HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA2005015 - Supporting Documents0 0. City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 07-02 January 25, 2007 SUBJECT: Lot 19 and the southwesterly three feet of lot 21 in block 612 shown on map of Huntington Beach 17`h Street Section, in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, Sate of Califo rnia, as per map recorded in Book 4, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps. PROPERTY OWNER: Hitesh S. Barot, 528 16t1 Street, Huntington Beach CA, 92648 Please be advised that the above referenced property is legally subdivided pursuant to the require- ments of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and the State Subdivision Map Act. Therefore, the subject property is in compliance with Section 66499.35 of the State Subdivision Map Act and the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance (HBZSO), the subject prop- erty is considered as one legal building site. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The subject properties described herein shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto only for the purposes of sale, lease or financing. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Please be advised that this document pertains to the status of the subject property as a legal building site only and all existing and proposed structures on the properties remain subject to the require- ments of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, Uniform Building Code, and other applicable Federal, State,, and City requirements (See enclosed comments from the Public Works Department). This Certificate of Compliance may be filed with the County Recorder's office in order to record the legal status of this property. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (714) 536-5271. This instrument is ' executed for the City of Huntington Beach by: RAMI TALLEH Associate Planner Enclosure cc: Herb Fauland, Acting Planning Manager Jason Kelley, Associate Planner Santos, Ron From: Santos, Ron Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 5:30 PM To: 'jca@jonescahl.com' Subject: 612 12th St. - Lot Line Adjustment Certificate of Dick, Compliance.doc per our conversation, I've attached a certificate of compliance form. 1 G HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (REQUEST FORM r X'" Please provide 1 a information requested below along with a non-refundable processing fee of'$513.00 payable to the City of Huntington Beach, and return to the Zoning Counter in the Planning Department. The property legal description and title report including all deeds (chain of title), covenants, and easements must also be submitted with the application. The requesting party listed below will be contacted within seven (7) working days when the document is completed. If you have any questions, please contact Rami Talleh at (714) 536-5271. SUBJECT PROPERTY Address:/2 71:d T. Legal Description: GOT /9 7715 4 W. ,4, 3 fernof /.oT 21 Bi-ocX (0/2 (Lot, Block, Tract) /72 57x'.5,_e_nd^j ,sr. 4 p . /D Assessor's Parcel Number: n2 - 013 - I to Current Property Owner's Name: t IE,5VA V-OT Address:528 I (o r!+.ST 4 EN-nN Tz*j 92 9.8 REQUESTING PARTY Name: t 11 5 Pr jA-?- t Address:X28 ? '-fir tttN C4--CP . 2 4-gfl Daytime Phone Number:($10)- (293 4"7$¢ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Received by: IN Date: Receipt No.: Certificate of Compliance No.: ; . mil- O 7- C:\Documents and Settings\dick.JCA\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\G9AVOHAZ\Certificate of Compliance[1].doc 'S J 1T1TE ors TaRMSOMO TRL JONES, CAHL & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS 18090 Beach Boulevard , Ste. 12 • Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Tel: (714) 848-0566 • FAX (714 ) 848-6322 TO Cr (/: NTI N ON &Cl- //2/00 1 D-r- //w it L r *Je,qCi( (A (? VB WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached Under separate cover via Shop