HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR2000003 - Notice of Filing Status0 0 City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 March 7, 2000 NOTICE OF FILING STATUS Application: Initial Plan, Zoning & Review 00-03 Applicant: Art Kent 325A2 d Street Huntington Beach, Ca 92648 Request: To review a new SFD with reduced lot coverage. Location: 722 14`h Street Dear Mr. Kent: The Planning Department has reviewed your request and has determined that to proceed with this plan you will need to apply for design review and a variance. The design review is required due to the project site's proximity of Dwyer School. The variance would be to allow more than 50% site coverage and to allow one open parking space in lieu of two. The parking code requires 2 open spaces and 2 enclosed spaces and from our preliminary review we have determined that you can only provide one open parking space. If you choose to proceed with the current design both variances can be combined and you will only need to pay one fee. Another option is to revise your plans so you will only need a variance for parking. Based on staffs review of the proposal we do not think that the four state mandated findings can be met (see attachment) for the site coverage variance. Based on the preliminary review it appears that the parking variance would be able to meet the state mandated findings. Staff would then support the parking variance and recommend denial of the site coverage variance. You may choose to proceed and file a variance for both items and present your issues to the Zoning Administrator. I have enclosed a variance application and the requirements for your convenience. In addition, staff had the following comments on the plan which was submitted with the Initial Plan and Zoning review: 1. There is an alley dedication requirement of 2.5 feet at the rear of the property. Please include this on the plans at formal submittal. 0 2. The floor plans must be fully dimensioned. 3. Please revise the elevations to include the following: a. Identify top of curb and finished floor b. Provide all height dimensions from top of slab to the highest peak of the roof on each elevation. Please be aware that submitting a variance request does not presume approval. The approving body (Zoning Administrator) must make the state mandated findings in order to approve your request. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your application, please feel free to contact me at (714) 374-1553. Sincerely, Sandra Thornton Assistant Planner c: Eric & Adriane Koplien