HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA2002008 - Signed ApplicationL A ! U Property Owner C-Ty 0,F Rs City of Huntington Beat Planning Department 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 HUNTINGTON BEACH FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ZQ3SUBDIVISION APPLICATION: i ii Present Zone 1N DM 14 0ssonng CommPlann -15iZoning Administrator -Z 5;Thr1 gnationGeneral Plan Des OD TApplicant or Authorized Agent ENTITLEMEN $FEE CASE # Tentative Tract Ma TTM D 0 .Tentative Parcel Ma TPM - Mailing Address ;Kc Lot Line Ad'ustment LLA - St Zi Methane Zone 11-1CityatepEnvirpifinentaFlood Zone X 5 Exempt I9 3 7 "Oil District Telephone Number Fax Number Assessment Required Redevelopment Area EA Earthquake Fault Property Owner Scenic Corridor b .Seismic Hazard Zone 1 1AI Noise/CNELMailing Address Coastal Area Yes-N%1111,210-.1- City State Zip Exempt Distributed by _ Categorical Exclusion CDP #- O2. Telephone Number Fax Number L/ Ownership Verification Date Received S Subdivider Mailing Address 4L Applicant Authorization n/Maps Narrative Received by Receipt # Public Notification Preliminary Title Report Project Planner City Telephone Number State Fax Number Zip -Soils Report Concurrent Cases: 4- Engineer Mailing Address City State Zip Previous Cases: Telephone Number Fax Number RE UEST:0 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: • o rJ 2 NlbT. blzlfhoL s kU.)ILL, 6 v- l cL -1 s (ao4(LLl5 • Street Address: if known 0 E - P • Name and distance to nearest intersecting street: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: •Assessor's Parcel Number:15 -9 t o •Tract:Block:Lot: •Section:Township:Range: •Acreage: •, .U va-r-1 * I,Oc i.>b Print Pro e Owner am the property owner of the subject property and have read and understood all statements inc uding the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this application for subdivision may be denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions must be complied with prior to submittal of the final map and prior to issuance of building permits. I hereby authorize Print A ent to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning this applica i n. Signature of a It=143•118 Z Date ?iLor !'m Ot Lrr(, Date 0 d:• W. V,. Authorized Agent Dat RE UIRED OF ALL APPLI ONS: This application must be typed or printed and filled in completely. If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant to act on his behalf and sign this application. QDTentative Tract Ma s require twenty (20) 18" x 26" copies and two (2) 8-1/2" x 14" copies of the map drawn to a scale not less than one inch equals 100 feet (1" = 100'). Tentative Parcel Ma s require twelve (12) copies of the tentative map. Lot Line Ad'ustments require six (6) copies on the prescribed form available at the Zoning Counter. V Fold all lans to a maximum size of 8-1/2" x 14" (lower right print side out). 5. The tentative map application shall be accompanied with the following data and reports: (a) Completed environmental assessment form. (b) Preliminary title report not more than three (3) months old identifying the legal owners at the time of filing the tentative map. (c) Three (3) copies of a preliminary soils report and engineering geology report. (d) Public notification requirements (see supplemental handout). (e) Photographs of the subject property. (f) Written narrative which includes the following: (1) Existing use or uses of the property and present zoning. (2) Proposed use of property. If property is proposed to be used for more than one purpose, the area, lots or lot proposed for each type of use shall be shown on the tentative map. (3) Statement of the improvements and public utilities, including water supply and sewage disposal, proposed to be made or installed and the time at which such improvements are proposed to be completed. (4) Public areas proposed. (5) Tree planting proposed. (6) Restrictive covenants proposed. (g) Coastal Development Permit application if the subdivision is located within the Coastal Zone. 6. The Tentative Map shall contain the following information: (a) The subdivision name and/or number, date, north point, scale and sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed subdivision. (b) Name and address of record owner or owners of said subdivision. (c) Name and address