drawings Prints Copy of letter Change order COPIES DATE / 51 NO. DATE ATTENTION RE: the he following items: Samples Specifications DESCRIPTION CINE ( r7 t/"/r /Xg ;2e V1SE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval Approved as submitt ed For your use Approved as noted As requested Returned for corrections For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS RECEIVED BY: COPY TO- PRODUCT 240-2 Inc, CMm, Mm 01471 I Resubmit copies for approval Submit copies for distribution Return corrected prints PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US DATE: SIGNED: / If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once, Plans 0 Mail recoded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 O 9 4s,040, !Z VcYtl l r7bnJ space above reserved for County Recorder's use CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 RECORD OWNER(S): NAME: ADDRESS: PARCEL "1" A.P.N. 024-013-16 Hitesh Barot 520 16th Street Huntington Beach Beach, CA 92648 NAME: ADDRESS: DAYTIME DAYTIME TELEPHONE: TELEPHONE: F'S fee: $ PARCEL (I/We) hereby certify that: 1) (I am/We are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application: 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application: and 3) The information submitted in connection with this application is true and correct. PARCEL "1" PARCEL Signature Signature Name: Hitesh Barot Name: Signature Signature Name: Name: 0 0 O STATE OF CALIFORNIA t COUNTY OF ORANGE J ss CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 ON THIS DAY OF , 200 , BEFORE ME, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITIES, AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. PRINT NAME STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE J SS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN COUNTY. ON THIS DAY OF , 200 , BEFORE ME, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITIES, AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN COUNTY. PRINT NAME W O PREPARER: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 R.H. CAHL JONES, CAHL & ASSOCIATES 18090 BEACH BLVD. SUITE #12 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 714 848-0566 This document consisting of 6 pages was prepared by me or under my direction. R.H. CAHL My Registration Expires: COUNTY: 9/30/07 Examined and Approved as to survey content only for Raymond L. Mathe, County Surveyor Raymond L. Mathe, L.S. 6185 County Surveyor My License Expires: 3/31/08 Dated this day of CITY ENGINEER: R.C.E. 21005 QROFESS/ ,pRDH a' NO. 21005 Exp.9 30 07 9TFOFW \FP This Lot Line Adjustment Application has been examined and approved by the City of Huntington Beach. Travis K. Hopkins, City Engineer R.C.E. 60560 Date My Registration Expires: 12-31-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Examined and Approved as to Zoning Conformance by the City of Huntington Beach Planning Department By: Date O Owners: Hitesh Barot CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: Numbers: 024-013-16 PARCEL l PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL 1 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 19 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 3 FEET OF LOT 21 IN BLOCK 612 SHOWN ON MAP OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 17TH STREET SECTION, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. NOTE: THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS OF RECORD DELINEATED AND REFERENCED ON THE UNDERLYING MAPS OR THERE MAY BE OTHER RECORDED EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DOCUMENT THAT COULD ENCUMBER SAID PARCELS HEREIN. THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION R.H. CAHL R. R.C.E. 21005 EXP. 9-30-07 QRoF/0 D H cF NO. 21005 Exp.9 30 07 OF c m-0 Q 0 J,290.00 SQ. FT J,290.00 SQ. FT. MAP EXHIBIT "C" Owners: Hitesh Barot AREAS PROPOSED AREA TOTAL #CITY OF H UNTINGTON BE* LOT L INE A DJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 ----- EX/S11NG CENTERLINE