HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2010018 - District MapPlaluun, ,t Zoning Garfield Ave SP9'• m s\ SP9 5 (m++e!0, ''• i . 5-Ja w DM3 •Gr \ \ISi n° SP6cr/ e\ (1 mmm RL a.d„ arm, ;" ............. ]' ' \\ . / \ • j i / l m• . $ `s:'~s Y"t c ! I iSP9 76RL0... . ........... J LAS=P#c '•: . i i RL L /-A 9 ti 1.rS. \4 RL Zoning Deotgwtiow Pafcel+ - l•it Bomudan CAPTION WHEN USING THIS IsLaP bdamathah dho.o bmem h.. com40eoo of 0.0 6ao wm«a of.anho: •cavp and he ponded a a e°meaeoee to Meaea T. On ad tThalhadm Each don oa Ymacat10 aemhpa ac a a aaaaa. PubhcR4zlttof\Ca'e !- - Finale Right of\Ca.s Notes: • See k.mdpaoe (a deaerptmo of Lemur . duamdhoas • Ado, zme adpmmz m. ndht of o-m ha ntodcdto octal to the omtm of mob SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 3-6-11 City of Huntington Beach Orange Count)-, California ADOPTED hLirdt .19(0 Ctt C vuicd Oidaimice No -,i4 0 500 Feet 1000 E .o hbe ohn. heymmnbn to tenfi s0 ofnohabm to tbm our tabdacbm P.A1K55 ofedsitL esZoom=,'fbdDM N..cb_oO6