of the sudivider. (d) Name, business address and number of the registered engineer, or licensed surveyor, who prepared map of said subdivision. (e) Elevations or contours at intervals or two (2) feet up to five (5) percent grade, give five (5) feet up to ten (10) percent grade, and ten (10) feet over ten (10) percent grade, to determine slope of the land and the high and low points thereof, unless approval is obtained from the City Engineer to allow greater intervals. (f) The locations, names, widths and approximate grades of all roads, streets, highways, ways and locations of existing streets in the proposed subdivision and along the boundaries thereof. (g) The location and character of all existing or proposed public utility facilities in said adjoining and contiguous highways, streets and ways. (h) The approximate widths, location and purpose of all existing or proposed easements and contiguous to the proposed subdivision. (i) Approximate lot layout, approximate dimensions of each lot, approximate lot sizes (sq. ft./acre), and each to be numbered. (j) The outline of any existing buildings to remain in place and their location in relation to existing or proposed street and lot lines. (k) If the subdivision is within a known oil field, the map shall include the location of all existing oil wells and appurtenances and •a' plan of their disposition or treatment including abandonment, • underground placement, screening, fencing, landscaping, conversion of pumping units, etc. Such plan shall include disposition of treatment of all future wells, drill sites and operations.? Such plan shall also include the written concurrence of the oil lessee or operator concerned. (I) The flood hazard zone and elevation of the base flood. 7. All decisions by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission are final unless appealed within ten (10) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement. 8. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative map or tentative parcel map shill expire twenty-four (24) months from the date the map was approved or conditionally approved. The expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall terminate all proceedings. Any subsequent subdivision of the same real property shall require the filing and processing of a new map. 9. Extension on tentative maps and tentative parcel maps: (a) The subdivider filing a tentative map or tentative parcel map may request an extension of the tentative map or tentative parcel map approval by written application to the Planning Department, such application to be filed at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved map. The application shall state the reasons for the requested extension. In granting an extension, new conditions and exactions may be imposed and existing conditions may be revised. (b) An extension(s) or tentative map or tentative parcel map approval or conditional approval may be extended by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or City Council for a period not to exceed one (1) year, with a maximum of three (3) one-year extensions of time. The extension of time shall commence with the expiration date of the approved or conditionally' approved tentative map or tentative parcel map. The approved new date shall not extend more than five (5) years beyond the date of initial approval. NOTE: Completion of this application does not presume approval of the subdivision. Such approval is discretionary with the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission. The Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission may deny, modify or approve the subdivision with conditions. gAforms\planning\subap tm REV. - 5/02 CITY OF HUNTING TONIEA CH PROJECT PROCESSING CHECKLIST (For Planning Staff Use) ENTITLEMENT NO: APPLICANT: APPLICATION FORM REVIEW PLANS: R uest Com lete (S cial Permits, Variances) Pro e Owner's Si tore or Letter of Authorization Le al Descri tion/AP No./AP Ma Ve ' Zonin Ve ' General Plan (Sub-Areas & FAR) PLANNER: PROJECT ADDRESS: [ [ Photo hs Additional Fees Paid Address Correct Narrative (Justification for R uest) A licant's Name, Address, Tele hone Number Develo ment Com liance Matrix If Entitlement No. On Plans Com lete and internall consistent Sets (Site Plan, Elevations, Floor Plans, Sections Drawin s) Accurate, Full