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Initial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2005009 - Supporting Documents
• •Dains' Dental Office NARRATIVE Revised October 24, 2005 LOCATION: Southwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Newman Street. 17751 Beach Boulevard REQUEST:To add an additional 2000 sq. ft. (2 story building) of medical office use to the existing 1150 sq. ft. building and to relocate and expand the parking area onto the adjacent parcel to the west. The existing parking layout will accommodate nine cars, the proposed parking facility will provide approximately 18 spaces ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN: The property is zoned Commercial General and designated Commercial General (Subarea 6G) in the General Plan. SITE HISTORY: This site is currently occupied by a medical office building and surface parking lot, the adjacent site is vacant. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SITE AREA : Parcel 1 (Appx. 68' x 94 .5' minus corner cutoff) =6,226 sq. ft. Parcel 2 50' x 189' =9 450 s . ft. Total 15,676 sq. ft. .36 net acres TOTAL BUILDING AREA: Ex.: 1,150 sq. ft. Pro .: 2000s . ft Total: 3,150 sq. ft. DENSITY: F.A.R. =.20 PARKING : Open parking spaces proposed: 18 SITE COVERAGE: 2,350 sq. ft. (1F/o) LANDSCAPING : 3,300 sq. ft. = 21% BUILDING HEIGHT: 30 ft. (2 stories) of Huntington Beach OCT 312005 •• Dains ' Dental Office EXCEPTIONS : Request for a Waiver of the perimeter landscape requirement. SURROUNDING USES: The property is located within the 6G Subarea of Beach Blvd. The surrounding uses are: North- General Commercial (Retail) East- Medical Office and Hospital West- Medium Residential (Apartments) South- General Commercial ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: LAND USE COMPATIBILITY: There are no significant environmental impacts associated with this project. The project site is not within a known hazardous waste and substance site. The proposed project will be compatible with existing development in the surrounding area. The project is similar in size , height and setback as adjacent developments. DESIGN REVIEW: The Design Review Checklist for commercial will be completed if requested. o,lAuonglon OCT312005 Dains Dental Office NARRATIVE Revised December 16, 2005 LOCATION: Southwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Newman Street. 17751 Beach Boulevard REQUEST:To add an additional 1474 sq. ft. of medical office use to the existing 1150 sq. ft. building and 750 sq. ft. of non-medical office on the second story; in addition relocate and expand the parking area onto the adjacent parcel to the west; to include an 8 space carport and 10 open parking spaces The existing parking layout accommodates only nine cars; the proposed parking facility will provide a total of 18 spaces ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN : The property is zoned Commercial General and designated Commercial General (Subarea 6G) in the General Plan. SITE HISTORY : This site is currently occupied by a medical office building and surface parking lot, the adjacent site is vacant. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SITE AREA: Parcel 1 (Appx. 68' x 94.5' minus corner cutoff) =6,226 sq. ft. Parcel 2 50' x 189' =9 450 s . ft. Total 15,676 sq. ft. .36 net acres TOTAL BUILDING AREA: Ex.: 1,150 sq. ft. Pro .: 2 224 s . ft + 1520 sq. ft. carport Total: 3,374 sq. ft. DENSITY: F.A.R. =.22 PARKING : Open parking spaces proposed: 10 Covered arkin s aces ro osed: 8 Total 18 SITE COVERAGE : 4,144 sq. ft. (26%) LANDSCAPING: 3,458 sq. ft. = 22% BUILDING HEIGHT : 30 ft. (2 stories) Dains Dental Office EXCEPTIONS: Request for a Waiver of the perimeter landscape requirement. SURROUNDING USES : The property is located within the 6G Subarea of Beach Blvd. The surrounding uses are: North- General Commercial (Retail) East- Medical Office and Hospital West- Medium Residential (Apartments) South- General Commercial ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: LAND USE COMPATIBILITY: There are no significant environmental impacts associated with this project. The project site is not within a known hazardous waste and substance site. The proposed project will be compatible with existing development in the surrounding area. The project is similar in size, height and setback as adjacent developments. DESIGN REVIEW: The Design Review Checklist for commercial will be completed if requested. 