HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2009016 - Plansl LAM RESIDENCE PROPOSED EXTENSION TO SECOND STORY BEDROOM 48 SF, See Moor Plan on Silt. A2 PAOVLRIYLBn1 - - •'• Y-T7 JI PROPOSED riot EXTENSION 44JJ®7 t® TO EXISTING BALCONY. N`1`Ay81 $ `D, TAI,BALCONY ,`e V Pct y.Op Tf10N. wxy class aB y(.-Ie RW E k GENERAL NOTES: - 2.Wcrk per7anned soil py oath Ueae Goner! Note. unlew cihe vet noted on Us plat. 3-M work sh41 be done m accordanc..5. 5.. 2007 Cd lots Bonding Code (C.0 W, 2007 LJfam RntmgCode (LPG), 2007 Mechntcd Code (CMC), 5.e 2007 Cddonu [laetnc Cod. (CeO). 2006 T-24 nwyy Stdro.4. NI Work to Dimply nth dl .p pFoible local end snots codes, wdnnm nil negWbom.5. It shill beWS repanublty of Ue contr.et r to locate dl e..bnq USbN.., .nil no protest Urn Mom den.g4 to. contr.cFOr shah boa dl 5=rear or rpl .cemett m )unchrn oath 5,0 e. W5ot d to. oak. 6. The property Donor hed ..d.tsly by to. cono-acla, should .y d.expand a ota ryraharpertanmq m to. wakingg dra.mgs dunnq roneWChrn a7. Permrt .+pppbcahan ton ..00th no permit. wu .d wthm 160 dM dlownq to. 4.0. d 4t Yo. m.hd ogre byitsbon. (Sa 107.4119(. 8. All setbacks and s.oenmb we •homn corceedy m thl&t Flea9. Contractors •hdl .wy dl ..Nod.. poor to cansWCbon. 8 Uere . e 4..repa .g..aU Ih. sebntl.. k r 5.e I0. The Contractor. totr aW to nohfY sir the dtton .IecOr. drir Proada hen shc:cho.. end 05.40 to street err approved .cons Bran.age 4cPe+'•a' 1a Fber FAR 0.4 t.a 3.691.. 1010 d (lad) 1otS d (lad) 263.6 (UC) 21.6 (UC) 369.6 (R.) 2906(50) 48.6 P.Pd S.M.d -1,060 d ."t6.1,427.f ..bts41.263 d Tao FI.. A-.2.770 d / Lot S-07% d FAR-0976 (UC).Ued.C.m.,,maa j01 11S P Existing 2-Story SFD 1150' aka .2WL ®4.5.6 eonPROpERTyLrlr _ i-PROPflTTLRR '"3-arkauum.O..005 mne.•[s sm./em•.RNC) 04.065.. OCT 19 2009 Huntington Beach PLANNING DEPT. sore,Tirop..ty o gang ndrpabd bucbon under penort eC200900 ¢S27, for clay the tdlownq t- d be ur d hr. - R4.-. to house poor to penttd,J C is em - Rden to U. pat d Ua h .e under perm.tmmba.d.60.e. r - rdere to Pork undc am .pphe.bon lot Admim•trdra fentS New 3Stosy addition to Existing SFD. Under Conohoc tion (Pemlit # 02009002827 dated 8-18-09) PLOT PLAN Sod. t/8' • t' ' Project Data Sco e of Work Area Summa D Job Add...., 2O6 13U Smart I. Con.tS0000 to baType0/-0) lunbngton Beach, CA 92648 2. proposed to .4.nd aacond floor 9nimn 4005. 9-1. to.bnq Lt Sae 2.8754. fl-plat an A2 C-.".b- Types Type V45 3. Proposed to rated wont Bdcay 724 see ilia pin Zone, RI on A2. 2. 6usdnq I.ttloor 3. 42W.tbched 2ca gr.ge 4. N[W encfoswe d (U porch I,OIO4. 