HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2006001 - Supporting Documents• DATE : March 8, 2006 TO: HOMEOWNERS AND TENANTS FROM : Mr. Michael Fazio and Family 924 Main Street/corner 11th Street RE: Application To inform you of our application , Administrative Permit No. 2006-001 , for the 2"d floor addition between existing 2 story house and existing 1 story garage which now have 3' side setbacks , which has previous approval for 2nd floor addition which will now be constructed along with new 2ndfloor connection to existing house (total 2nd floor addition = 848 S.F.). Previously approved 668 S.F. + requested additional 180 S.F. = 848 S.F. The administrative permit is required to maintain the current 3' side yard setback for the 2"d floor addition between house and garage (with 2nd floor addition previously approved in 1996 to now be constructed). There is a 10-day appeal period. If you have any questions or responses , please contact Mr. Paul Da Vega, Project Planner , City of Huntington Beach , at (714 ) 536-5271 . PLEASE NO OWNER CONTACT. Attached find copy of narratives on file with City Planning Department. d Michael Fazio, Owner 924 Main Street Huntington Beach , CA 92648 Attach: I 2/23/04_ 1 o J i 11 (714) 536-5271 OFFICE of the ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH • CALIFORNIA ------------------------------ P.O. I;OX 190 NOTICE OF ACTION March 25, 1996 Petition Document CONDITIONAL USE PER.N11T NO. 95-104 VARIANCE NO. 95-38 Applicant. Jeff Bergsma (Property Owner) CALIFORNIA 92648 Request . To permit a three (3) car garage with dwelling unit above at a nonconforming three (3) foot setback in lieu of fi%c (5) feet and variances to allow tandem parking, an eight (8) foot six (6) inch building setback and a three (3) foot nine (9) inch deck setback in lieu of nine (9) foot two (2) inches Location- 924 Main Street (southeast corner of Main Street and Eleventh Street) Planner Assigned : Susan Pierce Dear Applicant: Your application was acted upon by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Huntington Beach on March 20, 1996 and your request was n i n 11 ' A r v . Included in this letter are the Conditions of Approval for this application. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Zoning Administrator is final unless an appeal is filed to the Planning Commission by you or by an interested party. Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the action and grounds by which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. Said appeal must be accompanied by a fling fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) if the appeal is filed by a single family dwelling property owner appealing the decision on his own property and Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.00) if the appeal is filed by any other party. The appeal shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Plan-ing Commission within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the Zoning Administrator's action The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above noted application is April 1, 1996. I 0 0 Conditioner Use Permit Nn 9'.10: Variance Nn 95•1A Pale 2 1. Provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance are such that any application becomes null and void one (1) year after the final approval. unless actual construction has begun. FI 'DINGS FOR APPROVAL - VARIANC E NO. 95-38: The granting of a variance for an eight (8) font six (6) inch building setback and a three (3) foot nine (9) inch deck setback in lieu of nine (9) feet two (2) inches and tandem parking will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and tinder an identical zone classification The building and deck encrot tments are less than five (5) square feet (building) and 36 square feet (deck) The maionty of properties in the vicinity are rectangular in shape and