HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA2002009 - Supporting Documents0 a. PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Tern Elliot, Public Works FROM: Ron Santos Ext: 5561 DATE: January 30, 200 0 PC ZA X Staff JAN 312003 PETITION(S): Lot Line Adjustment #02-09 DEPT. OF PU13LICWORKS DATE OF PLANS: 01/30/03 REQUEST(S): lot line adjustment to combine two contiguous residential lots LOCATION: 510 & 512 111h Street (east side north of Pecan) ZONE: RMH GENERAL PLAN: RMH-25-d EXISTING USE: single-family residential (Iunit/lot) to be demolished) Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before Thursday, February 20, 2003. Attachments: 1. REVISED LLA form 2. PW redlined copy of original submittal Please advise if LLA is in approvable form. Original w/ Planning Dept. approval will be forwarded upon notice. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) -/ei,i r1w. V 4F'6- <:w FG> f - a uG CS' 1-16 ?v5T' . --/gyp d l G- d 65 z die EG RESPONSE BY: / Extension - % -/ Mail recorded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 space above reserved for County Recorder's use CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No.D2 - 09 fee: $ RECORD OWNER S : PARCEL a24 -/0/- 08 PARCEL OL -/0/- dy7 NAME: F 12/ P D FED e/ ADDRESS: D 7-2y ST T D // T'Y,5 T.PE4 T hrri i o,-J 4c"/ o4 92611 f,( , '6To I46 l l,4 9Z(.1 DAYTIME TELEPHONE: 114" 842-g115- 7/4 -4342- (I/We) hereby certify that: 1) (I am/We are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application : 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application: and 3) The information submitted in connection with this application is true and correct: PARCEL o2 4 -/0 /-O8 Signa ure Name: F2E0 FE/2RA-r2 7gev s 74E 5j5P 4,••, 7 ry rR vs 7- A4 EIS .VoUEM8E. 2 200o Signature Narne: G:1Forms\P1ann i ng\LLA PARCEL o24 - /D!-O7 Signa ure Name: FdCED F&I2 T.QV57-,5 el--ACED FERR4//. SEPA,244T26 /,Qo/°E,2TY Tie x/57" DATED ic%dfA/6,6A 29 2000 Signature Name: RECEIVED JAN 2 9 2003 e •I CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No.02- 09 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS _f DAY OF IJ©VElvll', 2001 , BEFORE ME,MARIA Ed2 1 f A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED I`FER}1R,j PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME O ROVE 0 ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) I'ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT ISHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN I1 1ERITHEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITIES, AND THAT BY /HER/THEIR SIGNATURE. S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSONW , OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON S-}ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:S1PTI I 3 TARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. 9/IARIAC 5F901t MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN 0 611F CO TY. PRINT NAME STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS 6 DAY OF f4Or/ SS 1 , 200 MARIA CASEUUIN Comm. # 1234297 OTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA Orange CountyMy Comm. Exoires Sept. 11,2003 °4 BEFORE ME,MAR-01 C c,5; LOltJ A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED K. f E'I R, P-i PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME 0 PROV TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S)O AR SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAN SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN IS ER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITIES, AND THAT BY ER/THEIR SIGNATURE ) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S% OR THE ENTITY ON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(,) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: ITARY PUBLIC N AND FOR SAID STATE. MAW a c at1i inl PRINT NAME G:Forms\LLA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:.S`I;PT- I I, 23 MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN L COUNTY. MARIA CASEuUIN rrC 4 1234297,m.O 1 P "-"RAY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA ' y , c) Oroaga County, E; Tres Sept.11,2003 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 02- - 017 CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO: -iqdw 8,4k' /8600 /f4-11V S77 SellrE /6a #e/AVT7•lGrO BE,9 Chi Ce,' 92648 1/1-8 8 -ass/ This document consisting of dir 'on. pages was prepared by me 14 a hw L.S.4G83 MY REGISTRATION I LICENSE EXPIRES: EXAMINED AND APPROVED v Q ' O NO 4683 rooOFCALF9 30 03 Ste' By: Robert F. Beardsley, R.C.E. 22876 Director of Public Works Of rtCi i7 ©/v P I €?/Sr /it-W My Registration I License Expires on 12/31105 DATED THIS DAY OF , 200` DATE FILED: ZONE: PLANNING DEPARTMENT -A TION DATE: G:FormstLLA /roes G7 / Ulf CrcrnEC .e7F1/"z rv p/a) fad a By: Dol ,4L0 6. BA.e.E/Z 0 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 02 - 6c? LEGAL DESCRIPTION ;' ,,JE xH/S/7` A Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: FRED FED A R / OZ4 • IO ! -08 ,0,4Rce . 1 F,Q,D FE,QiQ,4R/ OZ4-/O/- D 1°4QCOL I Go 7'S /0 A MD /2 IN B L o c,-C -6-10 OF 141v,V7,w ,Te4J ,EA cry &,+//v Sr•2E,6 T $ cri o + ;/iv Z 'e1 7Y &c 110V7-1,V67-,9W 9E A c%/ co vey 67,C 0164A16 ,E 6T.4TE 7#5 Eon ,4co evv //i/ Boo, 3 '4G 13 ©rc M/SC,E44,qAYeo vS 1 ECO• 4' c OF ',tTNCE C &',v7 y, C4G /0 24 . SeE ExAll5rT f3 4TTi4-c,ED h6/?ETo .4N0 BY TH/s R EFEo2,ENCe ,YA D E A PART THE•2E D 54/6 'cT Ta AI-4 EA561y,•N775 ®ic /PICo2D/ /F .4//Y. LAND,& DG.By cc` NO4683 3D.Z3o)03D G Z A kL-- P Cpl.I . 