HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1991009 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of ApprovalHuntington Beach Planning Commission P.O. BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 92648 Date:emb r 19 1 91 NOTICE OF ACTION Applicant: Ahmad Mozaffari/Max Market, 17438 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Subject: SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 90-9 Your application was acted upon by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission on Se tember 17 1991 and your request was,. WITHDRAWN APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS (see attached) DISAPPROVED XX TABLED CONTINUED UNTIL Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinanc Code, the action taken by the Planning Commission is final, unlea.s an appeal is filed to the City Council by you or an interested party. Said appeal must be in writing. and must set forth in detail the actions and grounds by and upon which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of two hundred ($200) dollars and be submitted to the City Clerk's office within ten (10) days of the date of the Commis.sion's action. . In your case, the last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee is S ember 27 1 1 Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are such that any application becomes null and void one (1) year after final approval, unless actual construction has started. (0833d-7) 0*Huntington Beach Planning Commission P.O, BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 92648 September 19, 1991 Ahmad Mozaffari/Max Market 17438 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA 92647 SUBJECT: SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 90-9 REQUEST: To permit the face change of a non-conforming 15 foot freestanding pole sign (Max Market), LOCATION: 17422-17438 Beach Boulevard (Eastside of Beach Boulevard approximately 200 feet north of Slater Avenue) DATE OF ACTION: September 17, 1991 FINDINGS FOR DENIAL - SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 90-9: 1. Strict compliance with Article 961 will not result in a substantial economic hardship to the applicant. 2, The proposed reface of a 24 square foot, non-conforming freestanding pole sign may adversely affect other signs in the area. The sign is excessive in sign height and is not proportional or compatible with the approved commercial signs in the area. 3, The proposed sign may be detrimental to property located in the vicinity of such sign because of the signs excessive height and because the sign is not compatible with proposed and approved signs in the area. I hereby certify that Special Sign Permit No. 90-9 was denied by the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach on September 17 , 1991,upon the foregoing findings. Sincerely, Mike Adam;; Secretary Planning Commission 0. by:r. :Y 4-- Hal Simmons Senior Planner (0824d-8) Huntington Beach Planning Commission P.O. BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 92648 Date: Se tember 19 1991 NOTICE OF ACTION Aoplicant: Ahmad Mozaffari/Max Market, 17438 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Subiect: PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM NO. 91-7 Your application was acted upc the Huntington Beach Planning Commission on Se tember 1991 and your request was: WITHDRAWN APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS XX (see attached) DISAPPROVED TABLED CONTINUED UNTIL Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, the action taken by the Planning Commission is final unless an appeal is filed to the City Council by you or an interested party. Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the actions and grounds by and upon which the' applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of two hundred ($200) dollars and be submitted to the City Clerk's office within ten (10) days of the date of the Commission's action. , In your case , the last day for filing a n appeal and paying the filing fee is Se mb°r 27 199-1 Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are such that any application becomes null and void one (1) year after final approval, unless actual construction has started. (0833d-8) r . Huntington Beach Planning Commission P.O. BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 92648 September 19, 1991 Ah.mad MozafEari/Max Market 17438 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA 92647 SUBJECT: PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM NO. 91-7 REQUEST: To establish a sign program for the shopping center. LOCATION: 17422-17438 Beach Boulevard (Eastside of Beach Boulevard approximately 200 feet north of Slater Avenue) DATE OF APPROVAL: September 17, 1991 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM NO. 91-7: 1. Planned Sign Program No. 91-7 will. provide for signage that reflects a common theme for the proposed center incorporating similar design elements in terms of materials, colors, illumination, and sign type. 2. Planned Sign Program No. 91-7 provides for signs that will be compatible with the architectural style and colors of the building. 3. The signs will be compatible with other signs in the surrounding commercial center and with the sign criteria as outlined in Planned sign Program No. 91-7. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM NO .91-7: 1.The location of the proposed signs on the site plan, sign elevations shawl be generally as shown and building elevations dated June 12, 1991. 2.The written, text of Planned Sign Permit No. 91-7 shall be modified to include the following language changes: a. All corner unit signage shall comply with Article 961. b. Length of sign cabinets shall not exceed 70% of leasehold widht. ak. I Planned Sign , Progr-nAo. 91-7 Page Two g. c. All signs identified as prohibited pursuant to Article 961 Signs of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code shall be included in Planned Sign Program No. 91-7. d. The non-conforming 15 foot freestanding pole sign shall be permitted for a maximum of two (2) years from final approval. At the end of the two (2) year period from final approval the two (2) pole signs shall be removed and replaced by the monument sign as depicted in Planned Sian Program No. 91-7 and in accordance with Article 961, Signs of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. e. No sign shall be installed, erected, altered, or reconstructed without prior City approval and issuance of appropriate Building Division permits. f. Prior to submittal for plan check, the sign plans must be approved by the owner or owner's representative. ,here shall be no signs affixed or maintained upon the exterior walls of the premises or the building, or in the parking lot and landscaped areas other than as permitted herein, excepted wiL-h the City and landlord's approval, h. In the event Sterling Center is remodeled, reconstructed, renovated or any alterations to the shopping center are proposed, all proposed signs for the shopping center shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board for compliance with the master planned sign program prior to issuance of building permits or certificate of occupancy. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant/owner shall complete the following: a. Submit a revised written text pursuant to Condition No. 2. b. The Design Review Board shall review and approve all signs as proposed in Planned Sign Program No. 91-7. c. The applicant shall file a limited sign permit for the two (2) non-conforming pole signs. The two (2) pole signs shall be removed at the end of the two (2) year period from final approval and replaced by the monument sign as depicted in Planned Sign Program No. 91-7 and in accordance with Article 961, Signs of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. { Planned Sign Prog"_`.o. 91-7 Page Three d. The applicant shall file a cash bond with the City in an amount mutually agreed upon by the applicant and City staff for the purpose of indemnifying the City for any and all costs incurred in the removal of the two (2) on-site non-conforming freestanding pole signs. If the signs, are not made to conform with the applicable provisions of the sign ordinance after two (2) years f'_om the date of final approval, or remodel of the property, whichever comes first, the City of Huntington Beach or its agents or employees may enter on the property where said signs are located and remove said signs and the cost of removal shall be deducted from the cash bond and summarily forfeited and paid over to the City of Huntington Beach, and the remainder, if may, returned to the person depositing the bond. 4.Any proposed sign that does not comply with the standards Planned Sign Program No. 91-7 shall be subject to review Design Review Board and approval of a special sign permit Planning Commission. of by by the the 5.The Planning Commission reserves the right to revoke Planned Sign Program No. 91-7 if any violation of these conditions or the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occurs. I hereby certify that Planned Sign Program No. 91-7 was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach on September 17, 1991 upon the foregoing findings and conditions. This approval represents conceptual approval only; detailed plans must be submitted for review and the aforementioned conditions completed prior to final approval. Sincerely, Mike Adams, Secretary Planning Commission by: Hal Simmons Senior Planner (0824d-9,11)