HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2006016 - Notice of action Letter w Findings & Conditions of Approval0 , • City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 NOTICE OF ACTION October 4, 2006 SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 06-16 (PILATES/ PERSONAL TRAINING STUDIO) Paul Nelson, 15555 Huntington Village #236, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Bartolli Corporation, 5200 Warner #209, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 To establish a pilates / personal training studio in an existing 737 square foot commercial unit. 5200 Warner Avenue, Suite 109, Huntington Beach DATE OF ACTION: October 3, 2006 On October 3, 2006 the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach took ac- tion on your request and approved your request with conditions of approval. Attached to this letter are the conditions of approval for your application. Please be advised that the Department of Planning reviews the conceptual plan as a basic request for entitlement of the use applied for and there may be additional require- ments prior to issuance of building permits. It is recommended that you immediately pursue completion of the conditions of approval and address all requirements of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance in order to expedite the process- ing/completion of your project. The conceptual plan should not be construed as a pre- cise plan, reflecting conformance to all Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Department of Planning is final unless an appeal is filed to the Plan- Administrative Permit No 06 October 4, 2006 Page 2 of 3 0 ning Commission by you or by an interested party. A person desiring to appeal the de- cision shall file a written notice of appeal to the Secretary of the Planning Commission within ten calendar days of the date of the Planning Department's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision being ap- pealed, and the grounds for the appeal. A filing fee of $494 shall also accompany the notice of appeal. Said appeal must be in writing' and must set forth in detail the action and grounds by which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above noted application is October 13, 2006 If you have any questions, please contact Jason Kelley, Associate Planner at (714) 374- 1553 or the Planning Department Planning and Zoning Information Counter at (714) 536-5271. Sincerely, Scott Hess, Acting Director of Planning by. J son Kelley Associate Planner Attachments- Conditions of Approval - Administrative Permit No. 06-16 c Honorable Mayor and City Council Chair and Planning Commission Penelope Culbreth-Graft, City Administrator Paul Emery, Deputy City Administrator Scott Hess, Acting Director of Planning Eric Engberg, Division Chief/Fire Marshal Terri Elliott, Principal Civil Engineer Gerald Caraig, Permit-Plan Check Manager Project File Administrative Permit No 0A October 4, 2006 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT NO. I i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 06-16 1 The floor plan received and dated September 1, 2006, shall be the conceptually ap- proved layout 2. The maximum number of students utilizing the facility at any time shall not exceed the number of parking spaces allocated to the building. Based on the occupied floor area (737 sq. ft.) and the applicable parking standard of one parking space per 250 square-feet, the number of parking spaces allocated is three (3). Therefore, the number of students shall not exceed three (3) during any personal training session. 3. The instructional area shall not exceed 75 percent of the total floor area occupied by the personal enrichment use, or 552 square feet. INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant and/or applicant's representative shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all plans and information submitted to the City for review and approval 2 Administrative Permit No. 06-16 shall not become effective until the ten-calendar day appeal period has elapsed 3. Administrative Permit No. 06-16 shall become null and void unless exercised within one year of the date of final approval or such'extension of time as may be granted by the Director pursuant to a written request submitted to the Planning Department a minimum 30 days prior to the expiration date 4. The Planning Department reserves the right to revoke Administrative Permit No. 06- 16, pursuant to a public hearing for revocation, if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance or Municipal Code occurs. 5 The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, Building Department, and Fire Department as well as applicable local, State and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards, except as noted herein.