HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2009003 - Project DescriptionH.O.W. Hall, Inc. Founded 1987 - City of Huntington Beach For site: 19092 Beach Blvd. 92646 Supplemental Application Submittal Requirements 15. Written narrative. a) H.O.W Hall, Inc. Founded 1987 - City of Huntington Beach, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation. The sole purpose for the entity is to provide meeting space for variousl2 Step Programs, for individuals and family groups, such as AA, Alanon, Alateen, etc. This new 2,450 sq. ft. location will allow continuing this valuable public service The Hall is not open all day, but rather opens for pre-scheduled meetings, as follows: M,T,W,TH - 6:00 am to 8:30 am, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm, 6.00 pm - 9:30 pm F - 6:00 am to 8:30 am, 1200 pm to 1:30 pm, 6:00 pm- 11:30 pm S - 6.00 am - 2:30 pm, 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm S - 6:00 am to 8.30 am, 10:00 am to 3:30 pm, 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm Our non-profit organization has no employees. The members of the board of directors serve as unpaid volunteers, handling management functions. This application is to secure permits for occupancy and minor interior modifications. No partition walls need changes. Handicap access is a top priority. Attendance is freely available to anybody who is interested. While 12 Step recovery groups have long histories, recently the judicial system has sentenced offenders with mandatory attendance at the meetings. H.O.W. Hall has been the site for about 40 percent of meetings available in Huntington Beach, dating back for many years. H.O.W. Hall is the only public benefit corporation of its kind offering this service in the City of Huntington Beach. H O.W. Hall has always occupied sites in Beach Blvd. retail centers, with in the City of Huntington Beach. Uses which are adjacent to the proposed site are: To the North is Arco Gas station, to the South is a four unit multifamily parcel, to the East is a condominium multifamily complex, and to the West is Beach Blvd. The population served by our operation has and will continue to be residents of Huntington Beach, and some from neighboring communities. Including visitors from out of state/foreign lands, who come to Huntington Beach for vacation/business. The sub-population served is those who self-identify and seek a solution to better enhance their lives, their family lives, and the general public. Meetings are generally 60 or 90 minutes in duration, using chairs and tables, for group discussions and interactions. It is all lay activity based, with no "professionals" leaders. No medical based treatment is involved. It is considered "self-help" and "group therapy." Similar meeting sites are located in adjacent communities of Sunset Beach, Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach Attendance at 12 Step meetings is generally considered a positive activity, supported by institutions in the community (medical, religious, law enforcement, judiciary, etc.) City of Huntington Beach APR 2 9 2009 H O.W Hall, Inc. Founded 1987 - City of Huntington Beach For site 19092 Beach Blvd 92646 Assembly area 823 63 sqft @ 1/35 = 23 53 spaces Lockers 27.43 sgft @ 1/250 = 11 spaces Office 597 21 sqft @ 1/250 = 2.38 spaces Woman's rest room 121 34 sqft @ 1/250 = 48 spaces Men's rest room 75 30 sqft @ 1/250 = 30 spaces Coffee area 53 08 sqft @ 1/250 = 21 spaces Storage room 77 85 sqft @ 1/250 = 31 spaces Hall way one 257 84 sqft @ 1/250 = 1.03 spaces Hall way two 106.33 sqft @ 1/250 =.42 spaces Hall way three 139 33 sqft @ 1/250 = 55 spaces Hall way four 160 06 sqft @ 1/250 = 64 spaces Total sqft @ 2439 40 Total spaces @ 29 96 1/35 @ 23 53 spaces 1/250 @ 6 43 spaces