21 d. Tr.cb A0352 5. NTW .ddrbon to !rant d house G. 2+,.bng .eoond P1.0- 2905 010 d1Lt No, C 7. NEW ...-d floor.4450..3696Couny M.P.8. NFW !aril 1100.424 OfAPN. 024-033-19 9. Proposed C.-on to Now Bedroom 486•Nombc d Stoner 3 Man. Sal dog 17rghb 37-1' Oocvp.noy , RYU I O Prop-.d .otenr _ to .ray (tact bdeony 724 . Squat toet.ge oountad to..rds lot cover.g.534• lot 0000-.30 ZONING CONFORMING MATRIX SUBJECT CODESEC1104 REQUIRED PROPOSID Ptduy 23144 2Cs O.ap.2Ca G•p. Plant Yid Front 164.- I70 Fret -160 Sdbd. Rs Y.dS.d. ..d 21006 R0- 064 .200 9.d.M,. -3 Rtes -200a4.-a Mm.70 %dm,na.Sh. C.vq.21006 5,t.-28720570%-107.7.(533%-1530.f Owner TRaly $hasbS4. Tbim Ism 206 13th Strati Hu fi gta.. &5.h , CA 92648 818!186.8433 Applicant Toby Flora TEA D.vdop®•d P.O. Bas 847 P0.05,µ CA 91102 626/487-0493 • 1,5304 (532%)38 M.y T. Pto . I-w 3Y. 1/6•-1W 900/09 Al 4 45. t.,m a Fuld Cmn .. tS/So B.6araAb9.e • 34' taAtiOra[ W rsrudpq PAUal1O094 ) Floor Plan - 1st Flr. N MSYI S. W'- VA' x.. 01-11.h.e (E) W I.C. (E)Lanndry EXTENSION (E) HALL (E) OFFICE NEWBEDROOM MASTER BED ROOM3-Y rsn,rr II Sw7Kndem'a °e I ,m NewRooflgtFloaIr• r` (E) BATH ( BEDROOM IFS. t B PROPOSED BALCONY ENSION (72>ItJ rARta,00SeJ 2dtr...R I OAT (1.(E) BATH SATSC9 0 ® Q Floor Plan - 2nd Flr.p trr xt'-Ir ' +]Y Sad. er. 1d• C.elerm I Otame I t.tlxud ft. do. (E) ROOF 2nd F1r. >NTe NEWT SUN DEIrK PROPOSED TO r---:'I RELOCATE RAILINGINr NEW LOUVg&W R.mley O1dRIhog LoaIt usly e'-r xrar - (L') MASTER Floor Plan - 3rd Flr. &a. 54•. r-0' NEW2-Car GARAGE 19• ad.. We ( .PROPOSED WALL LEGEND O emmnr W.a me.mm. ® td.m.OidmC.mmnm PmPmew*C]00900xtx] cz= W.tmt.nu.mw NOTe, TTh. Spety . gang u'm'pmtd tvcmrn undw permit IC2COeOD2e27, dsted B-IO-OS. Poe ol»ty the followng term. wl be o ed, . Rote. to ha .. pna W pemd New a Urd -- ^tso9m • R tee. to tw pet ot At h u der ptnotmentw d .to e epphcetan foe Pdmimetretme rent R• al o.r T. Mw. memdtr sw. 9/10/09 O N..4 We/.C.sww Tb lo.. beq PROPOSED EXTENSION 3 l fl OP O pYnNYet `-11 ® Irppuh. r6V Rr1ry ` 0 North Elevation Sal.' 114•.1'0" (E) ROOF ^. 3 2 Nnem WNSM C.eooe T.I. mta d.ma ----------------------------------------------------F--_-_-18utt---------- plMa Rx),nm 4 Ty, Obr 8 . MA4 PROPOSED BALCONY EXTENSION pee. L'mle-" 4' Nee Oe uwM fm „t.r ti Wewrr-.0 B a H Q L7 D U, E10 25'-T South Elevation Sub Ire".I/O" .r.Nwm.m r (44-)) -------Tay., ------------------ I nmLI Ivw;, IUY RELOCATE RAILING j Typ (N) OI.m Rubq ,PROPOSED EXTENSION Nt. Ummiuwbr evfid 5 Nee V-.memhFWtl 1 rr 3 eve ® New Vmen.ti IN New Vwrr'.meaN Yw.h 3 ----------------------------------------------------' East Elevation Tw C-(f)lOOP-S. NOTE The property a gory Cheer partW conetruet.on ,Oder pnm2 #02009002027. a.ted 6.1809. For c1.1.ty the Idloocy ten.. wa be .m W. Georg - ftefe,. m hovfe poor to pe(net Nee-ar !