HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR2004012 - Supporting Documents06/09/2004 10:45 FAX 7026141391 Bribor LLC/9orsack 1a002/003 •BRIBORLL cA LICENSEE OF BRIGHTON COLLECTIBLE STORES June 9, 2004 To: City Of Huntington Beach Planning Department 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 From: Marleau Borsack Re: Subject Property located at 420 11 "Street Huntington Beach , CA 92648 Dear Planning Staff: I have engaged in an agreement with Robert Reed, of R.W. Reed Company, INC., to represent me in the reviewing the subject property mentioned above. For any other questions please contact Robert or myself at: Robert Reed 419 Main Street #289 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Ph.71s-717-6380; Fx.714-536-3760 Marleau Borsack 416 11`h street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Ph.714-785.8238 Thank you, Cc: Robert Reed X1397 W SUNSET RD.,SUITF 8 L A 5 VEGAS. NV 59118 7U2.269.6347 N F 7(12.61'i 13 )1 1hFG€,'3 fiIBO1 CGtd 0 • R. W. REED COMPANY, INC. CONSTRUCTION/DEVELOPMENT/MANAGEMENT Consulting Services 419 Main Street #289, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 714 536-3760 / 714 717-6380 June 7, 2004 City of Huntington Beach Planning Department 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Subject: 42011th Street Huntington Beach, CA SUN 0 1004 Dear Planning Staff: Thank you for reviewing the plans referencing the above property. Although the existing code does not allow for a third story on a property with 50 feet in width and in the RMHA zone area, we ask that you please consider the following: 1. Downtown theme of three story structures 2. Adjacent three story structures allowed 3. Low impact of this plan with third story setbacks in the mid section of the structure 4. Lower overall density of one residence rather than two individual residences 5. Light, ventilation and air flow will be increased by allowing the third floor adjacent to three story structure 6. Development will not negatively impact the adjacent properties because of height The property owner is proposing the best use of the property. This is an existing double lot where two structures may be built. However, the property owner wishes to construct his personal residence across both lots. Please consider that this home will be unique to the area and would add to the character to the neighborhood with no negative impact, one of the goals of the planning department. We sincerely solicit your consideration and support of this downtown three story concept. Respectfully, Zj Robert Reed Cc; Marleau Borsack HUNTINGTON BEACH City of Huntington Beach • Department of Planning CONFERENCE NOTES PROJECT: c, LOCATION: -1'1r DATE: NOTES TAKEN BY: IN ATTENDANCE: SUMMARY: -5 ra I , , MEETING HONEv I u) el- se *- 1.31 Ca. t.J i C- S !' 1. C CO' ACTION: COPY TO: t p -f LL vtc. (g:forms/confnte/6.01 rev.) of 0 J MARCH 1948 75' W y 75. 209 °S'24 ,s, 25 117.50' 1"4 2 24 9 3 N h 8 BLK.,o 9510 9 11750' 6 5 10 1 11 3N N 24 22 0" id N In s ACACIA 11750' 4 I. ns'S 18 117.50 n 4 „2 1„ 00,70' 1 08.73' " 10 R 105.4 111.50' v 115'30 ORANGE 20'21 95'o N19'°' 3 13 Jj 5'3 5m.5a . 7 _ L1f 17. 19 1 20 30 31 14 22 23 28 27 26 18 117,50, 6 12 10 11 26 -BE K.o,.941025 8 81 115' 11750' 117,50' 115'28 3 27 32 31 a a a N N 1520'.... N 115' 111.50'N 6 7. 5 115' b 10 4 3 ° 18 111.50'„ _ 111 0' 2 "15''n 117.50' 0 N n b *--92876.b ais.h 26 117.50' HUNTINGTON BEACH. MAIN STREET SEC. ,s. 3 m.50 8 117.50 4 1s-,Q 12 01 11 0'14.so' , 6 12 ",1 0 7 BLK.1o . 9509 25 M. 0- 31 35 ,x.34 20 133 us'19 22 21 38 I, 117.50' le is 17 19m,50' 1620'15 115 8 7 28 27 In1tt.50 2S Z24 20' Os 27 "es'37 `36, J ° 39 13 11 12 18 22 21 117.50 . 120 X19 Q a78 17 22 !5 a 26 23 14 a a L 9 17K.ry1o 94 b 8 "' 7 136; 7 655 15 m2s1 2011 , M.M. 3-43 111.50' 11 115' bA 27 1 s1 26 27 24 111.50' is' 07.50' 11750'24 25 117 'a<. 0 N 12 12 N n 29 h in 09 7s' W y »' N 201 In ^18 k 2 117.50' 16 17750' 23 14 115'25 12 8 a 4BLK .o 950812 a N 0 N In 5 8 4 3h_ k 2 1' 1t'rso. 11750'16 21 20 is' 28 26 ".'4 12 ns'17 8 A a 0 11 " 7 26 25 24 23 2 22 21 20 19 18 17 41 111.50'27 21 20'19 17 t01" ° 0' 15 r0'Is. 11-- 5 ° m50 .5 ' 9s 6 7 4 31 _,j 70 X7.50 15 14 15 It o' 21 22 23 S4 3 24 05, NI2 7 11 19 117.50' BL K.io 9408 0 n a Oin 75' W y 73' 1C 12 NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BL,OCX ¢ PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES n_ O- _ 11750'16 28 17 26 3 24 ° 22 14 °_ _ 5 117.50'BL7C. io- 18 8 2 is. 1s.6 7.5 0 ° 7 124 „2N 11 50'1128 23 .22 26 ° 24 -22 a 20 'x•21 16 1750' 117.50' 20 14 175'24 25BLK.°10 6 msa 7 a 4 0.5 5.i 117.5 27 " 25 a 13 11 9 507 5 3 a 1 txl :Vii. 2Rttb qi1 ' . 41--x0. -w;JAA Ivy-at,.tlf' ,.oaQz .i-Q1>r-tp r. awln-4c ;r.- Jaet1 c X Vr-mQz -nto , Q1uD0 ft'Z I Q 1"1UC1Q , r AVENL A VEME is,11190'b2,-- --= 25 15 2J 2Lj k 19m '- tn'.is 17 20' Is' N5950, 7 14 13 14 11 /1 1L : 7.9'07 12 58 32 17 s1N^117:50' 4 h 0O N N I0 0 12.501b- r• t5' 1 4 r•