HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2008013 - Supporting DocumentsDu MONT ENGINEERING Consulting Engineers June 19, 2008 This letter is to notify you that Fairfax Enterprises, LLC is proposing to aesthetically update the existing building located at 305 7th Street, Huntington Beach, CA. The existing structure consists of a two story, three unit apartment complex . The remodel would consist of the following: 1. New facade of the front and side elevations 2. New Entry Way/Foyer 3. New windows replacing the existing windows (same locations) 4. New trussed/pitched roof framing system to replace worn out flat roof Pursuant to Section 241.24 of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the Neighborhood Notification process is required. You may review the proposed plans at the Planning Department, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA, from June 25, 2008 to July 10, 2008 (minimum 10 days), or contact the Planning Department at (714) 536-5271. All comments must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date for review of the proposal. Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, the action taken by the Director of Planning becomes final, unless appealed. A person desiring to appeal the decision shall file a written notice of appeal with the Planning Department within ten calendar days of the date of the Planning Department's action. The notice of appeal shall include the name and address of the appellant, the decision being appealed, and the basis for the appeal. A filing fee shall also accompany the notice of appeal. The appeal fee is $494.00 for a single-family dwelling property owner appealing the decision on his/her own property. The appeal fee is $1,569.00 for all other appeals. The appeal period starts at the end of the 10-day review period. If you have any questions or need further information regarding the contents of this letter, please contact this office. Sincerely, X45L7 /- Du Mont Engineering, Inc. Kevin G. Du Mont, P.E. Principal Cc: City of Huntington Beach Planning Department Fairfax Enterprises, LLC KGD:acj 30386 Esperanza, Suite #100, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Telephone (949) 709-5300 Facsimile (949) 709-3380 City ofIuntingtonbeach AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICES JUN 2 5 2006 I, Denise Kas ar , being duly sworn, deposes and says: that I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of 18 years; that acting for Du Mont Engineering on the 25TH day of June , 2008, that I deposited 176 notices in the United States Post Office, a NEIGHBORHOOD NOTICE, a copy of which is attached hereto, with postage thereon prepaid, addressed to the following persons at the addresses shown, to- wit: (See list attached hereto and made part hereof) that said persons are the owners/tenants of said property who are entitled to a Notice pursuant to Section 241.24 of the City of Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance in that said persons and their addresses are those shown on the most recent equalized roll of the Assessor of the County of Orange as being owners of property within 300 feet of the property described as: C CA, O QAPN: 386-57-022 yh -^ STATESVVVL SERVICE Address: 3057 h Street 0000 Huntington Beach CA 92648 U.S. POSTAGE PAID CAPISTRANO BEAC.CA 92624 .IIIN 25.'OR AMOUNT $1.1000037318-05 that on said day there was regular communication by United States Mail to the addresses shown above. enise Kaspar Advanced Listing Services AN NITED STATES STAL SERVICE 0000 U.S. POSTAGEPAID CAPISTRANO BEAC.CA 92624 11 IN 29.'fR AMOUNT $1.10 00037318-05 CAF ISSAK3 r. 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