HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2009016 - Signed Application4 r HUNTINGTON BEACH For your convenience , you may request entitlement application by contacting the Planning Department at 714-536-5271 an appointment to submit your City of Huntington Beach Planning Department 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 www.surfcit -hb.or /Cit De artments/Plannin GENERAL APPLICATION: Planning Commission Zoning Administrator Staff Review Design Review o N LAOS Applicant or Authorized Agent (Contact Person) F'o. F0 04 Mailing Address CA q 1102- City State Zip Tele hone Number: 2 (n Q -o 57 Fax Number: O S ` I E-mail Address: I &- V ti L-0 l% e, W C wi em A' 1 Property Owner A v- 16 Mailing Address v>1 c City State Zip Tele hone Number: 3 Fax Number: S - S 3 E-mail Address:[0n 7 ( i COi FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Present Zone 1 wti'l " DM I b General Plan Designation ,PLANNING APPLICATION NO: l 4 2ZZ ENTITLEMENT $FEE CASE Coastal Develo men Permit 'Conditional-U e°Permi Desi n Review Entitlement=Plan Amendment General Plan Amendment -- Local Coastal Pro ram' Amend Planned Si n Pro rain -- Si n Code Exce tion ' Tern ora Use Permit Variance Zonin Ma Amendment Zonin Text Amendment' CDP - CUP I - DR - EPA - GPA - LCPA PSP - SCE - TUP - V - ZMA - ZTA - • 0((0 Environmental Review Exempt Sec. 'Class: _Assessment Req EA Flood Zone No Earthquake Fault Zone D Oil District h!D Methane Districts Redevelopment Area ND Coastal Area Yes_ No . Noise/CNEL . 1-' -Categorical Exclusion Seismic Hazard Zone w Appeal. _No'n."App'- Scenic Corridor Exempt Sec. Residential Irifill ND www Ceres ca. ov, lanninn (services) Military Buffer Zone NO wnership Verification Pursuant to:?` t -22- Applicant i uthoiization NPlans Notification Req. Narrative jLPhotographs/Slides; t Entertainment Permit HOA approval omputer Log 44 ap Book Log Plans Date Stamped In Lieu of: Date Receiv d CA Receipt # Received by Project Planner Distributed by Q1 Concurrent Cases Previous Cases 'REQUEST : - 2Et A t 'Vl u Lo CO L' of ILe VZO 051 O` ct -ko 53 .2 / ivy- t EXISTING USE:n LE Y''4 " viell- LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: • Street Address: 20 (0 5 -VA Nearest Major Intersection: G I C V Assessor's Parcel Number(s):02•`T '- O 3 - )Lot Area:6F • Tract: (. 35 Z Block: 0 Lot: I, Print Pro ert Owner's name e A am the prope rty owner of the subject property and have read and understand all statements including the filing requirements on the reverse side of this application. I hereby authorize Print A ent's name 0 K S to act as my representative and to bind me in all matters concerning this application. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements, facts and attachments are true and correct. I understand that this application for entitlement or variance may be denied, modified or approved with conditions and that such conditions or modifications must be satisfied prior to issuance of building permits. I understand that by filing the application, information on the application including, but not necessarily limited to the name and address will be included on public records that are posted on the internet. \ignature of f l v'r -1 -D Property Owner- Date Author Agent Date APPLICATION RE UIREMENTS: (Complete/submit the following circled items prior to submittal and return this application with your submittal) This application must be typed or printed and filled in completely. 2 If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner shall designate the applicant as the authorized agent to act on his/her behalf and both shall sign this application. 3. Proof of property ownership, e.g., deed, title insurance policy. 4. Chain of title indicating prior ownership and date of lot creation, Certificate of Compliance, or copy of recorded map. 5. Environmental Assessment Form if determined necessary per California Environmental Quality Act (see attached). 