HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2009003 - Supporting DocumentsaV
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Zoning Index Map
City of Huntington Beach
Orange County, California
1 Yorktown ve
1 DM5
-Adams Ave
1 8-6-10
7-6-10 Indiarippolis Ave
D1\ 10 DM 7
DM 20
Atlanta Ave
DM 19
Hamilton Ave-6-
o DM 14 I
City Boundary
- - - DMGrid
Coastal Zone
Major Streets
P drKi(S R,.Oa atlaxsZowaa iias Dr [ Mach '_-006
Edinger Ave
Warner Ave
Slater Ave
Talbert Ave
i al
Address Unit Business Name 5 uare Footage/Uses Parking Requirement
Retail &
1 F Furniture &A bl off Retail 0 Food 0 Furniture Assembly Office 0
Food <2 ood yssemAppliances ice 1/200 1/100 01/500 01/35 1/250
19072 Beach A Ultra Cleaners
1,050 5 25
B Divine Denim 825 413
C State of Mind 825 413
D Coin Laundry 1,650 8 25
F Thai Gulf 825 413
19092 Beach GH HOW Hall 823 1,627 23 51
I Hall Photography 1,300 6 50
)KLM Proposed Restaurant 5,000 5000 0OMilitary Recruitment 2,250 9 0
Q Minili Office 825 413
R Nail Salon 825 413
1 h Ph tlh 825 4135ooo-rAa
T Greek Cafe 825 413
U Surf City Hookah Lounge 825 413
V Big Chopsticks 825 413
W Avis Rent-a-Car 825 3 30
X Smokin Moes BBQ 825 413
19102 Beach Beach Burger 2,500 2500
19142 Beach BB Cool Cuts 1,100 5 50
CC Floor & Design 1,600 8 00
FF Yoga Shakti 1,850 9 25
GG Subway 1,100 5 50 0
Y Ideal Home Improvement 5,000 1000
Z Footsie-Foot & Nail 2,200 1100
TOTAL 20,100 7,500 5,000 823 4,702 10050 7500 1000 23 51 12 30
Total Square Footage 38,125
Parking Provided 221
Required Parking 221
Excess Parking 0
Deficient Parking 0
M a may l ,
Address Unit Business Name S uare Footage /Uses Parking Re uirement
Retail & Food Furniture & Retail @ Food @ Furniture Office @
<12 seats Food Appliances Once 1/200 1/100 01/500 1/250
19072 Beach A Ultra Cleaners 1,050 5.25
B Divine Denim 825 413
C State of Mind 825 413
D Coin Laundry 1,650 8 25
F Thai Gulf 825 413
19092 Beach GH Surf City Stars 2,450 12 25
I Hall Photography 1,300 6 50
)KLM Proposed Restaurant 5,000 50.00
O Military Recruitment Office 2,250 9 00
Q Minili Office 825 413
R Nail Salon 825 4.13
S Aloha 1-hr Photo 825 413
T Greek Cafe 825 4.13
U Surf City Hookah Lounge 825 413
V Big Chopsticks 825 413
W Avis Rent-a-Car 825 3 30
X Smokin Moes BBQ 825 413
19102 Beach Beach Burger 2,500 25.00
19142 Beach BB Cool Cuts 1,100 5 50
CC Floor & Design 1,600 8 00
FF Yoga Shakti 1,850 9.25
GG Subway 1,100 5 50
Y Ideal Home Improvement 5,000 10.00
Z Footsie-Foot & Nail 2,200 1100
TOTAL 22,550 7,500 5,000 3,075 112 75 75 00 1000 12 30
Total Square Footage 38,125
Parking Provided 225
Required Parking 210
Excess Parking 15
Deficient Parking 0
VNvide G layPvF eahiuj
Address Business Name S uare Foota e Use Parking Requirement
Assembly Retail &Food Furniture &Office Assembly Retail @ Food @ Furniture Office @
Food Appliances 1/35 1/200 1/100 @ 1/500 1/250
19072 Beach Ultra Cleaners 1050 5 2
B Vacant 825 4 1
C Vacant 825 4 1
D Coin Laundry 1650 8 2
F Thai Gulf 825 4 1
19092 How Hall 823 63 1615 77 23 5 6 4
I Hall Photography 1300 6 5
JKLM Restaurant 5000 50
O Military Office 2250 9
Q Minih Office 825 4 1
R Nail Salon 825 4 1
S Aloha Photo 825 4 1
T Green Cafe 825 4 1
U Surf City Hookah Lounge 825 4 1
V Big Chopsticks 825 4 1
W Avis 825 3
X Smokin Moes 825 4 1
19102 Beach Beach Burger 2500 25
19142 Beach Cool Cuts 1100 5 5
CC Floor Design 1600 8 0
FF Yoga Shakti 1850 9 2
GG Subway 1100 5 5
Y Ideal Home Improvement 5000 10
Z Foots] Foot Nail 2200 11 0
Total 20100 7500 5000 4690 77 23 5 100 1 75 10 18 4
Total Square Footage 37290 77
Parking Provided 221
Required Parking 227
Excess Parking -6
Deficient Parking 0
V,P CA ti-ea
-e w i s t S L W:1
P.O. wx 19O914N
Pl40N1 (714 "6-5271
April 22, 1994
Petition/Document: USE FERMI f NO. 94-15
Applicant: H.O.W. Hall, Inc., A Non-Profit Corp.
P. O. Box 6267
Huntington Beach, CA 92645
Request: To establish a 2,200 square foot personal enrichment service (12-step
