HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Permit APX2007015 - PlansGENERAL NOTES 1 The COniroclor shall vnert and u'aywct the)ob site, fomdeae hrmsdf with a+tewditwn,od shady tM4e doawwtds hilt be1ore,ncerm9to-it m theprolrcf H. ogrcemrsl to wo-u m the pryMCOrshhrtuc fimhon Thathe has to smiled the,wb no. and the dommu to proof. cammsrcmgmMNttkn 2 Upon inpmiron of the site and atadymg of the doasnmits, the Contractor shall scbnatte the caner for rcwewary specid merdnan arwideor arms, etch mghtdte'the bid doingm u acbm 3 Any ch gn Oraddrtianto the protect shell be,ppinved by the awnrr poor to conytwchon 4. Thercarcto 6a re oobttitnfio is of ewteHak e' preducta edhmtthe owner'sopprood 5 All sub cam ion shall be reep,mable far the remowl of dl debrw ammdeted m a rcwh of ther upenfioe All smpdebris and other encess eoterci shill be reeved from the etc , ooless.thence doomed by the Canynvctor 6 The dra,vng ore necessarily ammwtc and are rot inyesidedto show rpnpktewttvhons, the Encec gs, SP dimvem,ond Addwdn an mmplwmne. therefore whet a celled for by one wcdledforbydl Aosuch,the Drnwtrga, 5pedfimhow,adAddenda met be mrwiderd ny a whole 7 OONOTSCALEbRAWINGSI 14'-0" TITLE 24 I All weadwaprooftng around windows aM moos dill beperformed m ocaarmnewrth numufocherrs' repnrcAwts, Any speed cod,Uw where 0utallvhm hen to bedteredshdlbe prcsated to the Otte In wnf cot ter ogrowl 2 CmWlywhh the Califarma Fsmrgy LommWwn (Lie) luvs enforced 3 lreolatedleohrmr po fio.whh Nil tlckbotts. Use mud fill boas an wdb edosvg bochraoeo, bndry rooms, FAU dooct mdary other inyawr patdwrsas rolled far by the drowmngs 4 Cwilky en oeatiwrmipprg.Ardmd all dve,s A window fronms. b Between will bottom pkteeb concrete nod betty i pbteo to the a tocor c All pawintbn in wills, celi,yo, floor doe to the nutdlotmn of phmbm9, datrooo gas and HVAC I- d All apeu,gsmattieall other opedn9s in bldg emeJcp. 5. Luulatwn. a All eot000r wdk R-13 butte. b Urda reap 10-30 bum. c All raced flaws and 2nd story mrmleoco R-19 6 Condor shill sign coil post an the etnwturc a Imalahon CerirfiaRepdorto the finch inpechon 56'-0" EXISTING 2-ST R 1084 sq ft SITE/ROOF PLAN SCALE. 1/81= 1'-0" SUBJECT PACIFIC OCEAN VICINITY MAP N TS. APPLICABLE CODES 2001 Colifornm Building Code 2004 California Electrical Cade 2001 Califmnun Mech=cal Code 2001 California PllOnb,ng Code with local my ordawmcot 17'-10"19'-8" 1ST STORY ADDITION 2ND STORY ADDITION c 25' 20'-01 GARAGE/ STORAGE ADDITION LEGAL oescnvfOr3ndm 52014th Stoat14cMbglnn Bach, CA 92648 AFNIh 024-016-32 W. 20 000000 Black. 