HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA2005016 - Supporting DocumentsRecorded In Official Records. Orange County Tom Daly, Clerk-Recorder 111111111111111111111111111111111111 III I I I I 11111911111111124.00 RDl' , RL FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY SUB0NIS ON DEPARTMENT Mail recorded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 '1114410 tO Spaceabove reserved 2006000708962 08:00am 10/20/06 105 13 L09 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 for County Recorder's use CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 RECORD WNER S OF EXISTING PARCELS: Fee: $ (I/We) hereby certify that: 1) (I am/We are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application: 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application: and 3) The information submitted in connection with this application is true and correct. APN: NAME: ADDRESS: 024-034-06 Huntin ton Pacific Develo ment Inc. a California Corporation 17280 Newho e Street, Suite 4 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 APN: NAME: ADDRESS: DAYTIME DAYTIME TELEPHONE: ignature 714 901-2222 TELEPHONE: Signature Name: Keith Dawson Name: Title: President Title: Signature Signature Name : Dave Macleod Name: Title: Secretor Title: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS S TAY OF 200 BEFORE M A NOTARY PUBLIC N AND FOR S S ATE, PERS NALLY AP . RED TPrVI , I PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUB CRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRU EN AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT KE-/SVETTHEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN Hr/HFR/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITIES, AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: cu L NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. 4at, s44, PRINT NAME BARBARA L. HUSS Commission # 1538315 Notary Public - California Orange County My Comm. Explret Dec 25,2004 STATE OF CALIFORNIA l 1j SSCOUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS 2Q DAY OF 200J BEFORE ME, A NOT PUBLIC IN AND F R SAID T TE, PERSONALLY APPEA A'v I 1 PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE.SIJBS RIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT F.E/S/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HI /HFrf!2/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITIES, AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: L a `2a - a MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN COUNTY. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: I Z --- MY'PRINCIPAL"PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN COUNTY. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. PRINT NAME i BARBARA L. HUSS Commission # 1538315 Notary Public - Collomla Orange County MyConxn. Expires Dec 25.2000 GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 I CERTIFY UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY: BARBARA L. HUSS COMMISSION NUMBER : 1538315 DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES: DECEMBER 25, 2008 COUNTY WHERE BOND IS FILED: ORANGE VENDOR NUMBER: NNA1 PLACE OF EXECUTION: SANTA ANA, CA DATE: OCTOBER 10, 2006 SIGNED: U A T FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE A DJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 PREPARER: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO: This document consisting of 6 pages was prepared by me or under my direction. R.H. CAHL JONES CAHL & ASSOCIATES 18090 BEACH BLVD. SUITE #12 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 714 848-0566 ,RCFEZO D NpR. 9y N0 21005.P fz!l ek _R.H. CAHL My Registration Expires: COUNTY: 9/30/07 R.C.E. 21005 1Examined and Approved as to survey content only for Raymond L. Mathe, County Surveyor CIO Raymond L. Mathe, L.S. 6185 County Surveyor My License Expires: 3/31/08 Dated this 7•/day of CITY ENGINEER: EPrc' z 2 Day Q 'y This Lot Line Adjustment Application has been examined and approved by the City of Huntington Beach QtOJAS K'110" l' ti C60560 N rri' M ravis K. Hopkins, City En Weer R.C.E. 60560 Date s Q'My Registration Expires: 12-31-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Examined and Approv as to Zoning