HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA2002002 - Supporting DocumentsWAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE 5ESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ONL Y.50R MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TOACY NOR ASSUMES ANY L IABIL f T?' USES. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED. T5 RESERVED. OHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 1998 MARCH 1948 30'VI4T D{EL M* R . n 60' 60' 60 I- 1q1 27.1 , . I 101 9 81 76'5 ALLEY 111 12 131 14 151 16 27-1 ENGLAMI 0 FLORIDA DELAWARE 7' 1 . q0 r , ,1 27- 41 3 211 17 1 18 1 19120 27' 7' I I X 14 VrJ 17 16105 2101 '9 8 l 7 .6 .5 .4127'r3 2 n ALLEY N 11 121 13 141 15 16 17 18 1920 27-. I . n . r I, I . 27-A 11205 5 6 12 13 ki10 - 9 7 60' 1 60' VISTA DEL MAR TRACT N 27* 1 10 ' 7 '6 4 0 111 12 13 14 15 16 171 18 19 0 27' 27' 27' 127 ' 27' 27' 27'BILK. 1 5 7 34' 27' 27' 60' 41 54' M.M. 4-29 7' 151' 27' 154' 7' 7.50' 41360' 41 316161 27' 1 27- 10 9 8 7 27 4 3 1 ALEY 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27'I Al l! 1t 2&S124 1 14 12 13 1 27' 1 27' 27-1 27' 3. 17 sy 30' 27' 15 14 10, r, 60' 80' 60' 0 ti 27' i 27' 27' 1 9 8 A 11 112 13 27' 127' 1 0 27.1 27' 27' I 11, 12 13 7' 27' 27-2 10 8 27' 27' 27' 27- 12! 1 27- 7 4 13 0 21 18 19 197 16 15 4' 7' 7' 5 6 4 3 16 171 18 27 11 14 15 B lOP6 7' 27' 27' 27• 54' 54. 0 p lu- 19 °o2 154' 27' U 27' 91 1 18 17 27'I 27. 127' 27' 7 r 7.5 4 3 2 1 ALLEY 14 15 16 17 18 1 27'1005 8 27'0 60' 60' 60' 60' NOTE -ASSESSOR'S BLOCK PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES 16 17 27 i . 10' 9 54' 27' 27' 27' = 100' STREET 27' 164 4 8 '7 '6 AL EY 131 14 151 16 27' 1 27' LJL 9I I 27' 127 ' 27'1 27' 4 3 211 a ^ . 17 18 19 20 STREET STREET ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 025 PAGE 16 COUNTY OF ORANGE lu 0 0 70' 2 60• 70' 60' 60' S N 0 Orange Coast Title Company Builder Services, Commercial Division 640 N. Tustin Avenue, Suite 208 Santa Ana, California 92705 Phone (800) 540-3515 Fax (714) 836-0349 Kevin Reichling, Title Officer Fax Cover Letter Date: --to To: Company: Ref:L L Fax Number: N LtNn464 t-- 1s-'(al From: Kevin Reichlin Title Officer Order Number: Number of pages including cover letters: Messages: 111-1 100/100'd 610-1 OPEC-9E8-Pll+ 6PE0 9E8 vll- 'd "@6Z:10 ZO-01-Inr 9 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Terri Elliott, Public Works Tim Greaves, Fire Gerald Caraig, Building FROM: RAMI TALLEH Ext: 1682 DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 ZA PC DRB PETITION(S): Lot Line Adjustment No. 02-03 (Edwards Residence) REQUEST(S): To reconfigure three (3) lots, two (2) of which are 27'-0" wide and one (1) is 24'-0" wide, to 26'-0" wide each. LOCATION: 1110 and 1112 Delaware Street ZONE: RMH-A (Residential Medium High Density- Sub district A) GENERAL PLAN: RMH-25-d (Residential Low Density Residential-Design Overlay) EXISTING USE: Two Single Family Dwelling Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before April 30, 2002 COMMENTS: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) RESPONSE BY: Extension Attachments: 1. Maps 2. Narrative G:\TALLEH\2002\StaffReview\Lot Line Adjustment\1110 DRR.doc PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Tern Elliott, Public Works im Greaves, Fire Gerald Caraig, Building FROM: RAMI TALLEH Ext: 1682 PETITION(S): REQUEST(S)- LOCATION: ZONE: GENERAL PLAN: EXISTING USE: DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 A PC DRB Lot Line Adjustment No. 02-03 (Edwards Residence) To reconfigure three (3) lots, two (2) of which are 27'-0" wide and one (1) is 24'-0" wide, to 26'-0" wide each. 1110 and 1112 Delaware Street RMH-A (Residential Medium High Density- Sub district A) RMH-25-d (Residential Low Density Residential-Design Overlay) Two Single Family Dwelling Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before April 30, 2002 COMMENTS : (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) NO fC,we_ccrp.c t:L.o s c