HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR2004002 - Supporting DocumentsCity o f Huntington each 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 October 8, 2002 Application: Applicant: Property Owner: Request: Project Location: Dear Mr. Monck: PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW NO. 02-02 (GERGEN PROPERTY) Harry Monck 303 Cleveland Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Gergen Properties 211-B Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 To review construction of an eighteen (18) unit apartment complex consisting eight (8) buildings two stories high and the subdivision of one (1) lot into eight (8). 19082 Gothard Street (East side of Gothard south of Garfield Avenue) The Planning Department has completed the review of your application for Preliminary Plan Review. The comments provided in this letter reflect Planning Department review only and are limited to the information provided with the application submittal. Additional issues, which may be of concern to other departments, are provided for your information. Please find enclosed comments from the Departments of Building & Safety, Fire, Police, and Public Works. Please note that additional issues may be identified following submittal of complete plans and/or application for entitlements. The following is provided for your information: 1. ZONING. The project site is located within the RM (Medium Density Residential) district of the Holly-Seacliff Specific Plan (SP9). Multi-family developments are permitted in the RM district at a density of fifteen (15) units per acre subject to approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) and tentative tract map by the Planning Commission. 2. ENTITLEMENT PROCESSING. The filing fee for a CUP for review by Planning Commission is $6,025. The filing fee for a tentative tract map is $5,220 plus $30 per lot. A complete application along with all submittal requirements is 0 Mr. Monck/ PPR 02-02 10/8/2002 Page 2 of 5 required at the time of submittal. In addition, the proposed multi-family development is subject to review by the Design Review Board. The filing fee for an application to the Design Review Board is $630. 3. PARKING RE UIREMENT. Per Section 231.04 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO) the parking ratio for multi-family dwelling units are as follows: Type of Unit Re uired Parkin S aces er unit Studio/one bedroom One enclosed space per unit Two bedrooms Two spaces (one enclosed) per unit Three or more bedrooms Two and a half spaces (one enclosed) per unit Guests Half a space per unit The site plan indicates a total of thirty-six (36) enclosed parking spaces (2 per unit) and a total of ten (10) open parking spaces, nine (9) of which are required for guests parking. Depending on the number of three bedroom apartments proposed additional open parking spaces might be required. Avoid the placement of open parking spaces over property lines. In addition, consider providing additional open parking spaces within the driveways by setting back the garages a minimum of twenty (20) feet. 4. MEASUREMENT OF RE UIRED SETBACKS. The front yard area for each property shall be between the front property line of each newly created parcel and the front setback line. The front yard setback shall be measured from the ultimate easement of the private street. The rear and side yards shall be measured respectively. Please refer to the Holly-Seacliff Specific Plan for the required setbacks. 5. WALKWAYS AND PARKWAYS. Pedestrian walkways and landscaped parkways should be utilized to link dwelling units with common open space areas and define and accent the street edge. Currently the site plan does not indicate any walkways or parkways. Consider the use of both sidewalks and parkways within the project site. 6. BUILDING SITING AND DESIGN. The building siting and design impacts the residential character of the street. The residential units are designed and sited in a way that places the garages in front of the unit concealing the building entrances. As a result the appearance of the street is dominated by the presence of two car garages. The Huntington Beach Design Guidelines discourages adverse impacts from garage doors on the residential character of the street or project site. Consider alternative designs to break up the monotony of garages along the street. In addition, consider placing the building entrances in front. Mr. Monck/ PPR 02-02 10/8/2002 Page 3 of 5 7. OPEN SPACE. Per the Holly-Seacliff Specific Plan, the common open space requirement for each multi-family dwelling unit is as follows: Type of Unit Re uired Common 0 en S ace er Unit One bedroom unit 250 square feet Two bedroom unit 300 square feet Three or more bedroom unit 350 