Dimensioned, Drawn to Scale and with North Arrow Must include Property Lines, Street Names, Street Width, Existing and Proposed Buildings, Easements, Adjacent I1n rovements & Uses, Floor Plan A licant's Name, Address, Tele hone Number Pro er Number of Plans DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST SENT to Other Departments See Entitlement Review Re nest List Memo (EP-6R ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. Cate oricall Exem t Ne ative Declaration Check Miti ation Measures of Previousl a roved EIR/N.D. COASTAL STATUS: Not A licable Exem t [ CONCURRENT PROCESSING (Other Entitlements/Fees FIELD INSPECTION: Existin On-Site Use(s) and Ad'acent Uses Landsca in Condition/ Mature Trees Grade Differentials with Ad'oinin Lots [ OTHER ISSUES: 0 EIR Non-A eatable Area Coastal Develo ment Permit Parkin Lot Condition/ Drivewa s/ Reci rocal Access Me al Structures & Additions/ Non-Conformin Si s Fences/ Walls - Hei ht/ Condition/ Location PRELIMINARY PLAN CHECK See Plan Check Sheet) URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES (See Desi Review Checklist) Flood Plain Al uist-Priolo Seismic Hazardous Waste Site Redevelo ment Area [ A alable Area Cate oricall Excluded [ Easements S ecific PlanArea Oil Wells Infill Lot Ordinance DAC Meetin PROJECT REVIEW MEETING with Plannin Staff CI Previous Entitlements and Conditions Ad'acent Entitlements and Conditions Reci rocal Access on Ad'acent Pro e Pro e maintenance ordinance SEND FILING STATUS LETTER TO APPLICANT (and proper ty owner , if different ) within 30 days. Have meetin with A licant if necessa COMMUNITY MEETING for Ma *or or Controversial Pro'ects (Send Notices, include Plannin Commission SUBDIVISION MEETING RE UIRED Send Notices DESIGN REVIEW MEETING RE UIRED Materials & Color Board (Send Notices LEGAL SERVICES REQUEST SENT Ordinance, 0 inion, Resolution Zonin Text and Ma Amendments) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE Send Notices) PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION (Send Notices OWNERSHIP MAILING LIST AND MAP ACCURACY: Verified & Most Current (Map and Mailing labels of Owners and/or Tenants, A licant, Site Pro Owner, A ent and Matrix) SEND LEGAL NOTICES FOR PUBLIC HEARING includin Infill Lan a e, if a licable with labels) -CONTINUED ON BACKSIDE - (Tract Maps ASAP) (g:forms:chklst3b) (10/23/2002) PREPARE STAFFREPORT/CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL: Pre are Attachments Reduced Size Plans II Revised Plans LATE COMMUNICATIONS SENT TO PC, STAFF PLANNER, DIRECTOR, PLANNING MANAGER, & PRINCIPAL PLANNER, PUBLIC WORKS & FIRE STAFF LIAISONS, APPLICANT PLANNING COMMISSION/ ZONING A D MI NI S TR A TOR MEETING : I I 0 0 I 1 Colored Site Plans, Floor Plans and Elevations Massin Model Slides/Photo hs PowerPoint PresentationI After Final Meeting NOTICE OF ACTION LETTER MAILED TO APPLICANT &/ PROPERTY OWNER CEQA NOTICE AND MITIGATION MONITORING FEE, if re uired APPEALABLE DEVELOPMENT OR CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION LETTER FOR COASTAL , if a licable PLANS STAMPED WITH NOTED ACTION MINUTES IN FILE ORGANIZE ZONING FILE AND PLACE IN FILE CABINET (see De t. Polic Memo for file o anization (g:forms:chklst3b) (10/23/2002) 0 0 RESIDENTIAL HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING PLAN CHECK Plan Checked By Telephone: (714)536-5271 or Plan Check No. Date Job Address Plan Dated: Entitlement No(s)._Expiration Date Review Body: Planning Commission Zoning Administrator Design Review Board Director Proposed Use 1. Legal Description: Lot 2. Assessor's Parcel Number (s) 3. General Plan Designation 4. Existing Lot Size Block Tract DM Zone General Plan Sub Area Requirements Dedication Required Yes/No (alley, comer, street) Net Lot Size 5. Proposed Total Building Floor Area 6. Environmental Status: Study requirgd? Y/N Exempt (sec. Proposed Number Units 7. Coastal Zone: Y/N Appealable/Nonappealable area Exempt _ class_ EA/EIR number Categorical exclusion (sec. class____) 8. Special Areas (circle If applicable) Residential Infill Noise Contour Design Overlay Redevelopment Earthquake Flood Oil Methane Seismic Liquefaction FAA Historic Plan Check per HB Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and General Plan Section 210.06 RL. Minimum Building Site Requirements RM RMH-A RMH RH ' RMP Additional Proposed