5.4 G 8 3 OF CA1.A"ZQ • Owners: fR C7 t R OZ E .E A/ 0Z 3750' l J a r;, CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 02 - 0? MAP (xW/5/T ' 5 ") Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: Reference Number: /o/-OS '•ece-L l: -/a/- 07 PcL`L -L •4 If 7. So or //7 S0' Sip LAND,p PACAAI AVE PREP'4RED BY' DoA1,11-49 6- 8Ak' , L•5. 4C.83 G:Forms\LLA !r7 • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No.02 - O9 SITE PLAN i 'C-X!-l I A517- C Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: F,?ED FE,e.4,e / 02¢ - /o/ - 08 10,4R CE (-L F2E FE2RA,e/ t24- o/- 07 144C,EL -I- ---I\-I I qt 117-50' 37.50' E G4it/ A r/. PROPOSED Noc/s 117, 50' //61 W -- U) I °o G:Forms\LLA • 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Bob Righetti, Eng. Resources Geraldine Lucas, Environmental Lili Tom, Water Mando Brizuela, Senior Plan Ck Bill Janusz, Transportation Gail Pickart Chuck Davis, Park, Tree & Landscape Kris Winchak Todd Broussard, Design FROM: Terri Elliott Extension 5580 DATE: December 9, 2002 ENTITLEMENT: LLA 02-09 REQUEST(S): Please review and comment on the attached lot line adjustment to combine 2 contiguous residential lots. LOCATION: 510 & 512 11`h Street (east side of 11`t', north of Pecan) Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before Frida December 20 2002. COMMENTS: (Use attachments or backside of sheet if necessary) I !f YE c,P v.' j c>° !dvfZ SS L G'fbY1Gtr`ct't0.v 4 rr'/rc c /4 -;o C/a/c Gu,/ntT 2)D!S cress g5''kVer.' r-er-4,5:- Q e r - i e ' I ' j 710'e'4 s C f 6E- fa7©PSl ,C a rr L/,VE 'v'zsT iC-kv/of 1?e'4P€cr- P,;;' N T " c - t T.ri' G E d i2 J s 6^Qt.lrE !'.cs /ate e*2!* fZ c c/ p /.v G T L o t" L k ) ti l es ,A e v ,4,cZ ' ' Do4c- r 7 ? E A 'R 1' TI'TLE'/'o 1€,- ,Q,cU 7 r C'v.e1P" t" 5y 7WE Det,,rcc?p 7" Gvlyr, c,v w LT ( 7'? r t /5 lc's 14 Y T ,¢vr1j z 7 /5 C/eRl< Zor,4rive 4i r'vfP-iW.9'1 Ae-'+s P Z?n,.eo,oR 4e--C ', rA'Q RESPONSE BY: DATE: RECEIVED JAN 14 2003 DRR Memo to Staff (Santos) Mail recorded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 space above reserved for County Recorder's use 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. oz - Q fee: $ RECORD OWNER S : PARCEL 024 -/0/- 09 PARCEL OL -/o%or NAME: FR 2 / FRED FER R / ADDRESS: D TH ST/,L= T O /I !Z( -574 ,5,6 ryyt/pAl o 1 ,4c# l4 924(ofI /-1 v v>.v67'ti 6 4d-I e4 9Z(.4 DAYTIME TELEPHONE: 1I4'' 994Z-47115-714 -84Z- (I/We) hereby certify that : 1) (I am/We are) the record owner (s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application : 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application: and 3) The information submitted in connection with this application is true and correct: PARCEL 02 4 -10 /-O8 PARCEL OZ 4- /D!-o 7 Signa ure Signa ure Name:FRED FE1ZR4-r2 Nam f' s Ff2 A SrPf2 6 r -f v ('CI.E r T''v%rVctrv novcu+r9-o Zqj 2oaa. Signature Signature Name: Name: G:\Form s\P la n n i ng\LLA 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. oz - 011 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS ZG DAY OF wedgy10 , 200 P-,BEFORE ME,MARIA,SE6nPl A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED "ZD FE P / -------N/rte PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME 0 ROVE 0 ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) jARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT /SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN IokER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITIES, AND THAT BY /HER/THEIR SIGNATUREJS) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSONM, OR THE ENTITY ON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(sS)ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: N TARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. 9AARIA6, IgUll PRINT NAME MARIA CASEQUIN Comm. # 1234297 1An NOTARY PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA Ul Orange County My Comm. Expires Sept. 11, 2003 "+ STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS ___DAY OF NOV1e IN1IAr GSiiifJ200 BEFORE ME, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED P, 7) FMRA P-i PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME 0 PROV TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S)iARSUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THA H SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN IS ER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITIES, AND THAT BY ER/THEIR SIGNATURE ) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S); OR THE ENTITY ON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(.S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: NOTARY PUBLIC N AND FOR SAID STATE. MARIAaASa00 PRINT NAME G:Fot'ms1LLA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:S1Pt I I r a3 MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN 0 6E COUNTY. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:'Pr_ I I l%03 MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN 0 M COUNTY. 