square feet The Huntington Beach Design guidelines state that open space areas should be provided in large meaningful areas, not unusable fragments. Common open space areas should also be sited to maximize their accessibility and use by residents. The amount of square footage required for the proposed project depends on the number of bedrooms proposed for each unit. The site plan does not delineate any common open space areas. Provide the required amount of common open space in a central location for use by all the units. A minimum of 75 square feet per dwelling unit shall be provided in private open space reserved for the exclusive use of residents of the dwelling unit. For future applications please delineate common and private open space on the plans. 8. CIRCULATION. Consider alternative circulation pattern to maximize the use of the land. Vehicular access to the units may be provided from the rear. Consider the use of driveways along the south, east, and north property lines to access each unit from the rear. This configuration may alleviate other concerns such as provision of common open space, setbacks, buffers, and residential character. In addition, access could be taken from the alley as well. 9. GATED ENTRY. The proposed gated entry should provide adequate space for vehicles entering from Gothard. Any call box provided for visitors shall be positioned so that a vehicle stopped to use the call box does not block another vehicle from entering the site. Similarly, if a vehicle is denied entry into the development, adequate space is required to permit the vehicle to turn around without obstructing the public right-of-way. 10. PERIMETER LANDSCAPING. Per the Holly-Seacliff Specific Plan, a fifteen (15) foot landscaped area shall be provided along all arterial highways within the specific plan area. The site plan indicates that security fencing is proposed along the western property line on Gothard Street. The perimeter wall along Gothard should be setback fifteen (15) feet from the public right-of-way to accommodate the required fifteen (15) foot landscaped area. 11. BUFFER FROM INCOMPATIBLE USES. The project site is bounded by a nonconforming storage yard to the south. Consider providing an adequate buffer along the southern property line to separate the residential units from the existing industrial use. Mr. Monck/ PPR 02-02 10/8/2002 Page 4 of 5 12. REFUSE STORAGE AREAS . Refuse storage areas shall be required for all multi-family residential developments . Refuse storage areas shall be screened on three sides by a 6-foot masonry wall and equipped with a gate, or located within a building. The trash area shall not face a street or be located in a required setback. The design and materials used in such trash enclosures shall harmonize with the main structure. 13. PARK IN LIEU FEES. The city adopted Ordinance No . 3562 amending Park In Lieu Fees for new residential subdivisions (Tentative Tract Maps and Parcel Maps). Subdividers will be required to pay for an appraisal from a "certified appraiser" retained by the City to determine the park in lieu fee . The formula to determine the Park In Lieu Fee per unit is as follows: 5 acres Appraised value of 1000 persons X 2.68 persons per household X property to be developed (per acre) Please note, the City Council may consider a new fee schedule for collection of park in lieu fees. 14. AFFORDABLE HOUSING . All developers of residential projects shall be required to submit an affordable housing plan in conjunction with any subdivision in accordance with the city's adopted Housing Element . An affordable housing plan shall provide for on-site affordable housing within the Holly -Seacliff Specific Plan. The contents of the affordable housing plan shall include the following: a. Fifteen (15%) percent of the total units proposed shall be for households earning less than 120% of the Orange County Median Income. b. A detailed description of the type, size, location and phasing of the units being built. c. The estimated applicable sales price and rental rate of the units. d. Residential projects for households earning less than 80% of the Orange County Median Income may request a subsidy by one or more of the following: 1) Direct financial assistance. 2) Reduction in fees and/or exactions. 