HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA2000004 - Notice of Filing Status• 0 City of Huntington Beach Phone Fax 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 536-5271 374-1540 May 1, 200874-1648 NOTICE OF FILING STATUS Application: Applicant: Location: Request: LLA #00-04 Bill Holman, PLC Land Company 23 Corporate Plaza Drive, #250 Newport Beach, CA 92660 East side of Gothard Street (300 feet south of Ernest) Reconfiguration of boundary between two contiguous par- cels. The Planning Department has completed an initial review of your lot line adjustment pro- posal, submitted March 31, 2000 , and has deemed the application complete . The project will be scheduled for hearing upon completion of staffs review. A hearing notice will be mailed approximately ten days in advance of the hearing date. The following corrections to the proposed map, exhibits and/or project narrative are re- quired and will be applied as conditions of approval of the Final Map: 1. Proper titling as LL #00-04. 2. Proper identification of Gothard Street (not Avenue). 3. Revisions to the line/curve tables in accordance with the following: L15:N5227'22"W L16:S3732'55"W L17: 'N3732'55"E In addition, the following condition of approval will be recommended to the Zoning Ad- ministrator; Other recommendations may be developed as staff continues to process your request: Proposed parcel lines shall be reconfigured to achieve an (approximate) straight line for the proposed segment of property line(s), to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. It should be noted that a zone boundary overlying the subject property coincides with the property line shared by the two parcels. The proposed lot line adjustment would not result in a corresponding adjustment of the existing zone boundary. Consequently, a split zoning designation, along with corresponding development standards and use regulations, would be applicable to proposed PARCEL 1 upon approval of a Final Map. Please contact me at (714) 536-5561 if you have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your application. Sincerely, RON SANTOS Assistant Planner Cc: Walden & Associates . 180012 Cowan Suite 210 Irvine, CA 92614-6810