9' 234297 OR'PUBLIC•CALIFORNIA Once Countymary d. _... r. E-cues Sept. 11, 1003 ',' MARIA CASEQWN 0 • 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 0:0 - 00 CONTACT PERSON: Pow zfAk , rEiA1-,ff2,4L0 it/ 6 At)RIA16 ADDRESS:/B V I"IAIS,7- . SU/TE /(aO 116,rt/7-1,,V67-0 8E 641-16-9 1z648 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO: 71`1- $ 'c -"4 9 S11 This document consisting of pages was prepared by me dir on.'10 sOq %, L.S. ¢83 °no. By: Doh1,940 MY REGISTRATION / LICENSE EXPIRES:9 60 9--T OP CAYF EXAMINED AND APPROVED By: Robert F. Beardsley, R.C.E. 22876 Director of Public Works My Registration I License Expires on 12/31/05 DATED THIS DAY OF , 200_ DATE FILED: ZONE: PLANNING DEPARTMENT ACTION DATE: G:Forms\LLA 0 ^ LJ 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No.QZ -V 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: F O ,C AIR / ozq - /01 - a 6 PA4,ZC,6 G I F,e D FE,e e,4R 02-4-101-0 P,4 R CC L 1 G 0 TS /0 ,q A40 /2 /N &/-0 Cl'b-10 of 1-71vIV771,1167 4J 8C-AC/11 &A/1V Sre ,5E7 - SC-C771DN /N 7h C/Ty O Tnr6roN 864 c/, COo/Nry D/c 0,64A166 /6Ti4rE //41 /40,e ' /Y4, TiOff' C4t//= 49/A /i1 14S I5 O,C Q,EGO.,04AO //V BoOX 3 /°ff 6,6 1,3 ©/C /`7/SC,EGL,q// vS /`1/f PS `QEco,2DS OF O, -i/i/GE CoVivey, e4/- 4f0AA' 114 S E £3C ioir ! r,A - 2 lG`' f ? 7ra y yv 4?'e2r- rr , GG ef5-,,4-s G:Forms\LLA 0 0 O CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE A DJUSTMENT No.o2 - aq MAP (1 1<1,f leer Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: •4•ec-L .FRE10 LC A 0z -/0/-09 F E E )2/ OZ - /v/- 0 7 PR.ctL .L K I 37.50' l WJ I L a ci =r' 3 ?.50 M1 c I 7.so' l (o24-/of- 07).-I 1 vv_a- ` rg - 7. ro I I ti I l V¢ PECAN A vE . O_. 1 14(v / S t4u4r-,>, G:FormslLLA 0 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No.=-oi SITE PLAN T '`C rr Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: F.e i FE.2 R,4 ,e / 024 - /01 - 08 1v,4RcE L L 11r26D 1-E21(ZA.e1 024- 0/- 07 A-QGEL -I- 37-50 20 37.50' `YO pec4A)Ac,.g. PROPOSED yovst-z /17.50 1? 5 I /D G:Forms\LLA • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Bob Righetti, Eng. Resources Geraldine Lucas, Environmental Lili Tom, Water Mando Brizuela, Senior Plan Ck Bill Janusz, Transportation Gail Pickart Chuck Davis, Park, Tree & Landscape Kris Winchak Todd Broussard, Design FROM: Terri Elliott Extension 5580 DATE: December 9, 2002 ENTITLEMENT: LLA 02-09 REQUEST(S): Please review and comment on the attached lot line adjustment to combine 2 contiguous residential lots. LOCATION: 510 & 51211"' Street (east side of 11"', north of Pecan) Please submit •yourconcerns ; andrecommended changes .:or con'ditions -in writing on-or COMMENTS : (Use attachments or backside of sheet if necessary) •'i H- *Y vr"i' / y l , s cr'c -Y',C %rr ' .r 2) 7-f /2 s'c r cr ' /4 .4 /=l. d4r-C , '/A er'`G". `rtEi'`f a0e, r7V4 r C cr Le P 4,e e ,O y 7-,tijte-Da.r ra ?fib' /5C,C7 r c;.r c4 -c.77-(re re- r-e ,L 1`jTIZ-L Cdr e`6e f419 m-Q r RESPONSE BY: r-DATE: 1 d RECEIVED JAN 14 2003 DRR Memo to Staff (Santos) 0 Mail recorded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach , CA 92648 space above reserved for County Recorder's use CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No 02 fee: $ RECORD OWNER S : PARCEL PARCEL OL NAME: FR 13 All iCER R / ADDRESS: 0 Z-- SPE T 7° h'U,/MI c"1 A 92 f Ov v'.y6To 4 4cl l,4 9Z 1S DAYTIME TELEPHONE:1i4 942-1115---714-8-47-- 9-5,9,; (I/We) hereby certify that: 1) (I am/We are).the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application: 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application : and 3) The information submitted In connection with this application is true and correct: PARCEL OL 4 -10 l-OS PARCEL 02 1 - /Of-07 Signa ure Signa ure Name : 'F2ED fE/Zi2.1-2 Nam /FEED A,=-.AC S"t8°r 2 rs- ,f©row r ry r c P" Signature Signature Name: Name: G: 1Forms\PlanninglLLA 0 • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No.O m o STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS1G DAY OF tOUti9= , 200 .2., BEFORE ME,WARiA G' SS,7aA A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED f '=p Fagg i PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME O ROVE TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(.S) 1$ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT ND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT ISHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN IIIER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITIES, AND THAT' BY (q/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE,.S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSONf.S); OR THE ENTITY ON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(,S-) ACTED, EXECUTED. THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: N TARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAAID STATE. si1ARIAG aLIIIV PRINT NAME Comm. # 1234297 in NOTARY PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA VI Orange County My Comm. Expires Sept. 11,2003 14 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS ?61"4 DAY OF Kf01 4W+ 200 °-BEFORE ME,1A & CA5 L4if'J A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED K PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME 0 ROV TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON{$) WHOSE NAME(S)OAR SUBSCRIBED TO THE ffl HE/THEY EXECUTEDWITHIN INSTRUMEN AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THA H S THE SAME IN IS ER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITIES, AND THAT BY ER/THEIR SIGNATURES) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S% OR THE ENTITY ON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSONf S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: e.. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. MARIA C- 5Rkki A PRINT NAME G:FormsUJ A MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 15;W T 11,3 MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:sr-l- I I, %e-O3 MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN 0 M COUNTY. "ARIA E C LINTY. MARIA CASEQUIN qj a" t'"'^RY' PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA Comm. f . 