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Initial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2008007 - Supporting Documents
• 0 i J& City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING October 14, 2008 Application: Applicant: Property Owner Request: LOCATION: Dear Mr. Adams: INITIAL PLAN, ZONING REVIEW NO. 2008-007 (LAHIJANI & SCHWARTZBLATT MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT) Michael C. Adams , 21190 Beach Blvd , Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Fred Lahijani & Gerry Schwartzblatt, 9454 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 207, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 To review a proposal for a mixed use development including 12 residential units and approximately 8,270 sq feet of retail/commercial space. 424 Main Street, 92648 (eastside of Main Street, between Orange and Pe- can Avenues) The Planning Department has completed the review of your conceptual plans submitted on September 3, 2008. The comments provided in this letter reflect Planning Department review only and are limited to the information provided with the application submittal. Additional issues, which may be of concern to other departments, are not addressed as a part of this application Please note that additional issues may be identified following submittal of complete plans and/or applicant for entitlements. Zonin / Genera Plan: The project site is located within the SP5-CZ (Downtown Specific Plan - District 6 - Coastal Zone). The General Plan designation for the subject property is M-F1 1/25-sp-pd (Mixed Use - 2.0 maximum floor area ratio - 25 du/ac max. - Specific Plan Overlay - Pedestrian Overlay). Re uired Permits/Entitlements: Each development proposal (commercial/retail and residential), permitted under the SP5 and Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO), is consistent with the land use/community district and subarea schedule of the General Plan/Coastal Element. Permitting a mixed use development under the SP5-CZ land use category will require the following for the Main Street mixed use project. n Conditional Use Permit (CUP) with review by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission in con- junction with an associated filling fee of $6,941. Phone 714-536-5271 Fax 714-374-1540 www.surfcity-hb.org Initial Plan Zoning Review No. 2008-007 Page 2 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for development within the non-appealable jurisdiction of the coastal zone with review by the Planning Commission in conjunction with an associated filling fee of $2,215. o Design Review Permit (DR) to review the design, colors, and materials for development within the SP5 zoning district with an associated filling fee of $902. 13 Based upon the submitted narrative, a Tentative Tract Map to consolidate and subdivide the lot for condominium purposes is required with review by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission with an associated filling fee of $21,150. n Based on the submitted project plans, a Special Permit may be submitted to address aspects of the project that do not comply with the SP5 development standards. A Special Permit requires the re- view by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission with an associated filing fee of $2,052 per each deviation from any development requirement. Permitting development under the SP5-CZ land use category will require the following for the Lake Street residential project: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) with review by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission in con- junction with an associated filing fee of $6,941. G Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for development within the non-appeable jurisdiction of the coastal zone with review by the Planning Commission in conjunction with an associated filling fee of $2,215. Based upon your narrative, Tentative Parcel Map to consolidate and subdivide the lot for condomin- ium purposes will be required with review by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission with an as- sociated filling fee of $4,068. Code Re uirements: Prior to submittal for entitlement processing, project plans should be revised to demonstrate confor- mance with all applicable requirements of SP5 and HBZSO, including but not limited to the standards identified below, by means of accurate and fully dimensioned plans. Due to the limited information pro- vided for the Lake Street residential development the code requirements below are only applicable to the Main Street mixed use development. The Main Street mixed use development comments are listed as follows: 1. The number of residential units proposed exceeds the allowable maximum density of one dwelling unit per 1,742 sq. ft net lot area. The maximum density permitted for the subject site is 11 residen- tial units. (SP5-4.8.03). 