HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2003008 - Supporting DocumentsDate:
Property/Business Owner or Tenant Name:
Mp12 TV
The City of Huntington Beach requires Limited Notification of adjacent property/business
owners and tenants when an applicant proposes a restaurant, outdoor dining, personal enrichment
services, non-amplified live entertainment, carts and kiosks, large family day care or a sign code
exception when certain criteria is met.
This letter is to notify you that (applicant name: is
p oposi g to est lish (list type of business or request if existing busne s: 1 I
i at (location address: 1 . The
proposed application will comply with development standards of the Huntington Beach Zoning
and Subdivision Ordinance. Pursuant to the City's Limited Notification standards, you are
encouraged to review the proposed plans for compatibility issues, such as, hours of operation,
noise, location and design as appropriate. Plans are available for review and comment at the
Planning Department for ten business days from (Date: 1-5 through
(Date: I . The address and phone numb r of the Planning Department is:
2000 Main St et, Third Floor, Huntington Beach , CA 92648, (714) 536-5271.
Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action
taken by the Planning Director at the end of the ten day review period becomes final at the
expiration of 10-day appeal period. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written
notice of appeal to the Secretary of the Planning Commission within ten calendar days of the
date of the Planning Department's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and
address of the appellant, the decision being appealed, and the grounds for the appeal. A filing
fee shall also accompany the notice of appeal. The appeal fee is $409.00 for a single-family
dwelling property owner appealing the decision on his/her own property. The appeal fee is
$1,063.00 for all other appeals. The appeal period starts at the end of the 10-day review period.
If you have any questions , please feel free to call me at I
Applicant 's Name:
Applicant 's Address. V 9
Applicant 's Phone Number : l '.2
Cc: City of Huntington Beach Planning Department
G:\PernutStream(mmg\LimitedNotification\LimitedNot.Itr.doc Revised September 17, 2002
FEE $276
Step 1: Come to the Planning Counter to discuss your proposal with Planning Staff. You are required to
participate in the Limited Notification process if you are requesting a Sign Code Exception with less
than 10 percent deviation, Outdoor Dining under 400 square feet (excludes alcohol), Day Care Large
Family, Eating and Drinking Establishment, Personal Enrichment in a lease space less than 2,500
square feet, or Carts & Kiosks on private commercial property (excluding Downtown).
Step 2: You must mail a notification of the intent to occupy a lease space specifying the use as stated above
to property owners and tenants (see diagram below). Mail the ten day review notice to the list of
owners and tenants through the post office using a Certificate of Mailing as proof of mailing. If
labels are prepared and mailed by a bonded company a Certificate of Mailing is not necessary. The
initial review will last for ten-business days and starts when the Planning Department receives the
proof of mailing, a copy of the notification letter you mailed to owners and tenants and a set your
plans. The ten day appeal period begins the next day after the initial review period ends. Once the
appeal period ends you will receive a Notice of Action letter from the Planning Department. For
your convenience, a notification letter is attached for your use. Should you choose to draft your own
letter it must include the following information:
a) Name of applicant
b) Location of proposed business or use, including address.
c) Nature of business or use when applicable, the hours of operation, square footage of lease
space and number of tables/chairs in the notice.
d) Planning Department phone number and address of City Hall shall be provided in the notice
to call for viewing plans.
e) The date by which any comments must be received in writing by the Planning Department
and the City appeal procedures. The review period begins 1-2 days after mailing.
Planning Department shall receive entire list including name and address of those receiving
the mailing.
Step 3: At the time of submittal for building permit or Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall show the
Building Department compliance with the Limited Notification requirements in the form of a
"Notice of Action" letter from the Planning Department. The application for building permit or
Certificate of Occupancy will be rejected if the requirements are not met.
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Commercial Center -
S - Subject Site
T - Notification required to Tenants
P - Notification required to Property
Questions regarding this process should be directed to the Zoning Counter at:
City of Huntington Beach , Department of Planning
2000 Main Street , P.O. Box 190, Huntington Beach , CA 92648 (714) 536-5271
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G \PennitStreamitnmg\LtumtedNotification\Notification Graphics #2 doc Revised February 4, 2003
The Fit Spot nscFVs®
16942 Gothard St. Ste. H MAY212003
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
714.841.9294 (The Training Spot #)
A Spinning & Aerobic Studio
Mon. - Fri.
Sat. - Sun.
955 Sq. Feet
Review Period May 21 - 31, 2003
Mailing May 19, 2003