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Administrative Permit APX2002029 - Mailing Labels
sa' 46- 01 BOLSA CH/CA TRACT ,Para K. RI NA ( P_ nJ-a t AC ovI 071 ns PM 14-i AIR j TRACT 14 W I! `v ^® O WAIRIK1 MARCH /989 (1474C K) AL" r i 144-02 (VALLEY qKw/ TRT V O 9 . aI NO. 3750$. u v N rs ' to NQ 6334 09 0 STREET TRACT O aN a !e C 1 . s S 4 7T , '-NQ 5148 r TRACT NQ 3750 M.M. 167-10,11 NOT(-ASSfssGRS BLOCxa TRACT NO. 5/4B ARM 2P4-35 ,36 PAN M A4NAlAFRS TRACT Na 633 4 MM 244-46 ,47 SHOW AN CNCLES PARCEL RAPS P. M 64 -3.8227PARCELMAPPIM. 173-11 4N' 7J J c on vr7 70 & NQ 3750 L Af4E $SS(SSOA'S NAP 40M 179 PAG(07 Gbwi rr or ORANGE 176-07 C) 1800.000 Feet M aa' POR NE 1/4, NW 1/4, NW. 1/4, SEC 2 /, T 5 S., R, /1 W. 146-Ojx5-07 0 z xQLL 20121 £011KQEA $ rRACr 40' € L ®I ® O g ,.A..• `; t Iras' t 1 AUOREY $ IN. it, Mt 1.1 1.o ta 1 I.19 ,r.r -V fwi'I' laO rr }s IS i •tJ N•Pl l! DRIVE 8 170 1 ..' t Iss -. !tr O © IS 1• ®; ® II -u41 r z a oo 0 0 0 IrOM4 t a to G) C/RCLE ® X . aff s.1'l17 /N f4t '!.A /sf /atG,' Ma H' iw' MAXW 1962 02 TR. AV. 36f6 M. V /24 - 7 TO it #4L 0EL Ul u 0wL 1a+1Iv72$ .rr./ O ± O a a1!a /aa .. ae' At £NU£ •12 3 uI.• !P .. ". /s O O ; N a2 % ®1N O y t O 1 NOTE ASSESSORS a1.OCK A PAkk M,INt€143 SHOWN IN CIRCLES u Ad w• O ,r k ,wcn'Et 7s I' 77 u' M2 36/6 ASSESSORS MAP SOAK 146 PACE 01 COUNTY OF OtAk4G 0 iBOO. 000 Feet 05 POR. 91/2, SW //4, 5W//4, SEC.16, T5S, R.I/W. *UAf~ LM DRIVERDI/N*00o n0• 0 0 O 0 Q © 0 © ® ® Q s 3 3PAR/PONW 4. VOW • e. 0 145-07 ® ® cD ® 0 © ® d ® "Q ' 1 •!00 3 g i E 0z x LL M1 41 0ELQl Ca U E s i 3 EDINGEP IWOMN /9eP 146-01 M. SAG, 3A88 AR m. /d/-A:T, 44, AJ. Avr4of NOQQ • ASSESSOR'S KQCK O FSSo S MA/ NRCiL Me vat s x001 (145 RACe 07 SHOWN IN RRClFS COUNty Of ORANCt 0 E 0 1 BCO. OCO : Eej h ,s 6. G f C D /2 .1 t f.&ELMEX AT I h CA,tQ M. u. L- Ir 0 99 Norf. srAry, I-= eoo'w W. sA OLa 9- 8.II I nAC t4a 8.b AG LI ,ire-i` Y 7O.N.IG 1 MR LOr a i75.67 I' 17 A #AV post 1 0 +a S4A. N k, I' rood f- AC. NQ 993 Iar Lor I Z r e ON /J+ e 178.57 .0.%A, 14 (ft 4t 4C. r9 95-03 w w x[71 iCf Rs, s 64 W. I 0 AM N-o._C. F C.A g Mysp sweW + f7vM7IS/A AY[QD7 Yd7 tXM1 178-02 178-70 M-64 178-62 x .74 i78-01178.77178-10 178-09 178-07 N01F - A59£SS01P'S SLOW ASSMOR'S MAPMARQ4 1951 rR Ntt 893 - # At ?1 P3 PARCEL NUMBERS 99010 95 ROSE 05 ?1DEL4AViOO01A VA0j2141 RS. 3-4J S/YOWN /N CIRCLES 09%IWY OF ORANGE I7-i-II •lf.7 iA(. 3.409 Miles Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender o I mb f Pieces e iv at ost Offi Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage dS' Current Residen =Q C4 901 Kona D ,?i r 4,6 h, 6.0Huntington B t Affix Stamp Here - (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Rece/ t Fee .77 a Current Res en 4891 Kona Dr C Huntington 9 1 9 Current Resident 4951 Kona Dr = i CAton BeantinH ,gu _i Current Resident 4 931 Kona Dr 19 A 6J C rl z' Huntington Beach, CA 92 4,9 1 ~/ Current Resident r `' I =4 921 Kona Dr $ Huntington Beach,G 921r Postm 30 .3 1 3 0 U.S. POSTAGE PAIDHUNTINGTON BEAC.CA 92697OCT 22.'02 AMOUNT $1.50 00092711-06 0 41 Id C 'C 2 RR Fee The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mall Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels 2002 N11 • • PS Form 3877, August 2000 C ete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Article Number Total Number of Pieces T I bar aces Listed b Sender a ived t P atOffice Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (international) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage d .Q• Current Resident 4911 Kona Dr /1 = aCAton BeacntinHgu 6 Current Residnt" 4901 Kona Dr FQ _ Huntington Be Current Residavvvvnnnn,,,,----t0 _ 4891 Kona Dr. q, C Huntington Bea CAt26 9' ,J1 3 Handling Charge if Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recei t Fee 31 30 Current Residen 9951 Kona Dr L= Huntington Beac CA 6990 Current Resident;=J 4931 Kona Dr G U ` Z 9 2:yHuntington Beach, rostmaste r ame of racial g'empl C0 The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels U.S. POSTAGE HUNTINGTON BEAC.CA 92697OCT 22.'02i-fMOUNT --- e $1.50 C > 0 • PS Form 3877, August 200 Complete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Article Number Total Number of