would allow parking and projections compliance The proposed project requires five parking spaces and three enclosed and three open parking spaces are provided 2 Because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property including size, shape. topography, location or surroundings. the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification The 0 37 gross acre site tapers and narrows toward the rear, adjacent to the alley The shape and widtl' of the paiccl limits placement of on-site parking with alley access 3. The granting of a variance is necessary to preserve the enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights The site is zoned and general planned to allow two (2) residential units 4. The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property in the same zone classification and is consistent with the General Plan The variance removes a curb cut on Eleventh Street, provides six on-site parking spaces, and allows an additional on-street parking space. INDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 95-104: 1 Conditional Use Permit No, 95-104 for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a three (3) car garage with a dwelling unit above at a nonconforming three (3) foot setback will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity nor detrimental to the value of the propert;' and improvements in the neighborhood. a. The architectural design is consistent with the main building b. The project site is located in a multi-family zone. c. The design complies with construction requirements of the Uniform Building Code Conditional Use Permit No 95-104 M'aria' No 9'•39 Page 3 , ' 2. The granting of a three (3) car garage with a dwelling unit above at a nonconforming three (3) foot setback will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of lluntington Beach The propo.,ed two (2) units on 0 3-1 gross acres is consistent with the Residential Low Density land use designation which allows seven (7) units per gross acre 3. The proposed use %vill comply with the provisions of the base district and other applicable provisions in Titles 20-25 and any specific cc,ndition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located The project complies with development standards and parking requirements, except as granted by Variance No 95-38 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 95-104 / VARIANCE NO. 95-38: I. The site plan and floor plans received and dated December !9, 199', and the elevations received February _' 1 096 shall be the conceptually approved layout with the following modification a The garage shall be set back 24 feet from the alley ultimate rrght-of-wav 2. Prior to submittal for building permits, the following shall be completed a Conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on the cover sheet of all working dra\%inw sets submitted for plancheck h Elevations shall depict colors and building materials proposed, as approved by the Desicn Review Board 3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the following plans and items shall be submitted and/or completed by the applicant a. Alley dedication of 2 5 feet along the rear of the subject property (PW) b A grading plan shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for review and approval (PW) c. A Covenant To Hold As One Parcel request shall ble submitted to the Department of Community Development to consolidate portions of Lots 26 and 22 and Lot 24, Block 910 of Wesley Park Tract. Following approval, the covenant shall be recorded with the Orange County Recorder and a copy of the recorded covenant with the Department of Community Development prior to final inspection or occupancy. 