HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2008012 - Supporting DocumentsOrange, CA , 2003-2004 - 146-25, Sheet: 157DIANE LANEb76.00• 00NlDO4 O2Ni0oO S8 oor _ • ae•,isiWANOA CIRCLEae'v, sz04 w n40' seas# rt®pQO' p b se'VaS•® ® ® ''L, ® '.® q V R. aO ® ® ® ® ® e4040 ae' U' L3' 03.ai'MAR/E LANE oO w ss'Os u'WYroGO'4 SE'AG0'WN Ows',ti.Isa.:s'GOLDEN WEST142-24rzG'NY OSTREETN SDRE CF CAUWORNN - HEALTH MD HUUAN SEMACES Af3O C CAU FORM DEPAR'n1ENT OF SCUM SERVICESC041MUMTY CARE LCENSING DIBUJO DEL ESTABLECIMIENTO (Piano) Se requiere a los solicitantes que proporcioien un dibujo del piano del hogar o establectmiento y del patio exterior. El piano tiene que identificar los t uartos coma Ia cocina, bailo, sala, etc . Ponga un circulo airededor do los nombres de los cuartos clue usaran los• cilenteslnliws . Tlenen quo mostrarsa Ias puertas y ventanas de salida pare en casode emergencia (vea el Plan pare Emergencias). Anote eltamano de los cuartos (parejemplo, 8.5 x 12 ). En to"posible, mantenga el piano a escala . Use el espaclo qua-hay abajo. Vea el revarso Pam el dibujo del patio. NOUERE DELESTAB EcIMtDTTO G • pr1-}-anO. DIRECCtCH: 14 ione Lrl }-}Jn+in ion t!3each CA.21,U7 V j1_ 4, _U R uc os fspf Wsat 800Z s Z AVW yaea8 uo16ullunH10 40 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA • HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY _ CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERV1CEs GOMMUN TIY CARE LICENSING DIBUJO DEL ESTABLECIMIENTO (Patio) El dlbujo del patio debe mostrartodos los edcios que hays en el mismo, incluyendo el edificio del hogar (sin detalles), Ia cochera, y el edifcio pars almacenamiento (bodega). Incluya senderos (aceras/banquetas), areas a Is entrada do la cochera (driveway), areas pars jugar, cercas, puertas, etc. Muestre cualquier area de posble peligro, comp aibercas (piscinas), fugar do almacenamiento de basura, chlqueros (corrales) para animates, etc. Muestre Is totalidad del tamano del patio. En lo posible, mantenga el piano a escala. Use el espaclo quo hay abajo. HOMERS DEL ESTABLECEAtEMIO: Ern I (i a on+af O DIRECCION: L rte Ln. un-i•; cn.2,eoch CA. '1264-7a I -b 1 .91 05. n LECSED SP p mg) 0 0 City of Huntington Beach Business License P.O. Box 711 714 536-5267 FAX 714 536-5934 California 92648 Dan T . Villella, CPA Finance Director HAPPY LAND HOME PRESCHOOL 16741 DIANE LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92647 Dear Business Owner: Thank you for your payment. Attached is your City of Huntington Beach Business License. Please note that approximately one month prior to the license expiration date, you will be mailed a renewal notice for the coming year. If for any reason your renewal notice does not arrive, you are still responsible to renew and pay your business license amount prior to the expiration date. You will incur penalties if this payment is not received by the expiration date. Please post the business license in public view. If you do not transact business from a fixed location within the city, you must carry this license with you at all times. Your business vehicle should also carry this license, and the license plate number of the vehicle(s), if applicable, should match the one on the business license. Please notify Business License if there are any changes of ownership, address, business name, business vehicle, or type of business conducted. Additionally, please notify the city if you discontinue your business. There are many resources available to our licensed business people. We have listed a few that might be of interest and assistance to you. City of Huntington Beach Economic Development Department - 714-536-5582 Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce - 714-536-8888 Huntington Beach SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) - 714-550-7369 