6. Planning Commission : Twelve (12) preliminary site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and for new construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size. Upon acceptance and scheduling of hearing date, eight (8) additional full sized sets, two (2) sets of plans reduced to 8-1/2" X 11" and one (1) set of plans colored to illustrate the design and development concept of the project shall be submitted. Other plans may be required depending on the complexity of the project. 7. Zoning Administrator: Twelve (12) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations (and for new construction submit preliminary grading plans) a maximum of 24" X 36" in size, and one (1) set of plans reduced to 11" X 17". Other plans maybe required depending on the complexity of the project. 88 Staff Review or Design Review: Twelve (12) sets of site plans, floor plans and building elevations a maximum of 24" X 36" in size. A materials palette, preliminary landscape plans, and colored elevations of all proposed walls are also required for design review. (No additional plans required for PC/ZA projects requiring Design Review). Administrative Permits require only three (3) sets of plans. 9. reliminary Grading Plan with all existing and proposed grades as well as all walls/fences shown on plan. ,10. Plans conforming to the following requirements: Tf Draw to scale (minimum scale 1/8"= 1' or 1"= 30'); indicate scale; indicate dimensions of building and floor uses; and north direction arrow. Plans shall be oriented so that north points to the top of the page. (b) Plot the entire parcel and dimension all pertinent data such as easements, driveways, landscaping, parking, fencing; and distances to all property lines. Indicate any grade differential between adjacent properties, alleys, or streets. (c) Depict existing property improvements on abutting parcels and across streets and/or alleys within fifty (50) feet of the subject parcel. Improvements should include location and dimension of parking, landscaping, driveways, building layouts and uses, windows and entryway locations and any other information useful to analyze the project. (d) Plot all existing and proposed physical features, fences/walls, and structures on the subject property and abutting properties. (Window locations on adjacent properties required for all Residential Infill properties.) (e) Dimension to the nearest intersecting street and identify all street names. (t) Dimension height of all structures from the highest adjacent curb to the top of slab and to the roof peak on all elevations. (g) Building elevations shall depict all sides of building and indicate colors and materials proposed. (h) Locate and dimension existing and proposed reciprocal driveway access and parking. (i) Include a legend (locate in lower right corner of the site plan) which lists the name, address, and phone number of the recorded owner and the applicant. 0) Identify the legal description of the subject property on the site plan. (k) Label existing and proposed uses of each room on floor plan. (1) Dimension section drawings for walls, grade differential, and buildings. (m) Provide a zoning conformance matrix on the cover sheet of the site. The matrix shall include information on how the project complies with all aspects of the Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. (n) Fold all plans to a maximum size of 8-1/2" X 14" (lower right corner out). 300 Public notification requirements for Coastal Development Permit, Variance, Conditional Use Permit, Zoning Map Amendment, Precise Plan Street Alignment, General Plan Amendment, and Sign Code Exception (See attached sheet). 12. A letter from the Property Owner Association or Architectural Committee, if applicable, shall be submitted indicating that the proposed project has been approved, denied, or that the CC&R's do not require Association or Committee review. '13 All entitlements require photographs of the subject site and surrounding properties. 14. All Planning Commission applications require slides or digital photographs of the subject site and surrounding properties. A written narrative of the proposed use or project. The narrative shall contain the following minimum information: (a) Description of project and services, including proposed use, square footage, hours and days of operation, number of employees, and other information as appropriate. (b) Reasons for initiating this application. (c) Description of surrounding uses to the north, south, east and west. (d) Description of population served by the proposed use or project. 