0 s City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 January 11, 2006 Application : INIITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW NO. 05-09 (DAINS MEDICAL OFFICE) Applicant: Michael C. Adams P.O. Box 382 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Property Owner: Delores M. Dains 17751 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Request: Review of conceptual plans for construction of 2,224 sq. ft. of office and medical office space, on the site of an existing 1,150 s.f. medical office building, and construction of a parking lot on an adjacent unde- veloped lot. Project Location:17751 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach Dear Mr. Adams: The Planning Department has reviewed your letter and revised conceptual plans dated December 16, 2005. The revised plans provide for construction of a carport , as an al- ternative to open parking spaces and a landscaped planter. This alternative design complies with code and therefore may be pursued in conjunction with the required con- ditional use permit and design review applications. Please call me at (714) 536-5561 if you have any additional questions regarding the in- formation in this letter or would like more information on the entitlement application process or submittal requirements. S*ly, RON SANTOS Associate Planner c: Delores M Dains Herb Fauland - Principal Planner •0 City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALI FORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 November 14 2005 Application: INIITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW NO. 05-09 (DAINS MEDICAL OFFICE) Applicant: Michael C. Adams P.O. Box 382 Huntington Beach , CA 92648 -Property Owner: Delores M. Dains 17751 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Request: Review of conceptual plans for construction of 2,000 sq. ft. medical office building on the site of an existing 1,150 s.f. medical building and construction of a parking lot on an adjacent undeveloped lot. Project Location: 17751 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach Dear Mr. Adams: The Planning Department has reviewed your letter, provided in response to our Initial Plan Zoning Review No. 05-09 comment letter dated September 21, 2005. In your let- ter you request that staff consider a Waiver of Development Standards, pursuant to HBZSO Section 241.22, to address code related deficiencies with the redesigned pro- ject. Based on the conceptual project plans received and dated October 31, 2005, and the provisions of HBZSO Section 241.22(A) and (D), a Waiver of Development Standards is not an available remedy. Please note that 241.22(A) and 241.22(D) respectively limit the application of a Waiver of Development Standards to deviations from Code not ex- ceeding 10 percent, and to projects not otherwise subject to discretionary review (e.g., conditional use permit). The submitted plans propose deviations from code which in- clude no landscape planter along the west property line, in lieu of the required five-foot wide planter, and a five-foot wide landscaped setback along the front (north) property line, in lieu of the required 10-foot wide landscaped setback. This design represents deviations exceeding 10 percent. In addition, as noted in our September 21, 2005 let- ter, the project is subject to conditional use permit approval; therefore a waiver of de- velopment standards can not also be applied for. IPZR NO. 05-09 17751 Beach Blvo November 14, 2005 Page 2 of 2• Please call me at (714) 536-5561 if you have any additional questions regarding the in- formation in this letter or would like more information on the entitlement application process or submittal requirements. Since ly, R SANTOS Associate Planner c: Delores M Dains Herb Fauland - Principal Planner (".it of 14 nn4andtnn R c.art}o 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 September 21, 2005 Application: INIITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW NO. 05-09 (DAINS MEDICAL OFFICE) Applicant: Michael C. Adams P.O. Box 382 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Property Owner: Delores M. Dains 17751 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Request: Review of conceptual plans for construction of 2,400 sq. ft. medical office build- ing on the site of an existing 1,200 s.f. medical building and construction of a parking lot on an adjacent undeveloped lot. Project Location: 17751 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach Dear Mr. Adams: We appreciate the opportunity to review your conceptual plans submitted September 9, 2005 for the medical office building project. The comments provided in this letter reflect Planning Depart- ment review only and should be considered preliminary, subject to change upon receipt of any new information and/or submittal of an entitlement application. Zoning/General Plan 13 The project site is located within the CG (Commercial General) zoning district. The General Plan designation for the subject property is CG-F1 (Commercial General - 0.35 max. FAR). Required Entitlements/ Application Submittal Requirements Based upon the proposed addition, the following submittals are applicable: o A conditional use permit (CUP) application and a hearing before the City of Huntington Beach Zoning Administrator; the current application fee is $3,502. c Design review by the Design Review Board; the current application fee is $879. 13 A lot line adjustment for purposes of merging the two adjoining lots which comprise the project site; the current application processing fee is $2,297 A variance application in order to address code deficiencies identified below. The Zoning Ad- ministrator shall act on variance requests not exceeding 20-percent deviation; the current ap- plication fee is $2,402. Variance requests exceeding 20-percent deviation are subject to Plan- ning Commission approval; the current application fee is $3,392. IPZR NO 05-09 17751 Beach Blvd September 21, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Code Requirements/ Plan Corrections: Based on the preliminary review of conceptual plans for conformance with zoning requirements, the following issues have been identified. Please note that a formal review of your plans for zon- ing compliance will be conducted during entitlement processing. 1. A five-foot wide landscape planter and six inch curb is required along the perimeter of the parking lot, adjacent to the westerly and easterly property lines. A three-foot wide landscape planter and six inch curb is required along the southerly property line. Based on the 50-ft. width of the parking area, insufficient space is available to accommodate the required plant- ers, a 26-foot wide drive aisle and a row of 19-foot deep, 90-degree parking stalls. Angled- parking with a reduced drive aisle width would also be infeasible due to the dead-end drive aisle configuration. (HBZSO Sec. 232..08(C)(2), (7)) 2. A 9-ft. by 19-ft. vehicle turn-around space is required at the southern end of the parking lot, based on the dead-end drive aisle configuration proposed. (HBZSO Sec. 231.18(B). 3. A minimum of one van-accessible handicapped parking space is required. 4. A one-foot wide concrete step-off pad and six-inch curb is required at the end of each row of parking. (HBZSO Sec. 232..08(C)(5)) 5. An on-site masonry trash enclosure is required. (HBZSO Sec. 230.78) 6. The lot configuration, as depicted on the site plan, is inconsistent with the parcels as depicted by the tax assessor's parcel map. The lot size and floor area ratio figures would, also need to be adjusted to reflect the correct lot configuration. 