HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR2004007 - Supporting Documentsm I 5. The prices of items sold from a cart or kiosk must appear in a prominent, visible location in legible characters. The price list size and location shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. (3249-6/95; 3525-2/02) 6. The sale of alcoholic beverages shall be prohibited. (3249-6/95) 7. The number of employees at a cart or kiosk shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) persons at any one time. (3249-6/95) 8. Fire extinguishers may be required at the discretion of the Fire Department. (3249-6/95) 9. All cart and kiosk uses shall be self contained for water, waste, and power to operate. (3249-6/95) 10. A cart or kiosk operator shall provide a method approved by the Planning Director for disposal of business related wastes. (3249-6/95,3525-2/02) D. Parking. Additional parking may be required for cart or kiosk uses by the Planning Director. (3249-6/95, 3525-2/02) E. Review Revocation. The Planning Department shall conduct a review of the cart or kiosk operation at the end of the first six (6) month period of operation. At that time, if there has been a violation of the terms and conditions of this section or the approval, the approval shall be considered for revocation. (3249-6/95; 3525-2/02) F. Limited Notification. Ten (10) working days prior to submittal for a building permit or certificate of occupancy, applicant shall notice adjacent property owners and tenants by first class mail. Notice of application shall include the following: (3525-2/02) 1. Name of applicant. (3525-2/02) 2. Location of planned development or use, including address. (3525-2/02) 3. Nature of the proposed development shall be fully disclosed in the notice. (3525-2/02) 4. Planning Department phone number and address of City Hall shall be provided in the notice to call for viewing plans. (3525-2/02) 5. The date by which any comments must be received in writing by the Planning Department. (3525-2/02) 6. Planning Department shall receive entire list including name and address of those receiving the mailing. (3525-2/02) 230.96 Wireless Communication Facilities A. Purpose. All wireless communication facilities shall comply with these requirements and guidelines in order to regulate the location and design of wireless facilities for the protection of public safety, general welfare, and quality of life in the City of Huntington Beach. 3568- 9/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 230 230-44 9/02 B. Permit Re uired. 1. Administrative approval by the Director may be granted for proposed wireless communication facilities (including but not limited to ground mounted, co-located, wall, roof, or utility mounted) that are: (3568-9/02) a. Co-located to approved facilities at existing heights or complies with the base district height limit for modified facilities, and compatible with surrounding buildings and land uses by incorporating stealth techniques; or (3568-9/02) b. Completely stealth facilities and complies with the base district height limit; or (3568-9/02) c. Facilities in non-residential districts and in compliance with the maximum building height permitted within the zoning district; and (3568-9/02) 1. Screened from view and not visible from beyond the boundaries of the site at eye level (six feet); or (3568-9/02) 2. Substantially integrated with the architecture of the existing building or structure to which it is to be mounted; or (3568-9/02) 3. Designed to be architecturally compatible with surrounding buildings and land uses by incorporating stealth techniques. (3568-9/02) 2. Conditional use permit approval by the Zoning Administrator shall be required for all proposed wireless communication facilities (including but not limited to ground mounted, co-located, wall, roof or utility mounted) that are: (3568-9/02) a. Exceeding the maximum building height permitted within the zoning district; or (3568-9/02) b. Visible from beyond the boundaries of the site at eye level (six feet); or (3568-9/02) c. Not substantially integrated with the architecture of the existing building or structure to which it is to be mounted; or (3568-9/02) d. Not designed to be architecturally compatible with surrounding buildings and land uses; or (3568-9/02) e. Facilities in residential districts that do not meet B. La or B. l.b. (3568-9/02) 3. Design review shall be required for wireless communication facilities located in redevelopment areas, on public right-of-ways, in OS-PR and PS zones, in areas subject to specific plans, on or within 300 feet of a residential district, and in areas designated by the City Council. Design review is not required for wireless communication facilities that comply with section B. 1. (3568-9/02) C. Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions for the following terms shall apply: (3568-9/02) 1. Accesso Structure. Any structure or equipment that is to be located ancillary to an antenna or antennas in the establishment and operation of a wireless communication facili ty. (3568-9/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 230 230-45 9/02 2. Co-Location or Co-Located. The location of multiple antennas which are either owned or operated by more than one service provider at a single location and mounted to a common supporting structure, wall or building. (3568-9102) 3. Com letel Stealth Facili . Any stealth facility that has been designed to completely screen all aspects of the facility including appurtenances and equipment from public view. Examples of completely stealth facilities may include, but are not limited to architecturally screed roof-mounted antennas, facade mounted antennas treated as architectural elements to blend with the existing building, flagpoles, church steeples, fire towers, and light standards. (3568-9/02) 4. Ground Mounted Facili . Any wireless antenna that are affixed to a pole, tower or other freestanding structure that is specifically constructed for the purpose of supporting an antenna. (3568-9/02) 5. Microwave Communication. The transmission or reception of radio communication at frequencies of a microwave signal (generally, in the 3 GHz to 300 GHz frequency spectrum). (3568-9/02) 6. Pre-existin Wireless Facili . Any wireless communication facility for which a building permit or conditional use permit has been properly issued prior to the effective date of this ordinance, including permitted facilities that have not yet been constructed so long as such approval is current and not expired. (3568-9/02) 7. Roof Mounted. Any wireless antenna directly attached or affixed to the roof of an existing building, water tank, tower or structure other than a telecommunications tower. (3568-9/02) 8. Stealth Facili or Techni ues. Any wireless communication facility, which is designed to blend into the surrounding environment , typically, one that is architecturally integrated into a building or other concealing structure. See also definition of completely stealth facility. (3568-9/02) 9. Telecommunication Facili . A wireless communication facility that is either wall mounted, utility mounted, or roof mounted. (3568-9/02) 10. Utili Mounted. Any wireless antenna mounted to an existing above-ground structure specifically designed and originally installed to support utilities such as but not limited to electrical power lines, cable television lines, telephone lines, non-commercial wireless service antennas, radio antennas, street lighting, recreational facility lighting, traffic signal equipment or any other utility which meets the purpose and intent of this definition. (3568-9/02) 11. Wall Mounted. Any wireless antenna mounted on any vertical or nearly vertical surface of a building or other existing structure that is not specifically constructed for the purpose of supporting an antenna (including the exterior walls of a building, an existing parapet, the side of a water tank, the face of a church steeple, or the side of a freestanding sign) such that the highest point of the antenna structure is at an elevation equal to or lower than the highest point of the surface on which it is mounted. (3568-9/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 230 230-46 9/02 12. Wireless Communication Facili or Facili . An antenna structure and any appurtenant facilities or equipment that are used in connection with the provision of wireless communication service, including, but not limited to digital, cellular and radio service. (3568-9/02) D. Applicability. (3568-9/02) 1. All wireless communication facilities which are erected, located, or modified within the City of Huntington Beach on or following the effective date of section 230.96 shall comply with these guidelines, subject to the categorical exemptions under subparagraph (3) of this section, provided that: (3568-9/02) a. All facilities, for which applications were determined complete by the Planning Department prior to the effective date of this section, shall be exempt from these regulations and guidelines. (3568-9/02) b. All facilities for which Building and Safety issued building permits prior to the effective date of section 230.96 shall be exempt from these regulations and guidelines, unless and until such time as subparagraph (2) of this section applies. (3568-9/02) c. Any facility, which is subject to a previously approved and valid conditional use permit, may be modified within the scope of the applicable permit without complying with these regulations and guidelines. (3568-9/02) 2. All facilities for which building permits and any extension thereof have expired shall comply with the provisions of section 230.96. (3568-9/02) 3. The following uses shall be exempt from the provisions of section 230.96 until pertinent federal regulations are amended or eliminated. See Section 230.80 (Antennae) for additional requirements. (3568-9/02) a. Any antenna structure that is one meter (39.37 inches) or less in diameter and is designed to receive direct broadcast satellite service, including direct-to-home satellite service for television purposes, as defined by Section 207 of the Telecommunication Act of 1996, Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and any interpretive decisions thereof issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). (3568-9/02) b. Any antenna structure that is two meters (78.74 inches) or less in diameter located in commercial or industrial zones and is designed to transmit or receive radio communication by satellite antenna. (3568-9/02) c. Any antenna structure that is one meter (39.37 inches) or less in diameter or diagonal measurement and is designed to receive Multipoint Distribution Service, provided that no part of the antenna structure extends more than five (5) feet above the principle building on the same lot. (3568-9/02) d. Any antenna structure that is designed to receive radio broadcast transmission. (3568-9/02) e. Any antenna structure used by authorized amateur radio stations licensed by the FCC. (3568-9/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 230 230-47 E. Facili Standards. 