513 000 •Ti HB 17th 5loeet Section, 359 • • 1stilse 250115(267504 N) Ouagm yAm0i9. R-3 Constrcchon Type V-N •••••• ••• 2072 450 2522 Ana Nee Total • • s • • 500004 Peon 1041 420 1461 Roof bock 0 353 353 (exempt) •••••• Bdcages 32 10 42(ecenpt) • • Garage/Storage 370 94 444 (exempt) ZRIA146 REQUDiEMENTS (R-KWA) Lot Con rye. Rost Floor 1061 Gunge/Storage' 464Cony 2ndStory(5 9 Cony. 2nd stuy(NII 12cantcant Ba TOrd 2022 Slot Conrnge 1578/2875=549% Requotiigad)usimeetef 5%. FAR' 25222875 =88%s100% OK Poet.0 cofonraHn Exutiig2taryo ,ngcrcmmns Bed- Couw• No addrtlat bedrooms. SCOPE OF PROJECT Ff. Flaar:New stdiwy town rem of e0un,g hoiae to proposed rum ovagangeseas Poor New haws roam, doses and bathroom '6ms9e1rnlug. enst0ggawge; N. stungeondereeootentey •••• INDEX PG DESCRIPTION A- SITE/ROOF PLAN, LEGAL DESCRIPTION, A-3 GENERAL NOTES 1ST, 2ND & ROOF NOTES, FLOOR PLAN NOTES WINDOW/DOOR NOTES ELEVATIONS, ROOF NOTES, ELEVATION NOTES A-4 ELEVATIONS CONTINUE ••• •• • •••• •••• •• • • • • 11 •••• 0 • •••• A-1 of txPt3s 1 LIVING RM (E) i2 ho DINING (E) KITCHEN (E) S III I 111111111 wAa-,waeDaw FAMILY RM (E) 1ST FLOOR SCALE: 1/4' = 1'-0" M. BATH E) 66e€ssva-000 STUDY FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 M. BED (E) (E) WALK-IN CLOSET 2ND FLOOR 3.OcMrown Nona CvntRw e. Vents 5 orchagcsperharsW) provide w/1/5 of arfram outsdc Edmst system -All exhaust shill betype to prevent it bsiags by use at backdraN or oatwwtic dwngero Certified by CEG f. Max flaw nN Stadardi W by CEO WC 16WFShareelaml 2S6PM &sd<Fmcen 22WM SCALE 1/4"=1'-0" DOOR AND WINDOW NOTES OOOR and WINDOWS. All motif doors andwindows shall be labeled and certified by the Calif Energy Comm All glazed doors 6 windows shall be doable-glazed per energy roles Prowde safety glazing (tempered) at heoardous locations: glass doors to building's exterior (sliding or French type), doors to tubs 6 showers`, doors serving as tub or shower enclosures', wardrobe doors, all windows within 18" of the floor , nil windows within 5' of bott om of the stairs and all windows within 24' of door edge. (sec 2406) - Shall hose 3/16" temp glass or 5' laminated glass or approved plastic. All bedrooms shall have emerge V rescue windows or doom Min. net clear opening of 5 7 sq ft Min net clear opening width of 20"Min. net clear opening height of 24'Window sill height of 44' above floor New Walls Remove Walls Exiting Walls IMWar We6 : Web and clgs to be moored w/ '' g Access panel, 12'4 2', M'd far tab trop ah p-Joint or use mnslip welded 1a im h prowls awn flush watervlacs far all5/Wgypbd 6,1cuolermleorl -s drywdlscrewser olc edge6fsdd row canxrniction 3 Botlreeiw Note 4 STAIRWAY IPFO NEW Zed STORY ACCESSPronde waror-reaatan gyp boding Nunbe of Risers 15 booed os bane far tile, will paiels for Apprae Leith of Rise 7 T tub/ehover encbsws6 WC. camprin win Numberof Treadr 14 will,Appear Length of Tread.10.6' b Showers stall have asmaoth, hard iwbserbene saface of Portland cement,NEW ROOF ACCESSNumbs of Ritcn 17 concrete , hleerother smooth hard Appron Lagrh of eonr 7 7Y nen-ebsorbc tarfeen to a iwght of 70', nfh awater-resisrant 6abng Number of Trends Appron