Pieces Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender ved 9ft Post Office PS Form 3877, August 2000 Check type of mail or service: Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Affix Stamp Here (if issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Rece/ t f Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage Fee d Current Resident 4921 Kona Dr 'a'Hiint naton Be a Current Residen 49 1 Kona Dr Cif Huntington Be f \ Current Resi 4901 Kona Dr -,C% Huntington Beach, CtA 926-A9 Current Residen u 4891 Kona Dr ocs Huntington Beac CIA ' 3l L 0 0 PO a ter r ame of receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to so a, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913,mand S921 for limitations of coverage on Insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on intematonal mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mall (B) parcels om lete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Hanc Char u,1iThc Ar£S .310 ,3i .3O .0000-a 00092711-06 O 2 -------j U.S. POSTAGEPAID" HUNTINGTON_BEAC.CA9264OCT 22-'02 AMOUNT POSTOI sel+W Ct $1.20 • Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender o I Nu r of Pieces ved Post Office PS Form 3877 , August 200 Check type of mail or service O Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage 0' Current Residerl 4951 Kona Dr Huntington B%2 Huntington , eacl' 'CA 49 QCurrent Re n 4 931 Kona it Current CJ QC1 Resi it 4921 Kona Dr Huntington Bea 20099 GP ri Current Resid cn) CC 4911 Kona Dr 2 Huntington Be r 11 1T Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recei t Fee r -7 .3 O .3 0 3-1 .3o Handling' Actu Charge if Re U.S. POSTAGE HUNTINGTON BEAC.CA 92617OCT 22.'02 AMOUNT $1.2000012711-06 C 4- L V C 2 rn C o er, (Name of receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for thereconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels m to by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen UN4TFD3T47rs A- -Zlmlwyr"i J. • Name and Address of Sender Line 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Tote Num r of Pieces Listed by Sender cei ad Post OfficeLJp Article Number Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) O COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise o Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage 'Current Resid6itt 4901 Kona Dr Huntington Be Ce2 its Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Racal It Fee Current Res 489 1 Kona D! _ . ZJ1 . 2j Huntington Beac 9 9 1111i- Carl's Jr s j 16031 Bolsa }ca % Huntington B a' h, G1 92 , 4- Red Duck Must 16033 Bolsa Chica St 3 DOrl. C / Huntington Beach, CA /4 Mako Matt's Marin 16033 Bolsa Chica Huntington Beach, l A 92649, P0 r, P m 2 ame of receiving employee) 3?O Han Ch I C 8 C The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900. S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels U.S. POSTAGE HUNTINGTON BEAC.CA 926,17OCT 22.'02 AMOUNT $1.5000092711_06 • • PS Form 3877 , August 20 C to by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender al Number of Pieces e ived at Post Office Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mall Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage Sea Gate Travel '-Z--INI 16033 Bolsa Chic #1'S 'I Huntington Beach ICA 9WS Ellison & Myers Ta 16033 Bolsa Chica St #1 0 Huntington Beach, CA 9 Farmers Insuranc N 16033 Bolsa Chick St #1 Huntington Beach, ,CA • - , Giovanni's Italian F 16041 Bolsa Chica jst Huntington Beach, A 92t4\ 31 anctuary The Body 016043 Bolsa Chica S Huntington Beach, C X92 Huntington Beach H t,iQ t w '2 1 16045 Bolsa Chica S , t I Huntington Beach, C26r02 Postm s , er (Name of recelving.employee) •'5_J •3 Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recet t Fee •3o Handling AI Charge if o, c0 c > Gin C G7 The full declaration of value Is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance Is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S91 3, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels U.S PH()NTINPg1Ns TgGE 0 C 2 ?GEAC•CA ANQUA)r02 / oa42;,8 PS Form 3877, August 200 ompiete by Typewriter , Ink, or Ball Point Pen 3 _0 Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender o umbeiiof Pieces cat d at Post Office Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) O COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise O Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage '`The Harbour Galley G g 16051 Bolsa Chi's c A 9'<Beac ,<Huntington Surf City Sound/'-? Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recei t Fee 16055 Bolsa ,Chica S '._ ' • 31 3 0 SHuntington Beach, CA - -- - -.iii - - -v, Seagate Veterina 16061 Bolsa Chica St Huntington Beach, CA liBirkenstock Corhf ' 16063 Bolsa Chica St (0 Huntington Beach, CA { .r Classic Cleaners 716071 Bolsa Chi • t • - c 1 Huntington Beac ``CA 92 %9 y Taekwondo USA G16107 Bolsa Chica,St/c Huntington Beach, 3249rL c:- ;Z! Postmaster, Per (N-4rvt Yee) cr^.SH RD RR '-" Fee US• POSTAGEHUNTINGTpN gERCocr926y;cA RMOUNT02 000-_,j;803 ti C C 2 o 8 C The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels Handllnh Charge -06 C 0 PS Form 3877, August 2000 omplete ypewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) GOD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage Marshall J Schaffer 1913 Bradbury Cir Las Vegas, NV 89128 GQ L.L I l Cn 2002 UP tPJames P Eardette 'T Y 4445 Avenida Carmel Cypress, CA 90630, Silvana Raiola 26439 Bixby Terrac % Long Beach, CA 908 200L .ri Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional , - copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Receipt Fee .30 .30 Handling Actu! Charge if Rei ,- i POSTAL SPI VICE U.S. POSTAGE PAI D HUNTING9TON7BERC.CR OCT 22.•02 AMOUNT zz $1.80 00092711-06 A/y V313 C) Richard S Clarke 78 Wetstone Irvine, -CA 92604m i Earl Benton \\ % 20271-Meander Ln -Hunt inaton_Beach, CAa92646 ;.,) c' tr37 ,30 Aleasco •; • Y PO' Box 1020 Huntington Beach, CAi 92647st Postmaster, P \ i\z00 r a cerving employree) y ,30 C C 2 v C fA he full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels • • PS Form 3877, August 2000 e e Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender Article Number otal Number of Pieces ived at Post Office Check type of mail or service 0 Certified i7 Recorded Delivery (International) O COD 0 Registered Delivery Confirmation 0 Return Reciept for Mechandise 0 Express Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 0 Insured Addressee Name, Str 9La 0 dres Postage),®. `Austin L Green Z PO Box 1327 ^< orYO,Huntington Beach,'' M Huddleston PO Box 2060 ?r ,, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Thomas M Carrol 6452 Myrtle Dr z(T a i Huntington Beach, Q ,4-7 ISchool Ocean View 0- 7972 Warner Ave _,i U) Huntington Beach,`CQ697 Bonnie C Johnson ` 16911 Harkness Ci (: Huntington Beach, CA 92649 , j Mario C Spatola IJ.G l-5702 Rogers -Dr 4P Huntington Beach, CA 92699 Postmast Per (Name of receiving employee) AG- UNITEDSTATEx,"','V POSTAL S- Rib / o 000 v--Cl U.S. POSTAGEPAIDHUNTINGTON BEAC.CA 92647OCT 22.'02 AMOUNT 00- 71 6X i /1 N i v) b ,~ V C [n The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels . 0 ,30 SC SH RD RR Fee Fee Fee Fee 0 • • PS Form 3877, August 200 omplete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender to Numb of Pieces ece1 ad at Post Office PS Form 3877 , August 200 Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Recrept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address nRoblee J Hughes 15381 Chemical LIB L' cHuntington Beachf; QF,92a Postage IJ 0 George W Psaros 3531 Venture Dr c Huntington Beach, CA T z Boulter . . y $ 17092 Sandra Lee Ln C` Cj,. Huntington Beach, CA.9 Ericka Foster 16561 Le Grande Ln A' -'d Huntington Beach, CA,-9264 Irving & Marge Ne 16312 Mandalay Cir Parviz. Shoaii 1510 Caribbean Laguna Beach, Way CA 926'1\ 31 Affix Stamp Her (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recei Fee OSTAG fuN,Te- HUNTINpgl AOS" FRS 52 .1 BEOgT b%qC.Cq 0000 0 C C .3© 'i 1 .3o L > C Cn RR Fee P st er (Name of receiving employee)The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels lete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen .qROUNT 02 OCT 06 • 41 Name and Address of Sender Line 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Article Number Total Number of Pieces To N m r f laces Listed by Sender Re Post Office U1 PS Form 3877 , August 2000 Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address nCTT Garcia 217 W Escalon 22 !San Clemente, \Z`A 9t r--I 1 Robert J Miko , j 26971 Via La irad San Juan Cap,9 Kwan M Chan- 5431 Saint ma 'Ci22 Westminster , 2693x`- /Z 30 I F X Kay Q1 RR f al arl iim 1/ O rs e .3 0 Fountain Vall CA 9270, j as _ Terence M Harper 16051 Tomas Ln Huntington Beach,ty 926'Fj9) r`1 e3o Handllni1 Charge! U.S. POSTAGE PAID HUNTINGTON BEAC.CA926,47OCT 22.'02 AMOUNT x$1.506 tY C RR Fee Po aste P ame of receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction Insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise Insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mall (A) and Standard Mall (B) parcels lete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recet t Postage Fee 1 .30 .37 .30 Name and Address of Sender Line 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Article Number Check type of mail or service- Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage Gregory M Smith {16061 Tomas Ln Huntington Beach James & Debra 16071 Tomas L? Huntington Bea Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Receipt Fee •VI .30 Handl- Antual Value -insuredChe A2 UN/TED )76-5111Z -SERVIC E Due Sender DC SC SH RD RR^^- C-- Faa Fee, Fee Fee U.S. POSTAGE HUNTINGTON BEAC.CA 92617OCT 22.'02 AMOUNT 00,60 150 UMj 00092711-067 tna- cE 1 31 Alex.& Catherifi 'A 16081 Tomas Ln w ton Bea6, CAAC926Hunting David A Ramir 16091 Tomas LA C- .30 r 30 UI C 0 0 C 4= - Ich,. CA-9264-9Huntington Bea Current Reside 16101 Tomas Ln Up \ CA9269/Huntington Beac /1 Total Number of Pieces T tal mb f Pieces Listed by Sender R calve at ost Office Postmas e ( e of i?bewing employee) t0C .3 ,10 > U) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels 0 • ete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point PenPS Form 3877 , August 200 Name and Address of Sender Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Article Number Total Number of Pieces o I umbe/'4f Pieces Listed by Sender Re eiv d at Est Office Check type of mail or service Affix Stamr "^-^ Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reoept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured (If issued as certificate ofl or for addihoi copies of this Postmark,Date of Ri Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage Fee Current Residen 4951 Kona D U Huntington h,9 Current Resid 4931 Kona Dr Huntington Be Current Reside 4921 Kona Dr Huntington Bea 9 }\ C 216 9 Current Residen 4 911 Kona Dr A u ` 'Z) 1 Huntington Beach, , Q'6 = I I .30 30 VNiT ED STATES POSTAL SER VI U.S. POSTAGEPAID HUNTINGTON_BEAC.CA926,47 OCAMOUNT02 .$1.20 0012711-06 01 J C Cn Postma a ame of receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels • Co lete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point PenPS Form 3877 , August 2000 Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces To I Number of Pieces Listed by Sender a ve Post Office Check type of mail or service. Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Red Lily Flowers & G&,6 16105 Bolsa Chica Huntington Beach, \926 j Sea Siam Thai 11 16103 Bolsa Chi"g'tCi Huntington Be ch, CA% Sea Gate Liquor 16100-B B61sa lVca Huntington Beac `ACA .31 i i DonBc C s 16100-A Bolsa C tca-St I Huntington Beac Equilon Enterprises, hi Sca16001 Bolsa C t r,, vZ•i Huntington Beach, CA 26 i State Farm Insuranc. 16111 Bolsa Chica ISt e2 Huntington each, 926 9il V e ( -me of receiving employee) Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark and IDate of Recei t HandlingFeeCharge RR Fee C 0 4= The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance Is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels U.S. POSTAGE HUNTINGTON BEAC.CA 926,17OCT 22.'02 AMOUNT $ 1.80 00012711-06 PS Form 3877, August 0 Co lete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Q Name and Address of Sender Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Article Number Total Number of Pieces Tot Num r f Pieces Listed by Sender Race ed Post Office Check type of mail or service* Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation 0 Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage "Milk& Honey Baby ' ta 7 3l ; 16111 Bolsa Chica St w 22;Huntington Beach, C ®264 G )C . Travel Agency I 7 ,3116111 Bolsa Chlca't - ( , , I Huntington Beach, CA 9299 7 American Home W2,I AV 11;16111 Bolsa Chica tr;3'Huntington Beach, C ' 9264'. \ A UL Huntington Beach D p 16141 Bolsa Chica S Q#C 2,421, Huntington Beach, C r9649i-c General Dentistry: 0Rn Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recel t Fee 0 1-0 .3V C h i c QC 7 l Huntington Beach, 9264 i • 3 . ' . 