Conformance by the City of Huntington Beach Planning Department By Date Exp.2 30 07 CIVIL CALF .pt4DSb 0v 'off c9 9 EV. OW" STgl OF ' O ESS/0 ClV1L'OF CAFQ CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 Owners: LEGAL DESCRIPTION "EXHIBIT A" Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: Reference Number: Huntington Pacific Development 024-034-06 PARCEL I AND PARCEL 2 PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION'OF PARCEL 1 SHT. 1 OF 1 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN'-THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 27 AND THE NORTHEASTERLY 11 FEET OF LOT 25, ALL IN BLOCK 211 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH TRACT, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 3, PAGE 36, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF -THE , COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL 2 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 25 AND LOT 23, ALL IN BLOCK 211 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH TRACT, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 3, PAGE 36, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHEASTERLY 11.00 FEET OF LOT 25, ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5.00 FEET OF LOT 23. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. NOTE: THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS OF RECORD DELINEATED AND REFERENCED ON THE UNDERLYING MAPS OR THERE MAY BE OTHER RECORDED EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DOCUMENT THAT COULD ENCUMBER SAID PARCELS HEREIN. QR0FESS'0, THIS DESCRIPTIONIMAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION A9 2D N -p`T\G C7 . CAHL R.C.E. 21005 My Registration Expires: 9-30-07 NO. 21005 Exp.2 30 07 L C1 \A\.,eOFCAUWCj CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 Owners: Huntington Pacific Development AREAS EXISTING AREA PROPOSED AREA PARCEL 1 4, 230.00 SQ. FT. PARCEL 2 J,995.00 SQ. FT MAP "EXHIBIT B" Existing Parcels AP Numbers: 024-034-06 EXIS77NG LOT LINE TO REMAIN - - - - EXIS77NG LOT LINE TO BE REVISED REVISED LOT LINEPER THIS ADJUSTMENT - - - EXIS77NG CENTERLINE - - EXISTING LOT LINES CL Olive Ave. (325') (162.50') (117.50') Proposed Parcels Reference Number: PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 SHT. 1 OF 1 C RECORD DISTANCES PER HUNTINGTON BEACH TRACT, M.M. 3/36 INDICATES EXIS77NG LOT NUMBER NORTH SCALE : i'=50' c.,(162.50') q 117.50' PARCEL 11 M - - - - - - - - - 25 r, (117.50') PARCEL 2 00 0010LO Ln. N1+7.50''- N yQ L' 37.50'7 5n' NO. 21005 (}-{15' Exp.9 30 07 I 11 9TF OF Qw- CAI-FI I - ---------(325')---- - - -(162.50') 162.5 ° 0 (117.50') -7C- (117.50') 0N 0 I ; 37.50' Walnut Ave. THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION R. H. CAHL if. C.E. 21005 My Registration Expires: 9-30-07 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 ' 16 Owners: Huntington Pacific Development AREAS EXIS77NG AREA zI- PARCEL 1 4, 230.00 PARCEL 2 J,995.00 PROPOSED AREA ARCE EXISTING GARAGE 1 EXISTINGSTRUCTURE (1 50 DMOILED PARCEL EXISTTIING SHEDDEMOLISHED 7.5 7.5' ±2.6 EXISTING STRUCTURE 27 "to EXSLCIRE1LWALKWAY EONCRETEDECK EXISTING TREE EXISTINGWOOD FENCE 5' 0 F--I Proposed Parcels Reference Number: PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 SHT. I OF 1 ( ) RECORD DISTANCES PER HUN77NGTON BEACH TRACT, M.M. 3/36 INDICATES EXISTING LOT NUMBER II EXISTINGLIGHT POLfE AND BOX EXISTINGPALM TREE EXISTINGFIRE HYDRANT EXISTING y.: CLRB LAWN I EXISTINGCURB I EXISTINGSIDEWALK EXISTING PALM TREEI 37. 0' V 0 d NO. 21005 Exp.s 30 07 4 OC1 110F(3 (117.50') (162.50') Walnut Ave. THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDERMY DIRECTION 0 z R. . AHL R.C.F. 21005 My Registration Expires: 9-30-07 SO. FT SQ. FT SITE PLAN "EXHIBIT C" Existing Parcels AP Numbers: 024-034-06 EXIS77NG LOT LINE TO REMAIN - - - - EXIS71NG LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED REVISED LOT LINE PER THIS ADJUSTMENT - - - EXIS77NG CENTERLINE Olive Ave. - - EXISTING LOT LINES 16 2.5030' ) 30' EXISTING PO R POLE EXISTING PALM TREE EXISTING SIGNSEXISTING CURB XI IN CU LAWN EXISTING SIDEWALK (117 5 EXISTING WOOD FENCE EXISTINGWOOD FENCE XISTINONCRE E WALKWAY DEMOLI ED U/b NORTH SCALE : 1'=30' Order