HomeMy WebLinkAboutLimited Sign Permit LSP1991009 - Proof of PublicationSTATE OF CALIFORNIA
County of Orange
1 am a Citizen of the United States and a
resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the
age of eighteen years, and not a party to or
interested in the below entitled matter. I am a
principal clerk of the HUNTINGTON BEACH
INDEPENDENT, a newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published in the City of
Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of
Carifomia, and that attarhed Notice is a true and
complete copy as was printed and published in
the Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley
issues of said newspaper to wit the issue(s) of:
September 5, 1991
I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on Se tember 5,199.L-
at Costa Mesa, California.
RrQU SY To permit the,PUBLIC NOTICE non or aa ggngeteof psjlonfNOTICE OF treestandln pole. sign
PUBLICHEARINGO (Max Marken and the as'jSPECIAL SIGN tabilshrnenf ot'-a sign pro-PERMIT NO. --1gram for the ahopping'cQ!-;
90.9/PLANNED 't
ENVIRONMENTAL STASIGN PROGRAM TUS: Categorically esoihptNO. @9-7 pursuant to Section 1;
(To Permit a Class 1 of the, Cali530forgia
non.contornilnp (Environmental Quality-Act, l
polo slga ) COASTAL STATUS:` Nof
NOTICE IS HEREBY appllcshle (unlea 41n
GIVEN that the Huntington,icoastal zone) c.Beach Planning Commla-il; ON FILE' A Copy of th
alonwlll hold a public hear fpreposed request is on fileIng In the Council Chamber{in the Community Develop.at he Hur."-nn- Beachmont . Department, 20061
CivlcCent?' J00 Mhla Maln Streetl Hunt3in2g6t4o13n,!Street, II{" tort.Bcebs,Beach, Callornla'
,Califomla k, ,g date and for inspection ,by the;pub-jat the time It. ,aced below tic. A copy of t 0 staff'te-Ito receive 9nd'conalder the PC III be available to in-•,
statement. of all poragns sterested parties at CIryry Heltt
,who wish to be heard rata- or the` Main Clty Library
Ave to the application 8e-- (7111 Talfieri Avanus)after,Jsedbed below. " ' `ieptambar 13; 1991, t
September 17, 1591, 7r00 SONS are, invited to attepdM sald hearing and express
APPLICATION NUMBER: opinlbns or submit evt-SPECIAI , SIGN PERMIT donco lot or against the jN0. 90:/7PLANNED SIGN application as outlinedPROGRAt.4 No. 91.7 above, If there are any fur-APPLICANT; Ahmodthor questions, please call
Mozatlarl Herb Fautahd, Assistant
LOCATION: 17438 Be'a`ch Planner at. 536.5271,"Boulevard (east aide ;rof Mike Adama,, Him.)Beech Boulevard gP-tington Beach Plan-'proximately 200 feet north
of O r Av alas) Comhtlaatdn'.)
m Published HuntinglonZONE ,,C4 (HigHig way Co
tmeroiai Beach Independent Sep-
Itember5;1991 ^,..1•