RESPONSE BY: Attachments: 1. Maps 2. Narrative Extension G:\TALLEH\2002\Staff Review\Lot Line Adjustmeni\I 110 DRR.doc • PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Terri ' tt Public Works Tim Greaves, Fire Gerald Caraig, Bui ing FROM: RAMI TALLEH Ext: 1682 ZA PETITION(S): REQUEST(S): LOCATION: ZONE: GENERAL PLAN: EXISTING USE: DATE: APRIL 9, 2002 PC R B Lot Line Adjustment No. 02-0/ (Edwards Residence) To reconfigure three (3) lots, two (2) of which are 27'-0" wide and one (1) is 24'-0" wide, to 26'-0" wide each. 1110 and 1112 Delaware Street RMH-A (Residential Medium High Density- Sub district A) RMH-25-d (Residential Low Density Residential-Design Overlay) Two Single Family Dwelling Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before April 30, 2002 COMMENTS: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) /AJ°grAi-( WWI pr OAJ . - 7q1_0(7 RESPONSE BY: Attachments: 1. Maps 2. Narrative Extension G r G:\TALLEH\2002\staff Review\Lot Line Adjustmeni\I 110 DRR.doc %,ie4 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH a INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION TO: Rami Talleh, Assistant Planner FROM : Terri Elliott, Principal Engineer t DATE : May 13, 2002 SUBJECT : LLA 02-02 (1110 & 1112 Delaware) THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMIT: A Grading Plan, prepared by a Licensed Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Public Works artment for review and approval. The following improvements shall be shown on the plan: a. curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Delaware frontage, per City Standa Plan . 202 and 207. b. Pavement o alf-width of existing alley plus pavement for 2.5-f of additional alley dedication. c. The existing sewer late I serving 1110 Delaware shall abandoned at the main line per the requirements o e Department of Pub ' Works. d. Sewer laterals. e. The existing domestic water service a eter serving 1110 Delaware shall be abandoned per Water Division s ards. f. The existing domestic water rvice and meter se ing 1114 Delaware may potentially be utilized if ' is of adequate size, confo to current standards and is in working Condit' as determined by the Water Divi ' n. g. A new domest' ater service and meter shall be installed per ater Division standards, sized to meet the minimum requirements set by the lifornia Plumbi Code (CPC). The water service shall be a minimum of 1-in h. E ' ing mature trees that are to be removed must be replaced at a 2 for I ra ith a 36" box tree or palm equivalent (13'-14' of trunk height for Queen Palms and 8'-9' of brown trunk). 2. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a licensed engineer shall be submitted to Public Works for review purposes only. This analysis shall include on-site soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations for grading, chemical and fill properties, any retaining walls and remedial work. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT: 1. Dedicate 2.5-feet of right-of-way for alley purposes. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION OR OCCUPANCY: 1. Complete all improvements as shown on the grading plans. G:Eng\Elliott\Conditions 2002\LLA 02-02 (1110 & 1112 Delaware) INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS These code requirements are provided as information . This is not a complete list of all code requirements applicable to this project. 1. Standard landscape code requirements apply (Chapter 232 of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance). 2. Traffic Impact Fees shall be paid. 3. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid. TE:l1 2 G:\Eng\Elliott \Conditions200I\ LLA 02-02 (1110 & 1112 Delaware) 1110 Delaware 0 • Edwards Pro er 4/23/2002 Application : Lot Line Adjustment No. 02-02 (Edwards property) Location : 1110 and 1112 Delaware Street Request:To adjust the lot lines of three parcels, two (2) parcels at twenty-seven (27) feet wide and one (1) parcel at twenty-four (24) feet wide, to a width of twenty-six (2) feet for each parcel. Project Site : The project site consists of three parcels. Parcel No. 1 is 27' x 122.5' (3,307.5 S.F.) and is developed with a single family home. Parcel Nos. 1 and 2 are 27'x 122.5' (3,307.5 S.F.) and 24'x 122.5' (2,940 S.F.) respectively and are developed with one single family home. Surrounding North - Single family housing Uses: East - Single family housing South - Single family housing West - Single family housing Previous None on file Entitlements: Issues: Analysis: Recommendation: What to do: 1. The properties are currently developed with two single family homes that will be demolished 2. Existing structure will straddle the property line 3. it is hard to enforce conditions on a Lot Line Adjustment. 1. The building should have been demolished prior to submitting a application for a Lot Line Adjustment 2. We must guarantee that buildings will be demolished 3. Make sure that Parks and Recreation fees are paid 4. Approval with the following conditions of approval: 1. Buildings shall be demolished prior to finalization of lot line adjustment 2. Lot line adjustment shall be recorded prior to issuance of building permits for new construction 3. Fence off lot if building permits for new construction are not issued within thirty days of demolition 1. Contact applicant and tell him what the findings are for a lot line adjustment. 2. Find out how soon he plans on demolishing the structures. 3. Review EP-9 4. Read code section on lot line adjustments 5. Find out if Parks and Recreation fees are paid 6. Work out logistics with Terri Elliot if the applicant cannot demo the structures 1 -v 1110 Delaware Edwards Pro er 4/23/2002 Filing Status :Incomplete Other None available Department Concerns: Le 2 05/14/2002 15:12 7148479120 FLEMING/LINDBORG PAGE 01 Mav3 410 02 ;:4$P; r -No 59 64 F. 1 t Gtanae. CA , s00i,c002 - 028-188.15 Sher. I of i @Es ad I . 9 a e -Q-- et40 q r- v a r 1 -+ Ia u AMW MWM4 6 i 24-23 to A bI**2 / r N S 1 a o _ „ A 1 A M M K 0 r 05/14/2002 15:12 7148479120 M!3;' 1J,_9(2 9:4q1D.t O FLEMING/LINDBORG PAGE 02•r;o.59f44 P. ? PER RM 1) -.4PN. County: MapPg/Grid. Census: High School: Comm Coil. Subdivision: Owner Mail. Property: 1110 9ELAWARE ST, HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92648.4106 0004 025-1.6-16 Card$: O cif 2 Use: SFR ORANGE. CA 867.17 -Old Map: 2e-C5 993.06 Tract it HUNTINGTON BEACH UN VISTA DEL MAR TR. EDWARDB'EDNA Prop Tax: $707.90 Total Value'$07,943 Tax Year. 2001 Oe.lnq: Land Value. $28.134 Tax Area : 04001 lmprv Value : $29.811 Elem School. Taxable Val. $67,948 Exemptions: Aiad Year: 2001 % Improved. 51% Phone: Owner Vest'/ 1TR 10029 STAR LN; CHERRY VALLEY CA 9222 34144 C00$ CIO FUSSELL MARGARET A Owner Trinster z Rec Dt: 06/0211988 Price: e Dt: Docr1: 269601 Type' DEED (REG) SALE & FI 1 FORM T N RVMNTS LAST SALE PRIOR SALE B1dgILiv Area: 1.081 Recording/Sate Date. 05/31/1966 Gross Area: 1,981 Sale Price/Type,Ground Fir Document 4 794600529 Bsmnt Area' Deed Type-DEED (REG)$ISgFt. 1 st Mt AmtRype YrWUEff: 19166. 0 Stories: 10019t Mtg Rt/Typa/Trrn• /J . Rooms: 111 et Mtg Lender:Bedrooms: 5 Full/Half Beth: 22nd Mtg Amt/Type:Till BalKs/rixt, 3.002nd Mtg R /Type/Trm: J Title Company: ll rS Fireplace: Pool: .ee Porch Type: New Construction:Patio Type, Other Last Sole Intoe 0 Parcels: Type 2:Pend.Construct: Foundation:SITE INFORM 0 Res Units,County Use,1 Acres: 0.22 Ext Wall: Roof Shape: 0 Comm Units Zoning:Lot Ares: 9,669 Roof Type: 0 Buildings:2 Flood Panel-Lot Width.Roof Mad: Bldg Claaa.portal Data Lot Depth:Floor Type ParkIng Sqft:Floo1 Zone.Usable Lot:Floor Cover Petit Spaces:.Sewer Type:Hest Type: Garage Cap0 Water Type.Most Fuel: Park Type:Air Cond: Other Impvs:Quality Legal Bl iBldg.Site Influence: Condition: Style: Legal. Lot/Unit:IS Amenities Equi „ nt: oT 1s BLK 1108(ALL -EX S 3 FT.Legal VISTA DEL MAR TRT 1E•BLK 1106(L_ LOT1T 'BLK1106 Other Rms: W in2DataG ,s file 7e x mffj • Page: 1 of l