HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2007019 - Project Implementation Code RequirementsG HUNTINGTON BEACH DATE: PROJECT NAME: ENTITLEMENTS: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH BUIILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION CODE REQUIREMENTS PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: PLAN REVIEWER: TELEPHONE/E-MAIL: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: OCTOBER 15, 2007 LANNI SHED PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 07-215; ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 07-019 314 9TH STREET (SOUTH OF ORANGE, EAST OF 9TH) JILL ARABE, PLANNING AIDE (x5357) EDWARD S. LEE, PLAN CHECKER II 714-374-1538 / ELEE@SURFC Y--H ,:OR G TO PERMIT A PREVIOUSLY SHED WITH A 1 FT SIDE YARD SETBACK TO MATCH AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING 1 FT SETBACK ON THE MAIN STRUCTURE. The following is a list of code requirements deemed applicable to the proposed project based on plans received and dated October 1, 2007. The list is intended to assist the applicant by identifying requirements which must be satisfied during the various stages of project permitting and implementation. A list of conditions of approval adopted by the Planning Director in conjunction with the requested entitlement(s), if any, will also be provided upon final project approval. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact the Plan Reviewer. COMMENTS: 1. The project shall comply with 2001 CBC until 12/31/2007 & 2007 CBC after 01/01/2008. 2. Comply with the exterior wall & opening protection requirement per chapter 5, CBC. (Also, provide eave protection if it's within 3 ft. of the property line.) 3. If there are existing exterior openings within 3 ft. of the property line, they need to be closed off per Table 5-A, CBC'01. 4. If there is existing eave projection within 3 ft. of the property line, it needs to be protected with 1-hr. rating per chapter 5, CBC'01. • •I C. HUNTINGTON BEACH DATE: PROJECT NAME: ENTITLEMENTS: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION CODE REQUIREMENTS PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: PLAN REVIEWER: TELEPHONE/E-MAIL: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: OCTOBER 8, 2007 LANNI SHED PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 07-215; ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 07-019 314 9TH STREET (SOUTH OF ORANGE, EAST OF 9TH) JILL ARABE, PLANNING AIDE (x5357) TO PERMIT A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SHED WITH A 1 FT SIDE YARD SETBACK TO MATCH AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING 1 FT SETBACK ON THE MAIN STRUCTURE. The following is a list of code requirements deemed applicable to the proposed project based on plans received and dated October 1, 2007. The list is intended to assist the applicant by identifying requirements which must be satisfied during the various stages of project permitting and implementation. A list of conditions of approval adopted by the Planning Director in conjunction with the requested entitlement(s), if any, will also be provided upon final project approval. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact the Plan Reviewer.