INDICA TES LOT NUMBER BOUNDARY LINE 21TO BE REMOVED 117.50' 162.50' Existing Parcels AP Numbers: 024-013-16 117.50' LEGEND: EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO REMAIN ------ EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE PER THIS ADJUSTMENT REVISED BOUNDARY LINE PER THIS ADJUSTMENT Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: PARCEL 1 CL Palm A ve. rn EXISTING STRUCTURE -----U- -- 1 15 TING TRUCTUR 0 BE EMOLISHE EXISTING 117.50' STRUCTURE TO BE 7 DEMOLISHED EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE DEMOLISHED 3' 0 inN N 7.50' EXISTING STRUCTURE 117.50' 162.50' w0 0 U)r) i0 37.50' D NORTH SCALE : 1 "--JO' IL OFESS/ FN'Og 2 N0 21005. Exp.9 30 07 . Q W-S']9OFC LOj,e CL' Acacia Ave. R.H. CAHL R. R.C.E. 21005 EXP. 9-30-07 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 MAP EXHIBIT "B" Owners: Hitesh Bacot 024-013-16 AREAS A® TOTAL PROPOSED AREA 3,290.00 SQ. FT J,290.00 SQ. FT NORTH SCALE : 1°-50'CL Palm Ave. (325') 37.50' CA0 162.50' 117.50' 15' 7.50' ESTABLISHED AS THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY THREE FEET OF LOT 21 PER INSTRUMENT c-nn NO. 5786 PG. 2928 BK 111 0 01 oRECORDED JANUARY 18,1955 u)M .t) N QROFESS/O, I H 9 Existing Parcels AP Numbers: Q '•' 1NIVy.1 E,9 30 07 4. 7.50' NO. 21005 c5 sq OF r ALO' 117.50' 162.50' Acacia Ave. 15' 325' LEGEND: Proposed Parcels PARCEL 1 EXIS77NG BOUNDARY LINE TO REMAIN - - - - - - - EXIS77NG BOUNDARY LINETO BE REMOVED REVISED BOUNDARY LINEPER THIS ADJUSTMENT ----- EXIS77NG CENTERLINE INDICATES LOT NUMBER w0 162.50' 117.50' 27 to N 7.50' 0 117.`50'0 0 N 117.50' °. BOUNDARY LINE; '0 2J TO _ BE/ REMOVED M 117.50' PARCEL 1 LLA 05-15 _117.50' 117.50' 162.50'0 R.H. CAHL R. R.C.E. 21005 EXP. 9-30-07 Santos, Ron From: Nick Del Boccio [ndelboccio@jonescahl.com] Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:50 PM To: Santos, Ron Subject: 619 12th St. LLA 05-15 iPDF3 Grant Deeds.pdf Ron, Here is the pdf version of the deeds that we received from the client. If you need anything else let us know. Thanks Sincerely, Nick Del Boccio Jones, Cahl & Associates (714)848-0566 1 an'.1 IV- ,••14r'...1y51 ar•,+. ••• 1 }',tip . e7i .i+'`'•';Ml 4 ARM I. ft. . .1 IOWA NA 8$at d 4 i! wife dati CRAP to . ' • 4&0301,bid me Info ."~Aft IWO& nth 402 riii'11r atr •••11Y •y AS )Mr'rENAVM f . 2., 311 •Sro 61Z of ous Ed AT MW W OF a .y 9 k v I. :tt . • . w.L _ tSY • PL,ws MAIL TMIS lN11 N UMD 1 ?o. •1 i. 10 :LvovwPeed -0 rrrott • Yal"4%. Cusitttatle . $L e raaelpt •I rtiiett 16 luebp teteveladRad de..-- haraif idyl #Wox -..er r.w . s__lwwN' tt_. - .+r.....- ----- M _ - _..rww.'+N.. r'•--.w' 44 4A wl p•eprtT.haled I. the CeatT af...,...ttAnga. Sots of Qlfseo {M Maw w to wr: J lots " ae 19-" she scere1c f' a, F•r tsp racordad in Pooh • pa6e 10 or +divoe)iatkotttt Rate. in the citric s of tho liooordn o 0ranga Camt$t fti S.totris. i Ma i taw.d_..Juaa.l ,-i4)9 _ __ . ___._ bC...?•s.r .,- ti7bltltlt WW9v I.-I *WSW h) a in W.afaew.d' eS4 .:a'"A, 1.%Y ftvM* ts I' Y AI uIJY a.....t MI ,dar.ldrr tlM WlS1ffi R tw,i sad q+e OW1.'aa is lradlt 'MSt V 1i•sr. : ,r>d(y1,Nee •rpwhetn4-(tesliCw.+tp tdlae•r. tit I" {ra,.N,•1 K .ricc MOW MA kX4600MV AM ONLY UT 4W m JuK 01958 x Lv47 73 a.wa+u. tmeosos VWowing oowrty. 0400MA 0*UWYlttw owl C,o -,A 6% tj lj Di *cxj.,pt1oat orange ,CA Document - Book Page (Fr u-1982) 4779.73 Page: Of 3 Orden.: 07 Comment: I ;7:•444i .1 n rs • ..•.r_ -_ - .....w4.wMIM«N•11«"'«.....r•.r_r.w+«"«x...._wWr«• rsr s Y tsst,t, Ca itetstfo&. the r..Ipt ! ohl4h it h t bp stkoewtedgsd da,.... 5eY hr yn . fft . v .f. Y ti{"t._kaed..IY..rurw.rc.r.rrro...iG+'T ....._....T.. S.S'4..iL..'• •'r. d tW rrl ptemi, 4tsged b the C utj a1,,, n. as par tap re orded in PooR , page 10 of 14 coUttneotts lats. in the otfies of tho RoooYdsr N Orange COA tr, ;:X,Cals9 rris. crgngs, « __ ....,. _ Stm .1 W t 4s, Atte'1be3 w tollaws: lots 1 an! 1pp m+d the t ster -ZA-AA r. R mDMYOp IA ISL t.tt1'a y SNd NL .02A ..tw f v4sul Wwo S.NxN'4 4pMlink MM bon a ss to i. sr tom; wI.,• a!s X41 Y Al >W loww wl .d FdeNtdl d tba Ao .