HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA2007005 - Supporting DocumentsPage 1 of 1 Arabe, Jill From: Ramos, Ricky Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:37 AM To: Arabe, Jill Subject: FW: LLA 07-005 (HENDRICKSON RESIDENCE) From: Henderson, Sandy Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 4:21 PM To: Bohr, Keith; Carchio, Joe; Coerper, Gil; Cook, Debbie; Ed Kerins; Emery, Paul; Fauland, Herb; Fikes, Cathy; Green, Cathy; Hansen, Don; Hardy, Jill; Hess, Scott; Ramos, Ricky; Jennifer Muir; Purnima Mudnal; Blair Farley; Devin Dwyer (E-mail); Elizabeth Burnett (E-mail); Fred Speaker; Joe Shaw; John Scandura ; Tom Livengood Subject : FW: LLA 07-005 (HENDRICKSON RESIDENCE) Sandy Henderson Administrative Assistant City of Huntington Beach Planning Department (714) 536-5276 shenderson surfci -hb.or From: Ramos, Ricky Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 3:31 PM To: Henderson, Sandy Cc: Hess, Scott; Fauland, Herb; Arabe, Jill Subject : RE: LLA 07-005 (HENDRICKSON RESIDENCE) Please forward. SUBJECT ENTITLEMENT: APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 07-005 (HENDRICKSON RESIDENCE) Jill Hendrickson, 25071 Cheshire, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 To consolidate two 25-foot wide lots into one 50-foot wide, 5,750 square foot lot. 206 21st Street, 92648 (east side of 21St. St., north of Walnut Ave.) Jill Arabe - Planning Aide On August 14, 2007, the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach took action on the above mentioned application and APPROVED the request with conditions. Please note the action by the Planning Department/Planning Director is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten calendar days from the date of the action. An appeal of the action shall be filed with the Department of Planning along with paying the appeal fee of $494. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above mentioned application is Friday, August 24, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. If there are any questions about this action or the application please contact Jill Arabe at 714-374-5357. 8/15/2007 Page 1 of 1 Arabe, Jill From: Ramos, Ricky Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 3:31 PM To: Henderson, Sandy Cc: Hess, Scott; Fauland, Herb; Arabe, Jill Subject: RE: LLA 07-005 (HENDRICKSON RESIDENCE) Please forward. SUBJECT ENTITLEMENT: APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: PROJECT PLANNER: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 07-005 (HENDRICKSON RESIDENCE) Jill Hendrickson, 25071 Cheshire, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 To consolidate two 25-foot wide lots into one 50-foot wide, 5,750 square foot lot. 206 21St Street, 92648 (east side of 21St. St., north of Walnut Ave.) Jill Arabe - Planning Aide On August 14, 2007, the Planning Department of the City of Huntington Beach took action on the above mentioned application and APPROVED the request with conditions. Please note the action by the Planning Department/Planning Director is appealable to the Planning Commission within ten calendar days from the date of the action. An appeal of the action shall be filed with the Department of Planning along with paying the appeal fee of $494. The last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee for the above mentioned application is Friday, August 24, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. If there are any questions about this action or the application please contact Jill Arabe at 714-374-5357. 8/14/2007 EME R ALD ENGINEAZING 18600 Main Street, Suite 160 • Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 848-4551 • Fax: (714) 848-4552 TO:cir of / /8 -DATE:8' k n G17T L//v' ,DJi sJ i j i/,A 411t/6 A56 i -SUBJECT: 2O Z/ ATTENTION: / The following items are transmitted (L Under separate cover via No. of Copies: Description s8i (/sio r/041 L/(47'/0 L 2 T G 4 Z - ) VS 1 , 1 - 1 6 T 1 4 7 7-6 Z--- / PC12T I-x:,v//4/ AT/v1,4711 w /ii 7- I F4 sz F'L/ JOB NO: /3SD AUG 0 8 2007 The above are submitted: At your request ( ) For your action ( ) For your approval ( ) For your files ( ) For your review (L)/For your information ( ) General remarks:©c,2` Form 004 Sand Dollar / 714-842-1148 0 Mail recorded copies to: CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY CLERK 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 0 Space above reserved for County Recorder's use CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. RECORD OWNER S OF EXISTING PARCELS: Fee: $ - (I/We) hereby certify that: 1) (I am/We