HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2007008 - Project Description0
Architecture and Planning
8941 Atlanta Avenue Suite 365
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
(949) 632-6018 tel (949) 625-7613 fax
a maxarc.com
CA Lic # C 13785 NV Lic # 1985
May 1, 2007
Rationale for Waiver of Development Standards
Planning Department
City of Huntington Beach
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Dear Planning Department,
Subject : 07018 Chen Residence / 20522 Tobermory Circle
The subject property is a 5-sided cul de sac lot. Due to the configuration of the house on
the irregular shaped lot, an extension of the kitchen greater than 2.5' would intrude into
the 10' rear setback up to 12". If a reduction of the setback to 9' at it's minimum would
be allowed for the triangular area we would be able to do a decent expansion of the
kitchen of 6'-8". This triangular area is 4'-2" x 12" x 5'-6" and this represents the
maximum area on each floor that the extension would need the waiver for.
Without the waiver, we would be limited to a 2'-6" extension and this would not offer
much expansion of the kitchen to create a kitchen/family room. The other alternative
would be to step the addition back to avoid the waiver and thus would have a staggered
floor plan in that area or a angled wall. We felt that the goal of a minimum expansion and
a clean right angle corner of the building would be preferable and would result in a better
and more pleasing design visually.
Gary C. Maxwell
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DocumentslACTIVE D\2007 D\07018 Chen\LTRS\07018 050107 rationale.doc