4. Prior to final inspection or Certificate of Occupancy. a. Remove and replace existing sidewalk on Main and Eleventh Streets (PWW') b. Remove existing curb and replace with curb and gutter. (PW) (txa:hreup93104) AMN Conditional 1, Permit Nc 93.104 Variance Sc 95.3R Page 4 c Remove and replace one-half alley (asphalt to concrete) (P\l') d install seer lateral (P\\') e Install water service (P\\') f Remove and replace the existing half round drains, at the corner of Main and Eleventh Streets, to the satisfaction of the Depanment of Public Works (P\\') g Construct full concrete alley apron (PW) h Remo%c e\lstinu driveway on Eleventh Street and replace \\ith curb. gutter and sidewalk (P\\*) Prior to final building permit approval, the following shall be completed a All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, ..ire. pipe, and other surp'us or unusablt! material, shall be disposed of at an off-site facility equipped to handle them b. Compliance with all conditions of approval specified herein snail he accomplished 6. The proposed stricture shall be architecturally compatible with the existing structure 7. Natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units 8. Low-volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets 9. The Zoning Administrator shall be notified in writing if any changes in building height, boor area, setbacks, building elevations or open space are proposed as a result of the plan check process. Building permits shall not be issued until the Zoning Administrator has reviewed and approved the proposed changes. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to require that an amendment to the original entitlement be processed if the proposed changes are of a substantial nature. INF RMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE RE UIREMENTS: I. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, Buildinc Division, and Fire Department 2. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid 3. Traffic Impact fees shall be paid at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or final inspection 4. An encroachment permit shall be required for all work within the City right-of-way. (jxa:kr atp93l04) 10 Conditenal lse Pertnn Nn 9'•:0.1 Page s 0 S The structures on the subject property, %khether attached or detached, shall he constructed in compliance with the State acoustical standards set forth for units that lie %%ithln the 60 CNEI_ contours of the properly Evidence of compliance shall consist of submittal of an acoustical analysis report. prepared under the supervision of a person e\periences in the field of acoustical engineering, with the application for building permit(s) 6 A detailed soils analysis shall he prepared by a registered Soils Engineer This analysis shall include on-site soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations retarding trading, chemical and fill properties, foundations, retaining walls, streets. and utilities Park and Recreation fees shall be paid at issuance of building permits 8 Construction shall be l:meted to %lonaav through Saturday. % 0(' AM to 1 0t PV Construction shall he prohibited Sundays and federal holidays 9. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke Conditiona: I'se Permit No 9-104 and Variance No 95-38 if an" violation of these conditions of the Huntington Beach Zonina and Subdivision Ordinance occurs The Department of Community Development will perform a comprehensive plar, check relating to all Municipal Coie requirements upon submittal of your completed structural drawings Please be advised that the Zoning Administrator reviews the conceptual plan as a basic request for entitlement of the use applied for in relation to the vicinity in which it is proposed The conceptual plan should not be construed as a precise plan reflecting conformance to all Code requirements. It is recommended that you immediately pursue completion of the Conditions of Approval and address all requirements of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code in order to expedite the