2. The 74 linear foot portion of the ground floor level shall be built to the five foot build-to line along Main Street. (SP5-4.8 06 & UDG Ch. 5:C.j) 3. The second and third floor of the residential portion of the development shall be setback 10 feet from the north property line. (SP5-4.8.07). 4. The upper covered portion of the third floor shall be setback an average of 10 feet from the second story facade along Main Street (SP5-4.8.9) G.\Gonzales\IPZR\IPZR 8-007 (424 Main) - Lahgani & Schwartzblatt Mixed Use Development\IPZR 08-007 (424 Main) doc Initial Plan Zoning Review No. 2008-007 Page 3 5. The residential portion of the project shall provide common open space equal to 25% of the floor area (4,155 sq. feet) of each unit with a minimum dimension of 20 feet. The project only proposes 3,455 sq. ft within the second floor courtyard area which encompasses 20.8% of the open space re- quirement. The 744 sq. feet area located on the ground floor identified as open space can not be utilized in the cumulative total of open space because it does not provide the minimum horizontal di- mension of 20 feet (SP5-4 2.11) 6. A minimum of 5% of the net site area shall be provided as public open space on the street level, or above a semi-subterranean parking structure. Access to the public space shall be provided from the street level. (SP5-4 8.10) 7. The private open space provided per each unit does not meet the minimum 120 sq. feet require- ment. Additionally, the project matrix identifies a cumulative total of private open space that does not correspond to the area identified in floor plans A, B, and C. (SP5-4.2.11 B) 8. The walls located in garage level 131 and B2 shall be located outside a triangular area formed by measuring 10 feet from and adjacent intersecting driveway/alleyway and transitional ramp aisles. (HBZSO Sect. 230.88) 9. The aisle width serving commercial uses in garage level B2 shall be increased one foot to provide an aisle width of 26 feet. (HBZSO 231.12) 10 The transition ramp serving parking garage 131 and B2 shall have a maximum slope of 5% for park- ing stalls which abut the ramp and used for vehicular egress/ingress The maximum slope for transi- tion ramps with no adjacent parking spaces shall be 10%. A ramp utilized for ingress and egress to a public street shall have a transition section at least 16 feet long and a maximum slope of 5%. (HBZSO 231.18 G 1) 11. All parking structures proposed for conversion to a fee parking arrangement shall be subject to a conditional use permit and coastal development permit approval by the Planning Commission. (HBZSO 231.18 G 5) 12. The parking stall widths provided for space numbers "2" and "19" on level 131, and "2" and "22" on level B2 shall be increased in width to 12 feet when adjacent to a wall over 12 inches in height. Post/columns may be permitted along the side of each space only within three feet of the head and foot of each stall. (HBZSO 231 16 A) 13. The parallel parking space located on level B2 shall be provided with a parking stall dimension of nine feet in width and 27 feet in depth. (HBZSO 231.14) 14. Guest parking shall be fully accessible The location of the guest parking spaces should be either accessed from the parking spaces provided in garage level B1 or on the ground level adjacent to the alley. (HBZSO 231.04 & 231.18). 15. 100 cubic feet of storage area is required per residential unit within the designated residential park- ing area. (HBZSO Sect. 231.18) 16. Five bicycle parking spaces shall be provided onsite and conveniently located close to the building entrances as possible for patrons and employees, and protected from damage by automobile. (HBZSO Sect. 231.20) G.\Gonzales\IPZR\IPZR 8-007 (424 Main) - Lahijani & Schwartzblatt Mixed Use Development\IPZR 08-007 (424 Main) doc Initial Plan Zoning Review No. 2008-007 Page 4 17. The transitional ramp aisles serving garage level BI and B2 shall be increased an additional two feet. Residential private access ways shall have a minimum paved width of not less than 28 feet (SP5-4.2.17) Desi n Recommendations: The following items are staff recommendations to improve the design of the project consistent with the City's adopted design guidelines, policies, and or design principles: 1. The elevator, stairways, and entrances to residential units shall be designed to be exclusively acces- sible to the residential tenants for whom they serve and segregated from commercial patrons and employees. The separation between public and private spaces can be achieved with paving, build- ing materials, grade separations or with physical barriers. (USG Ch. 4: Fi) 2. In the downtown area, new development infill should be compatible with the height and scale of sur- rounding buildings. New buildings should be designed to create