16. A massing model for all commercial development and for all residential developments of ten (10) units or more (three [3] units or more in redevelopment project areas). Models shall be submitted prior to sending out the public hearing. Models can be simple and have a minimum scale 1/8"= 1' or l"= 30'. 17. Draft Affordable Housing Plan for residential projects with new construction of three (3) or more units. 18. In order to support findings for approval for a Variance, respond to the following on a separate page: (a) What exceptional circumstances apply to the subject property (including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed? (b) Explain why the request will not constitute a grant of special privilege. (c) Why is this request necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights when compared with other properties in the same zoning designation? (d) State reasons why the granting of the request will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare. 19. Entertainment permit requests shall be accompanied by evidence of review and conceptual approval by the Police Department. 20. Photographs of all existing signs on the subject property and at surrounding businesses. 21. Design Review checklist(s). FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Staff may deem other submittal information necessary. Completion of the application does not presume approval of the application. Such approval is discretionary with the Director, Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission. The Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission may deny, modify or conditionally approve the application. The Design Review Board's action is a recommendation to the Director, Zoning Administrator, or Planning Commission unless the application has been submitted for Design Review Board final approval. All entitlement decisions are final unless appealed within ten (10) days of such decision. The appeal shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement. In no case shall building permits, certificates of occupancy, or licenses be issued until the appeal period has elapsed. All applicable fees shall accompany appeals. All applications shall become null and void if the approved use or project has not been initiated within one (1) year from the approval date unless a later date is granted. g:\fonns\planning\genappla Revised: May 30, 2007 10CITY OF HUNTIN GTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The following information is required in order to assist the Planning Staff in analyzing your proposed project. Please read through the information carefully and prepare detailed comprehensive responses to each item checked. 1. Return this original form at the time of application submittal. 2. Location and dimension of existing and proposed reciprocal driveway access and parking. 3. List of tenants for multi-tenant properties. Include the following information for each tenant: address/suite number, business name, type of business, gross business square footage, required parking ratio, provided number of parking spaces, and hours of operation. 4. Include a zoning conformance matrix on the cover sheet of the site plan. The matrix shall include information on how the project complies with all aspects of the Huntington Beach Zoning Subdivision Ordinance regarding setbacks, building height, site coverage, parking, landscaping, etc. A sample chart has been provided to help you format your matrix. You will need to address the code sections applicable to your specific project. Your matrix will most likely include more code sections than the ones used in the following example. The following sample chart should serve as a guideline to help you develop your matrix. Do not produce this exact chart on your plans as you need to develop your own matrix using the appropriate code