« m wi..! irt.1 - AA W tel>tuU CM.I Srtat. 4 tllphry. p1.51Rin 4.'f Id wlilo+ty 3k s assts f iNusln dst #A ttwlt w....w+..r.awwr.. SPACE lonow ro* Mlt4ontisw7 vel ONer *%Cwm tb tY 1SQunf a I t" ft" tlodsia t M pax as 1* to AB b:.x477O tgE 73 OM M COum ciuv oms $WO beecriptdons Orange,CA Document - 13oek Page (Pre-1982) 4779.73 Page: 1 of 3 Orders OF Comment: (A O t1°1szi RECEIVED AUG 312006 ! 7 f ' itam 4m wir* '6 • `"rtfil :l71 _1115'PR.,.'!S:'St .r _ 'y ' IMNT t , l y' 7 • • • 1 11110 am atf'. d Wife 'A tln lraT /{ ty br:t t' 366 .Salta 9 rY 10, AS JO1r r TIENA? T5, caw at Ar*a ply it rn1# Mid 1 ltlUkBUT! a Ib ews ki>tu.,l ail a !tr I ,UrfrvY frr ratr ara` ivo Nrn .71:s c 5..]LZC a.r., I V I Irr •I.ww• • • 1. r..r,»•. tIPACt Dm.ow Fe* ilrebI eiw s W[ 6WLtf f7tIM1 rMnr n'11Y1: 1 ,4 ' '; 7.•I•s aal .drab}mod am 1 ,A l» 7 4 yA ` fM i', ''-'t •RI ''lt ,. LaAy • OPI WCONPED At REQUEST OF. 1 siues , {R PLlYL MAIL THIS JN1ThU 1 'TO .,M,1 }M1I..r '+.,Ny i 'i t,. + •t •S' !r ;v''!7:• `'i I f . %: ;I.f '' . 1,,• •.+I, , • ,. ..> •. ", • ': !j•..I a M• "',. ;fir 'alK°w. v ;• RECEIVED AUG 3 11006 Santos, Ron From: Sent: To: Subject: Santos, Ron Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:34 AM 'jca@jonescahl.com' Lot Line Adjustments LLA Application LLA Application Handout 08.15.... Form (08-11-06... Dept. instructions. RON SANTOS Associate Planner City of Huntington Beach (714) 536-5561 (voice) (714) 374-1540 (fax) Dick, per our conversation, I've attached a copy of the new LLA form and PW 1 Hitesh S. Barot 528 16th Street Huntington Beach, CA August 18, 2006 VIA FACSIMILE and EMAIL Herb Fauland, Principal Planner Planning Department City of Huntington Beach Fax No. 714 374 1540 Dear Mr. Fauland, RE: Pending Lot Line Adjustment on 619 12"' Street Cit! cif i "uil-l'i AUG 1 8 2006 Just to follow up on the voice mail I left you yesterday. Per our conversation some months back, I would like to request a meeting to discuss the lot line adjustment for the above-referenced property. As you may recall, Ron Santos is currently dealing with my application. I believe his objection was to the fact that the lot line adjustment on my property somehow adversely affects the lot next door. I also think the way my engineers explained our objective was a bit complicated. In order to clarify what I we are proposing and pursuant to Ron's suggestion, I have had my engineering team re-design the exhibits for the Lot Line Adjustment (3 additional pages attached with this letter). Hopefully these re-designed exhibits clarify what I am trying to do. In fact, the folks over at the engineering firm (Jones Cahl) assure me that the drawings have been made to conform to current County guidelines. They further assured me that in the intervening time since I have made my application, countless other lot line adjustment applications have been approved by other associate planners in your department with essentially the same scenario as mine. Maybe the exhibits below will clarify my position so accurately that the planning department will proceed with processing the application, and so we can forget about having a meeting. If not, please contact me about coordinating a date for a phone-in meeting or an in-person meeting to discuss the situation. I look forward to hearing back from you and/or Mr. Santos (who I am cc'ing this letter as well). I can be reached by email at hitesh.barot@bingham.com or by cell phone at 510 693 4784: Best regards, Hitesh S. Barot ENCLOSURES Cc: Mr. Ron Santos (Associate Planner, City of Huntington Beach) U CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 Owners: Hitesh Barot EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: Numbers: 024-013-16 PARCEL A PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL A ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 19 