2402 c !! Handling Actual Value Insured Charge if Registered Value Due Sender DC SC SH if COD Fee Fee Fee U.S. POSTAGE PHUNTINGTON BEAC.CA 92697OCT T 22.'02 AMOUNT $1.5000092711-06 RD RR Fee Fee of receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for thereconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mall (B) parcels • • PS Form 3877, August 20 Complete by Typewriter , Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Check type of mail or service. Affix Stamp Here Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Line 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender Article Number ota N bar of Pieces e ive at Post Office Express Mail Signature Confirmation Postmark am Insured Date of Red Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage Fee K&MDonuts P 5036 Edinger Avenu mj ocr (f, IT Irl r1 /_AM1a nunttn wn neat n,;- Pacific Edge Bait & 5042 Edinger Aven (Huntington Beach, A 92 1 r - - -\4 Carpet & Flooring 4, '5044 Edinger Aven co,e ',Huntington Beach, t r, C0 JK-9 Klipper Dog,Groor 5048 Edinger Avenue Huntington Beach, C -79 6'49- ° Hair Harbor \5052 Edinger Avenue \z1 Huntington Beach , CA 9264 ; Edinger Market & G PG (IILL.5002 Edin er Avenu 1•g ,13)"926!.9`- •1 p3I Huntington Beach, OALI f ri1v J ostmaster P r ( ame of receiving employee) 4. 8 > 2 C 05 2 LY The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on Insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) • • PS Form 3877, August 20 C plate by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage S b d iSwayuanwc 5002 Edinger nu(qHuntington B i CRS `i Bradford J Lo 16141 Bolsa Chica St' Huntington Be ch, C Jeffery L Joh 16141 Bolsa %a St'? Huntington Be CAZ2 4 0 , rSteven Jones 15931 Oriole Lane/ Huntington Bea b CA 9 C-49 C, yAlimonte Marsella Al • 2332 Caddie Ct - 0Oceanside, CA 9 ( z Total Number of Pieces Total mb o Pieces P master, er ame of receiving employee) Listed by Sender d at st Office .3 Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, z or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark and /Date of Recer Fee i 'lue Sender DC SC SH RD RR 'f COD Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee yG2T.rG,o ' oc.T cTOjOO3' 9os e9'FFoGa \o PTO 9' 0 a 3 . 3'D 031 C0 2 The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels • • PS Form 3877, August 2000 o le y Typewriter, ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender Article Number o Numb o Pieces ecei ad at ost ice l Y L Check type of mail or service* Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage ie';Current Resident `erOCTJ_ 5032 Skylark Dri Huntington_Beac A l-,i Edinger Mar 6p t 8927 W Pic Blvd 92 Los Angeles A 905 Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recei t Fee .3-7 .3D (Marion Harri 09 II 31 .3 -0 4065 Aladdi Drive Huntington B a Asbury Properti nc 2505 W 6t" Street Los Angeles, CA D pi - IEquilon Enterprises -1980 Post Oak BI dr' Houston; TX 770 22 2002 -1Z stmaster, er 37 . -3 Handling Charge W Actual Value Insured Due Sender DC SC SH RD RR if Registered Vai"-e if COD Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee 1DZOOr 04 C0 3 .3v0 C 2 co C > 05 me of receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance Is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S91 3, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels • • PS Form 3877, August 2000 C ete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Name and Address of Sender Line 2 3 4 5 6 7 Article Number 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender PS Form 3877 , August 2000 Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (international) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, a 0 Address Equilon EnterptLs sn { 4932 Edinger _ Robert Stelire 15261 Transi !Huntington B t' L' C Current Reside 4922 Edinger Huntington Bea CA /c Current Resident Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recet t Postage Fee 3 .10 4922 Edinger Ave C 926,49•Huntington Beach, Current Reside '14922 Edinger Ave , in f -CHuntington B , C1,926 9II oy l o ,39 .3D Handling Charge / C0 0 U C C (,D (1) ttC VJ Pos ast e ( ame of receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for thereconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels lete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen • Name and Address of Sender Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Article Number Total Number of Pieces Total b of Pieces Listed by Sender Race a at ffice PS Form 3877 , August 2000 Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Nareet , and PO Address Postage/ Current Resi OCl 2 4922 Edinge e 2)2 'Huntington B ma 1 Current Resid t14922 Edinger Ave Huntington B • a' ch, 2 49 £1 j (\ jCurrent Re 4922 Edin e Ave i Huntington c Current Resid 4922 Edinger Lt. ;Huntington Bea h. Current Reside 'N 22 n `4922 Edinger Ak r Z Huntington Beach,C ? ? ` 000 FqOSTRGEHUNTING ON BERC.CAOCTy2b.1722 - C7 AMOUNT02 0 0 A V Z3- '1 1-06 37 )C SC SH RD RR,ee Fee Fee Fee Fee C) ,0 C C0 .37 3,0 Current Resident iI v,4922 Edinger Ave < s • 3 7 • V ,Huntington Beach ACA 9, 64 9 > N _ 'C Postma r, Per ( e of receiving employee)The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mall document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable Is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, 5913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels Co I t by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen • Name and Address of Sender Check type of mail or service Certified COD DeIrvery Confirmation Express Mad Insured Recorded Delivery (international) Registered Return Reciept for Mechandise Signature Confirmation Line Article Number Addressee-Nae tree` and PO Address Postage 2 Current Re k 4922 Edin Huntington ch.9 {c, Current Resid 0' ;4922 Edinger untington Be ch; C t4 = 5 s 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces T I Number of Pieces Listed by Sender ed at Post Office Current Resi ri 4922 Edingefirve Huntington 0 Current Residen 10 14922 Edinger A e Huntington Bea •C [Current Resid n 4922 Edinger OHuntington Be I$ CA-W2 i Current Resident n Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certficate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Racal t Fee 3 37 3,D J •37. 030 14922 Edinger Av C \_ Huntington Beac A C.4 0 z ostmas r (Name o ,3-7 ,30 Handling Actual Value Insured Charge if Registered Value Due Sender DC SC SH RD RR if COD Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee employee )The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels S PS Form 3877, August 2000 Complete Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Affix Stamp HereCheck type of mail or service.Name and Address of Sender (If issued as a Certified Recorded Delivery (International)certificate of mailing, COD Registered or for additional Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise copies of this bill) Express Mail Signature Confirmation Postmark andDate of Rece/ t Insured Line Article Number Addressee Name, Streit, 0 Address Postage Fee Handling Actual Value Insured Due Sender DC SC SH RD RR Charge if Registered Value if COD Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee 1 2 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Listed by Sender tal Number of Pieces e ived at Post Office i Current Residetitr '` y 4922 Edinger z Huntington Be 6 - Current Resid 0,,y 4922 Edinger et,L1,z 'Huntington Be Lei, C 6.,, Current Resident 'Q- '4922 Edinger A e V Huntington Bea ff- C - ,Current Residen 9 ;4922 Edinger A et `L c Huntington Beach, - 9f 1" Current Resident v 4922 Edinger Ave untington Beach,CAA926-4,9 y 37 0 } - FR D 1HCE .CPBEAD •)1 92n - )u 4ig2 .3 7 ,0 OC 22 .37 .30 00 C 14 C :31 .3o Current Resident ' 4922 Edinger Ave V4 Huntington Beach, .C. 92E49,E.3 7 30 a t r, r (Name of iin, :employee) C 0) • The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels omplete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point PenPS Form 3877 , August 2000 Name and Address of Sender Line Article Number 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 Total Number of Pieces Total umber f feces Listed by Sender d at s PS Form 3877, August 2 Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, and PO Address Postage Current Residen 4922 Edinger (e Huntington Be QCurrent Rest e`d A, 0N4922 Eding ve q, Huntington ea ,h 1 Current Re4 4922 Edie rwe Huntingt n' each' 49 l Current Rest rf 4922 Edinger ,e ;Huntington Bt, 49 Current Resident 4922 Edinger Av (G,Huntington-Beach I A 95649 AJ- 30 Handling Actual Value Insured Charge if Registered Value Due Sender DC SC SH RD RR if COD Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee PO5;a5E \CP5 PPV3 g!0 NptZ1N` I•p2 0 N NZ 15 A2j° r Q C C Postm star Per ( o calving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum Indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on intemational mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels Complete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Racal t Fee .3 13 V • Name and Address of Sender Line 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 Article Number Total Number of Pieces To Num er f Pieces Listed by Sender Re ad It Post 0 e PS Form 3877 , August 20 Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reclept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Addressee Name, Street, jeid Address Postage 4 3-1 3 Current Resident= QC' s g -S • y 4922 Edinger A' Huntington Bea fCurrent Reside rif ;4922 Edinger A Huntington Be Current Resi, e Q 0 4922 Edinge e Huntington B Current Res e 4922 Eding veItAHuntington h, 9 Current Residen = 14922 Edinger A e) Huntington Beac A 954,9 y stmaster, li .37 Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recei t Fee L _--SH RD RR -- ;ee Fee Fee U.SPAPOSTAGE HUNTINGTON BEAC.CA9264( OCAMOUNT L L5U 042711-ub C > 0 8 C N (D -a qq> I- 2 r e f receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mail document reconstruction insurance is $500 per piece subject to additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countries The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mail Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels Complete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen • Name and Address of Sender Check type of mail or service Certified Recorded Delivery (International) COD Registered Delivery Confirmation Return Reciept for Mechandise Express Mail Signature Confirmation Insured Line Article Number Addressee Name, Street, and'PO Address Postage 1 2 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 13 14 15 Affix Stamp Here (If issued as a certificate of mailing, or for additional copies of this bill) Postmark andDate of Recei t Fee Handling Actual Value Insured Due Sender DC SC SH RD RR Charge if Registered Value if COD Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee ,30 u,.,,7 ASTq OFo (I• S Jon-NUIUTIN R r Sr9G f l Qcr Q6y B£AG,G AMpUNr02 I 927//_nti -9a l 0 C0 IAI C Total Number of Pieces otal umber of Pieces PO ast , r ( ame of receiving employee) The full declaration of value is required on all domestic and international registered mail The maximum indemnity payable for the Listed by Sender eceiv d at Post Office reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Express Mad document reconstruction insurance Is $500 per piece subject to I additional limitations for multiple pieces lost or damages in a single catastrophic occurrence The maximum indemnity payable on Express Mail merchandise insurance is $500, but optional Express Mail Service merchandise insurance is available for up to $5,000 to some, but not all countnes The maximum indemnity payable is $25,000 for registered mail See Domestic Mail Manual R900, S913, and S921 for limitations of coverage on insured and COD mail See International Mall Manual for limitations of coverage on international mail Special handling charges apply only to Standard Mail (A) and Standard Mail (B) parcels PS Form 3877, August 2000 Complete by Typewriter, Ink, or Ball Point Pen Current Resident -14922 Edinger Ave (GHuntington Beach, 9 Mf, • 0