3) Deviation from specific development standards of the Holly- Seacliff Specific Plan. 15. MAINTENANCE MECHANISMS. For development projects which include privately-owned streets, parking, recreation, open space, landscaped areas, or community buildings or facilities , the developer shall submits a legal instrument Mr. Monck/ PPR 02-02 10/8/2002 Page 5 of 5 or instruments setting forth a plan or manner of permanent care and maintenance of such areas and facilities. No such instrument shall be acceptable until approved by the City attorney as to legal form and effect, and by the Director of Community Development as to suitability for the proposed use of said areas and facilities. If the common areas to be conveyed to a homeowners' association, the developer shall file a Declaration of Covenants to be submitted with the application for approval, that will govern the association. These covenants shall include: a. The homeowners' association shall be established prior to the sale of the last dwelling unit. b. Membership shall be mandatory for each buyer and any successive buyer. c. The open space restrictions shall be permanent. d. Provisions to prohibit parking upon other than approved and developed parking spaces shall be written into the covenants, conditions and restrictions for each project. e. If the development is constructed in increments or phases which require one or more final maps, reciprocal covenants, conditions, or restrictions, reciprocal managements and maintenance agreements shall be established which will case a merging of increments as they are completed, and embody one home owners; association with common areas for the total development. Please note that the fee for this application will be applied to any future entitlements. If you have any questions or comments , please feel free to call me at (714) 374-1682. Thank You, Rami Talleh Assistant Planner Enclosures cc: Joe Gergen, 211 B Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Herb Fauland, Principal Planner Project File G:\TALLEH\2002\Staff Review\Initial Plan, Zoning Review\19082 Gothard\19082 Letter doc GERGEN HOMES Inc. 211-B Main St. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 960-9182 / fx 960-2504 January 7, 2004 Rami Telleh City of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 RE: 19082 Gothard St., File 02-02 Dear Rami, 3 Enclosed please find 412copies of the revised site plan for 19082 Gothard St. It addresses Engineering's desire for the entry drive to remain at the South portion of parcel. We've examined Planning Dept's request to incorporate the previously abandoned alley but due to the 4'+ elevation change at the rear of the property the reconnection to the existing alley doesn't work cohesively with the project. At greater issue was Engineering Dept's emphatic non-support for creating a new alley and driveway so close to the Garfield / Gothard intersection. I would like to submit this for site plan review. Please let me know if there are additional fees required and I'll come down and pay them pronto. I also have a question regarding any final paperwork from my previous submittal, please give me a call when you've got a minute. Sincerely, R[E0E 171_0 JAN0 7 2004 o F q1-1'E uo- ftll1o vmt-S S AA F I C-Ljq kue--Ta-GN 0 pre-114f-0- LR-ND." TO `7th 50uT}+eXts1-5 A- L6}- W (V`n.lU hK +b 0Ull1- D-A 6 W 6y-l,5+(N (o f.t+/Srt'd rz,P,-( , e ee vdl v I LL, '-w.O, UL SD[NloS /Ckr1-S `TVz 0 ,1--Djj-G qlhS Pp-a7C-m loo W e,, stS Oc--,P 2 SfiD"Af AEi\,+P3UIC,19/N65. EA,5t At\J VK- M-KA) ct,-tz Tt-IF, vl-we,ei-cabw eA sal o 6 5Th 1E, --AIVLV :511 AA I L,'A- r'e, -r25 6 AY2--,ho Pte U AT o N W l (n, 13 G;`CIS NON' DO1E,dp c P -rlN(0 aotk i N 6GJ5 Nov-'UJNrt peDt'(..E t -b X -1 5m C t an gU/V; fiF}IS S(t'E ltoflocllflD wll-})N A H17OS vJAStL- h-ni\o SuBST)o,-"CGstTEI PeP,SM-N+ 0 G-,(A wjBQ} CO Or--- . 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O C A,ArD(0 8 .// A2 Us 7 R2/ u ?TT iS NOTES: I sSs G \FORMS\DAT SIGN IN doc yl --to 7voo_ev\- •s NtJL1. w/4cN_AI1 ey •IV __vtqf_Ir 00 rVI Ii -- A-5 gi-tbl-C /__ - - --V1 _, -,. -- -„k L - vas-- - -- --- (yLce & V?_,-(2 • °L cR Cit of Huntin ton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE TEAM PROJECT ADDRESS : PROJECT SCRIPTION: CALIFORNIA 92648 I NAME ORGANIZATION lei; III JArr(/ L/L/ -T)0-1 26 Z vl/-W, m Pw e/ lk-6-r- Al e ms $Ac io R,EAL Svc Wa, 1 J I . ftcr DATE: /•2 /2003 1 y S 7 PH. NO. (V4.) .32 -/6zB 37 -61 -37 -/7 -ct-1, 2- NOTES: 1 t •56{g9 i INN,? I Amn or vti cC A 9 0 =i $ vim- ,e, _ . _d_' 1(QC cis Ot e et t 2, l 1" • tn s -ate -U cclpr-Vond Au 11 -IA rt y S Cit of Huntin ton Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE TEAM PROJECT ADDRESS: D PROJECT DESCRIPTION: LIV 11 NAME ORGANIZATION -QIL. DATE: b/ 1 Cl /2003 Isen VK PH. NO. 1'nn•b - G Z. - t '3(o'S t 37 L • (5-3e o 62tJ `i. `t q d • ` 1 $ Z 53b --5 Sf `fIN1 i KE t A-C S r -S T2rri Uo+VjorkS 7/4- 53(-55 J(••5 Z A-,r.., f..• , .7i4 39 //z s CL `Dro P J -DtvtL 0Vt4 =1 C?