No. Escrow No. Loan No. RECORDING REQUESTED BY I FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY SUBDIVISION DEPARTMENT WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: -13y, Secretary - Dave Macleod 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Keith Dawson I Iuntington Pacific Development, Inc. 17280 Newhope Street, Suite #4 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 22'1 L{410 LD DOCUMENTARY RANSFER TAX $ U1 t SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE Comput> d'the ionside,att'iod orrjvaT aof propeet , co Ted; 6R `= Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances 1 W 1 t lJ remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or I. determin tax - Firm Name CORPORATION QUITCLAIM DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Huntington Pacific Development, Inc., a California Corporatrion a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California, does hereby REMISE, RELEASE AND QUITCLAIM to Huntington Pacific Development , Inc., a California Corporatrion the real property in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Dated uvl m5 n t` c lit c. DeVeldprievt j :nc. Callfor"tq Core. ) By, President - Keith DawsonSTATE OF CALIFORNIA }ss COUNTY OF ©P., NIJ 20 pm4-befor n7,c„ ersonally appcarc f t 'Ql personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s)($/arc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that We/they executed the same in )A/ r/their authorized capacity(ies). and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS m hand and official seal. Signature MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: L. Recorded In Official Records , Orange County Tom Daly , Clerk-Recorder II IIIII II III IIIII III I I III I IIII I III II III III II III III;I l II I II 32.00 2006000708963 08:OOam 10/20/06 105 13 Q01 3 L HUSS Commtubn # 1538316 Notary Pubft - CdlorMo Ownge Courlb MyC.omm. bcIssDoe 2L (This area for official notanal seal) 1145(1194) GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 I CERTIFY UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY : BARBARA L. HUSS COMMISSION NUMBER: 1538315 DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES: DECEMBER 25, 2008 COUNTY WHERE BOND IS FILED: ORANGE VENDOR NUMBER: NNA1 PLACE OF EXECUTION : SANTA ANA, CA DATE: OCTOBER 10, 2006 SIGNED: L RI D U ART FIRST AMERICAN 771LE COMPANY EXHIBIT "A" All that certain land situated in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Parcels I and 2, as shown on Exhibit "B" attached to Lot Line Adjustment No. 05-16 recorded concurrent) herewith in the Official Records of Orange County, California. Recorded In Official Records, Orange County Tom Daly, Clerk-Recorder II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII15.00 RECORDATION REQUESTED BY:2006000708964 08:OOam 10/20106 105 13 M12'4 RECORDING REQUESTED BY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANYSUBDIVISION DEPARTMENT WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Pacific Western Bank Huntington Beach 19950 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 SEND TAX NOTICES TO: Huntington Pacific Development, Inc., a California corporation 2323 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 109 Santa Ana CA 92705 1-' 1L.Io U)MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY THIS MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST dated October 13, 2006 , is made and executed between between Huntington Pacific Development, Inc., a California corporation, whose address is 2323 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 109, Santa Ana, CA 92705 ("Trustor") and Pacific Western Bank, whose address is Huntington Beach, 19950 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, CA 92648 ("Lender"). DEED OF TRUST. Lender and Trustor have entered into a Deed of Trust dated June 10, 2005 (the "Deed of Trust") which has been recorded in Orange County, State of California, as follows: Recorded on June 15, 2005 as Instrument No. 2005000461043 of Official Records. REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. The Deed of Trust covers the following described real property located in Orange County, State of California: PARCEL 