HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2009001 - Supporting Documentsi Gonzales, Andrew Page 1 of 1 From: Wine, Linda Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 1 30 PM To: Barbara Delgleize, PC; Blair Farley. PC; Bogart, Steve; Bohr, Keith, Caraig, Gerald, Carchio, Joe; Coerper, Gil, De Coite, Kim, Dwyer, Devin, Ed Kerins, Elizabeth Shier-Burnett, PC, Emery, Paul, Fauland, Herb, Fikes, Cathy; Fred Speaker, PC, Green, Cathy, Hansen, Don, Hardy, Jill, Hess, Scott; Janis Mantini, PC; John Scandura, PC, Milani, Bob, Reardon, Bill, Talleh, Rami, Tom Livengood, PC; Wilson, Fred, Wine, Linda Cc: Gonzales, Andrew Subject: Attn: Administrative Permit No 2009-001 (Troxell Addition - 205 Hartford Avenue) Attachments : AP 09-001 205 Hartford) - Troxell Residential Addition 2-10-09 pdf SUBJECT ENTITLEMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 09-001 (TROXELL RESIDENTIAL TRIPLEX ADDITION) APPLICANT : Art Kent, 325 2ndStreet, Suite A, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 PROPERTY OWNER: Troxell Properties, 18392 Enterprise Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 REQUEST: To permit a 280 sq ft. second floor addition to an existing non-conforming use (triplex) pursuant to Section 236.06(B)(2) of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance LOCATION: 205 Hartford Avenue, 92648 (north of Hartford Avenue, between Alabama and Huntington Streets) PROJECT PLANNER: Andrew Gonzales, Associate Planner On February 10, 2009, the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach took action on the above mentioned application and APPROVED the request with conditions Please note the action by the Planning Department is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten calendar days from the date of the action An appeal of the action shall be filed with the Department of Planning along with the appeal fee of $494 The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above mentioned application is Friday, February 20, 2009 at 5 00 pm If you have any questions about this action or the application please contact Andrew Gonzales, Associate Planner, at 714-374-1547 ,mss, Please consider the environment before printing this message 2/11/2009 HUNTINGTON BEACH City of Huntington Beach Department of Building & Safety BUILDING PERMIT FORM 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Office (714) 536 - 5241 Fax. (714) 374 - 1647 NOTE- PLAN CHECK FEE DUE AT TIME OF SUBMITTAL Please fill out com letel exce t for shaded areas Job Address (Street #, Street Name , Unit #, Zip Code):MFD SFI)Comm Property Owners Name:Address (Street #, Street Name, Unit if, City, State, Zip) Phone Number: Tenant Business Name .(Commercial Only) Address (Street #, Street Name, Unit if, City, State, Zip) Phone Number: Contractor's it usiness Lic. # Contractor Phone Number: Miscellaneous Info: New Area (s . ft.)New Garage Area : (sq. ft.) New Misc . Area (sq. ft.) or (lineal feet) o Residential: /o Reidtl (U1) (ti dsenia.e.g ., paos,ecks, porches, fences, etc ) Coommercial:o Commercial (S3, S4): 0**NOTE: Residential Additions of 500 sq. ft. (((0& lar er are sub ect to School Dist. Fees" Building Usage - (e g., assembly, retail, storage, parking, etc.):No. Stories Public Bldg.? Work Description: YESoN<o Total Construction Valua t ion: 0A Architect/Engineer Address (Street if, Street Name, Unit if, City, Zip) State License Number G`/ G:\BUILDING\FORMS\Permit App Forms\Building Permit Application (Feb 2008).doc on Number:/ clx.- e6 3 !-G 1 BEACH CENTER STATION HUNTINGTON BEACH, California 926489998 0569390451 -0098 i 01/21/20013 (714)536-4973 11:54:41 AM l tSReseceipa Product Sale Unit Final Description Oty Price Price 42c 47 $0.42 $19.74 Alzheimer's PSA Firm Mailing 14 $0.40 $5.60 Bk Cert Firm Mailing 14 $0.40 $5.60 Bk Cert Firm Mailing 15 $0.40 $6.00 Bk Cert Firm Mailing 9 $0.40 $3.60 Bk Cnrt TL $40.54 Paid by; Visa $40.54 Account #: XXXXXXXXXXXX0430 Approval #: 028643 Transaction #: 888 23 903500411 Order stamps at USPS.com/shop or call 1-800-Stamp24. Go to USPS.com/clicknship to print shipping labels with postage. For other information call 1-800-ASK-USPS. Bi1 l##: 1000202641311 Clerk: 11 All sales final on stamps and postage Refunds for guaranteed services only Thank you for your business *********k****************************** *********k****************************** PICK UP A FREE RECYCLING ENVELOPr Take an envelope to recycle ar inkjet cartridge, cell phone or small electronics free of charge! *********k****************************** HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER Go to: http://gx.gallup.com/pos TELL US ABOUT YOUR RECENT POSTAL EXPERIENCE YOUR OPINION COUNTS *********k****************************** FOR DEPAR'AIENT USE 0 L.%NflUSE PBRFORIIANCE CH It= Date Checked By Ad resses assi ed P.C. Job dress Tenative Tract: Final Tracts Admin. Actions MACH I BR 2 BR 2 BR-D 3 BR TOTAL Parka Re . Parka Shown Turoi Radius Dtive Width "S ac Dim ass loci S Re - •L I.R L;me following items•shal.l,.,.copy. Front Yard Int. 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