sections. Your matrix will most likely include more code sections than the ones used in the following example. SUBJECT CODE SECTION RE UIRED PROPOSED Parking 231.04 Retail: 1 space/200 sf 15,000 sf = 75 s aces 84 s aces Landscaping 232.08 Min. 8% of entire site Site = 55,800 sf 8% = 4,464 sf 8.9% = 4,989 sf Site Coverage 210.06 Max. 50% of entire site Site = 6,000 sf Setbacks 50% = 3,000 sf covera e 44.5% = 2,670 sf cov. Front Yard Etc. 210.06 Min. dimension = 15 ft.18 ft. 5. Clearly identify all ADA/Title 24 accessible path of travel (private and public property) throughout the project on a preliminary grading/site plan. 6 Attach project plans including preliminary grading plan, preliminary drainage plans and conceptual Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP's), including construction site Best Management Practices (BMP's) Plans for projects. The following is a list of projects: a. Residential Development of 10 units or more. b. Commercial and industrial development greater than 100,000 square feet including parking spaces. c. Automotive repair shops. d. Restaurants where the land area of development is 5,000 square feet or more including parking areas. e. Hillside development on 10,000 square feet or more, which is located on areas with known erosive soil conditions or where natural slope is 25 percent or more. f. Impervious surface of 2,500 square feet or more located within, directly adjacent to (within 200 feet), or discharging directly to receiving water within Environmentally Sensitive Areas. g. Parking lot area of 5,000 square feet or more, or with 15 or more parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff. h. Gas station modifications (Underground storage tank, fuel island, canopy replacement or installations.) i. All significant redevelopment projects, where significant development is defined as the addition of 5,000 or more square feet of impervious surface on an already developed site. j. New/raw land (previously undeveloped) that includes 5,000 or more square feet of pervious surface. 7. Developers of projects with greater than 50 lots or 5 acres shall conduct an analysis to determine their base flood elevation (BFE) if their project is located in a flood zone without a BFE noted on the flood map (such as flood zone A). q'I CITY OF HUNTIINGTON BEA CH PROJECT PROCESSING CHECKLIST (For Planning Staff Use) ENTITLEMENTNOi'r,fP o -oil APPLICANT.,,..,t4 5 'APPLICATIOAFORMREVIEW- NAWZ Re uest Com lete S ecial Permits, Variances 41 1 -1 V Pro ert Owner's Si nature or Letter of Authorization ) f Le al Descri tion/AP No./AP Ma Veri Zonin Veri General Plan (Sub-Areas & FAR) 3$ "PLANSj Pro er Number of Plans Develo ment Com liance Matrix J Photo ra hs Additional Fees Paid Address Correct Narrative Justification for Re uest Cit View - Com lete A licant's Name, Address, Tele hone Number Entitlement No. On Plans Com lete and internall consistent Sets Site Plan, Elevations, Floor Plans, Sections Drawin s Accurate, Full Dimensioned, Drawn to Scale and with North Arrow Must include Property Lines, Street Names, Street Width, Existing and Proposed Buildings, Easements, Adjacent Im rovements & Uses, Floor Plan A licant's Name, Address, Tele hone Number t:D VELOPME T:REVIE'VV HEQ EST SENT to OtherDepartments (Tract Maps AT) NIn 5ce Erititlemerif:Reuiew Re` uest List Memo EP-6R ENVIRONMENTALREPIEW. Cate oricall Exem t .Ne ative Declaration Check Miti ation Measures of Previousl a roved EIR/N.D. COA TAL `STATUS.`: Not A licable Exem t A eatable Area Cate oricall Excluded NO 'CONCURRENTT,PROCESSING.', Otlier.';Enti'tlem"i OFee's FIE t r D :INSPECT(ON.: Existin On-Site Uses and Ad'acent Uses Ste.. Landsca in Condition! Mature Trees Grade Differentials with Ad'oinin Lots vPRELIMINA) PLAN CI3ECIC7 Se ; ecls lieet EIR Non-A eatable Area Coastal Develo ment Permit Parkin Lot Condition/ Drivewa s/ Reci rocal Access Ille at Structures & Additions/ Non-Conformin Si as Fences/ Walls - Hei ht/ Condition/ Location URBAN'PDESIGN::GUIDELEI F,S See;D s "n Reyiei Chc klist OTHE Flood Plain Al uist-Priolo Seismic Hazardous Waste Site Redevelo ment Area Affordable Housin Plan Easements S ecific Plan Area Oil Wells Infill Lot Ordinance DAC Meetin Park & Rec. Fees/Re 's to 13 '.PR OSECT REVIEW MEETING with 'lauinhi =Staff N/A- Previous Entitlements and Conditions Ad'acent Entitlements and Conditions Reci rocal Access on Ad'acent Pro ert Pro ert Maintenance Ordinance Water uali Mana ement Plan Historical `SEND.