If you have any questions , please feel free to call me at (714 ) 840-0848. Sincerely, Kathy Yao CC: HB Planning Department