1 AND 2 AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED TO LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-16 RECORDED CONCURRENTLY HEREWITH IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 225 11th Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. The Assessor's Parcel Number for the Real Property is 024-034-06. MODIFICATION. Lender and Trustor hereby modify the Deed of Trust as follows: The real property description of the Collateral is hereby amended and restated as showed in the section entitled "REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION" above. CONTINUING VALIDITY. Except as expressly modified above, the terms of the original Deed of Trust shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Consent by Lender to this Modification does not waive Lender's right to require strict performance of the Deed of Trust as changed above nor obligate Lender to make any future modifications. Nothing in this Modification shall constitute a satisfaction of the promissory note or other credit agreement secured by the Deed of Trust (the "Note"). It is the intention of Lender to retain as liable all parties to the Deed of Trust and all parties, makers and endorsers to the Note, including accommodation parties, unless a party is expressly released by Lender in writing. Any maker or endorser, including accommodation makers, shall not be released by virtue of this Modification. If any person who signed the original Deed of Trust does not sign this Modification, then all persons signing below acknowledge that this Modification is given conditionally, based on the representation to Lender that the non-signing person consents to the changes and provisions of this Modification or otherwise will not be released by it. This waiver applies not only to any initial extension or modification, but also to all such subsequent actions. TRUSTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST AND TRUSTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. THIS MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST IS DATED OCTOBER 13, 2006. Loan No: 11022 TRUSTOR: MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 2 HUNTI GTON AC C DEVEL PMENT, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION By: 7 Keith . awson, re nt I CFO of Huntington Pacific Development, Inc., a Cafifo cor ration By: is a arinacce, i President o Huntington Pacific Development, Inc., a California corporation By: - David acLeod, Secretary of Huntington Pacific Development, Inc., a California corporation LENDER: PACIFIC WESTERN BANK X Autho e 0 fic CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF i4/'ii v, ) COUNTY OF i' ! 47 On . ' d) T , personally appe d Keith A. Dawson, whose name(sdjs are subscribed to th authorized capacity(iwe), and that by , 2O )SS before me, •''C" /,4 ,1411- 'P -1 -for proved to me on the asi of satisfactory idence) to be th. erson(ar within instrument and acknowledged to me that ( e/ehefthey executed the same in i erhheir iherlthe w signature(s)-on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s -acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature iir/i,t t rrt •L_ E. S. BUMGARNER 03COMM. #1487714 nNOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA -) ORANGE COUNTY O My Comm Expires May 4, 2008 (Seal) MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST Loan No: 11022 (Continued) CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Page 3 STATE OF ) SS COUNTY OF ' rll `C } On LG 6fr / , 20 e4" before me, S !%rx)rl iNf1' rJL' personally appear ad Michael Marinacci, parrenaIIy known tome (or proved to me on the a of sa Isfactory e idence) to be the----RRR,,erson)af whose name (af e subscribed to the.-within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /they executed the same it hjai er/their authorized capaclty(iesf, and that by is! /their-signatures} on the instrument the person(s}; or the entity upon behalf oT which the person(af acted, executed the instrum t. E. S. BUMGARNER WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature COMM 41487714 "' Nc ,'A',Y PUBLIC - CAUcORNIA __( ORANGE COUNTY O My Comm Expires May 4. 