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Administrative Permit APX2006016 - Supporting Documents
•0 City of Huntington Beach August 29, 2006 Kor, L.P. 5200 Warner Avenue , Suite 109, Huntington Beach , CA. 92649 Dear neighbor, SEP 01 2006 The city of Huntington Beach requires Limited Notification of adjacent property/business owners and tenants when an applicant proposes a restaurant, outdoor dining, personal enrichment services, non-amplified live entertainment, carts and kiosks, large family day care or a sign code exception when certain criteria is met. Since our business falls under " ersonal enrichment services", this letter is to notify you that Kor, L.P. is proposing to establish a Pilates personal training studio at 5200 Warner Avenue , Suite 109, Huntington Beach , CA. 92649 . Kor, L .P. is a Pilates based fitness studio specializing in one-on -one training . Kor, L.P. employs a total of 2 people and hours of operation will be 6:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Friday and 7:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday . The proposed application will comply with development standards of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. Pursuant to the City's Limited Notification standards, we encourage you to review the proposed plans for compatibility issues, such as hours of operation, noise, location and design as appropriate. Plans are available for review and comment at the Planning Department for ten business days from September 1, 2006 through September 10, 2006. The address and phone number of the Planning Department is 2000 Main Street, Third Floor, Huntington Beach, CA. 92648, (714) 536-5271. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Planning Director at the end of the ten day review period becomes final at the expiration of ten day appeal period. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal to the Secretary of the Planning Commission within ten calendar days of the date of the Planning Department's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision being appealed, and the grounds for the appeal. A filing fee shall also accompany the notice of appeal. The appeal fee is $409.00 for a single-family dwelling property owner appealing the decision on his/her own property. The appeal fee is $1,063.00 for all other appeals. The appeal period starts at the end of the 10-day review period. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (714) 448-9865. Sincerely, Paul & Rebecca Nelson , Owners, Kor, L.P. 5200 Warner Ave., Suite 109, Huntington Beach , CA. 92649 (714) 897-0239 Kelle , Jason From: Fauland, Herb Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 3 25 PM To: Salcedo, Cathy Cc: Hess, Scott, Kelley, Jason Subject: Notice of Action - Administrative Permit No 06-16 Please forward to the two distributions lists Thanksi PETITION DOCUMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 2006-016 (PILATESITRAINING STUDIO) PROPERTY OWNER: Bartolli Corporation APPLICANT: Paul Nelson, 15555 Huntington Village #236, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 REQUEST: To establish a palates and personal training studio within an existing shopping center LOCATION: 5200 Warner Avenue, Suite 109, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 PROJECT PLANNER: Jason Kelley, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION: Approval On October 3, 2006, the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach took action on the above mentioned application and APPROVED the request Please note the action by the Planning Department/Planning Director is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten calendar days from the date of the action An appeal of the action shall be filed with the Department of Planning along with paying the appeal fee of $494 The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above mentioned application is Friday, October 13, 2006 at 5 00 p m If there are any questions about this action or the application please contact Jason Kelley at 714-374-1553 1 Kelle , Jason From: Emery, Paul Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 3 11 PM To: Fauland, Herb Cc: Hess, Scott, Kelley, Jason, Culbreth-Graft, Penny Subject: RE Director's Approval - Administrative Permit No 06-16 Please proceed, thanks -----Original Message----- From: Fauland, Herb Sent : Tuesday, October 03, 2006 2 59 PM To: Culbreth-Graft, Penny, Emery, Paul Cc: Hess, Scott , Kelley, Jason Subject : Director's Approval - Administrative Permit No 06-16 In compliance with your request, the Planning Department is, notifying you that the following application is ready for action by the Planning Department/Planning Director pursuant to Section 211 04, L10 of the HBZSO