are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application: 2) (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application: and 3) The information submitted in connection with this application is true and correct: APN:0 -3.1 APN:Z --1a NAME:L .2.,r ,;;_NAME:7 LL .c acJ ADDRESS:2c07/6W,66#1zi5 ADDRESS:25071 C11E51114E t 1S5,'0 16-JO CA 9Z z r/issioN i.5 o CA z 9z DAYTIME DAYTIME TELEPHONE: 949 95/-4999 TELEPHONE: 949 ?.5-1-4,597 Signatur gnature Name: / r - ame:T Signature Signature Name: Name: City of Huntington Beach G:\Engineering Division\ELLIOTT\FORMS\LLA Application July 1, 2005 rev. 1.doc AUI 0 8 2007 0 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THIS ___DAY OF No. , 200,, BEFORE ME, A NOT RY PUBLIC IN1AND FO SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED U PERSONALLY KNOWN TO M OR P E ON THE SFACTORY EVI C-E TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME() IS/ART SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHErEHEY_EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITIES, AND THAT BY HIS/HER/T HEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(SJ, OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: CJ) NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE. G--\ PRI AME STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE Imm WOOD ComewNon 1161st 14 own" Corr I NIMN W000 m 0 1635114Nolory Npc - caw mw cw:::w cow* ON THIS DAY OF , 200_, BEFORE ME, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACTITIES, AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR COUNTY. SAID STATE. PRINT NAME MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN I COUNTY. G:\Engineering Division\ELLIOTT\FORMS\LLAApplication July 1, 2005 rev. 1.doc • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. PREPARER: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: DOA) 64e' /8(v DD /7,q/, JS7 Sola0 p LANG / 4W7 N6ro, S A /( 924 AQIfi 03 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO: r(714 E °%7 nttconslstin of ss ocumThii pages was prepared by me or under my direction.9-'o lgaydFCAvF POA'A LD 6. OA f< 4.5.4 93 Surveyor's/Engineer's Name and License Number My Registration Expires:3,9 07 COUNTY: Examined and Approved as to survey content only for Raymond L. Mathe, County Surveyor Raymond L. Mathe, L.S. 6185 County Surveyor My License Expires: 3131108 Dated this day of CITY ENGINEER: This Lot Line Adjustment Application has been examined and approved by the City of Huntington Beach. 7RAV/S K HoPK iiYS R.c.,c GO 5 O Date My Registration Expires., 12.31.08 PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Examined and Approved as to Zoning Conformance by the City of Huntington Beach Planning Department By: Date 0AA 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. - LEGAL DESCRIPTION "EXHIBIT A" Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels Owners: AP Numbers: Reference Number: A1,n1D42ici-1So OZ -/33 -/' /'AI2(AE L l ( S 4NP)2)6/LS°N SHEET 1 OF 1 PARCEL 1: LOTS 6 AND 8, BLOCK 220, OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, 17th STREET SECTION, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGE 10, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART THEREOF. SUBJECT TO ALL COVENENTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS, IF ANY, OF RECORD. THIS DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR DER MY DIREC G4 * NO, 4683 E) 7DONALD G. BAKER, L.S. 4683 cP MY LICENSE EXPIRES 9/30/07 9J to ` OFCA.\F LANDSU9G \PG•9 F O AA 0 MAP "EXHIBIT B" Existing Parcels AP Numbers: D Z -/3 -/C No. Owners: SHEET 1 OF 1 1 37.5' EXIST. R/W r N co 0 In Nv InN 0 37.5' 00 hQJ {() N (117.50') 117.50'0 3 F- G Pa 20, I f~n EXIST. R/W WALNUT AVE LEGEND: EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO REMAIN - - - - - - EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING LOT LINE THIS MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UND MY DIRECTION GZ/ DONALD G. BAKER, L.S. 4683 MY LICENSE EXPIRES 9/30/07 • CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 117.50' EXIST. R/W UW Proposed Parcels Reference Number: 14R (f F=L / (117.50)141 ^a '"(117.50 )v Q 41 EXIST. R/W XW SCALE: 1'=40' NOTE: DISTANCES SHOWN AS (** **) ARE RECORD OR CALCULATED PER HUNTINGTON BEACH, 17th ST. SEC., M.M. 4/10, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. NO.4683 g/3%7c E>. e __Q OF CA1.\o O2 0 No. Owners: SHEET 1 OF I EXIST. R/W 1 37.5' ---J 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SITE PLAN "EXHIBIT C" Existing Parcels Proposed Parcels AP Numbers: Reference Number: (2 Z -/ 3 -/t7 P12 C Z=7 EXIST. R/W- UWU, n c 37.5' a0 EXIST. R/W WALNUT AVE LEGEND: SCALE: 1'=4O' DISTANCES SHOWN AS (**.