`FILINGS'A-TUSILETTER TO APPLICANT (and property owner, if different) ithin 30 da}'s. =Have meetin withA licant if necessa andlor Tenants, A licantr Stte;P,ro e,,. Owner. A en anti Harm. ,OWNERSHIP'MAIIlING"LIST AND MAP ACCtTk CI': Ve ' td Most (Map ci !S1 ,ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSIYIENT C)lY>iMI'lEEy: Senill`adces <PIa'ANNING'COMMISStON S1UDY SES TON '' SNudces LEGALSERVICE5RE UEST;SENP` <Jrdluarice CI iniuniIt2esolutio niu eictaiid , a `r eudiiietits DESIGN RFrVIEVir.NIE cU E E'ni ti.ift tilitlalS & Color Board Send N tices SUBDIVISION MEETING'€RE', [II.REIS °Sen{ )Notices COMiV1UNIT IVIES 'T for iVIa oor GodtroversialPro ects Send Notices include Plannin " SENV L° E' rAI OTIGES' CftA AIt !Cr`r iicli dln ' fili Lnii `ix lira°,"licabl vt>ttl ,tabet - CONTINUED ON BACKSIDE - I'IANNEIts4 =P] i6 CT A I`lR`1 SS:2A , 13-rk ST. G,\FORMS\PLANNING\Applieation Checklist 3b RR$FARE sTAF"F:REPoR:TIGON.D'ZTIONSW Pre are Attachments Reduced Size Plans Revised Plans .ENSU STAF.FREPORT IS 'PIST VTED TO A:.L IN1tR`BAj Plannin Commissioners (Linda Wine) A licant/Pro e Owner (Call to confirm the are aware of meetin and the received staff re ort) ;)BATE COMMUNICATIONS SENT TO PC, STAFF PLANNER. 1) 'iM NCIPAL PLANNER, PUBLIC «'ORKS 6 FIRE 'STAFF LLLISONS EACH. COMML NICATON «'IT THE AGEND 1I EM NUMBER P R: 41 V G G Q 1 i Il r 2I S SI Q l !ti/ 0 l V IN A D7111 S,T R 4 T O R1 IL L F O Colored Site Plans, Floor Plans and Elevations Massin Model Interested Parties Slides/Photo ra hs PowerPoint Presentation After Final Meeting NOTICE OF ACTION LETTER (WITH CONDITIONS AND CODE REQUIREMENTS) MAILED TO APPLICANT &/ PROPERTY OWNER (INCLUDE CUSTOMER SURVEY CARD) to q t NOTICE OF ACTION LETTER ITH CONDITIONS AND CODE RE UIREMENTS LINKED TO CITYVIEW CALL APPLICANT IF THEY DID NOT ATTEND AND/OR TO FOLLOW-UP AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS FOR THEM Customer Service CE A NOTICE AND MITIGATION MONITORING FEE if re uired APPEALABLE DEVELOPMENT OR CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION LETTER FOR COASTAL if a licable PLANS STAMPED WITH NOTED ACTION W MINUTES IN FILE 10 ORGANIZE ZONING FILE AND PLACE IN FILE CABINET see De t. Polic Memo for file or anization G:\FORMS\PLANN[NG\Application Checklist 3b 0 d HUNTINGTON BEACH 4 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING PLAN CHECK Plan Checked By /'k-CcNZAt.Es Date q 0-1* a1 Job Address Entitlement No(s).___ O1 - 0 IP Review Body: Proposed Use I RESIDENTIAL Telephone: (714)536-5271 or Xi54 74-Plan Check No. 2010 13TH StnT Plan Dated:i7C Expiration Date Planning Commission Zoning Administrator Design Review Board Director -m to 2mlec A Of -. S.1-111 1z)Y E m Ulf' 46,4 cr- tel. W LOT, CDI, a 1. Legal Description: Lot (10 Block Tract P`036 D. 2. Assessor's Parcel Number (s) Ooti4 "033 - t DM 10 Zone AMU- 3. General Plan Designation Ge I Plan Sub Area Requirements 4. Existing Lot Size (Qb n c 25 Dedication Required Ye / o (alley, comer, street) Net Lot Size bTs 5. Proposed Total Building Floor Area '215b Proposed Number Units 6. Environmental Status: Study required? Y Exempt (sec. v52 I classes EA/EIR number 7, Coastal Zone: 8. Special Areas Flood Oll Appealable/Nonappealable area E t _ Categorical exclusion (sec. class Ilcable) Residential Infill o se r Design Overlay Redevelopment Earthquake a Seismic Liquefaction FAA Historic Plan Check per HB Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance and General Plan Minimum Building Site Re uirements Area (sq, ft.) 6,000 6,000 2,500 6,000 Width(ft.) 60 60 25 60 Cul de sac frontage 45 45 -45 Minimum Setbacks Front (ft.) 15 15 12 10 Side (ft.) 3;5 3;5 3 3;5 Street Side (ft.) 6:10 6;10 5 6;10 Rear (ft.) 10 10 7.6 10 Accessory Structure Garage Projections Into Setbacks Maximum Hal ht ft. Dwellings 35 35 35 35 Accessory Structures 15 16 15 15 Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling 6,222 2,904 * 1,742 Unit s . ft. Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 50 50 50 50 Minimum Floor Area Required Provided Courts 6,000 10 ac.(A)(B)(C) 60 - 45 (D(R) N 10 (E)(F) 3;5 (G)(I)(J)3` it 6;10 (H)N 10 -(i)(J) (U) l -b' N`h- (K) (L)(R) 10 ND 35 20 (M)3'.-lu 15 15 (L)(R)N 1,244 50 75 (V) (N) (P) , 750 ti/4 Minimum Usable Open Space Common Private (0) Accessibility within Dwellings (Q) Waterfront Lots (R) Landscaping (See Chapter 232) 40% front yard Proposed Yard trees Required Proposed Fences and Walls (visibility) See Section 230,88 Lighting Underground Utilities See Chapter 17.64 Screening of Mechanical Equipment See Section 230.76 Refuse Storage Areas See Section 230.78 Antenna See Section 230.80 Performance Standards See Section 230.82 Off-Street Parkin and Loadin See Cha ter 231 Signs See Chapter 233 Nonconforming Structures See Chapter 236 Upper-Story Setbacks Required Lots 50 feet or less in width = 1 unit per 26 feet of frontage Lots greater than 50 feet In width =1 unit per 1,900 square feet G:IFORMSIPLANNINGIplancheck_residential.doc Provided (T) (F)(M2c) NO Ctl4/ E . )VOT ~0 4'D •r" N lVffi rv JV See Pa e 2 06/12/00 See Page 2 Page 2 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 230.22 Residential Infiil Lot 230.62 & 258.02 Le at Building Site 230.64 Substandard Lot 230.68 Projections Into Yards Dk ^CI 'lit 'ki Fire lace or chimne Cornice, eaves and ornamental features Mechanical a ul ment Uncovered porches, terraces, platforms, subterranean garages, decks, and patios not more than 3 feet In height serving only the first floor Stairs, canopies, awnings and uncovered porches more than 3 feet In hei ht Ba windows Balconies Covered patios 230.70 Measurement of Height Chapter 231 Off-street Parking Single famil One bedroom unit Two bedroom unit Three bedroom unit or more Total required Non-residential requirement Size Com act Turning Radius Driveway width Striping Detail Wheel sto s/curbs Urban Design Guidelines Maximum Height Affordable Housing Densl Noise Scenic/Landsca a Corridor Urban Design Historical/Cultural Economic RESIDENTIAL e uIred Y IN r Not A ble Corn [lance -windows deck Notice submitted Y / o Pro Re ulred Ye No If es, submit co y of recorded ma or Certificate of Com (lance Ye If es, Conditional se Permit a royal b Zonin Administrator re uired No Individual projection shall exceed 1/3 of the building length, and the total of all projections shall not exceed 2/3 of the building length on which the are located. 'I aY P}^", '11"k ;' h 1 dtx',BSt , '0 it't iUD 2.5'2.6' 30" min clearance 2.5'2.5' 3'2.5'(30" min clearance)3'3'. 2'2' 30" min clearance 2' 30" min clearance 2' 6'3'4'5' 4'2' (30" min clearance)4'4(30" min clearance) 2.5'2.5' 30" min clearance 2.5'2.5' 3'2' 30" min clearance 3'3' 0 0 5' (max projection 1/2 width of 5' Dimensions shown: datum top of slab street side and top of roof (8 enclosed + o an + uest = enclosed + open + guest = enclosed + o an + guest = Q enclosed + o en +uest = enclosed +o an + s A. + total 9' x 19' minimum with 7' vertical clearance guest = 8' x 17' (max. 20% on non- uest s aces In rq acts with 50 or more units 25' residential' 26' nonresidential use in residential zone 10'w if length 150' or less for single family; 20'a all others Shown er Diagram A Key to site plan Adjacent to walkwa s, buildings, fencing, or landscaping Subject to separate plan check REQUIRED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL, ISSUANCE, AND/OR FINAL INSPECTION Residential Infill Proof of Mailing Noise Stud Reciprocal Access Easement Document Maintenance Easement Document Joint Use Parkin Agreement Cop of Recorded Ma Co of Certificate of Corn Ilance A revel from Coastal Commission Categorical Exclusion Coastal Letter Landsca a and Irri ation Plan LI hung Plan Gradin Plan CC&R Review and A royal Elevation Certificate Mill ation Monitorin Program Notice of Exam tion Parkland Dedication In-lieu Fee $ Downtown S eclfic Plan Fee $831 er acre = $ In-lieu Parkin Fee total total total total grand total G:\FORMS\PLANNING\plancheck