1. Aesthetics: 9/02 a. Facili : All screening used in conjunction with a wall or roof mounted facility shall be compatible with the architecture of the building or other structure to which it is mounted, including color, texture and materials. All ground mounted facilities shall be designed to blend into the surrounding environment, or architecturally integrated into a building or other concealing structure. (3568-9/02) b. E ui ment/Accesso Structures: All equipment associated with the operation of the facility, including but not limited to transmission cables, shall be screened in a manner that complies with the development standards of the zoning district in which such equipment is located. Screening materials and support structures housing equipment shall be architecturally compatible with surrounding structures by duplicating materials and design in a manner as practical as possible. If chain link is used, then it must be vinyl coated and not include barbed wire. (3568-9/02) c. General Provisions: All Wireless Communication Facilities shall comply with the Huntington Beach Urban Design Guidelines. (3568-9/02) 2. Buildin Codes: To ensure the structural integrity of wireless communication facilities, the owners of a facility shall ensure that it is maintained in compliance with standards contained in applicable state or local building codes and the applicable standards for facilities that are published by the Electronic Industries Association, as amended from time to time. (3568-9/02) 3. Conditions of A royal: Acceptance of conditions by the applicant and property owner shall be ensured by recordation of the conditions on the property title. (3568-9/02) 4. Federal Re uirements: All Wireless Communication Facilities must meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FCC, and any other agency of the state or federal government with the authority to regulate wireless communication facilities. (3568-9/02) 5. Interference: To eliminate interference the following provisions shall be required for all wireless communication facilities regardless of size: (3568-9/02) a. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must submit the following information to the Police Department for review: (3568-9/02) 1. All transmit and receive frequencies; (3568-9/02) 2. Effective Radiated Power (ERP); (3568-9/02) 3. Antenna height above ground, and (3568-9/02) 4. Antenna pattern, both horizontal and vertical (E Plane and H Plane). (3568-9/02) b. At all times, other than during the 24-hour cure period, the applicant shall comply with all FCC standards and regulations regarding interference and the assignment of the use of the radio frequency spectrum. The applicant shall not prevent the City of Huntington Beach or the countywide system from having adequate spectrum capacity on the City's 800 MHz voice and data radio frequency systems. The applicant shall cease operation of any facility causing interference with the City's facilities immediately upon the expiration of the 24-hour cure period until the cause of the interference is eliminated. (3568-9/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 230 230-48 9/02 c. Before activating its facility, the applicant shall submit to the Police and Fire Departments a post-installation test to confirm that the facility does not interfere with the City of Huntington Beach Public Safety radio equipment. The Communications Division of the Orange County Sheriff's Department or Division-approved contractor at the expense of the applicant shall conduct this test. This post-installation testing process shall be repeated for every proposed frequency addition and/or change to confirm the intent of the "frequency planning" process has been met. (3568-9/02) d. The applicant shall provide to the Planning Department a single point of contact (including name and telephone number) in its Engineering and Maintenance Departments to whom all interference problems may be reported to insure continuity on all interference issues. The contact person shall resolve all interference complaints within 24 hours of being notified. (3568-9/02) e. The applicant shall insure that lessee or other user(s) shall comply with the terms and conditions of this permit, and shall be responsible for the failure of any lessee or other users under the control of the applicant to comply. (3568-9/02) 6. Lighting: All outside lighting shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties, unless required by the FAA or other applicable authority, and shall be shown on the site plan and elevations. (3568-9/02) 7. Maintenance: All facilities and appurtenant equipment shall be maintained to remain consistent with the original appearance of the facility. Ground mounted facilities shall be covered with anti-graffiti coating. (3568-9/02) 8. Monitoring: For all wireless communication facilities, the applicant shall provide a copy of the lease agreement between the property owner and the applicant prior to the issuance of a building permit. (3568-9/02) 9. Signs: The facility shall not bear any signs or advertising devices other than certification, warning, or other required seals of signage. (3568-9/02) F. Site Selection . For all wireless communication facilities , the applicant shall provide documentation that demonstrates the following: (3568-9/02) 1. Compatibility with the surrounding environment or architecturally integrated into a structure. (3568-9/02) 2. Screened or camouflaged by existing or proposed topography, vegetation, buildings or other structures as measured from beyond the boundaries of the site at eye level (six feet). (3568-9/02) 3. Massing and location of the