HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2006020 - Project DescriptionJEFFREY* DAHL No ARCHITECT Mii • October 13, 2006 City of Huntington Beach Planning Department 200 Main Street Huntington Beach , CA 92648 .... • . . . re: Waiver of Development Standards for 1112 Park Street (site coverage) . •This request is for a Waiver of Development Standards related to site coverage of a new proposed single family residence to be located at 1112 Park Street. The structure as proposed exceeds the allowable 50 percent coverage by 3.2% percent (total coverage of 53.2%). The building as proposed was designed to have minimal impact of the 2"d floor reducing the impression of building mass . The 2"d floor is set back from the from of the 1 S` floor by approximately 29 feet. The main area forcing the project over the 50 percent allowable coverage are mainly a 2ndfloor overhang in the interior courtyard of the structure. This is visible only to the subject property which minimizes the impact of the request. This building has been designed to set an extremely high standard of design integrityfor the surrounding area and this request is in keeping with the spirit of the City of Huntington Beach Development Standards. 18681 Amal a Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 'California 714-847-8480 'FAX 714-847-2280 JEFFREY `t. DAHL MM ARCHITECT October 31, 2006 City of Huntington Beach Department of Planning 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach , CA 92648 re: Resubmittal of Waiver Narrative (AP 2006-020) for 1112 Park Street 0 9002 I. t 100 uoeas uol6uiWunHP A0 The above referenced Waiver of Development Standards request is to increase the site coverage from 50% to 53.2%. The actual building footprint at 49% of the meets and actually exceeds the requirement. The coverage overage is due to building and roof overhangs in several areas. The following points are to clarify the specific reasons for this request; 1) The property owner has been a long time resident of this specific neighborhood for many years, they reside at 1009 13`" Street (2 doors from the subject property). There is a long standing relationship with the neighbors and social activities are consistently in the alley. The property owner currently has an automobile collection which requires additional garage capacity (4 cars minimum). The garage is also designed to be completely open to the courtyard (see 15 foot wide bi-folding door system) providing what will probably be the social center of the neighborhood. 2) The west facade is the street elevation and entry to the proposed residence. Deep recesses of both the entry and the door system to the study adjacent to the entry courtyard are instrumental in reducing the impression of building mass by dramatic separation of the building elements visible from the street facade. Since these deep recesses exceed 30", they contribute to the issue of exceeding the maximum building coverage. 3) The architectural style chosen for this project is Contemporary Prairie which utilizes natural materials (ie.: slate roofing, actual stone veneer, hardwood facias and soffits). This particular style blends in well into the old Huntington Beach style of Beach Cottage and Craftsman. The success of the style of architecture is deeply dependent on the layering of the masses and minimizing visibility of any two story flat vertical elements. The 2ndfloor overhang at the courtyard side achieves this objective and provides protection of the Pfloor. This condition is simply not visible to anyone other than the subject property due to its mid-lot location. Only 27% of the building mass of this project is located as 2"d floor area. This decision is successfully achieves proper execution of this architectural style Jeffrey A. Dahl Architect 18681 Amalia Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 *California 714-847-8480 •FAX 714-847-2280