234297 ti>s `I I .j' 4; Cxr:m. E-nires Sept. 11. 2003 I Orange County,, 9 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LiNE ADJUSTMENT No. 0 ®Off) CONTACT PERSON: L90/t/ 54/1'2 ADDRESS: /B ro a ff4-//V Sr 15l'/TE /fo 1-1.vr.N6TOI,- ge cq 9z!g DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO:/- 8 S -s S1 This document consisting of dir on. L.S. pages was prepared by me 4653 By:0o/4LD 6.-RA,&,E/Z MY REGISTRATION / LICENSE.EXPIRES: 9 3c2 09 EXAMINED AND APPROVED By: Robert F. Beardsley, R.C.E. 22876 Director of Public Works My Registration / License Expires on 12/31/05 DATED THIS DAY OF ©go OFCAI..\ ,200 DATE FILED: ZONE: PLANNING DEPARTMENT ACTION DATE: i CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No.O LEGAL DESCRIPTION"4 ,/ Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: FR1=10 F A R / a2 - i® - o g •4,c, L . FXe 0 FC1C'2AIR/ OZ4-/0/- 0 X41 CeL -1 40 7.5 /0 AA/0 /Z 11V B L o (::,G b -1 0 t9iC vr1,v6r01r1 /&,C'A cry, 114Nr/,vG7-4N .9 4 4/71 wry o,c o e.4,VGE 67,47,'11 o,c e,44 /FO/l 4E //+r'BOOR 3 r°4C E 13f /f/ C,EGL4 v US ,f P-S; k EC'ot2®S ®/Z,q.eYGE V577/ Irw CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. o MAP (i g ier leg et Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: /R 27 L OZ -/®/-OS 14RC2L .: F E .E Al OZ - /v/- 0 7 I m ti 37.90' rj ••d r) .a PECAN 4 c'. Nl //7.5So (0z4-/o/- 07) I % \r0-- ------- p•tuI / Off`/oCo24-N N. v 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE A DJUSTMENT o z SITE PLAN /7-Its Q Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: ,e4o Fe e,R-,4,e / 02¢-/01- 08 P4fZCEL . ,=/ZED /=E1,2./2,9R/ 024- o/- 07 lf2G L 1. P, oP05,CD ,/ov5 -bl Zo' 350 m i 117.50 1151, cn /17501, f u1 i °o 6EC .9i t/ Ac/E .4 X PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Terri Elliot, Public Works Gerald Caraig, Building Tim Greaves, Fire FROM: Ron Santos Ext: 5561 DATE: December 6, 2002 PC ZA PETITION(S): Lot Line Adjustment #02-09 DATE OF PLANS: 11/27/02 X Staff REQUEST(S): lot line adjustment to combine two contiguous residential lots LOCATION: 510 & 512 11`" Street (east side of I Ith, north of Pecan) ZONE: RMH-A (Residential Medium High Density - Small Lot) GENERAL PLAN: RMH-25-d EXISTING USE: single-family residential (1 unit/lot) to be demolished Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before Friday, December 27, 2002. Attachments: 1. Narrative 2. LLA form, including plat map and legal description CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) ,c/o OfJ2 /7(b,,u S RESPONSE BY:01-G 6 Extension /._7J- RECEIVED PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEC10 2002 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST FIRE DEPARTNTENT MffkT TO: Terri Elliot, Public Works Gerald Caraig, Building des, Fire t FROM: Ron Santos Ext: 5561 DATE: December 6, 2002 PC ZA PETITION(S): Lot Line Adjustment #02-09 DATE OF PLANS: 11/27/02 X Staff REQUEST(S): lot line adjustment to combine two contiguous residential lots LOCATION: 510 & 512 11th Street (east side of 11th, north of Pecan) ZONE: RMH-A (Residential Medium High Density - Small Lot) GENERAL PLAN: RMH-25-d EXISTING USE: single-family residential (1 unit/lot) to be demolished Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before Friday, December 27, 2002. Attachments: 1. Narrative 2. LLA form, including plat map and legal description (v - 'T'ITLE 4'- c' T CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary) 0`"'OWL-1) 1Hc , /4/-1-,J CJ , I o-."4 G )J 47 RESPONSE BY: Extension S" I i PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUEST TO: Terri Elliot, Public Works Gerald Caraig, Building Tim Greaves, Fire FROM: Ron Santos Ext: 5561 DATE: December 6, 2002 PC ZA PETITION(S): Lot Line Adjustment #02-09 DATE OF PLANS: 11/27/02 X Staff REQUEST(S): lot line adjustment to combine two contiguous residential lots LOCATION: 510 & 512 11`b Street (east side of 11`h', north of Pecan) ZONE: RMH-A (Residential Medium High Density - Small Lot) GENERAL PLAN: RMH-25-d EXISTING USE: single-family residential (1 unit/lot) to be demolished Please submit your concerns and recommended changes or conditions in writing on or before Friday, December 27, 2002. Attachments: 1. Narrative 2. LLA form, including plat map and legal description 945&i m •'1" 1TLE F_erv$-_f 1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: (Use attachments or back side of sheet if necessary)C?`uO JL_J RESPONSE BY: Extension Commonwealth Land Title Company 350 Commerce, Suite 150 Irvine, California 92602 (714) 835-8511 Issuing Policies Of Commonwealth LAND TITLE INS[1RANCELAND TITLE INSURANCECOMPANY Showcase Contractors 17752 Metzler Lane Huntington Beach, California Attn: Fred Your Ref: Ferrari TITLE DEPARTMENT FAX NO. (714) 368-3255 Our No: 2208270-3 Title Officer: JIM PRASCH - (714) 368-3226 Direct Line email jprasch@landam.com PRELIMINARY REPORT Dated as of September 17, 2002 at 7:30 A.M. In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, Commonwealth Land Title Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit 1 attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to below and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in Exhibit 1 of this report carefully . The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It is