pleasing transitions to surrounding development. The bulk of infill buildings should relate to the prevailing scale of adjacent develop- ment. Therefore, the existing developments to the north and south of the project site should provide each building's height and a depiction of each building's profile on the applicable building elevations. (UDG Ch. 5: D) 3 Building entries should be protected from the elements and provide a "sense of shelter" by incorpo- rating overhangs and simple recesses. (UDG Ch. 5- D.8.a) 4. Building entries should afford a "sense of entry" to the building. Given the building's location at the elbow of Main Street, special consideration should be made to create focal, distinct, and prominent entrance for the street level shops or residential lobby space. The main entry to Downtown buildings should be emphasized by utilizing one or more of the following design elements or concepts: (a) re- cessing the entry door with a decorative opening; and (b) incorporating a portico (formal porch) pro- ject or inset into the building. (UDG Ch. 5: E.1) 5. Refuse containers and service facilities should be screened from view by solid masonry walls with metal doors. Use landscaping (shrubs and vines) to screen walls and help deter graffiti. (UDG Ch. 5 D.8) 6. Lighting should create a festive atmosphere and encourage nighttime use by pedestrian and lighting fixtures should be attractively designed to complement the architecture of the project and improve visual identification of residence and businesses. (UDG Ch 5: H) Other De artmental Comments: 1. The location of the main access way to garage the levels (B1 and B2) is encouraged to be relocated to align with the alley serving Lake Street to give efficient vehicular mobility to and from the project site. 2. All elevations should be incorporated with architectural pop-outs/recesses, upper story offsets, mate- rial transitions, and so forth to ensure articulation is provided on all building elevations. 3. The wall adjacent to the stair well serving access to the residential units from the private courtyard area shall be broken up to reduce the massive appearance on the building's northerly elevation. G \Gonzaies\IPZR\IPZR 8-007 (424 Main) - Lahijani & Schwartzblatt Mixed Use Development\IPZR 08-007 (424 Main) doc Initial Plan Zoning Review No. 2008-007 Page 5 4. The total lot area identified on sheet no. 1 shall identify an area based on the net lot size. 5. On sheet no. 1, the project matrix summary shall include the 1,576 sq. ft. residential lobby area to the cumulative floor area. 6. The development matrix shall be revised to comply with all open space requirements identified by code requirement no. 7. Open space requirements shall correspond to SP5 standards rather than exclusively to the HBZSO. 7. The plans shall identify the locations of the commercial and residential refuse collection areas. A separate trash enclosure shall be provided for the commercial and residential portion of the devel- opment. 8. Due to that project's location on a site with a high water table, special consideration should be made as to the placement of structural posts in the garage parking lot in the event that adjustments to the project result in the relocation of posts and removal of parking spaces. Thank you for submitting your Initial Plan Zoning Review application. Please call me at (714) 374-1547 or via email at,a onzales surfcit -hb.or if you have any questions regarding the information in this let- ter or would like more information on the entitlement application process or submittal requirements. Sincerely, LA,V, D J4, Andrew Gonzales Associate Planner Cc: Fred Lahijani & Gerry Schwartzblatt, Property Owner Herb Fauland, Planning Manager Project File G \Gonzales\IPZR\IPZR 8-007 (424 Main) - Lahitani & Schwartzblatt Mixed Use Development\IPZR 08-007 (424 Main) doc MICHAEL C , ADAMS City of Huntington Beach ASSOCIATES SEP 0 5 Z0o0 September 5, 2008 Herb Fauland, Planning Manager City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Re: New Mixed-Use Project (424 Main Street) Dear Herb: Upon further review of our proposal we have revised the Project Narrative and Zoning Conformance Matrix to identify both parcels. As we discussed the concept is to permit twelve residential units on the Main street lot, which with a strict calculation of allowed density would only yield 11.3 units; and limit development on the Lake Street lot to two residential units, a site which could yield three, pending determination of the ultimate R.O.W. for Lake Street. The overall density is consistent with the current Downtown Specific Plan. Please review this submittal for, application approach, entitlements required and project concept and design. Please inform my office if any additional information is necessary. Sincer' ticMike Adams cc: Fred Lahijani