2008 (Seal) CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ".4 i t y AI 14- COUNTY OF t i < tll -' 1 ISS ) On d' ? / d , 20 % I ' before me, . *t:-31 r 1) 1! 4.1141 T- /V.- fir4 P"-;-)`J;C personally appea d David MacLeod, persone#y-known-.t me (or proved to me on the- asiLof satisfactory e dance) to be th .personf,er whose name(af is are- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hefshe/their executed the same i his /their authorized capacityi ee), and that by the-within signature(s!" on the instrument the persons}-or the entity upon behalf of which the person(aracted , executed the instrument. E. S. DuIviGARNER h .Z.COMM. ri1467714 03 nWITNESS my hand and official seal.U NOTARY ''UBLIC - CALIFORNIA W OH- N(,E COUNTY 0 My Comm Expires May 4. 2008 Signature (Seal) MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST Loan No: 11022 (Continued) CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF r )SS COUNTY OF 1. 7A1/ c 1 Page 4 On 2 i%4, before me, f .>.l•t+e r./fr personally appeared r '. -e (or p oved to me on the basis of s tisfactory evidence) to be the per whose name(s)' subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that (i lste/they executed the same in their authorized capacity (ies), and that by its !their signature Won the instrument the_g Ipersonal; or the entity upon behalf o which the person(Sl acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal.87714 0F m, C' #14 03 C) NO'• 4LIC-CALIFORNIA lZ"1.;r-e Lam.Signature "I'-Y (Seal) USER 790 L•,d67 . V., s b 00-001 tea U d.,, 7x.•ne.4 s.lutwn •. In9 7957 .1001 A• 5 . n..w..e - u 1.4n7pwN57 [71WIMC,nL•L7G301 ..C 1R 0106 rn-11 E. S. 6UIMARNER . ItAN COUNTY Q y CO.. Expi May 4. 2008 E. S. BUMGARNER COMM. #1487714 O] NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY Q My Cum. Expires May 4. 2008 This Document was electronically recorded by First American Title C nL_URDR.3RL_, . FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY Mail recorded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 21.14Lf10 Up O Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Tom Daly, Clerk-Recorder ut M 2006000708962 08:00am 10/20/06 1111111124.00 10513 L09 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Space above reserved for County Recorder's use CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 RECORD OWNER S OF EXISTING PARCELS: Fee: $ (I/We) hereby certify that: 1) (I am/We are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application: 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application: and 3) The information submitted in connection with this application is true and correct. APN:024-034-06 APN: NAME:Huntin ton Pacific Develo ment Inc.NAME: a California Corp oration ADDRESS:17280 Newho e Street, Suite 4 ADDRESS: Fountain Valley, CA 92708 DAYTIME DAYTIME TELEPHONE:714 901-2222 TELEPHONE: ignature Signature Name: Keith Dawson Name: Title: President Title: Signature Signature Name: Dave Macleod Name: Title: Secretor Title: 0 2i O STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SS CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 ON THIS c;7-Ay OF , 200-&-,BEFORE M , ' A NOTARY PUBLIC N AND FOR S D S ATE, PERSONALLY AP , RED -I)R- V I-- li--ea PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON (S) WHOSE NAME (S) IS/ARE SUB CRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENTAND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT IiE/SAE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HCS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITIES, AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: L. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. PRINT NAME IWA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 12 - 215 -a MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN COUNTY. -i BARBARA L. HUSS Commission # 1538315 Notary Public - Caul lomta Orange County My Comm. Expkes Dec 25.2008 STATE OF CALIFORNIA l COUNTY OF ORANGE J SS ON THIS 2-__ DAY OF , 200 BEFORE ME, A NOT PUBLIC IN AND F R SAID T TE, PERSONALLY APPEA PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SVBS RIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRU ENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT I..j/S /THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN H /Hfz 6/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITIES, AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: I Z `63 MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS INL, COUNTY. