HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2009001 - District MapPlanning Zoning Designations Parcels City Boundary CAUTION WHEN USING THIS MAP tnfoosat ao then heron a . eooipitoino of dab Gun utarc of varying accuracyas apovdedn _bmea user The any of Hummgbo Bade doe, rot g.wniov is eonpktaiaa or a caisy Q Public Right of Ways Pnvate Right of Ways Notes Zoning Acaia Ave Nashvnlo Ave itford Ave Frankfort Ave = Dalton Ave. Baltlimre Ave SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 11-6-11 City ofHun tington Beach M 12 N • S. legend M. Poi deaenpiron of zoning dmgmtnra Orange County, California 0 500 1000 • Any znm .diomuig airy ngM of way a intended Iee <ten" to an caner of inch ngM of way ADOPTED March 7, 1960 City Council Ordinance No 754 Feet B a the .e. r-pooabhty b verily di nfmmatne b thee owe atabc4oo PWoGIS P.opct.Wtb-\7, uig Ana. DM Mooch2ta6