processing of your total application I hereby certify that Conditional Use Permit No 95-104 and Variance No 05-3S were Conditionally Approved by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Huntington Beach, California. on March 20, 1996, upon the foregoing conditions and citations Ve trul y rs. Herb Fauland Zoning Administrator tnnA fJti 0/110--iA-3 77t7"vr, rc_7a, .V s'E- - -_ _- --'NJlr 4 J j•v \ IWIvItIII„/1-7 1 -,o./00 l .12'-O" - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- DEC,k{ FP D L Z IVIiVG BEDROOM /1TC//ENI r 54 Tom! i''-O" Pe '- GA RA GE 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN ST. NO.. 0990501 DEPARTMENT OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 Pc`T.YOCALIF a, 110.16" ALL INSPECTION REQUESTS MUST Be RECEIVED BY 4300 P.M. FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY'S' INSPECTION. # # # # * 0 U P L I CAT E * * * #, B U I L O I N G 'P E'R M I T Permit Numbers B-050000 PC $9600790 RD 441 Bldg. Address: 924 MAIN ST ti Tract I NA Lot:,NA' Blocks NA EXIST. BLDG . Building Uses SFD -ADD' Owners Contractors JEFF BERGSMA (NO-CONTRACTOR) SAME AS ABOVE HB CA 92648 Ph. ( )536-5888 Designer: JEFF BERGSMA Project Description : ADD NEW 3-CAR GARAGE _ - __-_--___.. Sq.Ft. Res/Com: Garage : Misc. : Occ. Group: Public Building? NO Census CDdet hah 'Valuation: 17472 Bldg. Code: ADD Zone: RM Park. Spaces Entitlement (s)s CUP -95-104 ___ Coastal _Permit? NO AQplicBtions 07/01/96 Plancheckt 07/01/96 ECD _ #303268 __ _--- Authorized : Building: 08/16/96 GK Public Workst Planning : 081 15/96 SP _ Fire DRpti------------ -- - -- -- -- - - ----------- --- - -Processeds 09/25/96_YH__#tB-050000 Issueds 09/25 /96YH DESCRIPTION INSPECTION PLANCHECK LIBRARY CONSERVATION DEMOLITION 672 It It x PERMIT FEES Is # X AMOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 194.00 RAACD23430600 ISSUANCE 176.48 ## PAID #* PENALTY 0.00 RLXLS39171100 PARKS #1 REC. 1.75 GAA 00020116 P/PLANCHECK 0.00 RAACD23430600 MICRO COPY TOTAL FEE 236.75 AMOUNT ACCOUNT 20.00 RAAC02343320 0.00 RAACD2348300 0.00 RSKCD2343550 15.52 ## PAID ## 21.00 GUU 0002255 F INAL I INSPECTION: _ Processeds 09/25/96 YH !#8-050000 Issued: 09/25/96 YH WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATIONI Mealy aEhm underpenalty Of PMvy oft d me Mlowkp d.daraWns: I h n Bed wA maatntn a x010018 of Core" to .4,114+wx. for work.n' eornp.naaype, as moulded for by w.cvon raw a aw I.aDOr t;oaa, ror rw p.nomwrxw a vw wax or wnxn Eye porm6 N lwnsd. 1 hen. and wel manes l waxen' oo nparwatlon awurance, a r.gdr.d by Section 3 700 of ft Labor Code, br M p.rMrrwwa d M wak for w ll. f4. p• Y 4su.a My woexan' oarp.rwatlon kwunncs cartlarancl poky Policy, Mks ba .. .L ue"U 1 mit/ Ent In M podomwna of to work w14ch 9* Issud. Iopm+lt notMptW vy person M any'xwrrlw.o r In beoonw .W)aet to to walk eesMerpsewadon Mw. Cl California. and agree that M f shouldb .catw,. * Bra' oanparwaon provisions Cl Section 5700 of the Labor Code, I Nn6 MtIwM. oorrply withIW;i , Dow Applicant WARNNOt FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS COMPENSATIW COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CML FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (3100,000), N ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR INSECTION 9700 OF THE LABOR CODE. INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. TMIR BOX FOR REGISTER VALIDATION ONLY !0 t23A73--:-R03AAn0all-j :_.etloC,AO.Zt.Mt `Old No. Stories: 1 No. Families:' Occ. Load: Constr. Type: Bldg. Uses SFD OWNERCULDER DECLARATIONI Araby amen nxfor penalty Cl pa y MI 1 am oxp-;t horn Contraaoes Lknnss Law for fm kAw.fi1reason (Section 7091.6, Eusk...s and Prd..abna Coda: Any city or Mik5 regWras a p.ma In construe, after, knptow, dernoash, or rep.) s y .Eu Iur., prior to Et 140 ristruirse sheapplkant Ior such permlt 'I I i. -.tim ed stat.m.rx Vial N. Or she 4 Sosn.ed puretrrt