-( ¢) 3?4-3-380 NOTES:AA 0 G•\FORMS\DAT SIGN IN doc 0 Starling Thomas Concepts Jan Thomas PO Box 2201 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-0201 Ph/fax 949 348-8186 POLICE REVIEW AND FINDINGS PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS TO, DATE TYPE OF PROJECT LOCATION OF PROJECT DEVELOPER/ARCHITECT STC REFERENCE NUMBER' POLICE COMMENTS 6 Rami Talleh August 19, 2002 Construction of an 18-unit apartment complex consisting of eight (8) buildings two stories high 19082 Gothard (East of Gothard south of Garfield) Gergen Properties STC02-022 "Security fencing" is shown on the plan It appears that this will be a gate-guarded community It should be understood that gates do not ensure "security " I am available to speak with the applicant about the pros and cons of gates None of the entries is visible from the main driveway, except two of the triplex entrances The inability to see the front door from the main driveway could potentially jeopardize the safety of the residents This provides more privacy and time for a potential offender at the front door Most concern in this area goes to the two triplex units Two of the entries, designed in alcoves, are completely hidden from view Ensure adequate lighting in guest parking spots. Keep landscaping low and well maintained to prevent hiding areas for offenders Low and well- maintained landscaping gives residents and their guests more visibility and control over their environment PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Terri Elliott, Public Works Matt McGrath, Fire Gerald Caraig, Building Lt. Chuck Thomas, Po ice FROM: RAMI TALLEH Ext: 1682 RECY'D OCT 012002 RECEIVED sipz 7 t firs DATE: JULY 29, 2002 PC ZA DRB Q STAFF PETITION(S): Preliminary Plan Review No. 02-02 (Gergen Properties) REQUEST(S): To review construction of an eighteen (18) unit apartment complex consisting eight (8) buildings two stories high . The request also includes an eight-lot subdivision and construction of a private drive. LOCATION: 19082 Gothard (East of Gothard south of Garfield) ZONE: SP9 (Holly-Seacliff Specific Plan) GENERAL PLAN: RM15-sp (Residential Medium Density - 15 units per acre - Specific Plan) EXISTING USE: Storage Yard Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before August 27, 2002 COMMENTS: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) S ct 4,T,4em __ \ RESPONSE BY: Attachments* 1. Maps 2. Narrative 0 Extension 5 Y 3 G \TALLEH\2002\Staff Review\lnitial Plan, Zoning Review\19082 Gothard\19082_DRR.doc HUNTINGTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW DESCRIPTION:18 Unit Apartment Complex ADDRESS: 19082 Gothard PLAN CHECK # Prelim. Plan Review DATE: 9/30/02 PLANNER:Rami Talleh GRID # 421 EXT #:1682 The items listed below indicate Huntington Beach Fire Department (HBFD) development condition of approval requirements- Compliance is required prior to building permit issuance and all applicable items must meet Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC), Huntington Beach Fire Code (HBFC), and/or Uniform Building Code (UBC) standards. A. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT: 1. Provide a Fire Department approved Remedial Action Plan (RAP) based on requirements found in the City of Huntington Beach Soil Cleanup Standard, City Specification #431-92. 2. From the Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources (DOGGR), provide a Permit to Conduct Well Operations for all onsite active/abandoned oil wells. (714) 816-6847. 3. From the DOGGR, provide proof of a Site Plan Review application. 4. Obtain a Huntington Beach Fire Department Permit to Abandon Oil Well and follow the requirements of City Specification #422-Oil Well Abandonment Process. 5. Installation and/or removal of underground flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks (UST) require the applicant to first obtain an approved Orange County Environmental Health Care UST permit/site plan. This approved plan must be presented to obtain the required Huntington Beach Fire Department Fire Code Permit Application to conduct Installation and/or removal operations. 6. Vapor extraction treatment areas shall require conformance to City Specification #431- Gas Fired Appliances as well as the Huntington Beach Oil Code. B. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. For Fire Department approval, applicant must submit a site plan showing all onsite abandoned oil wells accurately located and identified by well name and API number, PLUS identify and detail all methane safety measures per City Specification #429-Methane District Building Permit Requirements. These details shall be on a separate sheet titled "Methane Plan." 2. All onsite oil well abandonment must be Fire Department approved per City Specification #429-Methane District Building Permit Requirements, #422-Oil Well Abandonment Process, and all abandoned oil well document review/inspection fees must be paid. 3. To maintain required emergency access and site safety during project construction phases, submit a Fire Protection Plan in compliance with City Specification #426-Fire Safety Requirements for Construction Sites. 