HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR20060168 - Supporting Documents0 • ni CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION TO: File FROM: Rosemary Medel, Associate Planner SUBJECT: IPZR - 4952 Warner DATE: August 2, 2006 The review of your Initial Plan and Zoning Review (IPZR) was completed on August 2, 2006. On August 1, 2006, a site investigation confirmed that the proposed telecommunication screen would conceal the cellular roof mounted antennas. Photographs were taken on August 1, 2006 by staff and are placed in the file. It is recommended that the screen be constructed of the same wood siding found on the building. Pursuant to Chapter 230, Section 230.96, based on the site visit and the recommended material for the enclosure material, it has been determined that an administrative approval is the appropriate processing procedure for this project. Cc: Herb Fauland, Principal Planner G:\Medel\IPZR Memos\080206.doc •Metro PCS LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION Landlord to Carrier and Metro PCS SITE NO: LA2724A SITE NAME: Huntington Marina ADDRESS: 4952 Warner Avenue Huntington Beach , CA 92649 APN : 163-281-02 I, David T , owner of the above described property, authorize Royal Street Communications, Metro PCS and/or their agent, to act as my non-exclusive agent for the sole purpose of consummating any land-use or building permit application(s) necessary to obtain approval of the applicable jurisdiction for Royal Street Communications/Metro PCS's installation of its antennae and related telecommunications equipment on the premises located on the above described property. I understand that this application may be denied, modified or approved with conditions, and that any such conditions of approval or modifications will be the sole responsibility of Royal Street Communications/Metro PCS and will be complied with prior to issuance of a building permit. Print Name : David T. Balfour Managing Owner State of California County of Orange This instrument was acknowledged before me by David T. Balfour personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this )S 4t-day of , 200(.. NOTARY SEAL NOTARY.RUaUC•C iiFORIMA ORANGE COUNTY Comm.Exp•.MAY 21, 2007 HOAI- PHAN_ COMM. 1 1413253 - Notary Public My Commission Expires: LOA-Landlord to Carrier and American Tower CA 6232/Soto 9/20/2005 ROYAL STREET COMMUNI ATIONS LLC LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION Royal Street Communications, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Royal Street"), which the Federal Communications Commission announced by Public Notice dated February 18, 2005 (DA-05-459) as the winning bidder in FCC Auction No. 58 on 10 MHz of personal communications service (PCS) spectrum in Los Angeles, California, hereby authorizes pursuant to that certain Site Acquisition/Zoning Consulting Services Agreement , dated as of April 11, 2006, Situs Commercial, Inc., its agents, employees and contractors to: • Negotiate land use agreements with owners of potential telecom sites; • Conduct necessary activities such as site design visits, radio frequency tests; and • Apply for and obtain all land use approvals and permits, which are appropriate for the installation, construction, and continued operation of a wireless communication facility; In granting this authorization it is understood that Situs Commercial, Inc., its agents, and contractors will be licensed and insured for any work they perform; Royal Street representative's __-- L Signature Print Name and Title: John R. Lister, 0 rations Officer Date: 4549 Pecan Valley Dnve , Plano, Texas 75093 { ..°°• - RECORDING BY Haight, Brown E Bonesteel AND t#WNEN RECDRDIGD MAUL TO 11 89703889 rNa"tr Haight, Brown 4 Bonesteel Al Attn : Stephen T. Terry Cr 0. Box 680 BTAT Santa Monica , CA 90406 L J IieCOtd2d et the tevuest of . OOMY0111FEJlfl{ W14 UItE CO- A DEC881989 (1111121 REEetdeOrange CM M . G onda4a.q; SPACE suave THIS UK FOR 41111=0111 M USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $._ __GCMPUTED ON PULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED. X OR COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE LESS LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES REMAINING AT TIME Of SALE. Sgnetwe of Daetarnt or Anent determ is.. Firm Naar Individual Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY STEWART TITLE FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. RICHARD J. NATHAN, a married man, as his sole and separate property, who acquired title as a single man, hereby GRANT(S) to LAWRENCE E. TWOMEY, an unmarried man, as to an undivided one-third interest , PETER Q. EZZELL, a married man as his sole and separate property , as to an undivided one-third interest , and DAVID T. BALFOUR , an unmarried man, as to an undivided one-third interest, all as tenants in common* the following described real property in the City of Huntington Beach County of Orange State of California, described as: See Exhibit "A" annexed hereto for Legal Description of Real Property. *Subject to the exceptions enumerated on Exh it "B" annexed hereto. Cu before me. the under. slEned, a Notary Public In and for pk County and State, perwMay appeared Dated;December Ad STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF known tome(or peeved N me on tlu baba e<4litbttoly evidence) to be the peetue_wheue turaa'viacrihed to the vlthin imttumeM sad actaowkd(ed the _b9-executed the tames RI J NATHAN OFFICIAL SEAL PATRICIA L PETTIGREWNOSE? PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES cOUNmY my site. tfplre, RiC 13, 1980 Z. r Name (Trpd of PC Noury Public is and for uld Comty and State 81.119 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: STEWART TITLE sfia LGAtAngolan Q 049 pgµppU DaWldl :i CO t,M AZ,I hp1Ml LEGAL DESCRIPTI N OF HUNTINGTON PROPER That certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California , and described as follows: Lot 2, in Block 20 of Tract No. 86, in the City of Huntington Beach, as shown on a map recorded in book 10, page(s) 35 and 36, of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County , together with that portion of the West 30.00 feet of Boise Chica .Street adjoining said Lot 2 on the East, vacated by Order of the Board of Supervisors of said County , a certified copy of which was recorded on July 15, 1943, in book 1197, page 424, of Official Records of said County. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the South 150.00 feet. ALSO EXCEPTING the North 180 feet of the East 180 feet thereof , measured from the centerline of Bolsa Chica Street adjoining on the East. ALSO EXCEPTING all minerals, including, but not limited to oil, gas, other hydrocarbons, gravel and steam all below 500 feet from the surface of such land, without the right of surface entry, excepting below 500 feet from such surface. GOVERNMENT CODE 27881.7 I certify undw penalty of pwjury that the notary seal on the doewnent to which this state-ment is atWW reads as hff ovyi: NameofNotary 46-1 - - •Pe Date Corn ubsion Expires _ 13 a 0 Countywberebond fned • of 1'Qs SI Commoa:weslth Land Title CLTif Date 1Z.. o. EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT "B• 1. Deed of Trust recorded November 24, 1982, as Instrument No. 82-413367, official records of Los Angeles County, California. 2. Deed of Trust recorded June 23, 1988, as Instrument No. 88 298838 of said official records, and re-recorded August 9, 1988 as Instrument No. 88 390323. 3. Deed of Trust in favor of Bank of Hapoalim. 4. Unrecorded leases. Coverage of LA2724 w/ surrounding sites r LA2717 N A2.7 8 L u i mer e J P I * V LA2724 I j'-1 1 IF V ,LA2723 0 0 In Vehicle metroPCS • Outdoor LA2.717 mer e W'VLA2.724 I ? I W VLA2723 0 0 metroP ::= Coverage of LA2724 0. 1 In Vehicle Outdoor Surrounding Sites Coverage w/o LA2724 I . LA2717 V V A2718 1 1. 40 metroPC;S e i L ,'.,LA-272 IF I V V LA2723 -Le In Vehicle Outdoor 0 40 Project Description for a New Wireless Telecommunications Facility by Royal Street Communications, LLC Address: 4952 Warner Ave. APN: 163-281-02 Zone: CG- General Commercial Introduction to Royal Street Communications, LLC In December of 2005, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted Royal Street Communications, LLC (Royal Street) a license for radio wave bandwidths to provide wireless phone service in the greater Los Angeles area. The Royal Street system will operate on a Block C frequency with antennas transmitting on a 1985-1990 MHz bandwidth and receiving on a 1905-1990 MHz bandwidth. Royal Street contracted MetroPCS to develop and market the wireless phone service network under the MetroPCS brand name and business plan. For a pre-assessed , single payment monthly fee, MetroPCS provides non-contract, unlimited anytime local and long distance wireless phone service to its customers. Areas that have been previously developed , and for which MetroPCS currently provides wireless phone service , include San Francisco , Sacramento, Atlanta, Tampa, Dallas, Detroit and Miami . MetroPCS plans to launch commercial service in Orlando, Florida in 2006. MetroPCS is currently in the process of leasing property and obtaining necessary permits for the development of the Royal Street wireless phone system in the greater Los Angeles area. MetroPCS plans to "launch" this new wireless phone service, in March of 2007. The wireless phone system will be comprised of a large number of individual wireless facilities ("sites"), each interconnected with neighboring sites. The Project Description provided herein is for an individual site, which will become an integral part of the entire Royal Street wireless system to be marketed under the MetroPCS brand name. A description of the subject site follows. a°w v'r 2.54 AC(C) P. At l33-At O 4 4 0 3.0S7ACtt') LOT 2 LOT 1 4 .orL/N£ PAR. I O /.092ACi utmvo-t-Y 13 BE -z'f) --------------------- 0,'1 1!S S TRACT DE£ PACE 2 Lor 4 3.939408) P 23 1' = too' STREET y d 3t Z TRACT,» Q .- 6 0b • IF 18 7 dr a i 141r 17 0 6 NO.86 24 25 MARCH 1978 THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR RCPT. PURPOSES OAt V. 7H£ ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO ITS ACCURACY NOR ASSURES ANY L IASIL tryFOR OTHER USES. NOT TO 8E REPRODUCED.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED-o COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 2001 12 46- GREEN 0 $ BOLSA CH/CA TR CT NO. / 135/NA.Si.7 car LIVE N• TRACT NQ86 M.M. /0-35.36 TRACT NO. 977/ M M 4/2- 16, 17 TRACT N0. //35/ MM 507-30,3/ PARCEL MAP P. M /33-18 29 e ya 21 Y tJ15 !6! i 4d i O 9y. NO. 97 STREET $ NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK A PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES N}i 22 = 14 $ 19lo • ; 12 M ad 7 ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 163 PAGE 28 COUNTY OF ORANGE 163- 2 8 PAGE I OF 2 /6328.00 II Map produced by information contained in the City of Huntington Beach Information Services Department Geographic Information System. Information warranted for City use only. Huntington Beach does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. Map Produced on 8/1/2006 N 11 0 131 One inch equals 131 feet 262 STREET CENTERLINES (CLASS) Smartstreet Major Collector Primary Secondary Residential T ravelway Alley SOBATHS HARBOR BUILDINGS PARKS