residential.doc 06/12/00 i #& City of Huntington Beach • 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING September 28, 2009 Tony Flores P.O. Box 847 Pasadena, CA 91102 ENTITLEMENT: Administrative Permit 2009-016 PROJECT ADDRESS: 206 13`h Street PROPERTY OWNER : Nu Thien Lam 14631 Arminta Street Panorama City, CA 91402 DATE RECEIVED AT ZONING COUNTER : September 22, 2009 PROJECT PLANNER: Andrew Gonzales, Associate Planner; (714) 374-1547; email: aonzales @surfcity-hb.org Dear Applicant: Thank you for submitting your entitlement to the City of Huntington Beach, Planning Department. The assigned Project Planner is responsible for processing your entitlement and will be responsible for the following tasks: Reviewing your entitlement for completeness; Evaluating the project for conformance with the General Plan; Reviewing plans for compliance with the Zoning Code, Design Guidelines, and applicable City Ordinances; Preparation of environmental documents pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); Analyzing the site plan layout and, if applicable, the floor plans and elevations; Evaluating the project for compatibility with, and potential impacts to, surrounding uses/structures; Coordinating issues related to the Fire Dept., Public Works Dept., Building and Safety Dept., etc.; Obtaining other City department's comments relative to the project; Coordinating any necessa ry community meetings; Preparing a staff report and recommendation (approval/denial) with suggested findings and conditions of approval Scheduling the project for a public hearing; and Assisting you with any follow-up actions and/or conditions of approval. Phone 714-536-5271 Fax 714-374-1540 www.surfcity-hb.org Entitlement Page Two 0 Please be advised that a Notice of Filing Status letter will be sent to you regarding the status/completeness of your entitlement(s) notifying you of the pending hearing date within 30 da s of receipt of the entitlement(s) at the zoning counter. The letter will indicate one of the following circumstances: Entitlement Deemed Incomplete ; additional information is required (e.g., revised plans, supplemental plans, environmental information, additional entitlements, etc.); or Entitlement Deemed Complete; the Project Planner is continuing to process your entitlement(s) and you will be notified as to when your project will be scheduled for a hearing by (l) the Design Review Board, (2) the Zoning Administrator, or (3) the Planning Commission. The three scenarios listed below are the subsequent steps to the above notification: If the project is subject to Planning Commission review, a staff report with a full analysis of the proposal will be prepared. Your plans and supplemental information will be attached to the staff report. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Zoning Administrator review, an executive summary with staffs, recommendation for the project will be prepared. A copy of the executive summary will be mailed to you prior to the hearing; If the project is scheduled for Design Review Board action, no staff report will be prepared, however staff will advise you of the staff recommendation prior to the meeting. Generally, the complete processing time from submittal to final action by the reviewing body and expiration of the appeal period is as follows: Design Review Board : 30-45 days (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Zoning Administrator: 2-3 months (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Planning Commission : 4-6 months (dependent upon the complexity of your project) Please note: When Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments, Tentative Maps, or preparation of environmental documents are involved, additional processing time is necessary. Please direct your questions and communications to the assigned Project Planner . If you have any subsequent comments or need additional clarification , please contact me at 714-536-5271. Thank you in advance for your interest in Huntington Beach - we look forward to working with you! Sin rely, Herb Fauland Planning Manager xc: Property Owner Project File