/naer Cmnmctut - Refer to tl.e pa0 of the hoox ender pe(me merea.ee,bate- ref, , to eart.heer the.ppl.ceton for Adm.l Otafed Pe.mc Tyr. 'r-u•tw••wl --------------- ---------------------------------------------j----- ELEVATION SPECIFICATIONS! 1 Binary Ada-en.lwl be plowaed en the bWdmg n such a powum( n to be pa-y .0840 AM legble Iran roe eteeet CBC Section 502 2 DUSTING CLOWN Coecrcte TO. cool - Colo (femecotW Eemte 9 7/8' Bete- Swc00 - To Be 9Andweted w refnehed .enVenetun Pl.,ter emootb Amen, Cola, (roux. Bc4c Tone. 9fl B./ CL 2074M) Q E..,4 F.eo.e Inc W 7)8" F.tdnoe x0,00 - Caor IFrAeee, W1ettone - •Meteye• CLW 1042WT LEGEND: Prop-4 Nee Mee ep Foem Corbel P.M. - 4• Wme. B heyht Eoeea NeoCmwvcom 9 Nee 000.10.b eeWur- W wwb. Nee Vteroe.m..a PC,.h 3 PROPOSED EXTENSION ''iM ergs m nm. 20 - er Added Caxb OI tr4 T. P1ur 4r 1M•-14e 911409 Cal. l/4• • r-0• 33- ra a xioaC(9an RELOCATE RAILING C.mlerar S.enoe PR*POSED EXTENSION 3 •,b nvjm nnr LL W"%, Coetrda Ti. b rurl ouhy N.. Caa.e --E-dm -u Sata.etrrs _ _ gZMrn°_ _ _ _ Nt V®eWeti•, 3 '--- PatC-Nt Ve -FM N m.a Pm.,o Op ro.m Corbel ProMe- A• ride . e• hegM 3 typ n ----------------- -- LIO STAIXS 9. FY e•LOUNGE ROOM 3x13 FJ MASTER BEDROOM U12 PJ OAMOE Section A-A Sal, )N•-1'd' fnr _htztee,utu __-__--_ -------_____-y_________ --- ---------------- --____-____----___--l __________________ ___________ Ctb.aoeNew W TYP. West Elevation Iar F-m 0 } roo o „a. LEGEND N)OI Sw AJA4,AS Sale W• 1'-0• ironeP 00 ws wn a°v.a C LUANUNAIL DETAIL 3n• 3w 1 .• r a tan Lott WOL Fw0.b03br At NO TheTEpropPRy n gang muter p1 GNenmtrvctce under permit 0C2009002e27. dated 5.10-09 for PlenAy the 1.11or n9 terms ni be ue0 • Refers to hone pro to peat Nerd LMeer Ca_nr - Refers to the p,k otieM hone nme. pem,t mentor.d ,bore. Iro _d_ - relen eo -...r tna appl0 0or for Adm,nntreee Perms .(E) B.baq Put Cwbd Bry.. Ner Dtatbn bm alums L+ Sap ELEVATION 5PECIFICATION5: 1] Building Add- 9001) he provtlrd on the 514dnq m nosh a p00100as to be pl.eiy 0050 and thpb/e from the .trcet CBC Snoton 502 Q FX15TING Chef A Concrete T90 roof - Color (Tem.cotta) [] EaoGng 7/0- E.tenor 5tocco - To Be 5anddaxed and rehnmlrd rehVenet.n PI.-r smooth hnnh, Color (Fraaeq Begs Tore, •5t-m B.; CL 2674M) 04 0.9004 Fax. Tnm. 7/0. 0terbr uucco-Cola Ipnxe, Whee Cone - •M.t.ya • CLW 1042N9 W, P.aO T 3UR41(3J x t3_-_ 7b7• (1l,OA)RI- USE4-34V LAO SCREW 9-LANG Added Caeb a1 n..ar T. 19o- ar IN•. 1.0• 9/9009 á á á á