HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan; Zoning Review IPZR2006004 - Supporting Documents0 City of Huntington Beach 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Phone Fax 536-5271 374-1540 374-1648 October 4, 2006 Michael C. Adams 21190 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA 92648 SUBJECT: INITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW NO. 2006-004 Mixed Use Development or Residential Only Development 402 Seventeenth Street Dear Mr. Adams: Planning staff has reviewed your letter submitted on August 15, 2006, for a proposal to develop the subject site with the following options: 1. A mixed-use development consisting of commercial businesses and residential uses. 2. A residential development consisting of single-family dwellings or condominiums. Based on this review, the following analysis is provided: Option 1-Mixed-Use Development Based on the existing General Plan designation (CN-F1-d-Neighborhood Commercial- 0.35 FAR-Design Overlay), Zoning (CG-General Commercial), and the surrounding development pattern and predominate residential land uses, staff believes a vertical mixed- use concept could be an appropriate land use at this location. The mixed-use concept would have neighborhood serving commercial uses on the ground floor and a residential component above. In this instance, staff believes the retention of the neighborhood-serving commercial use is an important and overriding land use for the area. The objective of maintaining commercial uses is to provide for the continuation of existing retail and service commercial uses that are oriented to the needs of local residents. The mixed-use concept would enable residents to live in proximity to their jobs, commercial services, and reduce the need for automobile use. The retention of the commercial component would also continue to serve the overall area that is predominately residential. The determination on this type of mixed-use land use is based on ensuring compatibility between commercial and residential uses. In a vertical mixed-use project, design elements could be integrated to create visual and physical separation and mitigate potential conflicts between commercial and residential uses. IPZR NO. 06-04: 402 SeventeS Street October 4, 2006 Page 2 of 2 0 However, the existing General Plan (CN-F1-d) and Zoning (CG) designations would have to be amended to allow this type of land use and development. Also, please note that the City currently does not have a mixed-use zoning classification to permit this type of development. This type of zoning designation with applicable development regulations would have to be prepared as part of a zoning text amendment. I have attached a list of necessary entitlements required for implementation of Option 1 (see attached). Option 2-Residential Only Development Based on the existing General Plan designation (CN-F1-d), Zoning (CG), and the surrounding development pattern and land uses, staff believes the removal of the neighborhood-serving commercial land use designation, to permit residential only, would not be an appropriate land use at this location. As noted in the comments above, the goal of the General Plan land use designation of neighborhood-serving commercial is to maintain and develop a diversity of retail and service commercial uses that are oriented to the needs of local residents. The possible removal of this designation to permit residential only will not meet that goal and furthermore would remove existing uses that serve the surrounding residents and area. Staff believes that it is important to continue commercial uses in areas designated on the General Plan Land Use Map and can serve an area that is predominately residential. Preserving commercial uses at this location and retaining a diversity of land uses to a larger extent enhances the City's economic viability and fiscal stability. To permit residential only, the existing General Plan (CN-F1-d) and Zoning (CG) designations would have to be amended to allow a residential land use and development. I have attached a list of necessary entitlements required for implementation of Option 2 (see attached). The comments provided in this letter reflect a preliminary Planning Department review only and should be considered in that context. Please note that the proposed options are subject to discretionary action by the Planning Commission and City Council and may be approved, conditionally approved, or denied with findings based on a complete analysis and environmental review. For more information regarding fees and entitlements, please refer to the attached enclosure. Please call me at (714) 374-1744 if you have any questions regarding the information in this letter. Sincerely, f TESS NGUYEN Associate Planner Enclosure copy: Herb Fauland - Acting Planning Manager Chuck and Wanda Robison Project File INITIAL PLAN ZONING REVIEW NO. 2006-004 Mixed Use Development Residential Development 402 Seventeenth Street OPTION 1: A MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1.Required Entitlements The following entitlements are required to implement a vertical integration mixed use development. These entitlements require review and recommendation by the Planning