HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2005009 - Project DescriptionDains' Dental Office
Southwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Newman Street.
17751 Beach Boulevard
To add an additional 2400 sq. ft. of medical office use to the
existing 1200 sq. ft. building and to relocate and expand the
parking area onto the adjacent parcel to the west . The existing
parking layout will accommodate nine cars, the proposed parking
facility will provide approximately 24 spaces
GENERAL PLAN: The property is zoned Commercial General and designated
Commercial General (Subarea 6G) in the General Plan.
SITE HISTORY: This site is currently occupied by a medical office building and
surface parking lot, the adjacent site is vacant.
SITE AREA: Parcel 1 (67' x 95') =6,365 sq. ft.
Parcel 2 50' x 195' =9 450 s . ft.
Total 16,115 sq. ft.
.36 net acres
TOTAL BUILDING AREA: Ex.: 1,200 sq. ft.
Pro .: 2 400 s . ft
Total: 3,600 sq. ft.
DENSITY: F.A.R. =.22
PARKING: Open parking spaces proposed: 24
COVERAGE :' 2,400 sq. ft. (15%)
LANDSCAPING: 3,075 sq. ft. = 19%
HEIGHT: 30 ft. (2 stories)
Dains' Dental Office
EXCEPTIONS : No exceptions are proposed at this time.
SURROUNDING USES: The property is located within the 6G Subarea of
Beach Blvd. The surrounding uses are:
North- General Commercial (Retail)
East- Medical Office and Hospital
West- Medium Residential (Apartments)
South- General Commercial
There are no significant environmental impacts
associated with this project. The project site is not
within a known hazardous waste and substance site.
The proposed project will be compatible with existing
development in the surrounding area. The project is similar
in size, height and setback as adjacent developments.
DESIGN REVIEW: The Design Review Checklist for commercial
will be completed if requested.