**) ARE RECORD OR CALCULATED PER HUNTINGTON BEACH, 17th ST. SEC., M.M. 4/10, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO REMAIN EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING LOT LINE THIS MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION DONALD G. BAKER, L.S. 4683 MY LICENSE EXPIRES 9/30/07 EXIST. R/W NOTE: G:\Engineering Division\ELLIOTTIFORMS\LLA Application July 1, 2005 rev. 1.doc I in Mrs S tac-s title company 0 Page No. 1 File No. 14180595 Branch 4667 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 150 Newport Beach, Ca 92660 Phone: (949)752-5431 Fax: (714)279-3077 PRELIMINARY REPORT Title Officer : Jeff Paschal ORDER NO.: 14180595 • Al Hendrickson Property Address: 25071 Cheshire 206 21st Street Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Reference: 14180595 APN:023-133-16 In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception herein or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to below and the Exceptions and Exclusions set forth in Exhibit B of this repo rt carefully . The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters , which are not covered under the terms of th e title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It Is important to note that this prelimina ry report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list all liens, defects, and encumbrances affecting title to th e land. This report (and any supplements hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. In the event of cancellation or if the transaction has not closed within 90 days from the date hereof, the rate imposed and collectable shall be a minimum of $360.00, pursuant to Section 12404 of the Insurance code, unless other provisions are made. The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: ALTA Standard Loan issued by First American Title Insurance Company Dated as of June 21, 2007 at 7:30 A.M. The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: Albe rt R. Hendrickson and Jill S. Hendrickson Trustee (s) of the Hendrickson Family Trust dated March 02, 2005 Real property in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: (See "Legal Description" Exhibit A attached) r ••Pace No. 2 File No. 14180595 At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and Exclusions contained in said policy would be as follows: 1. General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2007-2008, a lien not yet due or payable. 2. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to Chapter 3.5 commencing with Section 75 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. 3. The lien of bonds and assessment liens, if applicable, collected with the general and special taxes. 4. Easements and servitudes as they appear on maps, or in documents recorded in the Official Records of said County. 5. Covenants, conditions and restrictions in instruments recorded in the Official Records of said County and any amendments thereto, which provide th at a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value, but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604(C). 0 REQUIREMENTS: i A. Statements of information from all parties to the transaction. • NOTES: ON Page No. 4 File No. 14180595 1. This report does not reflect requests for notice of default, requests for notice of delinquency, subsequent transfers of easements, and similar matters not germane to the issuance of the policy of title insurance anticipated hereunder. 2. If this company is requested to disburse funds in connection with this transaction, Chapter 598 of 1989 Mandates of the California Insurance Code requires hold periods for checks deposited to escrow or sub-escrow accounts. Such periods vary depending upon the type of check and anticipated methods of deposit should be discussed with the escrow officer. 3. No endorsement issued in connection with the policy and relating to covenants, conditions or restrictions provides coverage for environmental protection. 4. Special recordings: Due to a severe budget shortfall, many county recorders have announced that severe limitations will be placed on the acceptance of "special recordings." 5. Homeowners association: if the property herein described is subject to membership in a homeowners association, it will become necessa ry that we be furnished a written statement from the said homeowners association of which said property is a member, which provides that all liens, charges and/or assessments levied on said land have been paid. Said statement should provide clearance up to and including the time of closing. In order to avoid unnecessary delays at the time of closing we ask that you obtain and forward said statement at your earliest convenience. 