Its to pewtol 's cothe ConhacWs License Law (Mlapw 1) I nw.ndnp with 8.cdon 7000) d DhNbn 5 d he BuMlwu ' Prol.s.bmu Code) of cwt NN. or aM 4 exempt Mf om ad M beMrernass for to $OW .x.npaon.Any-ern d Se tio 16 b7W.c n y anappcwE ce a p.nn aA)anM aab A duo pnaay of not,yfM.w x doen (5600)).L u owrwr d M prory, or myarnplorm with W20" as Mk sole ocir .rwdak wedo ft work,M 4amlcha.nd Mandid a qrw) Ax We (Seo 7044 BMd Pdl Cd TM..uap an lyaaawas,Contractor's Lb.rw. Law doss not apply IS an ewnwr of prop.dy who =;:Z=",andwtw dose wd1 worst hkmeK a har..o or fwough IM or her own TIM sud1knp ownwma em not kdand.d of olsred br salt II, hawuer, P. buldln0 Cr knprvmrwnl 4 wM wmh Ons year d oonpl.tIon, M owwwnbld .r wE Iwve M burden of provkq to he N she dal not ho or krprov. for M expose of sal.) 1, n owner d ew pnp.ry, am axdwMy ea*.cdnO wE1 Meowed oonhaebr. In Cana t M pny.ct (Sea 7011, Buahwaa and Ptdawbns Code. TM Carl. actoya License Law does not oppy m anowner of pro" who bide Of krprw.s 1wr9e Ord who dantrKU for Sufi P11 - wlal A Cadrada(s)I d Cnrwepxnrnt b M sntraeb I Lbonve Lash I am exmpt under SW. E.&P.C. for tilt naaon Dal 'owner AGENCYI Mnby Bohn ixd.r psneny d Mt Mn a Cornmx eon M1dl p apNxy br M perbrmrna dM work for, whkh a4t pam41is 4awd (Sao. 5017, CN. C).' Lmdeh Name Landes Ad*m t CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPT" FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE a.S SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) OR MESS)• ` _ - - ' `arse-wro _ ` .11- 0,NO 099051CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH a 2000 MAIN ST.DEPARTMENT OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 P.0.OXIf* CAL ORNIA.I e2e+e (714) $30-6241 ALL INSPECTION REQUESTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 4:00 P.M. FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY'S INSPECTION. B U I L D I N G P,E'RM IT Permit Number: 8-051181 PC tic RD 441 Bldg. Address: 924 MAIN ST Tracts NA Lots NA Block: NA EXIST. BLDG. Building Use: SFD -DEMO, Owners Contractors JEFF BERGSMA (NO CONTRACTOR) SAME AS ABOVE HB CA 92648 Ph. C )536-5B88 Designer: JEFF BERGSMA 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Description: DEMOLISH 520 S.F. GARAGE Sq.Ft. Res/Com: Garage : No. Stories: I Valuation: Misc. No. Families: Bldg. Code: DEMO 0cc. Group: Occ. Load: Zone: RM Public Building? NO Constr. Type: Census Code: 649 Bldg. Use: SFD Park. Spaces: Entitlement(s): CUP -95-104 _ _ ____ _ '__Coastal Permit? N_O______ __ Apelica_tion:09/25/96 Piancheck ________ __ _----------------- Authorized: Building: 08/16/96 GK^ Public'Works:r- Planning:_08/15/96_5(7_ Fire Dept:_______________----- ----------- --------- Processeds 09/25/96 YH *B-051181 Issued: 09/25/96 YH----------------------------x * PERMIT FEES $;S ----------------- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT INSPECTION 0.00 RAACD23430600 ISSUANCE 20.00 RAACD2343320 PLANCHECK 0.00 RAACD23470500.' PENALTY 0.00 RAACD2348300 LIBRARY 0.00 RLXLS39171100 PARKS & REC. . 0.00 RSKCD2343550 CONSERVATION 0.50 GAA 00020116 P/PLANCHECK 0.00 RAACD2313380 DEMOLITION 65.00 RAACD23430600 . MICRO COPY 1.00 GUU. 0002255 TOTAL FEE 86.50 FINAL INITIALS INSPECTION: _____-__ Processe a13R2,j 5/96 YH 8 -051181 . Issueds 09/25/96 YHSA'hON OINK" BUILDER DE. ARATIDN1 h.rsby allkm u+da penhy it p.rlury one d M Ioltowl g d.dar,norms: I twr.by Aram tads penaltyOfp$iy PW 1 am .-.no from Coitrseln 'v Lk.rw Law for M baowkq 1 lave and wll maMah a artmeaa d eorm.srmt to Nd#,a r. for worker,' comp.nsatkv,, as provided Ax by mason (Section 7031.4, Bueh.as and Proferlora Cod.: Any city to comany which t.q %. a perm! to Section $700 of M tabor Code, k ft p.rkmrmanw of ft work br wMdt this permit Is Issued. axatnud, shot, hrpmw , dimollfr, or repair sary sauClu prior to its lwnncy, am rs"M M 1 have"M maMah workere axnpenalbn hwrance . N required by Sector 3700 of ft Labor Code, for IPP11C N lot Such permit to B. a stoned asl.mem eat he or ON I. kxa.d purwanl to M prwtlors of I NO WAOrnwmoi of fa work for which nit permit Is hau.d, My workers' corrp.raanon hsuname nn1Sr and porky and PC rates License Law (Chapter (C a oanmendrq with Section 7=1 Cl D 3 Suck,.., reumOM arY C she Is r Mr efran and M baW tot ft jift9edCarrieramnion of IoSOCOM ns 7031.