P.O. Box 382, Huntington Beach, CA 92648-0382 (714) 376-3060 e-mail: AdamsAssoc socal.rr.com MANDIC MOTORS PROPERTY 424 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA D.T.S.P.District 6 Pro osed Lot 1 Pro osed Lot 2 1 Permitted Use Commercial /Residential 8,270 sq. ft.comm.2 du = 3,200 SF 12 du 16,618 sq. ft. 2 Parcel Size 2,500 sq. ft. min. 25' Fronta e min. 19,625 sq. ft. net 124' Fronta e 5228 SF net 69 Fronta e 3 Density 1 du / 1742 sq. ft.1 du / 1,635 sq. ft.ldu/2,614 (Lot 1=11.3 du, Lot 2=3du) F.A.R. 1.5 F.A.R. 1.5 = 29,438 FAR 1.5 = 7,842 SF 4 Building Height 35' 3 Stories 35' + 5' Roof Addition 3 Stories 35'0 5 Site Coverage N/A N/A N/A 6 Setback Front 5' Min. build to line 5' to Bld 15' 7 Setback Side Ext. - .15' Min. Int. - 0' Min. (Comm Ext. N/A Int. 0' 5' 8 Setback Rear 3' Min. Alle dedication to 24' 3' Min. Alle dedication of 4.5' 3' Min. Dedication of 2.5' 9 Setback Upper Story 10' Average for 3` story 10' Average for 2nd sto N/A 10 Open Space (Comm. Public)5% of net site area=981 SF 744 sq. ft.N/A 11 Open Space (Residential)25% of Residential SF=4,155 SF Private(Decks)=4,070 SF Comm.(Courtyard)=3,456 SF Total = 7,526 SF Apx. 400 SF per unit 12 Parking 1 sp / 333 sq. ft. Comm. 2 sp. / du for 2 Bdm. .5 sp. / du Guest Comm. Req.: 25 Res. Req: 25 Guest Req: 6 Total Required: 56 Total proposed: 73 Parkin Credit 26 2 enclosed per unit 2 open spaces shared 0 9/4/08 City of Huntington Beach SEP 0 5 2008 MANDIC MOTORS PROPERTY 424 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 1 D.T.S.P. SP-5 Permitted Use District 6 Commercial / Pro'ect Max. 8,270 sq. ft. comm. Residential 12 du 18,000 sq. ft. 2 Parcel Size 2,500 sq. ft. min.19,696 sq. ft. net 3 Density 25' Fronta e min. 1 du / 1742 sq. ft.1 du/1,641 sq. ft. F.A.R. 1.5 F.A.R. 1.5 = 28,782 0 4 Building Height 35'35' + 10' Roof Addition 5 Site Covera e 3 Stories N/A 3 Stories + Roof Deck N/A 6 Setback Front 5' Min. build to line 5'toBld 7 Setback Side Ext. - .15' Min.Ext. N/A 8 Setback Rear Int. - O' Min. Comm 3' Min. Int. 0' 3' Min. 9 Setback Upper Story Alle dedication to 24' 10' Average Alle dedication to 24' 10' Average 10 0 en S ace Public for 3rd sto 5% of net site area for 3rd sto Re uired: 960 s . ft. 11 Parking 1 sp. / 333 sq. ft. Comm.Comm. Req.: 25 0 1 sp. / 100 sq. ft. Rest. 1 sp. / 500 sq ft. Office 2.5 sp. / du for 3 Bdm. 2 sp. / du for 2 Bdm. .5 sp. / du Guest Res. Req: 25 Guest Req: 6 Total Required: 73 Total proposed: 73 Parking Credit 26 City of Huntington Beach SEP 0 3 2008 Dec 14 07 06:30p LAHIJANI TPOT PROPERTIES 4434210 Dec 14 07 05 :52p S . Partnership 310 2 J871 MICHAEL Co ADAMS ASSOCIATES December 1. 2007 Planning Department City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach . CA 92645 Subject : New Mixed Use (RestaentlaWRetall ) at 424 Mein Street To whom it may concern. I am the legal property owner of the above -described address . I herby authorize Michael C. Adams Associates to process appications (or new Entitlements on behalf of our project with the City of Huntington Beach. The proposal is for a new mixed -use project on the former Nbndic Mptors site. If you have any questions or need further infiormation, please contact Michael C. AOart>s Associates at.(714) 374-5676 Thank you,, Property Owner's me (Prin p.2 p.2 City of Huntington Beach SEP03 2008 P.D. BOX 3[ HUKTINGrow a AGi, CA 92848 PHOAE 714.374.5878 FAX714374.2211 MJaCr+oAtwccopvP4n.mm ZQ Jdd Sb5 TTLLbLEvtL Lb:LT L00L/trt/ZT •• MICHAEL C. ADAMS ASSOCIATES September 3, 2008 Herb Fauland, Planning Manager City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Re: New Mixed-Use Project (424 Main Street) Dear Herb: Thank you for the opportunity to meet and discuss the proposed mixed-use project for the former Mandic Motors site. As indicated, we are preparing to submit applications for a Conditional Use Permit ($6,941), a Coastal Development Permit ($2214.50) and a Tentative Tract Map ($21,150). Total application fees for this request are $30,305.50. However, we would prefer a preliminary indication that the project will be favorably received. Enclosed are the various project narratives, zoning conformance matrix and three sets of plans. Please review this submittal for, application approach, entitlements required and project concept and design. Please inform my office if any additional information is necessary at this time. A check for an Initial Plan and Zoning Review (IPZR) for $262 is enclosed. Sincere y, Mike Ad s cc: Fred Lahijani Cityof HuntingtonBeach SEP 0 3 2008 P.O. Box 382, Huntington Beach, CA 92648-0382 (714) 376-3060 e-mail : AdamsAssoc socal.rr.com á MARCH 1948 $ ACAG1A AVER n•1S 4 ° 8 _'19 ON-©aYf, 2f G 20 19 12 21 BLK.16, 506 28 t 4 27 5 p 26 6 it --®-25 9 4 24 8 7 23 _a 3 52 --Q-.226 5 tat PECAN A VEND n• 8 :. 9 t3 _ « vx I ,a 1330Q 31 BLK. 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