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. PRINT NAME BARBARA L. HUSS Commission # 1538316 Notary Pubic - CaUtamla Orange County My Comm. Expires Dec 25.2006 GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 I CERTIFY UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY : BARBARA L. HUSS COMMISSION NUMBER : 1538315 DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES: DECEMBER 25, 2008 COUNTY WHERE BOND IS FILED : ORANGE VENDOR NUMBER: NNAI PLACE OF EXECUTION: SANTA ANA, CA DATE: OCTOBER 10, 2006 SIGNED: U A T FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 PREPARER: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO: R.H. CAHL JONES, CARL & ASSOCIATES 18090 BEACH BLVD. SUITE #12 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 714 848-0566 This document consisting of 6 pages was prepared by me or under my direction. R.H. CAHL R.C.E. 21005 My Registration Expires:9/30/07 COUNTY: Examined and Approved as to survey content only for Raymond L. Mathe, County Surveyor )5J /cJ+6Z Raymond L. Mathe, L.S. 6185 County Surveyor My License Expires: 3/31/08 Dated this Tel day of CITY ENGINEER: 4<,This Lot Line Adjustment Application has been examined and approved by the City of Huntington Beach Qt JAS K. Hpp i2 - C60560 Nz (D ravis K. Hopkins, City En neer R.C.E. 60560 My Registration Expires: 12-31-06 PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Examined and Approv By _u Date OFESS/0 ?vpgD H cy NO21005. Exp.9300 CI V11 7 - OFCALF SAND Sj Exp.pi131108 W rnm ct p%p(2-31 *J>q O IVI`Oa\4 FCP as to Zoning Conformance by the City of Huntington Beach Planning Department 9/a J o. Date E 7'45 ,e 2004 OFESS/pa MR Owners: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 LEGAL DESCRIPTION "EXHIBIT A" Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: Reference Number: Huntington Pacific Development 024-034-06 PARCEL 1 AND PARCEL 2 PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL 1 SHT. 1 OF 1 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 27 AND THE NORTHEASTERLY 11 FEET OF LOT 25, ALL IN BLOCK 211 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH TRACT, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 3, PAGE 36, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL 2 ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 25 AND LOT 23, ALL IN BLOCK 211 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH TRACT, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 3, PAGE 36, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHEASTERLY 11.00 FEET OF LOT 25, ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5.00 FEET OF LOT 23. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. NOTE: THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS OF RECORD DELINEATED AND REFERENCED ON THE UNDERLYING MAPS OR THERE MAY BE OTHER RECORDED EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DOCUMENT THAT COULD ENCUMBER SAID PARCELS HEREIN. I HIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION -4 RD HQRCFO p F NO. 21005 . CAHL R.C.E. 21005 My Registration Expires: 9-30-07 Exp.9 30 07 Q VI-OF- COYCj CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 MAP "EXHIBIT B" Owners: Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: Reference Number: Huntington Pacific Development 024-034-06 PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 RE PROPOSED AREAAREASEXIS77NG A A EXIS77NG LOT LINE SHT. 1 OF 1 TO REMAINPARCEL 1 4,230.00 SQ. FT.