Please let me know when the Planning Department can take action on the application PETITION DOCUMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 2006-016 (PILATESITRAINING STUDIO) PROPERTY OWNER: APPLICANT: REQUEST: LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: RECOMMENDATION: Bartolli Corporation Paul Nelson, 15555 Huntington Village #236, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 To establish a pilates and personal training studio within an existing shopping center 5200 Warner Avenue, Suite 109, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Jason Kelley, Associate Planner Approval , 1 1' 1 Huntington Beach Plan CommfssionP.O. BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 92648 • Date:J 18L1990 20N_ F r David Czaja, 16795 Roosevelt Huntington Beach, CA 92646 G11MRAL PIAN AtW M04T NO. 89-3/z0NE GRANGE No.89-5 Your application to char property was acted o bygehthe zoning classification upon subjectits pulic hearing on Julywas:1 1990ngton Beach Planning Commission at--- and your request WITHDRAWN APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS DISAPPROVED ?IX (see attached) TABLED CONTINUED UNTIL Pursuant to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Codefor approval or conditional approval bbe transmitted to the city ' ng Commendation a hearing,A recommendation founcilt be tacteda i onat publicon willwill allow the City Council to den the by the Planning COmmlliaai-ywithout holding a public hearing n reclassification of city Council by you or another nterestean appeal is filed torthertywby and u g and must set forth in detailParty..Said appeal mustmust be accompich the deems himself athe actions and Mars undsand be submitted to theaCfiling fee of two hundreds '00)d dollthe date of y Clerk -S appealthe Commission,office within te200)a action. (10) days ofIn your case,the last day for filing an appealfee is PPeal and paying the'(0871D ) Huntington Beach FA 7j 2-c- IA Map produced by information contained in the City of Huntington Beach Information Services Department Geographic Information System. Information warranted for City use only. Huntington Beach does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. Map Produced on 10/2/2006 N K 0 107 One inch equals 107 feet 214 STREET NAMES CITY BOUNDARY A/Q STREET CENTERLINES (CLASS) Smartstreet Major Collector Primary Secondary Residential Travelway Allen ISOBATHS HARBORn GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 89-3/ZONE CHANGE NO. 89-5/ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 90-1 (To amend the General Plan land use designation and zoning at 5142 and 5200 Warner Avenue to allow for Medium-High Density Residential Development) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Huntington Beach City Council will hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at the Huntington Beach Civic Center; 2000 Main Street , Huntington Beach, California, on the date and at the time indicated below to receive and consider the statements of all persons who wish to-be heard.relative-to-the application described below. DATE/TIME: Monday , August 20, 1990, 7:00 PM General Plan Amendment No. 89-3/ Zone Change No. 89-5/ Environmental Impact Report No. 90-1 APPLICANT: David Czaja LOCATION: 5142 and 5200 Warner Ave.(south side of Warner, east and west of Loslie Lane ) See attached map. ZONE: OP (Office Professional )and (Q)C4 (Qualified -Highway Commercial prohibiting-medical office uses) REQUEST: To amend the Land Use Element of the-General Plan redesignating the subject property from General Commercial to Medium-High Density Residential (25 units per gross acre); and rezone from OP (Office Professional) and (Q)C4 (Qualified Highway Commercial, prohibiting medical office uses) to R3-PD (Medium-High Density Residential with a Planned Development suffix). This request was reviewed by the Planning Commission on July 17, 1990. Covered by Environmental Impact Report No. 90-1. N/A 0 n C ANALYSIS, General Plan Amendment No. 89-3 and Zone Change 89-5 is a request to redesignate and rezone a 2.60 acre area at the southeast and,. southwest corners of Warner Avenue and Leslie Lane, at 5142 and 5200 Warner Avenue, from a General Plan Land Use designation of General Commercial to medium-High Density Residential and from OP (Office Professional) and (Q)C4 (Qualified-Highway Commercial, Non-medical uses only) zoning to R3-PD (Medium-High Density Residential with a Planned Development suffix) zoning. The property is surrounded by single family residences to the east, medium density multi-family residences to the south, medical office buildings to the west, and Meadowlark Specific Plan (proposed commercial project) to the north. Although, the general plan amendment