proposed facility are consistent with surrounding structures and zoning districts. (3568-9/02) 4. No portion of a wireless communication facility shall project over property lines. (3568-9/02) G. Facilities in the Public Ri ht-of-Wa . Any wireless communication facility to be placed over, on or beneath the public right-of-way shall comply with the following standards: (3568-9/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 230 230-49 9/02 1. Any wireless communication facilities to be constructed on or beneath the public right- of-way must have a franchise agreement with the City or the owner that has a wireless franchise agreement with the City, or the applicant must provide documentation demonstrating that the applicant is a state-franchised telephone corporation exempt from local franchise requirements. (3568-9/02) 2. All equipment associated with the operation of a facility, including but not limited to transmission cables, shall be placed underground in those portions of the street, sidewalks and public rights-of-way where cable television, telephone or electric lines are underground. At no time shall equipment be placed underground without appropriate conduit. (3568-9/02) 3. The City Engineer shall approve the location and method of construction of all facilities located within public rights-of-way. (3568-9/02) 4. All wireless communication facilities shall be subject to applicable City permit and inspection fees, including, but not limited to, those pertaining to encroachment permits and all applicable fees. (3568-9/02) 5. Any wireless communication facility installed, used or maintained within the public rights-of-way shall be removed or relocated when made necessary by any "project." For purposes of this section, project shall mean any lawful change of grade, alignment or width of any public right-of-way, including but not limited to, the construction of any subway or viaduct that the City may initiate either through itself, or any redevelopment agency, community facility district, assessment district, area of benefit, reimbursement agreement or generally applicable impact fee program. (3568-9/02) 6. Wireless communication facilities may be installed on existing utility poles, conduits and other facilities of a public utility, with the approval of the City Engineer, provided a franchise agreement exists allowing wireless installation. (3568-9/02) 7. Prior to the approval of any required building permits or entitlements (Conditional Use Permits, Variances, etc.) the applicant shall have a franchise agreement approved by the Ci ty Council. (3568-9/02) H. Facilities on Public Pro e . Any wireless communication facility to be placed over, on or beneath public property shall comply with the following standards: (3568-9/02) 1. Wireless communication facilities shall be installed in accordance with all applicable City codes and ordinances, including, but not limited to, standards for paving in the event that any undergrounding of utilities is required. (3568-9/02) 2. Any wireless communication facilities to be constructed on or beneath public property must have a lease agreement with the city. (3568-9/02) 1. Additional Re uirements. 1. Landscaping: Landscape planting, irrigation and hardscape improvements may be imposed depending on the location, the projected vehicular traffic, the impact on existing facilities and landscape areas, and the visibility of the proposed facility. Submittal of complete landscape and architectural plans for review and approval by the Directors of Public Works and Planning may be required. Public Works inspectors may require additional improvements during installation based on facility impacts. (3568-9/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 230 230-50 9/02 2. Utili A cement: If the proposed facility will require electrical power or any other utility services to the site, the applicant will be required to furnish the City's Real Estate Services Manager, either a drafted utility franchise agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and the applicant to place those lines in the public right-of-way, or a written statement from the utility company who will be supplying the power or other services, that they accept all responsibility for those lines in the public right-of-way. (3568-9/02) J. Facili Removal. 1. Cessation of 0 eration: Within thirty (30) days of cessation of operations of any wireless communication facility approved under this section, the operator shall notify the Planning Department in writing. The facility shall be deemed abandoned pursuant to the following sections unless: (3568-9/02) a. The City has determined that the operator has resumed operation of the wireless communication facility within six (6) months of the notice; or (3568-9/02) b. The City has received written notification of a transfer of wireless communication operators. (3568-9/02) 2. Abandonment: A facility that is inoperative or unused for a period of six (6) continuous months shall be deemed abandoned. Written notice of the City's determination of abandonment shall be provided to the operator of the facility and the owner(s) of the premises upon which the facility is located. Such notice may be delivered in person, or mailed to the address(es) stated on the facility permit application, and shall be deemed abandoned at the time delivered or placed in the mail. (3568-9/02) 3. Removal of Abandoned Facili : The operator of the facility and the owner(s) of the property on which it is located, shall within thirty (30) days after notice of abandonment is given