4. Fire access roads shall be provided in compliance with City Specification #401-Minimum Access for Fire Department Access. 5. Fire hydrants must be installed and be in service before combustible construction begins. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Public Works Department and approved by the Fire Department. Indicate hydrant locations and fire department connections. The Fire Department and the Public Works Water Division shall determine the number of fire hydrants. 6. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed throughout. For Fire Department approval, plans shall be submitted to the Building Department as separate plans for permits. 7. A fire alarm system in compliance with Huntington Beach Fire Code is required. For Fire Department approval, shop drawings shall be submitted to Building as separate plans for permits. The system shall provide water flow, tamper, and trouble alarms, manual pull stations, interior and exterior horns and strobes, voice communication, and 24-hour central station monitoring. 8. Street names must be approved by the Fire Department. Please refer to City Specification #409-Street Naming Process, Public or Private. 9. All Fire Department requirements shall be noted on the building plans. C. THE STRUCTURE (S) CANNOT BE OCCUPIED, THE FINAL BUILDING PERMIT (S) CANNOT BE APPROVED, AND UTILITIES CANNOT BE RELEASED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN COMPLETED: 1. Secured entries shall utilize strobe-switch activated, automated gates and comply with City Specification #403-Fire Access for Pedestrian or Vehicular Security Gates. 2. Secondary emergency access gates must be secured with KNOX and association (if any) hardware. 3. Fire extinguishers shall be installed and located in areas to comply with HBFC standards found in City Specification #424-Portable Fire Extinguishers. 4. Address numbers shall be installed to comply with City Specification #428-Premise Identification. Number sets may be required on front and rear of the structure. 5. Exit signs and exit path markings will be provided in compliance with the Huntington Beach Fire Code and Title 24 of the California Administrative Code. 6. Service roads and fire access lanes, as determined by the Fire Department, shall be posted, marked, and maintained per City Specification #415-Fire Lane Signs. Additionally, the site plan shall show all fire lanes. If prior to approved signage fire lane violations occur and the services of the Fire Department are required, the applicant may be liable for related expenses. D. DURING DEMOLITION, GRADING, SITE DEVELOPMENT, AND/OR CONSTRUCTION, THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE ADHERED TO: 1. Discovery of additional contamination/pipelines, etc., must be reported to the Fire Department immediately and the approved workplan modified accordingly. E. OTHER: 1. The private drive to access the apartment complex must be designed in accordance with City Specification #401 - Minimum Standards for Fire Apparatus Access. Fire Department City Specifications may be obtained by mail or in person at the Fire Department Administrative Office, Huntington Beach City'Hall (fifth floor), 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach If you have any questions, please contact the Fire Prevention Division at (714) 536-5411 DATE 01/08/98 /Gothard, 19802 (18 Apt)2 SIGNED DATE 01/08/98/Gothard, 19802 (I8 Apt)3 City of Huntington each 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 September 6, 2002 Harry Monck 303 Cleveland Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92648 SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW NO. 02-02 (GERGEN PROPERTIES) Dear Mr. Monck. Per our conversation earlier today, we agreed that Planning Department and Fire Department comments pertaining to the aforementioned application will be provided as soon as I return from vacation on September 23, 2002. Enclosed for your review are comments from the Public Works Department, Building and Safety Department, and Police Department. Sincerely, g, - - ' L 4 Rami Talleh Assistant Planner Enclosure xc: Joe Geraen, 211 B Main Street, Huntington Beach , CA 92648 Herb Fauland, Principle Planner G kTALLEH\?002Design Re%ie%. Boardlti032 amer (Sienagel sip mod doc INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION HUNTINGTON BEACH From: Eric Haghani Ext.: 1589 To: Rami Talleh CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Project Location: Building Safety comments for: New (8) 2-story buildings for 18-unit apartment complex PETITION: Prelimina Plan review File No.: 02-02 The following are comments to the file (petition) identified above. This list is not a plan check correction list. General information is provided to help facilitate the development by giving you up front information on building code issues, City policies, and other codes or laws as they apply to your project. Please review the comments below before you submit for plan check. Allow 15 working days for first corrections. If you incorporated the information below, you must next submit for plan check of structural and building code requirements. You may obtain all required forms and information for plan check review and permit applications on the 3`d floor of City Hall. P/M/E plan checking is a separate plan check process. The following items need to be made apart of the Conditions of Approval for this project for plan check submittal documents: • A corrosion report must be prepared by a qualified person who will determine the suitability of buried pipe and recommend a method to protect buried pipe when corrosive soil is encountered. Reproduce the recommendations of the report on the plans. Please include the following issues in the design of your project to reduce plan check corrections and improve turn around time. Note to Planner: Please remind a licant to attach a co of this list to the Plan Check Submittal Documents to hel ex edite Ian check res onse and reduce corrections. 1. Type of construction of all buildings need to be stated. 2. Sprinkling will be required when the total area exceeds 5000 SF. 3. Contact Fire Department for possible Methane Barrier requirements. 4. Site plans must show final surface drainage elevations and finish floor elevation, building address, distance to property lines, distance between building on the same property, easements, all required disabled access features and signage, etc 5. Soils report required for this site and must include: D \Documents and Settings\haghanie\My Documents\2002\PRR 02-02 19082 Gothard.doc Preliminary Plan review 02-02 5.1. Liquefaction analysis and recommendations 5.2. Distance to fault(s), fault type and soil type used by the Uniform Building Code © for seismic design. 5.3. Protection of buried pipe due to corrosion. Recommendations must provide specific method to install protective materials or devices. 6. Plan submittal documents must include "Conditions of Approval". 7. "Roof Truss" drawings and calculations when used must be submitted with plan check documents and must not be a deferred item. 8. Stair and landing structural framing and design of railings and handrails must be included in the design drawings of the plans and must not be a deferred item. 9. Identify all rescue type windows or doors from rooms used as sleeping rooms. 10. Roof covering must meet a listed class "C" or better fire retardant assembly. 11. Structural calculations shall be prepared to comply with the Uniform Building Code ©, 1997 edition. 11.1. Assume Na = 1.3 and Nv = 1.6 or compute lower value for distance from fault. 11.2. Assume "Roe" factor is 1.5 or compute lower factor, but not less than 1. 11.3. Calculations must show load combinations used by UBC Sections 1612.2, 1612.3, and 1612.4. 11.4. Earthquake force must be E = p Eh + Ev (30-1) and Em = c2 Eh (30-2) 1630.1.1. Multi-family: 12. Walls separating units must meet one-hour fire-resistive construction and meet the state standards for sound reduction. 13. Roof covering must meet a listed class B or better fire retardant assembly. 14. "Noise Study" when required by Planning must be submitted with plan check documents. D \Documents and Settings\haghanie\My Documents\2002\PRR 02-02 19082 Gothard doc Preliminary Plan review 02-02 • • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION TO: Rami Talleh, Assistant Planner FROM : Terri Elliott, Principal EngineerA DATE: August 29, 2002 SUBJECT: PPR 02-02 (18-Unit Apartment Complex) 19082 Gothard Street RECEIVED AUG 2 8 2002 The following conditions are provided in sequence of timing, Public Works reserves the right to condition the project further upon acceptance of a complete application. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMIT: 1. The site plan received and dated July 29, 2002, shall be the approved layout. 