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 3 FEET OF LOT 21 IN BLOCK 612 SHOWN ON MAP OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 17TH STREET SECTION, IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. NOTE: THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS OF RECORD DELINEATED AND REFERENCED ON THE UNDERLYING MAPS OR THERE MAY BE OTHER RECORDED EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DOCUMENT THAT COULD ENCUMBER SAID PARCELS HEREIN. THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION R. H. CAHL R. C. E. 21005 EXP. 9-JO-07 y OFESS/0". aPRD H. AZ c9 NO. 21005 Exp.s 30 07 .. 'OFCA1-) 0 Hilesh Barot Owners: AREAS PROPOSED AREA A® TOTAL 3, 290.00 SQ. FT J,290.00 SO. FT LEGEND: EXIS77NG BOUNDARY LINE TO REMAIN - - - - - - - EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE PER THIS ADJUSTMENT REUSED BOUNDARY LINEPER THIS ADJUSTMENT ----- EXIS77NG CENTERLINE Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: PARCEL "A" INDICA TES LOT NUMBER • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 MAP EXHIBIT "C" Existing Parcels AP Numbers: 024-013-16 162.50'117.50' (Palm Ave. 30' - NORTH SCALE : 1 '=3O' jll o 0 I ' M t "0dI'p I O !II 151 LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED 21 117 50' EXISTING STRUCTURE .c IIOI: . r0 'I3'V A 19 00 II EXIS1ING n N 37.50'I STRUCTURE TING TRUCTUR 0 BE EXISTIN 117.50' STRUCTURETO BE 7 TO BE DEMOLISHED 0 y?OFESSi RD ".II,EEMOLISHE DEMOLISHED InNN NO. 21005 III N EXISTING Exp.s30 07 il l 7 50' STRUCTURE CIVIL ' O.OFCA\-\F 117.50' 162.50' CL Acacia Ave. R.H. CAHL R. R.C.E. 21005EXP. 9-30-07 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 15 MAP EXHIBIT "B" Owners: Hitesh Barot Existing Parcels AP Numbers: 024-013-16 Proposed Parcels PARCEL "A" AREAS PROPOSED AREA LEGEND: EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE3,290.00 SQ. FT.TO REMAIN TOTAL 3,290.00 SQ. FT.- - - - - - - EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE PER THIS ADJUSTMENT REVISED BOUNDARY LINE NORTH PER THIS ADJUSTMENT ----- EXISTING CENTERLINE INDICA TES LOT NUMBER SCALE : l--50' ---162.50' 117.50' 15' 7.50' 0 162.50' 117.50' 0io 0 P 37.50'NO. 21005 Exp.9 30 07 . 7.50' CIA, 15' C-4 117.50' q 162.50' c, Acacia Ave. Palm Ave. ---(325')J ND LSO A 19 117.50' I 17 U,NN 325' LOT LINE TO BE21 117.50'REMOVED 117.50' 162.50' L3' 00N L40 to N NN R. H. CAHL R. C.E. 21005 EXP. 9-30-07 0 ti )s• 0 21 23-10 PALM 7 9 26 oy ° 9 >,).so• - Iti.50' S'2 i_16 3 9 19 18 >VT 7 Ag;_14 - a6 a'S 8 84 J _15 - aP 2 1 a ACACIA °' 20=fig 2a 27 7 .14 28 19-'7L 26 25 23 21 9 ---s II 5630 1 10 514a..x 31 17 18 14 1 12 e• 11 22 2a r as 17-_29 9Id A toss 32 R 1, .33 4 2 1n• PECAN HUNTINGTON BEACH. MARCH 1948 TRACT NO 1094 PARCEL MAP PARCEL MAP 11 16 15 u u2 3_ 09 L__ j I 04 M. »• 21 u 2 3 _q r9 = 10 " 22 1 1a ,4 1 _SL r1 a 19 R 17 7 20 13 18 6 5 iC 23 4 3 15 24 29 23 25 ,,. .. 4 26 21 11 __pp :a 21 27 4 3 a 8 1:.4. " AVENUE u.s 7 - V - 26 5 ' 9 22 A ma0• I. In 77x• n• TRAa 1 naa e"9to "PAR.i 21 P.M.IIAR 22 PAR.1 115P.M/\ PAR.2 24 6 ] 5 O m• AVENUE s1-O.sa - - -^26 L «J - - R26 2 °24 - J 28 n .s0• 179 1 15 4 t!23 usa j 20' Q3^'12), rr 5 s na• \ T, .1 9 26 ' "'30 L ¢ 7611212a6 6 5 22. o• .s• 32 PAR.2 PAR. f ns31297- it q .M ^.,. 33 m PAR.218 PAR. u.,)x v 160-1734PAR.2 1 -II )JPAR. 17 . ,.so• 0018 0 P.M 6 - 1C• 7 PAR.2 28 PAR. I - PAR.2 22 PM PAR. 1 21 43 g m 10 10 6 0 ~ e n o n...„ 19 - 3 tvea 4 - a'-j54( ;. „PAR.2 X "2 . • n•20 PM13s•s PAR. 1 M. 8-3') 29nr30PAR.2 PAR.2 ...25 P.Mi 5PAR.126 43=4 PAR.2 24 M. JPAR-1 3 227 5 1 I O• n• ti 0 17 PAR. v© O , . 19 a NO.1094 (MAGNOLIA) AVENL.E o I II CO 1 SEVENTEENTH ST. SEC. M.M. 4-10 M.M. 35-44 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ASSESSOR'S MAP P.M. 160-17. 168-46. 169-1. 226-43. 227-5 PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 024 PAGE 01 P.M. 243-40. 268-21. 286-1. 288-35. 297-1. 319-11 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE sa 21 ? 4 2J 024-01 1 " = 100' OI 11 t 2 w