Commission to the City Council. Entitlement Fee Request General Plan Amendment $32,948 To change the General Plan designation Zoning Text Amendment $15,178 from CN-F1-d to a mixed-use designation. To establish mixed-use regulations. Zoning Map Amendment $19,271 To change the zoning from General Environmental Review TBD Commercial to a zone that allows mixed- use. Depends on the scope of the project. The following entitlements can be processed concurrently with the General Plan Amendment, Zoning Text Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment. These entitlements require review by the Planning Commission only. Entitlement Fee Request Conditional Use Permit $20,153 To permit the construction of a vertically integrated mixed-use development with neighborhood serving commercial uses. Tentative Tract Map $21,150 + $30/lot To subdivide land for condominiums. Environmental Review TBD Depends on the scope of the project. 2. Design Recommendations - Urban Design Guidelines Please refer to the Design Guidelines for Mixed Use Projects in Section H of Chapter 6 of the City of Huntington Beach Design Guidelines. The Design Guidelines is on the city's website at htt ://www.surfcit -hb.or /cit de artments/ lannin /desi n. 3. Processing Time The processing of the above entitlements would take approximately 8-12 months from date of submittal to date of action by the City. Staff recommends that the applicant/property owner conduct public meeting(s) with the surrounding property owners and residents to discuss the proposal prior to or early in the entitlement process. Page 1 of 2 OPTION 2: A RESIDENTIAL ONLY DEVELOPMENT 1. Required Entitlements The following entitlements are required to implement a residential only development. These entitlements require review and recommendation by the Planning Commission to the City Council. Entitlement Fee Request General Plan Amendment $32,948 To change the General Plan designation from CN-F1-d to a residential designation. Zoning Map Amendment $19,271 To change the zoning from General Commercial to a residential zone. Environmental Review TBD Depends on the scope of the project. The following entitlements can be processed concurrently with the General Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment. These entitlements require review by the Planning Commission only. Entitlement Fee Request Conditional Use Permit $20,153 To permit the construction of a residential development. Tentative Tract Map $21,150 + $30/lot To subdivide land for single family dwellings or condominiums. Environmental Review TBD Depends on the scope of the project. 2. Design Recommendations - Urban Design Guidelines Please refer to the Design Guidelines for Single Family (Chapter 2) and Multi-Family Residential (Chapter 3) of the' City of Huntington Beach Design Guidelines. The Design Guidelines is on the city's website at htt ://www.surfcit - hb.or /cit de artments/ lannin /desi n. 3. Processing Time The processing of the above entitlements would take approximately 8-12 months from date of submittal to date of action by the City. Staff recommends that the applicant/property owner conduct public meeting(s) with the surrounding property owners and residents to discuss the proposal prior to or early in the entitlement process. Page 2 of 2 402 SEVENTEENTH STREET APPLICATION: Initial Plan Zoning Review IPZR No. 06-04 (Mixed Use Development or Residential Development) DATE OF SUBMITTAL: August 15, 2006 APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: Michael Adams 21190 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Chuck and Wanda Robison 40217 th Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 To develop: 1. a mixed-use development consisting of commercial businesses and residential uses or 2. a residential development consisting of single-family dwellings or condominiums PROJECT LOCATION: 402 Seventeenth Street (corner of Seventeenth Street & Orange Avenue) GENERAL PLAN: ZONING: CN-F1-d (Neighborhood Commercial - 0.35 Floor Area Ratio - Design Overlay) No residential uses (SFDs or condos) are allowed Small-scale neighborhood serving commercial uses only CG (General Commercial) No residential uses (SFDs or condos) are allowed REQUIRED ENTITLEMENTS: General Plan Amendment (Major-Map)-Planning Commission Application Fee $32,948 from CN-F1-d to a mixed use designation Zoning Text Amendment-Planning Commission Application Fee $15,178 to establish a mixed use regulations Zoning Map Amendment-Planning Commission Application Fee $19,271 from General Commercial zone to a zone that allows mixed use Page 1 of 2 0 APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: CODE REQUIREMENTS: PLAN CORRECTIONS: URBAN DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS: ISSUES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: • 402 SEVENTEENTH STREET If the GPA ZTA and ZMA are a roved then roceed to: Conditional Use Permit-Planning Commission Application Fee $20,153 (mixed use, '/ block or greater) Tentative Tract Map-Planning Commission Application Fee $21,150 + 30/lot N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A The propose uses are not allowed per General Plan and Zoning. 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