Fictitious Business Name Information - 714-834-2889 State Board of Equalization (seller's permit information) - 714-558-4059 If you have any questions, please call a Business License representative at 714-536-5267. City Of Huntington Beach Business License Business Name / Service Address HAPPY LAND HOME PRESCHOOL 16741 DIANE HUNTINGTON BEACH License Type Specialized Owner / Corporation EMILIA MONTANO THIS LICENSE IS ONLY FOR THE BUSINESS AND TYPE SHOWN. IT IS FOR THE PERSON TO WHOM ISSUED AND IS NON-TRANSFERABLE. RENEWAL IS DUE ON OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE.POST IN PUBLIC VIEW License Number A271195 Effective Date 09/01/2008 Expiration Date 08/31/2009 Amount Paid $100.16 SIC 8351 APL OF S "0.EK NFV •• 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4E n'_to'I, RNo' State of California Department of Social Services Facility Number: Effective Date:_ 304310860 07/27/07 Total Capacity:11) In accordance with applicable provisions of the Health and Safety Code of California, and its rules and regulations; the Department of Social Services hereby issues CAPACITY CHANGE EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/01/08 this License to MONTANO, EMILIA to operate and maintain a FAMILY DAY CARE Name of Facility MONTANO, EMILIA 16741 DIANE LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92647 This License is not transferable and is granted solely upon the following: MAX. CAP (WHEN THERE IS AN ASSISTANT PRESENT): 12 - NO MORE THAN 4 INFANTS. CAP 14 - NO MORE THAN 3 INFANTS. 1 CHILD IN KINDERGARTEN OR'.ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND 1 CHILD AT LEAST AGE 6. Client Groups Served: CHILDREN/INFANT Complaints regarding services, provided in thi c'lity s ould be directed to: ORANGE CO CHILD CARE DISTRICT OFFIC (714) 2 00 Jo Frederick I Deputy Director, Authoriz Repres n tive Community Care Licensing Division of Licensing Agen 08/07/08 POST IN A PROMINENT PLACELIC 203A (1/04) CU-PA018 City of Huntington Beach Planning Department Huntington Beach, CA Dear Planning Commissioners: City of unbnaterlBeach JUN 4 2008 I have just been notified that Emilia Montano (16741 Diane Lane, HB 92647) is seeking a license for 14 children in her home . I am not against childcare in the least but feel that this number of children and the number of cars (drop off and pick up) that this would call for is way out of the ordinary for a residential neighborhood. The house is relatively moderate in size and this amount of children would be exceptional unless a bigger piece of property was involved . I would imagine that, in addition to Ms. Montano, other employees would be required that would result in more traffic. We all value our little domiciles as a refuge from all the pressures of our world. To have a business this size in a neighborhood of homeowners is not appropriate. If someone else were asking to run a business with 14 or more employees, the result would be the same. I ask you to consider the above and deny the license for this amount of children. Sincerely, tom/ Colleen Wilson 714 848-8055 wy/oy s'sLL --//e P( Qvlidv" I own property on Verlene and on Marilyn, adjacent streets. Abbott Dr. Bishop Dr. -Corrine Cir. Peggy Cir. Brad Dr. __Farinella Dr_ Mason Dr Marilyn 16742 Diane Map produced by information contained in the City of Huntington Beach Information Services Department Geographic Information System. Information warranted for City use only. Huntington Beach does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. Map Produced on 6/10/2008 N R 0 389 One inch equals 389 feet 778 -Heil-Ave STREET NAMES CITY BOUNDARY Sylvia Dr , JI/ STREET CENTERLINES (CLASS) Smartstreet Major collector Primary fv Secondary Residential Travelway Allen ISOBATHS HARBORn Bonnie Dr., Ruth Dr. Lenis Cir. Paula Cir. 'Carla Cir. Lydia Dr.