and zone change do not constitute any new development, they will allow for future residential development of the site. If approved, the request will allow for development of a maximum of 25 units/acre, or a total of 69 condominium units on the 2.60 acres. No formal development plans have been submitted at this time. At the Planning Commission meeting comments from residents in the project vicinity were received. Proponents of the project expressed a desire to see more moderately priced purchaseable units in the project vicinity and believed that the density was compatible with other uses along Warner Avenue . Speakers in opposition of the project expressed concerns over the compatibility of medium-high density residential with the existing single family residences to the east ; other concerns were associated with increased traffic volumes, the fiscal impacts associated with the loss of commercial property and potential sales tax revenues , and impacts to sewer service. Due to concerns over compatibility of the medium-high density land use with adjacent low density residential units, the Planning , Commission considered the possibility of maintaining the commercial zoning on the eastern portion of the site and redesignating,the western portion of the site to a medium density residential, land, use and R2 zoning . However, the motion failed to receive's second. ' This alternative has been made an alternative action to the,report. The Planning Commission took action to deny the project and recommend denial by the City Council based upon previously mentioned findings . Since that time, staff has received a letter from , Commissioner Bourguignon expressing a desire to reverse his vote to support approval of the General Plan Amendment and Zone'Change.. Since the Planning Commission has already held a public hearing and acted on the request, the vote cannot be changed without a rehearing before the Planning Commission. The letter has been attached to this report for informational purposes. I 1 05/12/1994 Exp. Date Carrier Tract 8loc 3310 05112/1994 In pcctcns Date Printed C.erride Contractor Expe ,,':n-i Dates? Department of Building and Safety 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Phone (714) 536-5241 Fax (714) 374-1647 5200 5200 El 998-030220 No- 01989-007837 Yes . 01993-007838 Yes 01994-007839 Yes 02002-010843 Yes 01992-007840 Yes 01994-007841 Yes 01991-007842 Yes 01994-007843 Yes 01991-007844 Yes 01993-007845 Yes 01994-007846 Yes CofO Date issued Utility Release Date • 0 .. CofO Number Col 994-007846 Issued By • License Number Business Name NORTH SHORE FINANCIAL Business Type MORTGAGE Business Phone (714) 846-8686 U Change of Owner? 9 Change of Use? Change of Occupant? 9 Additional Occupant? 0 C!oore Arent A Sheets to Issue Single 0IU !"sue Permit? Issued By Pianner New Building? Plan Checker Dick, Lloyd to Cu J: ;Ii Designer /Engineer Name MOLA DEVELOPMENT Company, Address 05200 WARNER Cityi State /Zip HB,CA Email Phone (000) 377-1010 x Click the << button to copy the Business License Information into the Certificate of Occupancy. Business Licenses Business Name A216746 CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL A21'E830, T RI ENT FINANCIAL FOR LUTHE A254294 5260 WA .NER BUILDING A129504 RETAILERS PROMOTION 00 Approved Occupied Area (Sq Ft) 1 737 00 Elec °Availabie? _ Dr`nking t Dining 50 t7ccupants? Want Electricity On?U Welding I Oaen Flame? Sprinklered?9 Automobile Fepairs3 Dust! Wood? Auto Parts Desc: ( ) - THIS MAP OAS PREPARED FOR ORANGECOUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PUHPOSLS UAL V. THE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS 10 ITS ACCURACY NCR ASSUMES ANY LIA8/CITY FOR OTHER USES NOT TO B£ REPRODUCED.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.O CO°YRICNT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 2000 w OD 20 2f 29 28 •r .r O .r WARNER a• RS 104-16 » 31 nr DUEAR a O O a 51 SO O O 5 sr TRACT 2r 41 'V. PROJECT 939-54-420-452 407 53 I 1231 AC ©9 ©8 27 26 Q a Q Q s 22 ^ 21 POR. N 1/2. NW 114, NW 114, SEC. 28. T 5 S. R 11 W 146-60 ($9/TERSBLERG) qY w H b .r DOVE x or t A NO. 14448 b ' PAR 2 49 P.M 725-17 48 °F PAR f 9S AVENUE P.1t f65-39 72 L36 AG ]" = 100' Yr w a• ,r or • - O 13 TRACT NO. 9233MARCH 1969 TRACT NR 14448 PARCEL MAPS w• P.V. 744-20 PAR 4 PAR 3 PAR 2 PAR 4 PAR 3 PAR. I PAR-2 O5 SO 7O O8 $ 9 10 11 19 18 20 21 M.M. 363 - 10, 11, t2 MA( 684 - 48r 49, 50 P.M. 125-47, 144-24 $9-11 210-39 PAR 3 22 ,.n•23 22 21 PM 769-11 P.M 2f0-39 v 163- 12 146-24 TRACT » ALLEY 8 -pu• Ls rf 8O a rj au 7 uav NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK d ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 163 PAGE 12 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANCF O 0