important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list all liens, defects, and encumbrances affecting title to the land. CLTA Preliminary Report Form (Rev. 111195) 2208270 Page 2 SCHEDULE A The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: An ALTA Loan Policy The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this report is: AFEE Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: Fred Ferrari , Trustee of Fred Ferrari Separate Property Trust dated November 29, 2000 The land referred to in this Report is situated in the State of California, County of Orange, and is described as follows: Lots 10 and 12 in Block 510 of Huntington Beach, Main Street Section, in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as per map thereof recorded in book 3 page 43 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. CLTA Preliminary Report Form (Rev. 1/1/95) 2208270 Page 3 SCHEDULE B At the date hereof Exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions in said policy form would be as follows: A. Property taxes, including general and special taxes, personal property taxes, if any, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2002 - 2003. First Installment: $750.06 Open Penalty: $0.00 Second Installment: $750.06 Open Penalty (including cost): $0.00 Land Value: $146,189.00 Improvement Value: $0.00 Homeowner's Exemption: $0.00 Code Area: 04-001 Assessment No.: 024-101-07 Said matter affects: Lot 12 B. Property taxes, including general and special taxes, personal property taxes, if any, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2002 - 2003. First Installment: $1,365.41 Open Penalty: $0.00 Second Installment: $1,365.41 Open Penalty (including cost): $0.00 Land Value: $259,222.00 Improvement Value: $6,000.00 Homeowner's Exemption: $7,000.00 Code Area: 04-001 Assessment No.: 024-101-08 Said matter affects: Lot 10 C. Supplemental or escaped assessments of property taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. 1. Covenants, conditions and restrictions as set forth in the document Recorded: in book 378, page 72, of Deeds CLTA Preliminary Report Form (Rev. 1/1/95) 2208270 Page 4 NOTE: This exception omits any covenant, condition or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, unless and only to the extent that the covenant, condition or restriction (a) is not in violation of state or federal law, (b) is exempt under 42 U.S.C.Section 3607 or (c) relates to a handicap but does not discriminate against handicapped people. Said matter affects: Lots 10 and 20 2. An oil and gas lease, affecting the premises herein stated, executed by and between the parties named herein, for the term and upon the terms and provisions therein provided Dated: March 6, 1981 Lessor: Margaret Jean Sais Lessee: R.K. Summy, Inc., a corporation Depth: 500 feet Recorded: November 12, 1982 as Instrument No. 82-398564, Official Records Affects that portion of land lying below a depth shown above without the right to enter upon or use any portion of said land lying above said depth of 500 feet. No assurance is made as to the present ownership of said leasehold or matters affecting the rights or interests of the lessor or lessee in said lease. Said matter affects: Lot 12 3. A 2' eave encroachment onto Lot 12 from the adjoining property on the Northwesterly property line as disclosed by an inspection. 4. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby. Amount: $202,300.00 Dated: July 1, 1992 Trustor: Fred Ferrari, an unmarried person Trustee: Continental Auxiliary Company, a California corporation Beneficiary: Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association Recorded: July 21, 1992 as Instrument No. 92-485792, Official Records CLTA Preliminary Report Form (Rev. 1/1/95) 2208270 Page 5 5. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby. Amount: $96,000.00 Dated: December 20, 2000 Trustor: Fred Ferrari, an unmarried person Trustee: Equitable Deed Company Beneficiary: Bank of America, N.A. Recorded: December 22, 2000 as Instrument No. 20000696629, Official Records Said deed of trust recites that it secures a line of credit. If the line of credit is to be paid off in this transaction, this Company will require that the written demand for payment state that the line of credit has been frozen and that the demand is not subject to increase for any additional advances or draws. Accordingly, it is recommended that any request for a payoff demand statement advise the beneficiary of our requirement, and that the request be accompanied by: the borrower's written request to freeze the line of credit, the surrender of any unused checks or drafts, and anything else that may be required by the lender in order to issue an unconditional demand. 6. Any invalidity or defect in the title of Vestees in the event such trust is invalid or fails to confer sufficient powers in the trustees or in the event there is lack of compliance with the terms and provisions of the trust instrument. 