Recovery Program) in an existing retail ccmmercial shopping center
pursuant to Section 9220.1(c) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
Location: 19142 Beach Blvd., Suites Z and AA
Conditions of Approval for this application.
Dear Applicant:
Your application was acted upon by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Huntington Beach
on April 20,'19% and your guest was Included in this letter are the
Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, the action taken by the Zoning
Administrator is final unless an appeal is filed to the Planning Commission by you_or,by an
interested party. Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the action and
grounds by which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. Said Wed must
be accompanied by a filing fee of Two Hundred Dollars (5200.00) if the appeal is filed by a
single family dwelling property owner appealing the decision on his own property and Six
Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.00) if the appal is filed by any other party. The appeal shall be
submitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission within ten (10) calendar days of the date
of the Zoning Administrator's action.
The last day for filinr an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above noted al.,,.Ication is
May 2,1994.
Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are such that any application becomes null
and void one (1) year after the final approval, unless actual construction has begun.
1.Use Permit No. 94-15 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of the 2,200
square foot personal enrichment service (12-step Recovery Program) will not be
detrimental to:
a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity. The aging
center site provides adequate parking for the assembly use in accordance with ft
Huntington Beach Ordinance Code standards.
b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. All required
infrastructure and improvements are currently available to the site and will not be
altered as a result of this action.
The granting of Use Permit No. 94-15 will not adversely affect the General Plea ofthe
City of Huntington Beach. The 2,200 square foot personal enrichment service is
consistent with the goals and objectives of the General Commercial Land Use designation
of the General Plan
The site plan and floor p!an received and dated March 25,1994 shall be the conceptually,
approved layout.
The personal enrichment service shall be confined to operation only in the assembly ads
depicted-on the floor plan described above. Other uses of the suites such"as1oclrs;_
literature display, restrooms, offices, and break room shall also be permitted as shown on
the floor plan.
The Zoning Administrator shall be notified in writing if any changes in building height,
floor area, setbacks, building elevations or open space are proposed as it result of the`plan
chock process. Building permits shall not be issued until the Zoning A minislrator has
reviewed and approved the proposed changes. The Zoning Administrator miei' s the
right to require that an amendment to the original entitlement be processed if the
proposed changes are of a substantial nature.
Conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on the cover sheet of all working
drawing sets submitted for plancheck.
. . W"V ' Y.
1. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, «
Building Division, and Fire Departtr-:nt.
2. The applicant shall meet all applicable local, State, and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances,
and standards.
3. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Use Permit No. 94-15 if-any
violation of these conditions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occurs.
The Department of Community Development will perform a comprehensive plan check relating
to all ordinance Code requirements upon submittal of your completed structural drawings.