Provisions Area (sq. ft.) 6,000 6,000 2,500 6,000 6,000 10 ac. (A)(B)(C) Width(ft.) 60 60 25 60 60 - Cul de sac frontage 45 Minimum Setbacks 45 -45 45 - (D(R) Front (ft.) 15 15 12 10 10 (E)(F) Side (ft.) 3;5 3;5 3 3;5 3;5 -(G)(I)(J) Street Side (ft.) 6;10 6;10 5 6;10 6;10 -(H) Rear (ft.) 10 Accessory Structure Garage Projections into Setbacks Maximum Height (ft.) 10 7.5 10 10 (I)(J) (U) (K) (L)(R) Dwellings 35 35 35 35 35 20 (M) Accesso ry Structures 15 15 15 15 15 15 (L)(R) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)1:1 Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling 6,222 Unit (sq. ft) 2,904 *1,742 1,244 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 50 50 50 50 50 75 (V) Minimum Floor Area Required Provided (N) Courts (P) Minimum Usable Open Space Common Private (0) Accessibili ty within Dwellings (Q) Waterfront Lots (R) Landscaping (See Chapter 232) 40% front yard = Proposed Yard trees Required Proposed Fences and Walls (visibili ty) See Section 230.88 Lighting (T) Underground Utilities See Chapter 17.64 Screening of Mechanical Equipment See Section 230.76 Refuse Storage Areas See Section 230.78 Antenna See Section 230.80 Performance Standards See Section 230.82 Off-Str eet Parking and Loading See Chapter 231 See Page 2 Signs See Chapter 233 Nonconforming Str uctures See Chapter 236 Upper-Story Setbacks Required Provided (F)(M2c) Lots 50 feet or less in width = 1 unit per 25 feet of frontage Lots greater than 50 feet in width = 1 unit per 1,900 square feet G:\FORMS\PLANN ING\pl ancheck_residential. doe 06/12/00 See Page 2 RESIDENTIAL Page 2 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS HBZSO Section 230.22 Residential Infill Lot 230.62 & 258.02 Legal Building Site 230.64 Substandard Lot 230.68 Projections into Yards Fireplace or chimney Cornice, eaves and ornamental features Mechanical equipment Uncovered porches, terraces, platforms, subterranean garages, decks, and patios not more than 3 feet in height serving only the first floor Stairs, canopies, awnings and uncovered porches more than 3 feet in height Bay windows Balconies Covered patios 230.70 Measurement of Height Chapter 231 Off-street Parking Single family One bedroom unit Two bedroom unit Three bedroom unit or more _ Total required Non-residential requirement Size Compact Turning Radius Driveway width Striping Detail Wheel stops/curbs Urban Design Guidelines General Plan Maximum Height Affordable Housing Density Noise Scenic/Landscape Corridor Urban Design Historical/Cultural Economic Requirements. - Required Yes/No or Not Applicable Compliance - windows deck Notice submitted Yes/No Proof Required Yes/No If yes, submit copy of recorded map or Certificate of Compliance Yes/No If yes, Conditional Use Permit approval by Zoning Administrator required No individual projection shall exceed 1/3 of the building length, and the total of all projections shall not exceed 2/3 of the building length on which they are located. Provided Front Yard Side Yard Street Side Yard Rear Yard 2.5'2.5' (30" min clearance)2.5'2.5' 3'2.5' (30" min clearance)3'3' 2'2' (30" min clearance)2' (30" min clearance)2' 6'3'4'5' 4'2' (30" min clearance)4'4'(30" min clearance) 2.5'2.5' (30" min clearance)2.5'2.5' 3'2' (30" min clearance)3-3' 0 0 5' (max projection 1/2 width of 5' Dimensions shown: datum top of slab street side yard) top of roof @ enclosed + open + guest = total enclosed + open + guest = total enclosed + open + guest = total enclosed + open + guest = total enclosed + open + guest = grand total sq.ft. total 9' x 19' minimum with 7' vertical clearance 8' x 17' (max. 20% on non-guest spaces in projects with 50 or more units 25' residential' 26' nonresidential use in residential zone 10' = if length 150' or less for single family; 20' = all others Shown per Diagram A Key to site plan Adjacent to walkways, buildings, fencing, or landscaping Subject to separate plan check Requirements Provided REQUIRED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL , ISSUANCE , AND/OR FINAL INSPECTION Required Item Amount/Due Date - ; Completed Residential Infill Proof of Mailing Noise Study Reciprocal Access Easement Document Maintenance Easement Document Joint Use Parking Agreement Copy of Recorded Map Copy of Certificate of Compliance Approval from Coastal Commission Categorical Exclusion (Coastal) Letter Landscape and Irrigation Plan Lighting Plan Grading Plan CC&R Review and Approval Elevation Certificate Mitigation Monitoring Program Notice of Exemption Parkland Dedication In-lieu Fee $ Downtown Specific Plan Fee $831 per acre = $ In-lieu Parking Fee G:\FORMS\PLANNING\plancheck_residential.doc 06/12/00 City of Huntington Beach Phone Fax CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2000 MAIN STREET 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 November 22, 2002 Todd Broussard City of Huntington Beach Public Works Dept. 