7. The Company will require that it be provided with either (i) a complete copy of the trust agreement and any amendments thereto certified by the trustee(s) to be a true and complete copy with respect to the hereinafter named trust, or (ii) a Certification, pursuant to California Probate Code Section 18100 .5, executed by all of the current trustee(s) of the hereinafter named trust, a form of which is attached. Trust: The Fred Ferrari Separate Property Trust dated November 29, 2000 8. The Company will require a statement of information from the parties named below in order to complete this report, based on the effect of documents, proceedings, liens, decrees, or other matters which do not specifically describe said land, but which, if any do exist, may affect the title or impose liens or encumbrances thereon. Parties: All Parties (Note: The statement of information is necessary to complete the search and examination of title under this order. Any title search includes matters that are indexed by name only, and having a completed statement of information assists the Company in the elimination of certain matters which appear to involve the parties but in fact affect another party with the same or similar name. Be assured that the statement of information is essential and will be kept strictly confidential to this file.) CLTA Preliminary Report Form (Rev. 1/1/95) 2208270 Page 6 PAYOFF INFORMATION Note No. 1: AS OF JANUARY 1, 1990, CHAPTER 598, CALIFORNIA STATUTES OF 1989, (AB 512; INSURANCE CODE SECTION 12413.1) BECOMES EFFECTIVE. THE LAW REQUIRES THAT ALL FUNDS BE DEPOSITED AND AVAILABLE FOR WITHDRAWAL BY THE TITLE ENTITY'S ESCROW OR SUBESCROW ACCOUNT PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENT OF ANY FUNDS. ONLY CASH OR WIRED FUNDS CAN BE GIVEN IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY UPON DEPOSIT. CASHIER'S CHECKS, TELLER'S CHECKS AND CERTIFIED CHECKS MAY BE AVAILABLE ONE BUSINESS DAY AFTER DEPOSIT. ALL OTHER FUNDS SUCH AS PERSONAL, CORPORATE OR PARTNERSHIP CHECKS AND DRAFTS MAY CAUSE MATERIAL DELAYS IN DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS ON THIS ORDER. IN ORDER TO AVOID DELAYS, ALL FUNDING SHOULD BE WIRE TRANSFERRED. OUTGOING WIRE TRANSFERS WILL NOT BE AUTHORIZED UNTIL CONFIRMATION OF THE RESPECTIVE INCOMING WIRE TRANSFER OR AVAILABILITY OF DEPOSITED CHECKS. WIRING INFORMATION FOR THIS OFFICE IS AS FOLLOWS: Union Bank 500 South Main Street Orange, California 92668 ABA No. 122000496 Account No. 9120008290 PLEASE REFERENCE TITLE ORDER NUMBER AND TITLE OFFICER DISREGARD ABOVE INFORMATION IF COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE COMPANY IS YOUR ESCROW SETTLEMENT AGENT CONTACT ESCROW OFFICER FOR WIRING INSTRUCTIONS Note No. 2: THIS COMPANY DOES REQUIRE CURRENT BENEFICIARY DEMANDS PRIOR TO CLOSING. If the demand is expired and a current demand cannot be obtained, our requirements will be as follows: (a) If this Company accepts a verbal update on the demand, we may hold an amount equal to one monthly mortgage payment. This hold will be in addition to the verbal hold the lender may have stipulated. CLTA Preliminary Report Fonn (Rev. 1/1/95) 2208270 Page 7 (b)If this Company cannot obtain a verbal update on the demand, we will either pay off the expired demand, or wait for the amended demand, at our discretion. Note No. 3: None of the items shown in this report will cause the Company to decline to attach CLTA Endorsement Form 100 to an ALTA Loan Policy, when issued. Note No. 4: The following information will be included in the CLTA Form 116 Endorsement to be issued pursuant to this order: There is located on said land a single family residence and a multiple family residence Known as: 510 and 512 11th Street, Huntington Beach, California Note No. 5: There are no conveyances affecting said land recorded within six (6) months of the date of this report. Note No. 6: The charge for a policy of title insurance, when issued through this title order, will be based on the refinance rate. CLTA Preliminary Report Form (Rev. 1/1/95) N0 This plat Is for your aid in locating your land with reference to streets and other parcels. It Is not a survey. While this plat is believed to be correct, the Company assumes no liability for any loss occurring by reason of reliance thereon. COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE COMPANYJ r r l 1 m ti ACACIA 4 2o• 2 1 18 26' 17 V 14 b * ros 4 is . 3 MAGNOLIA 28 /. r3 21 19' i1 0 30 31 14 ,6. 22 23 M.sn 28a 7 n 1 ,1 A s BLK.ro 9510 9 b-- 9 is8 7 27 msM A 6 : 5 26 10 11 1 3 A 18 $ i126e,,". ! .n MsM i• 7 S - 6150 ZOSfl©--^ 5 +n528 27 32 31 i9 115 30 • is S --a 29 i NLR 22 0A 111.50'6 t2 0 , 26 F 7 B L K . , ,. 9 410 25 is 8 J7Yt M ..B V. i1 4 3 _ 2 ul ' 1n.1e• us• R 111.50' 09 e" _ _1128 ! 7 k'37 d• 76'i 6 •36 MsM 11 24 - 39 ah 21 38 06, x 111.50 y A le• 3 - - - b 18 17 19 M M _$6 2M 15 'S• Ms011MIM4 I6'use A a b-- E1 13 27 •s. R q70 6 0,3M1 1 1 4 u fI, 7 BLK., 9509 25 is '31 7 29 it iJ 35 6 • 5 28 i1 e5M• n If.01a , . 34 4 .. 3J _r ,33 2 I b O77• 0 MsM A 19 26 i3 27 246 25 4 26 23 27 111.50' s 8•is M M1034. 7 6 15 .` _-!1 4 21 A2st 20 is ORANGE IMRCH 1948 HUNTINGTON BEACH, MAIN STREET SEC. N.M. 3-43 .9 4 b 21 ,,.w MsM 11 11s•X22 1Z- -- It 16 17 • 22 16 cs n• n• i0" • 21 28 51 20 6 -i0 R 2 b _ 20 18 4 111.10 b 2Z >--- J •11S• 21 b - :.U ZD rg 18 q n 1016 - 2 """1'6 13 1s ,,23 25 0 • 4 BLK.'9568 12 17 8 - 7 13 16 5 5M $- 6 7 4 31 _J ,M s ' 4752 s 14 1F 15 2715 n J --• 26 25 xi tJ24 23 2 21'0 17 $ - C4 1--V 6tz 7 11 aeL Q 9408 is 8 751 1 7 A 6 Sit 8 is 4 3a_ 18 it 2 1 i!S,• O 17 0 is is, NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK S PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES 11 25BLK: A VEME A_?6 '. 2Lk ?6 25 #15 4 23 14 i1 22 Lk 10.00• 7 19 18 u1 80!50'111use 9107 12 gOMq 2M 15 ASSESSOR.'S' MAP BOOK 024 T AGE"19: CQUNTY OF ORANGE' EXHIBIT 1 (REV. 6/2198) • CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE THE FOLLOWING MATTERS ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED FROM THE COVERAGE OF THIS POLICY AND THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY LOSS OR DAMAGE, COSTS. ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: 1. A. ANY LAW, ORDINANCE OR GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BUILDING OR ZONING LAWS, ORDINANCES, OR REGULATIONS) RESTRICTING, REGULATING, PROHIBITING OR RELATING TO (1) THE OCCUPANCY. USE, OR ENJOYMENT OF THE LAND; (2) THE CHARACTER, DIMENSIONS OR LOCATION OF ANY IMPROVEMENT NOW OR HEREAFTER ERECTED ON THE LAND; (3) A SEPARATION IN OWNERSHIP OR A CHANGE IN THE DIMENSIONS OR AREA OF THE LAND OR ANY PARCEL OF WHICH THE LAND IS OR WAS A PART; OR (4) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, OR THE EFFECT OF ANY VIOLATION OF THESE LAWS, ORDINANCES OR GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT A NOTICE OF THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF OR A NOTICE OF A DEFECT, LIEN, OR ENCUMBRANCE RESULTING FROM A VIOLATION OR ALLEGED VIOLATION AFFECTING THE LAND HAS BEEN RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT DATE OF POLICY. B. ANY GOVERNMENTAL POLICE POWER NOT EXCLUDED BY (A) ABOVE, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT A NOTICE OF THE EXERCISE THEREOF OR NOTICE OF A DEFECT, LIEN OR ENCUMBRANCE RESULTING FROM A VIOLATION OR ALLEGED VIOLATION AFFECTING THE LAND HAS BEEN RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT DATE OF POLICY. 2. RIGHTS OF EMINENT DOMAIN UNLESS NOTICE OF THE EXERCISE THEREOF HAS BEEN RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT DATE OF POLICY, BUT NOT EXCLUDING FROM COVERAGE ANY TAKING WHICH HAS OCCURRED PRIOR TO DATE OF POLICY WHICH WOULD BE BINDING ON THE RIGHTS OF A PURCHASER FOR VALUE WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE. 3. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER MATTERS, A. WHETHER OR NOT RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT DATE OF POLICY, BUT CREATED, SUFFERED, ASSUMED OR AGREED TO BY THE INSURED CLAIMANT, B. NOT KNOWN TO THE COMPANY, NOT RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT DATE OF POLICY, BUT KNOWN TO THE INSURED CLAIMANT AND NOT DISCLOSED IN WRITING TO THE COMPANY BY THE INSURED CLAIMANT PRIOR TO THE DATE THE INSURED CLAIMANT BECAME AN INSURED UNDER THIS POLICY; C. RESULTING IN NO LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE INSURED CLAIMANT; D ATTACHING OR CREATED SUBSEQUENT TO DATE OF POLICY; OR E. RESULTING IN LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SUSTAINED IF THE INSURED CLAIMANT HAD PAID VALUE FOR THE INSURED MORTGAGE OR FOR THE ESTATE OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY. 4. UN ENFORCEABILITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE BECAUSE OF THE INABILITY OR FAILURE OF THE INSURED AT DATE OF POLICY. OR THE INABILITY OR FAILURE OF ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS, TO COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE DOING BUSINESS LAWS OF THE STATE IN WHICH THE LAND IS SITUATED. 5. INVALIDITY OR UNENFORCEABILITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE, OR CLAIM THEREOF, WHICH ARISES OUT OF THE TRANSACTION EVIDENCED BY THE INSURED MORTGAGE AND IS BASED UPON USURY OR ANY CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION OR TRUTH-IN-LENDING LAW. 6 ANY CLAIM, WHICH ARISES OUT OF THE TRANSACTION VESTING IN THE INSURED THE ESTATE OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY OR THE TRANSACTION CREATING THE INTEREST OF THE INSURED LENDER, BY REASON OF THE OPERATION OF FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY, STATE INSOLVENCY OR SIMILAR CREDITORS' RIGHTS LAWS. EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE - SCHEDULE B, PART I THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: 1. TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE RECORDS OF ANY TAXING AUTHORITY THAT LEVIES TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS ON REAL PROPERTY OR BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. PROCEEDINGS BY A PUBLIC AGENCY WHICH MAY RESULT IN TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS, OR NOTICES OF SUCH PROCEEDINGS. WHETHER OR NOT SHOWN BY THE RECORDS OF SUCH AGENCY OR BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. ANY FACTS, RIGHTS, INTEREST, OR CLAIMS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS BUT WHICH COULD BE ASCERTAINED BY AN INSPECTION OF THE LAND WHICH MAY BE ASSERTED BY PERSONS IN POSSESSION THEREOF. 3 EASEMENTS, LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES, OR CLAIMS THEREOF, WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA ENCROACHMENTS, OR ANY OTHER FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY WOULD DISCLOSE, AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. (A) UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; (B) RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS IN PATENTS OR IN ACTS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; (C) WATER RIGHTS. CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. WHETHER OR NOT THE MATTERS EXCEPTED UNDER (A), (B) OR (C) ARE SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (6/2198) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (10/17/98) EXCLUSIONS IN ADDITION TO THE EXCEPTIONS IN SCHEDULE B, YOU ARE NOT INSURED AGAINST LOSS, COSTS, ATTORNEY'S FEES, AND EXPENSES RESULTING FROM. 1. GOVERNMENTAL POLICE POWER, AND THE EXISTENCE OR VIOLATION OF ANY LAW OR GOVERNMENT REGULATION. THIS INCLUDES ORDINANCES, LAWS AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING. A. BUILDING B ZONING C. LAND USE D. IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND E. LAND DIVISION F. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION THIS EXCLUSION DOES NOT APPLY TO VIOLATIONS OR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THESE MATTERS IF NOTICE OF THE VIOLATION OR ENFORCEMENT APPEARS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT THE POLICY DATE. THIS EXCLUSION DOES NOT LIMIT THE COVERAGE DESCRIBED IN COVERED RISK 14, 15, 16, 17 OR 24. 2. THE FAILURE OF YOUR EXISTING STRUCTURES, OR ANY PART OF THEM, TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES. THIS EXCLUSION DOES NOT APPLY TO VIOLATIONS OF BUILDING CODES IF NOTICE OF THE VIOLATION APPEARS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT THE POLICY DATE. 3 THE RIGHT TO TAKE THE LAND BY CONDEMNING IT, UNLESS: A. A NOTICE OF EXERCISING THE RIGHT APPEARS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT THE POLICY DATE; OR B. THE TAKING HAPPENED BEFORE THE POLICY DATE AND IS BINDING ON YOU IF YOU BOUGHT THE LAND WITHOUT KNOWING OF THE TAKING. 4. RISKS A. THAT ARE CREATED, ALLOWED, OR AGREED TO BY YOU, WHETHER OR NOT THEY APPEAR IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS; B. THAT ARE KNOWN TO YOU AT THE POLICY DATE, BUT NOT TO US, UNLESS THEY APPEAR IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT THE POLICY DATE; C THAT RESULT IN NO LOSS TO YOU, OR D. THAT FIRST OCCUR AFTER THE POLICY DATE - THIS DOES NOT LIMIT THE COVERAGE DESCRIBED IN COVERED RISK 7,8D, 22, 23, 24 OR 25. 5. FAILURE TO PAY VALUE FOR YOUR TITLE. 6. LACK OF A RIGHT: A TO ANY LAND OUTSIDE THE AREA SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AND REFERRED TO IN PARAGRAPH 3 OF SCHEDULE A; AND B. IN STREETS, ALLEYS, OR WATERWAYS THAT TOUCH THE LAND. THIS EXCLUSION DOES NOT LIMIT THE COVERAGE DESCRIBED IN COVERED RISK 11 OR 18. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (6/1/87) EXCLUSIONS IN ADDITION TO THE EXCEPTIONS IN SCHEDULE B, YOU ARE NOT INSURED AGAINST LOSS, COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES, AND EXPENSES RESULTING FROM: 1. GOVERNMENTAL POLICE POWER, AND THE EXISTENCE OR VIOLATION OF ANY LAW OR GOVERNMENT REGULATION. THIS INCLUDES BUILDING AND ZONING ORDINANCES AND ALSO LAWS AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING: LAND USE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND LAND DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION THIS EXCLUSION DOES NOT APPLY TO VIOLATIONS OR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THESE MATTERS WHICH APPEAR IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AT POLICY DATE. THIS EXCLUSION DOES NOT LIMIT THE ZONING COVERAGE DESCRIBED IN ITEMS 12 AND 13 OF COVERED TITLE RISKS. 2. THE RIGHT TO TAKE THE LAND BY CONDEMNING IT, UNLESS: A NOTICE OF EXERCISING THE RIGHT APPEARS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS ON THE POLICY DATE THE TAKING HAPPENED PRIOR TO THE POLICY DATE AND IS BINDING ON YOU IF YOU BOUGHT THE LAND WITHOUT KNOWING OF THE TAKING Form 2210-11 (10/17/98) I 75' 1,7.50' ^ N v) " 75' MARCH 1948 nN 0 N " 0 10 n N n 117.50' 115' 15' 8 58.75' 111.50' li' 2 3 ACACIA 4 lg 31 5 18 20' 17 14 115'22 11750' "161-515 WI 144 13 23 7 12 10 11 28 BL K.10 9510 9 J 7 27 117.50' 1, 1 ?OR 105, 4 30 " 115 29 117.50' 6 24 23 22 21 30 n 117.50' " 6 ,7.5 5 11750,11 4 3"--18 --n A ;"2 1 n 58 75' " 15 f@C1A'c:('A' 8 9 28 " 7 1 '' 6130'2(jRrAl('71C7\ .2-3 6 25 117.50' . its,24 n 23 28 22 21 27 115 117.50' 6 4 211750' " ORANGE 20' 27 21 95 N TON 19'1 20 IS' N 13 ' !? 81 " 12 11 20 26 115' 117,50' its, 26 7 BLK. 10 g 410 25) W 8 J7" 5 115' 117 50 117 50'n OR " 10.50' 1 1 n 75' 0 75' 117.50' n " 11750- 115'1250' A 12.50'1 "17.50 7 115' 11750, " N 95' .9s' ,is _282027 371 117.50' 3 4 31 35 115' Its' 10.50-14 6 12 1 " 26 25 24 17.5 23 115'18 22 21 117.50' 19 10.50' HUNTINGTON BEACH, MAGV ST. SEC. N 24 22 25 `36 m, n.s : J9) 21 =38 /)15' V.5 18 'S 17 16 20,15 BLK1o>s'950925 6057 29 28 is 27 X20 19 18 '7 77 u l.SO' 19 n 4 3 2 1 11750' "5 J 117.50' 26 1 2713 15' 24117.50' .11 n 24 117.50' 25) 26 27 20 U.M. 11 3-43 115 " n WI 0 115, 8 ... 7 6 15 6 15 21 117,50' 09 75' 75' 11 201?95 21 C. 20 N 115' 22 NN 11.50.23 14 115' 25 I'5'17 70• 2 4 28 26 24 18 117.`.0'22 16 17` 111.51 27 _- W 25J Q 23 20' 21 19 13 12 10 11 4150 8 n.s 7- 16 "s 15 "5 5N 8 4 3 2 1 11750 5 r U,W 'u nlr n^ .. _.n.A f`. .v . CT I0 B 17 15 is, 4 BLK 1D 9508 117.50' -"28 1J 27 26 25 24 23 " 22 21 " 20 19 " 18 17 115' -115' 117.50' " 1750' 16 6 5 17.50' 2.5 A 95'° 6174 3' 5 14 \1 15 117.00' 21 22 23 24 19 BLK 0 9408 20 1 8 7" 7 117.50' 115' II5' 117.50' 0 " 75' kz 18 117.50'75' NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN C I RC1. ES 117.50'16 n - -A-"24 23 U 22 21 I- 18 17 0 14 N N N N 'to' 117.50' 17 117.50' BL" . 10 G 115'18 19 7 117.50' 23 1.22 I1 1750' 15' b 117.50' 28 27 " 26 25 16 15 8 7 8 6 0,5 6 5 22 Q 21 18 IT, 16 20 1 14 120 25 BLK:to AVENUE 17 4 0 4 2 1 • 17, ' "'5 " 117.50' 3 ' 13 2 15 23 0 14 117.50' 19,15' 117.00 28 IS 27 "---0 it .,0' 26 5 24 " 18 111671,5 11 xi 1 - - 2.50'7 /1 ~ 5N 3 " 17 --""12 1: 117.50' " 15 " 117.50' A VENUE ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 024 PAGE 10 COUNTY OF ORANGE 75' W Lo 75 tiW V)-Z2QQ1CJ IUG QO ., 4-Q- 'tL - L G G Q dQQQW