Length of Trend 16 10' AMbculdb'g show t,luboM shovermw pot UPC4107 d MIN 2x6 PLUMBING WAILS 5 Ur typ'X' gyp boa d at encbsedorowswim stare on mhng and wib far 1-hr fiee protectbn Lacks. As directed by owner FLASH AROUND ALL EXTERIOR DOOR ANDWINDOW OPENINGS WITH APPROVED FLASHING. BATH (E) (E) CLOSETmel bR (E) BEDRM ELECTRICAL NOTES a+1 All wrong muff comply with the 20D1 Cdifomq Ebcwieal Code. WORKIIJCLUDED All bbor,nsferlal, and equipmnitto propufy which s cadd llde workothrr Nanffat proWdded by the unailiityry mmpary SWiTOCES shall be mounted at 49' hgh Mess olhernise noted. Dimmer swvtdws shotl be 600 wens, Lvitawpa, above hod fb asshamian plantReceptacles in bathroom shell be ietdbd chose the oerktop except as shown en plans RECESSED br6HrS at insulated -ling shall be UL-lsted for di rct confect with inssetmn (ICrtype) SMOKE DETECTORS shill be State Marshall approved,nnod into the house's noustry andepuppednab oalley baba They shall haven discavechng nniloh,ounideafthmeforavercurrort protectan they required in each room used for ebepog, camel funnedin the wall am coiling in oantda s pro ding aaess toads separate sleeping airs, at inch floor (CBC 310 914) PROTECTall aia1.1 with GFI orcWis at the les s esovations hollwuons. outside. aed a all btchm canoe and ldands LNEC 210do) BATHROOMS Geeenl Iightiig to provide of (scot 40 Iwnwa/watt CLOSETLIGHTS Prowde mwr d scone l2'mit. away from shehrs (NEC41") OUTLETS Spaced 12' o/c nnx located wit*, 6' of door openings, en every 2',, Miler of wall, within 2' ofend er breaks of cauntee I I I IsN 96As l I i i 14.4" 14'4" ON ILi 6'-0' UP 0 NSA R (N) CLO, -+T T 111111 GARAGE (ENLARGED) 19'-8' 23'-2' 13'-8' BONUS RM (N) O.6 HT=10'0' S III.NS SNaJa SIAMw 23'-2' 19'-8' ROOF DECK ROOF DECK PLAN SCALE: 1/4' =1',00 9 • •• A-2 W ZNHmO1Z4NZ-n7vOzDF-HNF-HN1FP9199124'-PtiRDLEDWITH ADDITION520 14TH STREETHUNTINGTON BEACH, CAIWdrawn by/contact: Jon Udoff714.345.176011IIr ------------------- ELEVATION NOTES QROOfMoler1 "Pitched Rolf EogleRaofnoOo Amon IC809 ER-4660 Ploceooor3000 fob To nmtchex10l22 roof Oat-0-Tex oobdcaoyood roof dads O 4' cards f- inm a , d wodows ad doors Faso to notch .005868 MOOhme-stop flashing orpwd all 50040050, doors, ad other 0peems 1/8'stoc00-1 comply 50th ClepO. 25 of the UBC Provide eeprooo rnspechao for each phase of e+Rermr plrthrm follows cc ch cool, brown coos and miov colt Seeurc wire lch woth fomrg rmik Use (2)-15# felt bocbrg when stucco o rpphd o/ply (U80 25014) Use 60 miaRe mrnrnem Widrny pap. far 5N000 10001 does 058 have o plywood bachoa © 42•, Irz0/guordwol1 onroof deck toradeh frail bolcary roil defal 0 ]2' wdessurzoova'-Poam•beSybmd ra shown on ekvanore 2r0sT'6 N N N NN N N N NE LEFT ELEV. SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" ifl ®®® ••••.• •••• ••• • • •••• .• . QU 2z U o-W6 W M Q 0 Z y r F-poZ J (f )Z A-4 L11 á á á á