$ byhe o S a permit argeca P. sppM.ai to a Md perwlry Ofnod Pak,' MXrrber asan Bve ttv dr,d Bohan ($200).6 as amd Cl M property a my Mlh wsgw as IMk alit tam aaatla ,was d M kle1P,p ,o wo ,o Sat. (Sec. 70{1, BtnkaN end ProMelon Cod. Tl 00MI not a P. StntdwS Isnod kOW or M0grgyt' 1 esdt M to M a of to work for W id permit Is issuedp.rtotnwma rmploy ary person in eta Comraoror'a License taw done red appl to an owner It w4ro Drdtd hro•,y oov.e Mo on, andppMaor1 ' merit.? N es b became .sA,.d b M workers' eonpenatton hues a Calhomia, and afro. Mt h I shouldb.oom. who does such work hlrr. of heron or fvough his or her own ernploy..S, provided 101 suchae).d to M worker,' eorrpaaetlort proMsbn d Section 3700 Cl M Labor Cod., I sMh laNmwlm oorrply with hmpo'nmma an not Mended of oherid toe Nit. h, however, to butdn f a Inptovsnnl h sold wttlat 8 Mss p0Mj1pns n )Sonia OOR`pletldl M O,vnenbuldsr nIl lave M bwd.n d provkq that he or.n. Ad nod btdd or I DOW. Applicant WARNING: FAILURE To SECLnE WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSANDDOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION. DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR INSECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST. AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. THIS BOX FOR REGISTER VAUDAIKW ONLY J• '. 7 .eta i-1 805118!„B1dPr'Wed $ep 2S , 199 Aga it Aw rOArra..ts 1, N owner of M properly, am sxchaMly eontrscMm f Nth Acen.d Contractor, to corobucf M Ucenft Low soon not antra to anartier ofprqMrty rho builds Of hpmves Peon, end who oorxroct f suchkaa.d pirsuart to t4 Contractot's License Law.).P^>1•ca win a ooneadar(a) O 1 am .orrpt thder Set&P.D, lot tlmh reason air Owner _ aTRrI Mmy ahhm und.r penalty pajury ah hu eof o fawy k>r r4 perbrmarca ofwsric for wtmtoh this perrM h 4eued ( 30$7 L I letWeh Address CERTIFICATE OF EXEMP.IOII FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE(las SECTION NEED NOT BE COI IPLETED IF PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (3190) POR. N 1/2. S 1/2. N1/2, SEC. 11. T 6 S. R 11W024-06THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGECOUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ONLY.THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TOITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUIES ANY LIABILITYFOR OTHER USES. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.® COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 19980500-AT•'t7bV71'/S71PqIA97PMd AVE?"4TRACa 11 ••N16Oaa0 062 I €m• 191o11NO.PARI17r6 ..DIT X.LP;P 21S(AaAAa ST)AIkM.E,`MARCH 1948HIAYTINGTON BEACH. WESLEY PARK SECTION M.M. 4-17TRACT NO. 1028 M.M. 33-40TRACT NO. 10809 M.M. 468 -29.30.31PARCEL MAP P.M. 152-48' y e*Yu• >4 e•ILOT r9TRACT 0102 1a0ELEVENTH2_1@--2;6.2(7)2Q. In •01129'. I I41W3rSX311.346j 118 . 1 • •laIb. 113.23cr121a,1*I•trim n ttu n;7rBAX9' • • • 9s 3s 1 -.•I39• I '•I 187IIKNOXVILE AVENIE,8&110. ST.)NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK ASSESSOR'S AIAPPARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 024 PAGE 06SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE12131'=100'IS,.12 1 f_ . Huntington Beach ,ti !JC:67 y ;iflca o .or anne he l,l(y C. r ;u _r Son Bea ' Infer ion Services Department n ]{ c :nfor i t n Sy rein o rnao i warran(ed toy _ _rYv H,, n:, dwc Brach does n ,r, rar c.c t oY'lpreteness or an tira_y °4,, 1- A)J,' gi,a1n Bh `P.r TkE ET i E1rTERLiPJE: i 1 b / rI rl_.Tr P P- F:4dlr 1 r / _-ullctc r=.'i1priti al