HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR2000003 - Supporting DocumentsI 0 0 B. WEor Variances 1. The granting of a variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and under an identical zone classification. 2. Because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. 3. The granting of a variance is necessary to preserve the enjoyment of - one or more substantial property rights. 4. The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property in the same zone classification and is consistent with the General Plan. = C. Mandato Denial. Failure to make all the required findings under (A) or (B) shall require denial of the application. N 241.12 Conditions of Approval - In approving a conditional use permit or variance, conditions may be imposed as necessary to: A. To make it consistent with the General Plan; B. - Protect the public health, safety, and general welfare; or C. Ensure operation and maintenance of the use in a manner compatible with existing and potential uses on adjoining properties or in the surrounding area. a 241.14 Effective Date; Appeals - - - `, A conditional use permit or variance shall become effective ten days after action by the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator, unless appealed in accord with Chapter 248. 241.16 Time Limit ; Transferability , Discontinuance ; Revocation A. Time Limit. A conditional use permit or variance shall become null and void one year after its date of approval or at an alternative time specified as a condition of approval after its date of approval unless: 1. Construction has commenced or a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, whichever comes first; or 2. The use is established; or . 3. . The conditional use permit or variance is extended. Huntington Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 241 241-3 5197 ,4. _J ` CITY OF HUNTINGON B EACH HUNTWGTON BEACH a. An Assessor 's Parcel Number, (eg.: APN # 149-181-02). b. An assigned sequential number. shall be identified by: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5271 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Applicants shall provide the following: 1. Area map indicating all properties within three (300) hundred feet of the subject parcel. Parcels 2. One typed list and two (2) sets of gummed mailing labels of a. All property owners, including name, address, zip code, assessor's parcel number, and the sequential number corresponding to number assigned on area map. b. Labels addressed to applicant and property owner. c. Labels addressed to homeowner's associations affecting site, if any. d. Labels addressed to residential, commercial or industrial tenants on the site, if any. available tax rolls and that one of the above sources was utilized. DATAQUIK. The preparer shall certify that the information was obtained from the latest company which utilizes one of the following sources: TRWREDI,METROSCAN, or 3. All property owner information shall be prepared by either a mapping data service or a title-, application. 4. Failure to comply with all of the above items may result in the rejection or continuance of your -, SAMPLE MAP AND LABELS SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE. SAMPLE MAMIN ELS APN0 149-181-02 Kelly Austin 10 Exercise Street Alwa , CA 92626 APN O 149-181-03 Julia Stewart .123 Anywhere Boulevard Honolulu HI 92644 APN# 149-181-04 James Bond 789 Sailing Circle Athens, CA 92648 II APN 9 149-181-05 Mary Poe 456 GrammarAvenue Oakland, CA 92999 " .• :. APN '" 149-181-06 Joe Cool 200 Cayman Island Lane Huntin on B eac CA 9264f APN # 149-181-07 Peter Pineapple 2000 Pilo Isle Dallas 3'X92222 149-18 i ROME Z .+ w 0 '. s.• sr y as •s a mae,'' •. E ...!1?PROP .,mss: wgp_C -_tx-_`Eby '• Z' 2 -5 e Mcis62 Mst:CX X974 i so' 4 0 1 Is • Q f I 3 ?J Ir+o ,o t • O MATCH LINE f 42 1its"` .+ O3 O4 3 i } rt 2 M(LBOURNE OSESFORORANGONLY.':Ftl r»RPUr"rt.F RANTEEAS TO NYLIABILITY`,'MESF"SSLI REPPODUCED0ET0 NTY ASSESS"1996'',QU O 160.65' 19 . a '1 256.35/150'15G MARCH 1948 WESLEY PARK SEC., HUNTINGTON BEACH M.M. 4-17 14 i2 1 C /r 1 1 17 11'I J. 'l 29 15m I \19 21'2310 16 a2371029(34 444 319 1 20 EY ii.h. 33135 1 8 d 16118 J122 I 426128 30 .37 39 J 132 34136.is co QP3 I BLLK.'8113 J 40 411+5. 6.P ig 1 t7 142. 221 I 1 .. 28 6 1 f. 0 24- 04 PARK r, iE - a_ ESEORBLGC' PA?CEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES 75' 10 ASSESS,.. MAP B:SJh, 23 PAGE 09 COJNTY O ORvC. -vuir ' 1 ur uflHIVUt STREET 50'50 1 I I n 1 0 I ! Y I I 1 1g75313 1?1 14 2110 8 16 4 12 125' i25 I 1 I1hI 21 22 23- 09 70' 60' -u u 9013'