7. A dedication for street widening along the Newman Avenue street frontage and at the north- east corner of the site may be required. Please contract the Department,of Public Works at (714) 536-5431 in order to determine the need for and width of any required dedications. Thank you for submitting your Initial Plan Zoning Review application. Please call me at (714) 536- 5561 if you have any questions regarding the information in this letter or would like more informa- tion on the entitlement application process or submittal requirements. Sincer I , ON SANTOS Associate Planner c. Delores M. Darns Herb Fauland - Principal Planner • • MICHAEL C. ADAMS ASSOCIATES August 30, 2005 Planning Department City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Subject: Initial Plan and Zoning Review (IPZR) 17751 Beach Boulevard Letter of Authorization To whom it may concern: I am the legal property owner of the above described address. I hereby authorize Michael C. Adams Associates to process an IPZR and future entitlements with the City of Huntington Beach. The initial request is to obtain zoning and processing information for a remodeled medical office building located on the west side of Beach Boulevard south of Newman Street. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Michael C. Adams Associates at (714) 374-5678. Thank you, Ptoperty Owner/Pr perty Manager (signature) M=J 5 Property Owner/Property Manager (print full name) P O BOX 382 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 PHONE 714 374 5678 FAX 714 374 2211 It •0 MICHAEL C. ADAMS ASSOCIATES December 16, 2005 Ron Santos, Associate Planner Planning Department City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Re: IPZR No. 05-09 (Dain's Medical Office) Dear Ron: As a follow-up to your letter dated November 14, 2005 we are open to any number of design options and would like to meet and explore alternatives. We are proposing a better project design by closing off the existing curb cut from Beach Boulevard and creating an excessive amount of landscaping along the frontage of the project. We are currently proposing greater than 20% landscaping compared to the code required 8%. Providing staff is open to some minor adjustments, to the technical language of the landscape sections of the code, major improvements can go forward on this very visible corner of the City. Mik s P.O BOX 382 HUNTINGOTN BEACH, CA 92648 PHONE 714 374 5678 FAX 714 374 2211 17751 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA SUBJECT CODE SECTION REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED Uses 211.04 Commercial, Office 1,200 sq. ft. Dental Office 3,600 sq. ft. Medical Office Min. Bldg Site (Area)211.06 10,000 sq. ft. min 6,365 sq. ft 16,115 sq. ft. Min. Bld Site idth 211.06 100' min 95'95' Min. Setback Front 211.06 25' Beach Blvd 25'25' Min. Setback (Street Side 211.06 10'10'10' Min. Setback Side 211.06 0'45'0' Min. Setback Rear 211.06 0'5'50' Max. Height 211.06 50' (2 stories)15'20' Max. F.A.R.Gen Plan @ .35 5,640 s . ft.19%22% Landscaping 232.16 8% of site w/ 10' @ street (1,289 sq. ft.)200 sq. ft. (3%)3,075 sq. ft. 19% Parkin Off Street Re .231.04 1 s / 175 s . ft. 21 k. s .9 k.s .24 k.s 0 17751 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA SUBJECT CODE Uses SECTION 211.04 Min. Bid Site Area 211.06 Min. Bid Site idth 211.06 Min. Setback Front 211.06 Min. Setback (Street 211.06 Side Min. Setback Side 211.06 Min. Setback Rear 211.06 Max. Hei ht 211.06 Max. F.A.R. Gen Plan Landsca in 232.16 Parking Off Street Req. 231.04 REQUIRED Commercial, Office 10,000 s . ft. min 100' min 25' Beach Blvd 10' 0' 0' 50' 2 stories .35 5,640 s . ft. 8% of site w/ 10' street 1,289 s . ft. 2,624 sq. ft. @ 1 sp / 175 sq. ft. (15 pk. sp.) 750 sq. ft. @ 1sp / 250 sq. ft. (3 pk. sp.) Total 18 k. s . EXISTING 1,150 sq. ft. Dental Office 6,226 s . ft 94.5' 30' 10' 45' 5' 15' .18 1,150 s . ft. 200s ft. 3% 9 pk.sp. PROPOSED 2,624 sq. ft. (Med. Office) 750 s . ft. Office 15,676 s . ft. 94.5' 25' 10' 0' 30' 30' 2 stories .22 3,374 s . ft. 3,458 s . ft. 22% 18 pk.sp _ 12/16/2005 17751 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA SUBJECT CODE Uses SECTION 211.04 Min. Bld Site Area 211.06 Min. Bld Site idth 211.06 Min. Setback Front 211.06 Min. Setback (Street 211.06 Side Min. Setback Side 211.06 Min. Setback Rear 211.06 Max. Hei ht 211.06 Max. F.A.R. Gen Plan Landscaping 232.16 Parkin Off Street Re . 