HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2009023 - Project DescriptionWRITTEN NARRATIVE OF PROPOSED USE: 5900 WARNER AVEEUNTINGTON BEACH 92649
HB Hardbody II is a premier, exclusive personal training facility that creates a successful environment
necessary for quick and lasting results. HB Hardbody II has a variety of state-of-the-art equipment, a 2747 sq ft
area with large open floor space, and is conveniently located next to 24 Hour Fitness on Springdale and Warner
in Huntington Beach.
HB Hardbody II specializes in weight loss, resistance training, strength and conditioning, sports performance,
increasing muscular endurance, decreasing body fat, nutrition consulting, and increasing metabolism. HB
Hardbody II has no membership fees or long term contracts therefore it will be open by appointment only when
a certified personal trainer is present.
HB Hardbody II offers affordable rates, group training, group classes and a variety of 10+ nationally certified
fitness trainers with years of experience. Our hours of operation will be Monday - Friday: 4 am - 9 pm,
Saturday 7 am - 2 pm, and Sunday Closed.
Reason for initialin this a lication:
Move to a better location to improve the atmosphere for our clients, with 2 bath rooms and a large where
house type do in the back for more ventilation and circulation of air. Plus, this location has more windows to
improve the lighting inside the gym without the use of electric and more walk by traffic with the rear parking
Surroundin use:
North: Commercial / Rite Aid, Petco
South: Residential / Apartment Complex
East: Commercial / 7/11, Walgreens
West: Santa Ana River
Po ulation served b the ro osed use:
Approximately: 30-40 people a day with no more than 10 at any one time