either (1) remove the facility and restore the premises, or (2) provide the Planning Department with written objection to the City's determination of abandonment. Any such objection shall include evidence that the facility was in use during the relevant six- (6) month period and that it is presently operational. The Director shall review all evidence, determine whether or not the facility was properly deemed abandoned, and provide the operator notice of its determination. (3568-9/02) 4. Removal b Ci : At any time after thirty-one (31) days following the notice of abandonment, or immediately following a notice of determination by the Director, if applicable, the City may remove the abandoned facility and/or repair any and all damage to the premises as necessary to be in compliance with applicable codes. The City may, but shall not be required to, store the removed facility (or any part thereof). The owner of the premises upon which the abandoned facility was located, and all prior operators of the facility, shall be jointly liable for the entire cost of such removal, repair, restoration and/or storage, and shall remit payment to the City promptly after demand thereof is made. The City may, in lieu of storing the removed facility, convert it to the City's use, sell it, or dispose of it in any manner deemed appropriate by the City. (3568-9/02) Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 230 230-51 9/02 9412--9413 9412. Permitted us_e_s--Recr i n 1 njpe. (a) The following uses are permitted within the ROS district subject to approval of a use permit by the Zoning Administrator: A. Arboretum Archery range Athletic fields including, but not limited to, polo, baseball, football, soccer and lawn bowling B. Bird sanctuary, aviary and farm Boating F. Fishing ponds G. Golf courses, including country clubs, pro shops, three-par courses, including pitch-and-putt P. Picnic grounds R. Racquet and tennis clubs Recreation centers S. Swimming pools and clubs V. Visual art festival grounds W. Water skiing (b) Conditional use ermit. The following uses are permitted within the ROS district subject to the approval of a conditional use permit by the Planning Commission: H. Horse stables pursuant to the development provisions of Article 967 R. Recreational uses of a similar nature as those permitted under (a) but. not specifically listed Z. Zoos (2862-10/86) 9413 Minimum arcel size/fronta e. District Minimum Lot Size Minimum Fronta e LU 10 acres None ROS 5 acres 100 feet (2862-10/86) 9414 Maximum buildin hei ht. Maximum building height shall be as follows: 25 feet ROS 45 fee except any structure within 50 feet of residentially property shall be a maximum of 15 feet (2862-10/86) 1 TITLE ASSESSMENT BELOA URFACE '1 W Fog91%0 110-0i s 27 O 1".= 1000' m3-22 to toe 4D 26 N/6z AC J 25 24 !r sup, ' 615. 19 AC. £33 07AC ,59,.09 a 18 459A \ 10 37JAC 28 29 85AC F r\ . P25iC BE148-30- 82J-1 48 / / 58.95' 14.8T' / 7T.51' T1.44' / 141.21' / 24.6251 AC. COUNTY 3 AN MIL \e •\(99. 78 AC. / M / V l5°J24 23 22 tts,.,,• ri 132.99 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ,4 SSESSORt, MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 1 14.E FPAGE 01 33 iI 2. 75 AC.r'ot9 50 37 19.7 ~ 7.5 8 51 EAG41A ,1A r J V 0 0 HUNTINGTON BEACH City of Huntington Beach Department of Planning CONFERENCE NOTES PROJECT: E C A )S LOCATION: I I c-1k DATE: NOTES TAKEN BY: IN ATTENDANCE: 'P A MEETING PHONE 13 SUMMARY: 'e-' (oC i S Pdl- 1,1 A 4- aa f., v o 1 re- co IQ ` -e wa&S a c c+ flies 1 %" 0 e- i i e.© r *rt A . ACTION: COPY TO: \- (g:forms/confnte/4.00rev.) C iv 12 S pq - 501- - k b __ Cow,,l C\SV lA k -LM ?1) 5 l &%<. wcv It4 i. s - _a -CU?-, b. - -gs1 .4; l_Ioi 0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA X=WJEDISON An CDISONINTERNATIONAL Cdnp;ny Planning Department March 25.2004 • Robert Tannin Project Manager Edison Carrier Solutions e-mail- teranr@see.com Telephone: (626) 302-7018 Pax- (626) 302-3240 Re: Letter of Authorization (Site Reference Number; AT&T -- Liberty Bechtel ID # 950-013-014, This is SCE Slater Substation @ AF 'N 110-511-14 south of Ellis Avenue and West of Edwards Atienue in Huntington Beach, Orange County. Southern California Edison Company (SCE) is the fee owner of the real propett) known as. SCE Slater Substation @ APN 110-511-14 south of Ellis Avenue and West of Edwards Avenue in Huntington Beach, Orange County. AT&T Wireless ('Carrier") has requested permission from SCE to use said property for constructing and operating a wireless communications facility ("Site"). I have reviewed Carrier's preliminary plans for this Site and believe these plans are compatible with SCE's use of this property. Thus, as a representative of SCE, I hereby authorize Carrier, and its representatives, to seek and secure all right(s), including any environmental review associated with granting such rights, that are needed from the City to use the property for this purpose Notwithstanding this authorization, SCE reserves the right to reject Carrier's request for use of its property for any reason, including because conditions or required changes to the Site plans by the City are unacceptable to SCE. All correspondence and/or notices regarding use of SCE's property by Carrier, or any later requests by the Cartier for authorizations or approvals needed for construction, operation or maintenance of an approved Site, should include an SCE notice/copy list If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call ine. Sincerely 'ooet /vr/7 a,E ; I'IE1) MAR26 2004 01 I_J 7A/7n , 7Q7_1 A76e7nce7ni I I t-UinJ.l WdV:p , trn-C7-J£W