- - - - EXISTING LOT LINE C ) TO RECORD DISTANCES PERPARCEL 2 J,995.00 SQ. FT.BE REVISED HUN77NGTON BEACH REVISED LOT LINE TRACT M M 3 36,../PER THIS ADJUSTMENT ()INDICATES EXISTING LOT- - - EXIS77NG CENTERLINE NUMBER - EXIS77NG LOT LINES --I0tO *vl rN,, II 37.50' 1 c Olive Ave. (162.50' ) (117.50') PROFES-SVDti. NO. 21005 Exp.9 30 07 OF P\PT9TFvtt_ 21 V 0r- 0Io tov 19 0 (117.50') 162.50' m 1 Walnut Ave. THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION (325') SCALE : 1`--50' 6 NORTH CAO (162.50') 117.50' PARCEL 1 _ PARCEL 2 23 C 5 (117.50') (0 r M --------- R.H. CAHL R.C.E. 21005 My Registration Expires:9-30-07 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 05 - 16 Owners: SITE PLAN "EXHIBIT C" Existing Parcels AP Numbers: Huntington Pacific Development 024-034-06 AREAS EXISTING AREA PROPOSED AREA EXISTING E FTS LOT LIN TO REMAINPARCEL 1 4, 230.00 Q. - - - - EXISTING LOT LINEPARCEL 2 3,995.00 SQ. FT.TO BE ADJUSTED REI4SED LOT LINE PER THIS ADJUSTMENT c Olive A ve. 30' EXISTING PO R POLE - - - EXISTING CENTERLINE - - EXISTING LOT LINES 162.50) 30 EXISTING PALM TREE EXISTING SIGNS EXISTING CURB EXISTING CURB LAWN EXISTING SIDEWALK --v (117.5 ')EXISTING WOOD FENCE EXISTING WOOD FENCE EXISTING- CQN RETL WALKWAY EXISTING 'toCONCRETEMWALKWAY ARCE 1 EXISTINGSTRUCTURE EXISTING (1 .50 GARAGE DEMOLI ED JQBE-- --DEMOLISHED PARCEL EXISTING SHEDBDEMOLISHED 27 EXISTING Z ONCRETEDECK 0t LO MEXISTING TREE EXISTINGWOOD FENCE 5' EXISTINGPALM TREE i ±2.6' EXISTING STRUCTURE Proposed Parcels Reference Number: PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 SHT. 1 OF 1 ( ) RECORD DISTANCES PER HUNTINGTON BEACH TRACT, M.M. 3/36 INDICATES EXISTING LOT NUMBER II EXISTINGLIGHT POLEAND BOX EXISTINGPALM TREE EXISTING iFIRE HYDRAINT EXISTING CURB CURB rv^J LAWN EXISTING CURB EXISTING SIDEWALK 37.50' I PRcESO NO. 21005 t Exp.9 30 07 CI VIA- OF CAt-o (117.50') (162.50') c Walnut Ave. THIS DESCRIPTION/MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION F ?1P/ R. . AHL R.C.E. 21005 My Registration Expires: 9-30-07 NORTH SCALE : 1'=30' Kelle , Jason From: Da Veiga, Paul Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 12:00 PM To: Fauland, Herb; Kelley, Jason; Kohlmann, Ramona Subject: FW: Director Review - Lot Line Adjustment No. 05-16 F.Y.I. Jason/Ramona: Please follow up with drafting the NOA/e-mail notification, to be sent out on Tuesday, Jan. 10. -----Original Message----- From: Culbreth-Graft, Penelope Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:55 AM To: Da Veiga, Paul; Emery, Paul Subject : FW: Director Review - Lot Line Adjustment No. 05-16 You may take action on this now. -----Original Message----- From: Da Veiga, Paul Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:57 PM To: Culbreth-Graft, Penelope; Emery, Paul Cc: Fauland, Herb Subject: Director Review - Lot Line Adjustment No. 05-16 In compliance with your request, we are notifying you that the following lot line adjustment is ready for review and action by the Planning Department/Planning Director pursuant to Section 250.14 B. 3.e. of the HBZSO. Please let me know when we can take action on the request. SUBJECT ENTITLEMENT: APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: RECOMMENDATION: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-16 (HUNTINGTON PACIFIC LOT CONSOLIDATION) Huntington Pacific Development, 17280 Newhope Street, Ste. 4, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 To consolidate three adjoining lots totaling 8,225 sq. ft. into two lots. Parcel 1 will be 4,230 sq. ft. and Parcel 2 will be 3,995 sq. ft. 225 11th Street (southwest corner of 11th Street and Olive Avenue) Jason Kelley, Assistant Planner Approval If you have any questions please let me know. 1 o oR CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Planning Department Communication DRAFT POLICY NO. EP-19 TO: Planning Staff FROM: Scott Hess, Planning Manager DATE: June 7, 2005 SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS The City Council recently adopted Permit Streamlining Ordinance Phase - II to amend the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. As part of the amendment, the City Council directed staff to prepare a process to provide notice of the approval/denial of Administrative Permits (AP) subject to Neighborhood Notification. The purpose of this memo is to establish the notification process for such applications. 1. All AP's shall be presented for review at the Tuesday, Project Review meeting. It is recommended that a draft NOA be prepared and ready before the meeting. 2. If the AP is approved or denied at the meeting, a Notice of Action shall be finalized with findings (if required) and conditions of approval, and mailed out no later than Wednesday. The NOA must include the applicable appeal language. A hard copy of the NOA shall be distributed to the City Council. 