231.04 REQUIRED Commercial, Office 10,000 s . ft. min 100' min 25' Beach Blvd 10' 0' 0' 50' 2 stories .35 5,640 s . ft. 8% of site w/ 10' @ street (1,289 sq. ft.) 1 s / 175 s . ft. 21 k. s . EXISTING 1,150 sq. ft. Dental Office 6,226 s . ft 94.5' 30' 10' 9 k.s . PROPOSED 3,150 sq. ft. Medical Office 15,676 s . ft. 94.5' 25' 10' 5' 50' 30' 2 stories 20% 3,300 sq. ft. 21% 18 k.s 10/24/2005 0 0 mr 'wigion Belle" OCT 3 1 2005 0 0 MICHAEL C. ADAMS ASSOCIATES October 31, 2005 Ron Santos, Associate Planner Planning Department City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Re: IPZR No. 05-09 (Dain's Medical Office) Dear Ron: IOCT3 1206,) As a follow-up to your Initial Plan Zoning Review letter dated September 21, 2005 we have modified the conceptual plan to address the suggested corrections. With respect to the required Entitlements we are prepared to submit an application for a Conditional Use Permit and. Design Review, as well as a Lot Line Adjustment if a Reciprocal Access Agreement will not suffice. However we request that staff consider a Waiver of Development Standards (Code Section 241.22) with respect to the extent and location of on site landscaping. The consideration of a waiver will eliminate the need for a project variance. The Waiver request should be justifiable because the overall project will be improved by closing off the existing curb cut from Beach Boulevard and creating an excessive amount of landscaping along the frontage of the project. We are currently proposing greater than 20% landscaping compared to the code required 8%. Providing staff is open to some minor adjustments, to the technical language of the landscape sections of the code, major improvements can go forward on this very visible corner of the City. P O BOX 382 HUNTINGOTN BEACH, CA 92648 PHONE 714 374 5678 FAX 714 374 2211 C-) de' w NEWMAN POR. N. 1/2. SE. 1/4, SE.//4. SEC 26, US, RW. 32 O O O O O O O O 9O 10 II f2 13 14 IS 16 17 IS 19 ® 21 ©" So' ae 4S O e O 38 28 2T ; O a 39 i O O 3R- ° o RONALD 9ne' /00 ,e C' 60' 6o' /00' a4 3 4 S ; 6 r'' • $4 ! 3 4 S MARCH /962 MARCH /965 08,39 T A lo AVENUE /7° " II w 12 13 14 9 se 6.' 9 16 IT 18 ° 19 O ROAD . , 2 ANO. T8s s e s /0 n n a..• a a s is n., 28 ".55' TAX CODE AREAS 4-O// La' "-29 ,NEL>r14 N.!/t,SEw,/ se 1/4 SEC aS-3-N /06 /00' • TR. A . 3478 M. M. 141-3f, 32 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK ASSESSOR'S MAP & LOT NUMBERS BOOK 111 PAGE 29 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE THIS AUP WAS PREPARED FEN ORANGECOIANrc ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES VNt 1INf ASSfSSIW MARES NO CUARAN7ff AS IllITS ACCURACY NOW ASSUAES ANY I IAR/ l1/FEW OTHER USE 5. NOT 70 RE RO PR000CL OAll RICHIS RESERVED.m C(W,RII,HT ORANGE CLRINTY ASSESSOR ?O//NEWMAN =POR.N1/2.S.E.1/4.S.E.1/4.SEC.26.T.5 S.R 11 W LA31NE. COR N.I/2,S,f. 1/4,5. 1/4, SEC. 2 5-1/s0 #00PM.224-//-A NUEAZSo-00000000 00001502.e.9®21®01Ad'AnN47W-AU-R,5. 23.25i5-V18 6 46 M 43 42 41 40 39 3B 36 33 34 33 32 31 30 29 28OHO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ©O O O O OOOP"`O O ;Y v4RONAL Dn Z010.®0 0.0b /4/SAuu' „' SPROJECT939-27-M752-154,0.1J10AACAM,© gssi 1z Ie i Qti QQ'0/4 /5 A5 /74.8IfLOTV4 A4 s 6 7 e 9 co 7/ l1316-21/5ALLEY18ROADNO. 3478Mt"'165-30/453n, 'Y31'/02'1-1l- 100,A14RCH 1982TRACT NO. 3478M.M. 141-31.32Nurt -ASSESSOR'S BLOC/ IA;5bS50H ', MAPPARCEL MAPP.M. 316-21P.4RC'FL NUMBERSSHOWN IN C/Rll f `SROOK 165 PACE 30COIINfl' OF ORANGE