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach CA 92648 ENTITLEMENT: Lot Line Adjustment No. 02-08 PROJECT ADDRESS: 8051 and 8061 Ellis PROPERTY OWNER: City of Huntington Beach DATE RECEIVED AT ZONING COUNTER: November 19, 2002 PROJECT PLANNER: Rami Talleh Dear Applicant: Thank you for submitting your entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, Planning Department. The assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsible for the following tasks: Reviewing your entitlement for completeness; Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan; Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code, Design Guidelines, and applicable City Ordinances; Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); Analyzing the site plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans and elevations; Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding uses/structures; Coordinating issues related to the Fire Dept., Public Works Dept., Building Division, etc.; Obtaining other City department's comments relative to the project; Coordinating any necessary community meetings; Preparing a staff report and recommendation (approval/denial) with suggested findings and conditions of approval Scheduling the project for a public hearing; and Assisting you with any follow-up actions and/or conditions of approval. a Entitlement Page Two Please be advised that a Notice of Filing Status letter will be sent to you regarding the status/completeness of your entitlement(s) notifying you of the pending hearing date within 30 days of receipt of the entitlement(s) at the zoning counter. The letter will indicate one of the following circumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete ; additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental information, additional entitlements, etc.); or Entitlement Deemed Complete; the Project Planner is continuing to process your entitlement(s) and you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a hearing by (1) the Design Review Board, (2) the Zoning Administrator, or (3) the Planning Commission. The three scenarios listed below are the subsequent steps to the above notification: o If the project is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report with a full analysis of the proposal will be prepared. Your plans and supplemental information will be attached to the staff report. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; o If the project is scheduled for Zoning Administrator review, an executive summary with staffs recommendation for the project will be prepared. A copy of the executive summary will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Design Review Board action, no staff report will be prepared, however staff will advise you of the staff recommendation prior to the meeting. Generally, the complete processing time from submittal to final action by the reviewing body and expiration of the appeal period is as follows: Design Review Board: 30-45 days (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Zoning Administrator: 2-3 months (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Planning Commission : 4-6 months (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Please note: When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative -Maps, or preparation of environmental documents are involved, additional processing time is necessary. Please direct your questions and communications to the assigned Project Planner at 714-536-5271. If you have any subsequent comments or need additional clarification, please contact me at the same number. Thank you in advance for your interest in Huntington Beach - we look forward to working with you! Sin ely, Herb Fauland Principal Planner c: Property Owner Project File