3. A broadcast email (similar to PC/DRB action agendas) will be sent out on Wednesday after the NOA's have been approved and signed. The email notification will also be sent to The Independent based upon their request and any other interested party requesting notification. The notice of action shall also be posted on the City's website. 4. In the event that an AP with Neighborhood Notification is required concurrent with an entitlement application (e. g., CUP, VAR, etc.) subject to Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission review, the AP shall be processed in the same manner as any other concurrent entitlement application. This process does not apply to AP's required pursuant to Section 241.22, Waiver of Development Standards, of the HBZSO. If you have any questions regarding this process please see me. (G:P1anning\Po1icyMemos\EP-19) Kelle , Jason From: Fauland, Herb Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 11:24 AM To: Broeren, Mary Beth; Carvalho, Wayne; Da Veiga, Paul; Davis, Christopher; Hess, Scott; James, Jane; Kelley, Jason; Lugar, Robin; Medel, Rosemary; Pierce, Susan; Ramos, Ricky; Santos, Ron; Talleh, Rami; Zylla, Bill Cc: Kohlmann, Ramona Subject: Director's Approval - HBZSO EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: Prior to My actions subject to the approval of the Director pursuant to the HBZSO for LLA's & AP's, all such pending actions and entitlements shall be forwarded to me and cc Robin. Please forward your items to me (cc Robin) by 5 p.m. on Wednesday with all the pertinent information such as, subject entitlement, applicant, property owner, project description, location, project planner, and recommendation. The item (s) will then be forwarded to the City Administrator and Deputy City Administrator for review on Thursday. Upon their review and release, I will notify the planner that the item may be acted upon. When the item has been acted on, a NOA broadcast email will be sent to the CC, PC, and all interested parties of the action and the appeal date. I have a sample of a previously used email. A hard copy of the NOA will be distributed under our normal distribution process. This is a new and evolving process that will be refined as we proceed. If you have any questions please see me. Thanks for your cooperation! 1 e OLIVE >r 0.90 AC NO. 12936 a PACIFIC 2 2 3 a 31 54 Ax 2 2 rr r- x m `5 v L COAST Y.N. 03-36HUNTINGTON BEACH M.M. 569-16. 17TRACT NO. 12238MARCH 1948 M.M. 582-40.41TRACT NO. 12936 P.M. 118-18. 285-50. 319-34PARCEL MAP 1 °!-- 1 2s.} A ru 2 . 24 Ir 23 •18 22 21 • 17 a 23 rr19 . 9 v PIL 32-43 ..,n - . nr b 17 . r15 aM __ BLK.a12 ° 214 PAR 1-07 .-l.T-- 7TWW 0 >s6 5 . v •.21 w /A rP. t WALNUT 1 \ '/A /9 18 17 14 b u nyr a TRACT u 73 12 II ALLEY 1i 11_114 20 6 19 PR0.ECT 939-50-190-231 LOT t6 r IS M- t Aj 7-- 1y0' a 'O 32 8 31 -----.16 W 117 fY12 zl 12 17 nae a 1 16 15 5 .1 N 14 13 W 12 . II x a AL r a n &- 5 aY •3 4 P.M. pm PAR 1 9S6 4 BL • 1 1 x O7 13 19 18 17 16 20 21 0.17 • 295-5 rr d w.r ev n ,s A 9 a 23-17 k, 02 g --; 1e zA a 6 2 •Z. 3 07 $nso- 20"20".01 TRACT PRO.ECr 939-so-ow-$5 LOT 13 1 IM AG 3 23 6 4 6 7r X12 7.7 7 18 a 17 a 1 t4 b aE ti 6 7 I 1P I NO 12238 I 'II 1 I= 1 I IBEAOHTM Ip,d '.I I I I I I I J U..7 j 8 2 15 ------ 14 vyr nx AVENUE k 22 A x'25 • , 0 K24 21 3 19 n,M 185 ----6 2 y t 17 i - u 13 AVEM E S 14 b I A 3 tV -- 6 _ 16 A 12 y" 16 . A L Y 10 9 B1 7 61 5 41 3 Itar . . . . I. tari. I 111 ' HIGHMAY 1r ti H NOTE - ASSESSOR 'S BLOCK A ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 024 PAGE 03 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE 024-03 1'-100' N LI Huntington Beach Map produced by information contained in the City of Huntington Beach Information Services Department Geographic Information System. Information warranted for City use only. Huntington Beach does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. Map Produced on 12/3012005 N 148 2960 STREET NAMES N CITY BOUNDARY Ar STREET CENTERLINES (CLASS) Smartstreet Major Collector Primary Secondary Residential Travelway Alley ISOBATHS One inch equals 148 feet HARBOR