6. Demands: This company requires that all beneficiary demands be current at the time of closing. If the demand has expired and a current demand cannot be obtained it may be necessary to hold money whether payoff is made based on verbal figures or an expired demand. 7. Line of credit payoffs: If any deed of trust herein secures a line of credit, we will require that the account be frozen and closed and no additional advances be made to the borrower. If the beneficiary is unwilling to freeze the account, we will require you submit to us all unused checks, debit vouchers, and/or credit cards associated with loan along with a letter (affidavit) signed by the trustor stating that no additional advances will be made under the credit line. If neither of the above is possible, it will be necessary to hold any difference between the demand balance and the maximum available credit. 6. Maps: The map attached hereto may or may not be a survey of the land depicted thereon. You should not rely upon it for any purpose other than orientation to the general location of the parcel or parcels depicted. Alliance Title Company expressly disclaims any liability for alleged loss or damages which may result from reliance upon this map. 9. We find no open deeds of trust. Escrow please confirm before closing. • •Page No. 5 File No. 14180595 10. This report is preparatory to the issuance of an ALTA Loan Policy. We have no knowledge of any fact which would preclude the issuance of the policy with CLTA endorsement forms 100 and 116 and if applicable, 115 and 116.2 attached. When issued, the CLTA endorsement form 116 or 116.2, if applicable will reference a(n) Multi Family Residence known as 206 21st Street, Huntington Beach, California, 92648. 11. General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2006-2007. First installment:$1,290.46, PAID Penalty:$0.00 Second Installment $1,290.46, PAID Penalty:$0.00 Tax Rate Area:04-001 A. P. No.:023-133-16 12. According to the public records, there has been no conveyance of the land within a period of twenty-four months prior to the date of this report, except as follows: None I 0 0 Page No. 6 File No. 14180595 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain real property in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: LOT 6 AND LOT 8, BLOCK 220, OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 17TH STREET SECTION, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGE 10 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY APN: 023-133-16 7) NO aO o;o 0 V N WOE<OC7 O U W2O 2,W V4 WchhY C H 001 MARCH 1948 TRACT 21 7 19 asr a06J 20 e' 1°a• 22 , IO A 16 a 0 23 9 15 W a 24 • -HUNT/NCT N a7 In Tall-- (n25 24 77 „ 06 1 14 J 13•27 5 7, BLK. 11 • 28 4 922 12 M,29 > 7 32 L'i 5 33 sa I ..a i 30 a(163 17 - 7• 3 AC nsa .18 red L I I 1 L 31 OLIVE WALNUT PACIFIC SEE SPECIAL PACE 023-139 FOR FEE TITLE ASSESSMENT BELOW SURFACE .so- - msa PAR.= 21 31 nso .... 13 4 s+.n'OPAR.r p• 1 30 „,,,. p• 14 6 PAR.' 15 7 L K; PAR. 17.'13 812300-Is 11 9 ,. x LL£Y 7S"9^n '8 7 6 5 154 zs • a' 1 X10 5 29 22 28 27 15 24 25 26 20 II J .rsa 1 28 0 2 26 s 31 26 24 3 32 • 7 22 1 16 • 3 38 22 7 37 • 016 36 BLK.1914 35 221 2P 12 , P A 4 Pr-1.6 Q 7 R S 29 b -7S- 2PAR 1 33 71 28 24 13 14 15 16 s 11 4 5 2 3 7 18 •20 16 14 1 12 m'11 HUNTINGTON BEACH. SEVENTEENTH ST. SEC M.M. 4-10 TRACT NO. 12947 M.M. 598-49.50 TRACT NU. 13014 M.M. 585-48.49.50 TRACT NO. 13625 M.M. 681-48.49.50 PARCEL MAP P.M. 191-39. 300-18 s . msa 17 iO. 2 ALLEY e 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 12 1 46 18 NENPHS. SC. ,,. 21 19 20 17 w a II J 1 b S 16 1030•is Zp 1326 4 „12 COAST (OCEAN AVE.) 78 17 76 13& 1430159 11 A 70 9 ^ >7 6 ' 3 2 12. O•7 36 37- 24 3 26 5 17 1 ALLEY,. 17 21 20 19 10 9 n TRACT PRO•ECT 937-16-429-470 LOT 14 1 0.936 AC. NO. 13014 n• NOTE - ASSESSOR'S BLOCK A PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES 11 8 PRa1. 937-16 R 2y 14 b ~ 9 -U5-16 --0.132 30 AAC. 11 . 1 /J ^ ;8L X 5 12 11 11w 6 10 -' 9 12 Q . 8 z-1 6 5 0 28 4 J 2 1 2o- msr 21 28 °' L i - 2e 0 26 25 ^14 2 021 _ ry 15 3 :a !9 ,18 27 8 4 5 AVEME Cs.. AVENLE 19- _21 1 ! 1 99 _18-17 _ 14 - BL K. 9 • 16.15 119 7a _ 10 _ µ IO ------- 1 it 138 ALLEY10 9 . r TRACT a PROJECT 937-16-561-586 LOT 15 117 16 a722 AC. NO. 12947 ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 023 PAGE 13 COUNTY OF ORANGE HIGHWAY >r ti y 1'=100' 023- 1 3 II •