-Please be advised that the Zoning Administrator reviews the conceptual plan as a basic request
for entitlement of the use applied for in relation to the vicinity in which it is proposed. The
coucqzial plan should not be construed as a precise plan reflecting conformance to all
Ordinance Code requirements.
It is recommended that you immediately pursue completion of the Conditions of Approval and
address all requirements of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code in order to expedite the
processing of your total application.
I hereby, certify that Use Permit No. 94-15 was Conditionally Approved by the Zoning
Administrator of the City of Huntington Beach, California, on April 20,1994, upon the
fotegoimg conditions and citations.
Very truly yours,
chael Strange
Zoning Administrator
Administrative Permit No. 09-003
(HOW Hall)
March 19, 2009
Ronald Lane
14341 Calneva Lane
Huntington Beach CA 92647
Phuong Pham
San Francisco CA 94122
to establish a personal enrichment use (a meeting hall for 12-step
19092 Beach Boulevard #G & H (east side of Beach Boulevard,
south of Garfield Avenue)
Flood Zone
Special Areas
Methane, Scenic Corridor
CG-F1 (Commercial General - 0 35 FAR)
CG (Commercial General)
Proposed Size
Hours of Operation
Mondays - Thursdays
assembly use (823 sf)
office use (1,627 sf)
2,450 sf
6 00 am-8 30 am
12 00 pm-1 30pm
6 00 pm-9 30 pm
6 00 am-8 30 am
12 00 pm-1 30pm
6 00 pm-11 30 pm
6 00 am-2 30 pm
7 00 pm-10 30pm
6 00 am-8 30 am
10 00 am-3 30 pm
5 00 pm-9 30 pm
Page 1 of 2
Personal Enrichment Use-Administrative Permit (Staff)
need complete site plan and floor plan
parking matrix to determine parking availability
Page 2 of 2
Address Business Name S uare Foota e Use
19072 Beach Ultra Cleaners
Furniture &Retail & Food Food Appliances
B Divine Denium 825
C State of Mind 825 `r
D Coin Laundry 1650 v
F Thai Gulf 825
19092 How Hall 2450 1
I Hall Photography 1300 J
JKLM Restaurant 5000 v
0 Military Office 2250
Q Minili Office 825
R Nail Salon 825 1
S Aloha Photo 825 i
T Green Cafe 825
U Surf City Hookah Lounge 825
V Big Chopsticks 825
W Avis 825
X Smokin Moes 825
19102 Beach Beach Burger 2500
19142 Beach Cool Cuts 1100
CC Floor Design 1600
FF Yoga Shakti 1850
GG Subway 1100
Y Ideal Home Improvement 5000
Z Footsi Foot Nail 2200
Total 22550 7500 5000 3075
Total Square Footage 38125
Parking Provided 225
Required Parking 225
Excess Parking 0
Deficient Parking 0
5 25
4 13
How Hall Retail @ Food @ Furniture @
1/200 1/100 1/500
6 50
50 00
4 13
4 13
4 13
4 13
27 25
25 00
Parkin Re uirement
Office @
3 30
5 50
11 00
100.55 75
10 00
10 123
March 13, 2009
This letter is to notify you that H.O.W. Hall, Inc. is proposing to provide personal
enrichment at 19092 Beach Blvd., #G-H, Huntington Beach, California, 92646. Pursuant
to Section 241.24 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the
Neighborhood Notification process is required. You may review the proposed plans at
the Planning Department, 2000 Main street, Huntington Beach, CA from
to (Minimum 10 days), or contact the Planning
Department at (714) 536-5271. All comments must be submitted to the Planning
Department prior to the expiration date for review of the proposal.
Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the
action taken by the Director of Planning becomes final, unless appealed. A person
desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal with the Planning
Department within ten calendar days of the date of the Planning Department's action.
The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision
being appealed, and the basis for the appeal. A filing fee shall also accompany the notice
of the appeal. The appeal fee is $409.00 for a single-family dwelling property owner
appealing the decision on his/her own property. The appeal fee is $1,063.00 for all other
appeals. The appeal period starts at the end of the 10-day review period
If you have questions, please feel free to call me at (714) 496-7990.
Ron Lane
H.O.W. Hall, Inc.
Cc: City of Huntington Beach Planning Department