HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA2000001 - Notice of Public Hearing (5)..CITY OF UuNTINbT i of NOTICE OF YUBLTU-•HEARIN EFORE. THE" ZONIN ADMINISTR iTOR You are receiving this Notice of Public Hearing because you either own property, are a:reside'ntx or conduct business- witltiu close proximity of the itetn 'checked below. The Z< ningAdministratorPublic Hearing is scheduled fat;"- 'tWT EII: Wedtiesda " .Tune 27-2401- TIME. 1.30 PM WHERE ;:: • Rcom B•8 Ifuntin on Beach Civic Center 2000 Main Street tin :on Beach ALL IvTERESTED PEFIS ONS,are iixviteidta attend said hearing and express opinions "or-suhinitevidenee for or agauist the application as;outlined belov ",:A copy the applicatian.is on file m .the Planning Department , 2000 Main: StreetyHmthngton Beach,. California 92648, for review by.the public:. If yonchallenge the Zoning Administrator's:•: action is court , you may be:limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or ht written correspondence delivered to the City. at, or prior to; the public hearing; If there are an further uestions lease call the Pro 'eet Planner at 536-5271.'and refer to the a ' licafion below. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Administrator will hear the following items: O 1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-27 INLOW RESIDENCE : Applicant: John Dilauro Request: To allow the construction of an approximately 200 sq. ft. 3`a story deck to an existing single-family dwelling. Location: 1725 Pine Street (west side of Pine Street, between Springfield Avenue and Adams Avenue) Pro'ect Planner: Ron Santos O 2. CONDITIONAL PERMIT NO. 01-23 L.A. BOXING : Applicant: Mike Davis Request: To establish a boxing and kickboxing training facility within an approximately 2,000 sq. ft. shopping center suite. Location: 19142 Beach Boulevard, Suite EE-FF (east side of Beach Boulevard, between Garfield Avenue and Yorktown Avenue) Pro'ect Planner : Ron Santos O 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-21 AL-MART - MC DONALD'S RESTAURANT : Applicant: Hall & Foreman, Inc. Request: To allow the establishment of a 1,450 sq. ft. restaurant within an approved Wal-Mart retail store. Location: 8230 Talbert Avenue (south side of Talbert Avenue, approximately 300 ft. east of Beach Boulevard) Pro Sect Planner: Paul Da Veiga O 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-22 AL-MART - DRIVE-THROUGH RESTAURANT : Applicant: A&S Engineering Request: To allow development of a 3,200 sq. ft. restaurant with a drive-through within the Wal-Mart Shopping Center. Location: 8230 Talbert Avenue (south side of Talbert Avenue, approximately 300 ft. east of Beach Boulevard ) Proiect Planner : Paul Da Veiga CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01-29 JE PISTONS BUILDING : Applicant: Bruce Gillings Request: To construct a two-story approximately 11,900 sq. ft. warehouse building on a 23,530 sq. ft. vacant lot. Location: 15262 Connector Lane (east side of Connector Lane, north of Machine Drive) Pro'ect Planner: Sandra Thornton NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Items # 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. ONETLE: -A copy of the stad'report n111 he available to Interested parties at the Cltyuf 1#uutingtotiBeach,l'lamIngD €partnient Amy Wolfe , Liaison to the Zoni2t9ridnjlnlstrator; 2000111ain Street . Huntington Beach , CA 92648 ", 14 536-5271 " (010627)