2. A tentative map for the proposed eight-lot subdivision shall be submitted and conditionally approved. It shall show the proposed dedication of an additional 5-feet of alley right-of-way along the northerly property line. 3. A Grading Plan, prepared by a Licensed Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. The following public improvements shall be shown on the plan: a. The existing driveway on Gothard Street shall be removed and replaced with an ADA compliant driveway per City Standard Plan No. 211. b. A private onsite sewer system. c. A new domestic water service and master water meter shall be installed per Water Division standards, and sized to meet the minimum requirements set by the California Plumbing Code (CPC) and Uniform Fire Code (UFC). The proposed development shall be served from the Zone 2 public water supply system. d. A separate irrigation water service and meter shall serve the proposed development. The existing water service and/or meter may potentially be utilized for landscape irrigation purposes if it is of adequate size, conforms to current standards, and is in good working condition as determined by the Water Division. If a new water service and/or meter is required, the existing service and/or meter shall be abandoned per Water Division standards. A new irrigation water service and meter shall be installed per the Water Division standards and water service shall be a minimum of 2-inches in size. An appropriate Owners Association with CC&Rs shall be instituted to accept responsibility for water billing and maintenance of any common area landscaping and irrigation systems. e. Separate backflow protection devices shall be installed, per Water Division standards, for domestic and irrigation water services. G:\Engmeermg Division\ELLIOTr\Conditlons 2002\PPR 02-02 (19082 Gothard) doc f. Existing mature trees that are to be removed must be replaced at a 2 for I ratio with a 36" box tree or palm equivalent (13'-14' of trunk height for Queen Palms and 8'-9' of brown trunk). 4. In accordance with NPDES requirements, a "Water Quality Management Plan" shall be prepared by a Civil or Environmental Engineer. "Best Management Practices" shall be identified and incorporated into the design. 5. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered engineer. This analysis shall include on-site soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations for grading, chemical and fill properties, retaining walls, streets, and utilities. 6. If soil remediation is required, a remediation plan shall be submitted to the Planning, Public Works and Fire Departments for review and approval in accordance with City Specifications No. 431-92 and the conditions of approval. The plan shall include methods to minimize remediation-related impacts on the surrounding properties; details on how all drainage associated with the remediation efforts shall be retained on site and no wastes or pollutants shall escape the site; and shall also identify wind barriers around remediation equipment. 7. The name and phone number of an on-site field supervisor hired by the developer shall be submitted to the Departments of Planning and Public Works. In addition, clearly visible signs shall be posted on the perimeter of the site every 250. feet indicating who shall be contacted for information regarding this development and any construction/grading- related concerns. This contact person shall be available immediately to address any concerns or issues raised by adjacent property owners during the construction activity. He/She will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the conditions herein, specifically, grading activities, truck routes, construction hours, noise, etc. Signs shall include the applicant's contact number, City contact (Sudi Shoja (714) 536-5517) regarding grading and construction activities, and "1-800-CUTSMOG" in the event there are concerns regarding fugitive dust and compliance with AQMD Rule No. 403. 8. The applicant shall notify all property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the perimeter of the property of a tentative grading schedule at least 30 days prior to such grading. 9. The developer shall coordinate the development of a truck haul route with the Department of Public Works if the import or export of material is required. This plan shall include the approximate number of truck trips and the proposed truck haul routes. It shall specify the hours in which transport activities can occur and methods to mitigate construction-related impacts to adjacent residents. These plans must be submitted for approval to the Department of Public Works. 10. The applicant's grading/erosion control plan shall abide by the provisions of AQMD's Rule 403 as related to fugitive dust control. 11. If the entry is to be gated, then there must be adequate storage provided for vehicles entering from Gothard. Any call box provided for visitors shall be positioned so that a vehicle stopped to use the call box does not block another vehicle entering the site. Similarly, should a vehicle be denied entry, space to turn around an SU-30 vehicle must be provided clear of the public street right-of-way. 2 G•\Engmeenng Divislon\ELL10T RCondltlons 2002\PPR 02-02 (19082 Gothard) doc 12. A truck tracking analysis must be provided for review and approval by the Public Works Department, which shows a WB-50 vehicle (moving van) entering and leaving the site. