HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2007008 - Supporting Documents0 Gonzales, Andrew From: Fauland, Herb Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:28 AM To: Gonzales, Andrew Subject: FW: FW: Administrative Permit No. 07-008 (Chen Residence) Attachments: AP 07-008 NOA.pdf AP file From: Fauland, Herb Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:37 AM To: Hess, Scott Subject : FW: FW: Administrative Permit No. 07-008 (Chen Residence) FYI - see below From: Gonzales, Andrew Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 3:52 PM To: Blair Farley Cc: Fauland, Herb Subject : RE: FW: Administrative Permit No. 07-008 (Chen Residence) Blair, Page 1 of 3 In response to your inquiry regarding the difference between an Administrative Permit (AP), as in the case with AP 07-008 (Waiver of Development Standards), and the Variance request denied by the Planning Commission is that the Planning Director can waive development standards for setbacks, open space, separation between buildings, height of buildings or fence, site coverage and landscaping without a Conditional Use Permit or Variance, only of he finds that such a waiver improves project design, and does not exceed 10 percent deviation. The subject project has been concluded to meet the following findings which are addressed in the attached Notice of Action. On the other hand, the Variance denied by the Planning Commission was a request to deviate more than 20 percent from a required side yard setback, which pursuant to the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requires Planning Commission review and approval. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at via email or at (714) 374-1547. From: Blair Farley [mailto:blair@surfcitylocals.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 2:01 PM To: Gonzales, Andrew Subject: Fwd: FW: Administrative Permit No. 07-008 (Chen Residence) Can you clarify for me, via email response the difference between this administrative permit and the variance request that we denied at our last meeting. I am sure that since the distance of the setback is smaller it falls under administrative approval, but I want to know for sure. //blair farley ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cutler , Jeanie <*cutler surfci -hb.or > Date: May 30, 2007 8:33 AM 6/12/2007 Page 2 of 3 S Subject: FW: Administrative Permit No. 07-008 (Chen Residence) To: "Fikes, Cathy" <CFikes surfci -hb.or >, Blair Farley < blair surfci locals.com>, "Devin Dwyer (E-mail)" <'.devind er verizon.net>, "Elizabeth Burnett (E-mail)" < eburnett cuttin ed ellc.com>, Flossie Horgan <hor anhb aol.com>, Fred Speaker <ssautol verizon.net >, John Scandura <'dscandura earthlink.net>, Tom Livengood <tomneilliven ood aol.com> Hi Cathy, Please distribute to the Mayor and City Council. Thanks! Jeanie X5276 From: Ramos, Ricky Sent : Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:39 AM To: Cutler, Jeanie Cc: Hess, Scott ; Fauland, Herb; Gonzales, Andrew Subject : Administrative Permit No. 07-008 (Chen Residence) Please distribute. SUBJECT ENTITLEMENT: APPLICANT: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT NO. 07-008 (CHEN RESIDENCE) Gary Maxwell, 8941 Atlanta Avenue, Unit 365, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 PROPERTY OWNER: Randy Chen, 20522 Tobermory Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 REQUEST:To permit a 9'-0" rear yard setback in lieu of 10'-0" 6/12/2007 0 0 Page 3 of 3 required for an approximately 306 square foot first and second floor addition to an existing single-family residence. LOCATION:20522 Tobermory Circle (east side of Tobermory Circle, between Indianapolis Avenue and Colbreggan Drive) PROJECT PLANNER : Andrew Gonzales- Assistant Planner On May 29, 2007, the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach took action on the above mentioned application and APPROVED the request with conditions. Please note the action by the Planning Department/Planning Director is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten calendar days from the date of the action. An appeal of the action shall be filed with the Department of Planning along with paying the appeal fee of $494. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above mentioned application is Friday, June 8, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. If there are any questions about this action or the application please contact Andrew Gonzales at 714-374-1547. 6/12/2007 1/4 COR. SEC.7.6•/O fl W P WAS MWMI ® FOR ORMOE Co1f1YMSESS09 OWt PU CSES ONLY. T HI AS. °NMMASSUM ANY AIt FM OT"UW&Norm p OPAWAO u,rYMEESeoWRMo rt 4lyy4 It' 94' 2/ /03.1 ' 22 70' 30 /32 m • .T &CT29 o I'a 2 _ 1928 O 4s' w 30 °s,45'td. IM1It w 94 b 0o 333 QI 07 • 21 ^9 r 0 /8 / /6 )PS $ INDIANAPOLIS 94/• - V n 26 v v 2244• )s.s )'RSe24 x 985 w 3 32 Z 45'25 262744 n)9'4.u' j g17 t..a+'. 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