HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2009023 - Notice of Filing Status0 •44 ity of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 March 19, 2004 NOTICE OF FILING- STATUS Application: Conditional Use Permit No. 04-04 (Cingular Wireless Communication Facility) Applicant: Gil Gonzales, 150 Paularino Ave., Ste. A-166, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Request: To Construct a 50 ft. monopole designed as a flagpole. Location: 5858 Warner Ave. (Southwest corner of Warner and Springdale) Dear Mr. Gonzales: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Department has reviewed your entitlement application and has determined the application to be incomplete. The following information and/or corrections are requested in order for the Planning Department to deem your application complete and continue the review process of your application: MINIMUM APPLICATION RE UIREMENTS The following items are necessary to deem your application complete: 1. Plans drawn to a minimum scale of 1/8"= 1' or 1 "= 30' with dimensions of all pertinent data such as easements, driveways, landscaping, parking, fencing; and distances to all property lines. Indicate any grade differential between adjacent properties, alleys, or streets. 2. Revised radius map and additional mailing labels for properties within 300 feet of the entire shopping center. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS The following items are staff recommendations to improve the design of the project: 1. Staff is concerned with the placement of the flagpole. A flagpole should be located in a prominent area not behind the building adjacent to a trash enclosure. Look into alternative designs to disguise the monopole. Staff recommends the use of a monopine, or monopalm design. Notice of Filing Status: CUP 04-04 March 19, 2004 Page 2 of 2 2. Staff is concerned with the location of the equipment enclosure. The site plan indicates the equipment enclosure is located within the vicinity of the existing trash enclosure. The placement of structures results in a layout that is not well integrated with existing structures. Staff recommends combining the equipment cabinet enclosure with the trash enclosure to minimize the number of accessory structures in the area and provide an enhanced design of the structure. 3. Staff is concerned with the placement of security fencing around the wireless communication facility. The site plan proposes security fencing around the facility, however the equipment cabinets are located within a secured enclosure. Furthermore the fencing provides a false sense of security and directs attention to the facility in that flagpole, pine trees, and/or palm trees are not typically located behind security fencing. Staff recommends removing the security fencing. 4. Staff is concerned with the lack of landscaping incorporated into the design of the facility. Landscaping should be used to integrate the proposed facility with subject site in order to enhance the appearance of the monopole. Staff recommends providing landscaping around the facility. OTHER DEPARTMENTS COMMENTS Comments from other City departments shall be provided as soon as they are received by the Planning Department. Please submit the above-noted information and/or corrections as soon as possible in order for the Planning Department to continue the review process of your request. Please note, additional comments and concerns may be generated upon receipt of the requested information. Also, completion of the corrections and/or the submittal of the additional information does not presume approval of the application requested. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your application, please feel free to contact me at (714) 374-1682. Sincerely, 'Wes Rami Talleh Assistant Planner xc: Old West Center, LLC, Attn: Bob Elsner, 27711 Pinestrap Cir., Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Herb Fauland, Principal Planner Project File G:\TALLEH\2004\Zoning Administor\5858 Warner (Cingular)\5858 Incomplete.doc