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH DURING GRADING OPERATIONS: 1. Water trucks will be utilized on the site and shall be available to be used throughout the day during site grading to keep the soil damp enough to prevent dust being raised by the operations. 2. All haul trucks shall arrive at the site no earlier than 8:00 a.m. or leave the site no later than 5:00 p.m., and shall be limited to Monday through Friday only. 3. Wet down the areas that are to be graded or that are being graded, in the late morning and after work is completed for the day. 4. The construction disturbance area shall be kept as small as possible. 5. All haul trucks shall be covered or have water applied to the exposed surface prior to leaving the site to prevent dust from impacting the surrounding areas. 6. Prior to leaving the site, all haul trucks shall be washed off on-site on a gravel surface to prevent dirt and dust from leaving the site and impacting public streets. 7. Comply with appropriate sections of AQMD Rule 403, particularly to minimize fugitive dust and noise to surrounding areas. 8. Wind barriers shall be installed along the perimeter of the site. 9. Remediation operations, if required, shall be performed in stages concentrating in single areas at a time to minimize the impact of fugitive dust and noise on the surrounding areas. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: I. A final map shall be recorded creating the eight proposed lots. 2. A Subdivision Agreement with accompanying security shall be entered into guaranteeing completion of all required public and private street improvements. 3. All landscape planting, irrigation and maintenance shall comply with the City Arboricultural and Landscape Standards and Specifications. 4. The Consulting Arborist (approved by the City Landscape Architect) shall review the final landscape tree-planting plan and approve in writing the selection and locations proposed for new trees and the protection measures and locations of existing trees to remain. Existing trees to remain shall also be addressed by said Arborist with recommendations/requirements for protection during construction. Said Arborist report shall be incorporated onto the Landscape Architect's plans as construction notes and/or construction requirements. The report shall include the Arborist's name, certificate number and the Arborist's wet signature on the final plan. 3 G \Engineering Division\ELLIOTI'Condrtions 2002\PPR 02-02 (19082 Gothard) doc THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION OR OCCUPANCY: 1. Complete all improvements as shown on the grading and street improvement plans. 2. All landscape irrigation and planting installation shall be certified to be in conformance to the City approved landscape plans by the Landscape Architect of record in written form to the City Landscape Architect prior to the final landscape inspection and approval. 3. Applicant shall provide the City with Microfilm copies (in City format) and CD (AutoCAD only) copy of complete City approved landscape construction drawings as stamped "Permanent File Copy" prior to starting landscape work. Copies shall be given to the City Landscape Architect for permanent City record. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS These code requirements are provided as information . This is not a complete list of all code requirements applicable to this project. 1. Standard landscape code requirements apply (Chapter 232 of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance). 2. The Water Ordinance #14.52, the "Water Efficient Landscape Requirements" apply for projects with 2500 square feet of landscaping and larger. 3. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid. 4. Traffic impact fees shall be paid at a rate of $150 per net new added daily trip. The estimated amount is $19,200 (128 additional daily trips @ $150 per trip). 5. An Encroachment Permit is required for all work within the City's right-of-way. TE:cf 4 G \Engineering Division\ELLIOT'\Condit ions 2002\PPR 02-02 (19082 Gothard) doc PREPAREC O.. ORANGE;pR =Pi. PURPOSE= ON_ A(AM.ES NC SUARANT_: A` TC NOR -'.SSUMES AN' APf: NO. S: RCP OOUCEL. SrRk C. RANG, PROJECT?J5-7t-pJ5-0Jf C.'JI(50 AC.71 PROJECT 4J5-7E-OJT-C.' C. +40 47 i59-28 O HOLLY tc GARFIEED STR, me -T c 3 33 30 Its 76 °OR BLK B it STREET t76 0 3.J6 3 too POR !2r SrJ Sao.,z. 3S (15 0) t °S 25 ~ '41 ADDI T7ON GOTNARD ?5 I GARF I EL D S TREE T ADDITI ON M. M. 7 -27. 28 14 S TREE T NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK PARCEL NUMBERS - SHOWN IN CTFnTS ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 111 PAGE 15 COUNTY OF ORANGE 3, Sao